9:she got it

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"What the fuck is wrong with that guy?!" I yell

Dakota  is sitting in the hospital bed and I'm pacing back in forth in front of the bed in anger.

"What gives him the right, no the audacity to just barge in like that?!" I flail my arms

I stop and look at Dakota and she's just looking down at her hands twirling her fingers after a minute or two of not saying anything she then breaks the silence.

"I have to tell you something..."She says looking down

I walk over to her and sit on the bed with her.

"I don't want to though." She says

He hair was a little wet still but we were both clean, I don't know what made her do that,the shower together, but she doesn't cease to amaze me.

" Whenever you're ready." I say kissing her hand

"Its about me and Eli," She says looking at me

She looks hesitant at first then just shakes her head

"We haven't been dating long like a few days actually but it feels a lot more." she adds

I nod my head,that's true our relationship feels like years but its been only what, a week a little after.

"But I want to get it over with." She Looks determine

I rub her back to try and comfort her, she has had a really bad week. I do want to hear what she has to say but I'm kinda scared of what it is. So far from what I've seen anything including Eli, is bad.

She takes a deep breath.

" It started in 10th grade,when me and him  became friends,"she starts "He was sweet,nice, and charming. I never heard of his reputation of being a fuckboy yet. So I just saw him as a brother, I've never had which is partially true but it all changed after a few months and I invited him and Taylor to my house."

I stop rubbing her back and listen Intently now.

"Taylor went to take her shower, me and him already took ours, and we were down stairs on the couch watching tv and she was upstairs. My parents, well my mom, was upstairs in her room and my dad, gone overseas.And I was on the couch and he was on the floor with a bowl of popcorn."

I hope this isn't going where I think it is.

"He gets under the cover with me saying he was cold I insisted that I go get him a cover and he said it was OK he'll share with me...I was so gullible." She laughs lazily and sighs out" he started to feel on me just through my clothes at first and I'm not gonna lie I was getting into it.

I narrow my eyes at her, I'm gonna kill him!

"Then he slipped his hand in my pj shorts and panties then.." She trails off but I get it I mean I've done those things to girls

"Yea," I say

"After that he would do things like fingering but I wouldn't want him to have my virginity, I wanted it to be with someone I love." She looks up at me

Is she hinting that she loves me! I'm so glad it's not just me, I really thought I was the only one. I actually have a bunch of questions for her but she Continues.

"I just wanted to tell you because I have some feelings for him, he's been the only one, somewhat intimate with me,he's never asked for anything in return either." She says hands up "like suck dick," she sticks her tongue out in disgust way

I guess that's good to hear

" And the reason he did that," she's referring to the shower incident moments ago " I think is Because he thought I was In there by myself and he would get lucky."

I don't say nothing just ponder over what she's told me so far

"I have some questions," I state

"OK?" She says

"You're a virgin?"

She nods

" That's good, I mean I've never had a virgin before." I admit

"So you've had sex before?" She asks me

"Yea,I've had several times." I say

"You probably think I'm some slut or something."

"No no no, a slut is someone who goes around fucking a lot."

"I let Eli feel on me, not telling him to stop I mean sometimes."

"Look nothing you say will convince me you're a slut alright." I say kissing her forehead

"OK." She smiles at me

"As long as I'm your first." I smirk

She nods "I'll make sure." She blushes

She got that thing that makes me go crazy, like she so unbelievable. I really do love her and I will do everything to keep her.


Short chapter but only bc I'm up to something


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