30: heaven or las vegas

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Dashari POV

"You're pregnant?" I sit beside her


"How far along are you?"

"2 months going on 3." She runs her stomach smiling

"By mister man from the after party?" I shake my eyebrows at her

She laughs "yea, him. But Kota you would love him he's sweet and funny."

"You're in love." I say taking her hand "I can't believe the player Taylor is in love and pregnant!"

"He wants it too." She smiles

"That's great. Just know me and twin will always be here for you. Speaking of twin did she see you?"

Taylor rolls her eyes "couldn't get those two apart for nothing. There like fucking vacuum cleaners down there."

"Everyone is in love isn't this great weeknd?" I ask him who's sitting at my computer desk

He just stares at me

"I can tell by your shower." Taylor smirks

"Oh you heard that..." I blush looking down

"Abel! Abel!" She mocks my moaning in a squeal

I blush harder and look over at him and he has that dark lustiful look in his eyes making me wet in my panties.

Taylor starts to laugh and playfully hit my arm "seems like y'all having fun."

"Something like that." I mumble

Her phone starts to ring and she answers it. I look back at Abel and he was eyeing me down slowly and he see his eyes stop at my lips that I didn't recognize were clench between my teeth and I let it go. And look away before he fucked me there in front of Taylor, I swear this man wouldn't care.

"Charlie I'm at my friends, why would I be at a mans house? With your baby in me?" She says exasperated

"Charlie?" Abel stands up and comes over to us

"Fine I'm on my way." She hangs up "she looks at me and smiles "duty calls." She gets up and hugs me

"You know Charlie?" Abel asks

"Yea do you?"

Abel nods

"Maybe they're different Charlie's." I shrug

"Yea well I gotta go tootles."  She leaves out my room

"It's possible that they're the same." Abel says once I put my hair in a bun

"Well why would it matter that's her business."

"My Charlie isn't good. He hits on women and he doesn't love none,especially not to get one pregnant." he thinks out loud

"Abel look she's obviously not with your Charlie,
Everything you just said is in her opposite Charlie."

"Hm." He sits down on my bed rubbing his chin "I'll be back." He left my room I followed be hind him and he went down where Aubrey and Dashari was

"Charlie has a girl?" He stands over the two making out

"What!" He pulls away "he was just with ole girl Natalie."

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