44:Star boy

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Dakotas Pov

"What do you mean?" I sob escaped my mouth

"How do I know if that's my baby?"

"I was pregnant before I had sex with Xavier!" I got defensive

He shakes his head

"Why would I lie about this?"

He didn't answer me

"You don't want it." My sob turned into a scoff

I shake my head and wait for him to look me in the eyes and when he did they were so dark I gasped.

"You don't want our child. The one we laid in bed to have, the one that has me and your blood pumping in its veins, the one that's gonna call you dad." My voice broke

He still didn't say nothing

"I hate you." I said with so much venom and hate

This time he stared at me and his lips opened as if he would say something. His hand rose and grabbed my cheeks,

"I want a DNA test."  He walked away

"That's it? You piece of shit!" I started to hit him against his back

He turned around and grabbed me,

"Can you blame me for second guessing. You fucked around on me,"

"Like you didn't?" I snarled

"I didn't get anyone pregnant,"

"You asshole," I snatch away from his grasp"This a story to tell your child, your dad didn't want you at first because he thought you were someone else's."

"Dakota stop, you're hormonal!" Dashari says to me

"Fuck you!" I flip her off " Let's go right now!"

I grab my purse and storm out the door. I hop in the car and start the ignition, I watch him come out the door and walk towards the car,getting in.

I back out the drive way and the tires screech and as I changed gears.

"Slow down,baby."

"Oh now I'm baby." I say clenching my teeth

We were on the highway the car was an automatic but I was switching shifts like crazy. I couldn't believe how he was acting today he was so sweet for the past few days and then when I told him the news it was like something changed in him.

"I'm sorry." He said as I was going 100 on the freeway.

"Are you scared?" I laughed

"I'm just shocked that's all." He says as I go into another lane cars flying by as I whizzed passed them

"You? shock? You're not carrying the baby." I whisper

"You're right, pull over and let's talk. I'm sorry I should of tried earlier."

"Fuck you." I shifted over and some one honked at me

I sped up

"Do you want to Wreck again! And kill our baby!" He said

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