3: V.I.P with M.V.P

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"Sit by me." The Weeknd says as he sits in a Booth seat

He crosses his legs and puts his arm on the top part of the seat. I sit by the provided spot, his arm slides down a little, to look like he's putting his arm around me.

"So Dakota," he starts drinking what looks like vodka "how was the concert?"

"You we're great." I smile at him

"Hmm, well I noticed you in the crowd." He said

"I saw." I blush

"You stood out." He whispered barely audible

"I,I-I did?"

"Weeknd ,darling, how are you?" Nicki minaj comes up arms wide

He gets up and they hug
"Fine nicki and yourself."

"Always good." She smiles and her eyes fall on me

"And whose this?"

"Dakota, a fan."

"Well not just a fan if she sitting with you, you're special " she smiles at me

"Alright nicki that's enough. Where's meek?"

"Oh shit I have to go. Bye lovelies." She yells walking away

He sits down.

"What does she mean... Im special?" My thought slips from my lips

"Uh oh nothing." He says and someone walks up to him and whispers in his ear and he nods

"Well I'm gonna be in town for a week and a half," he says standing up

He grabs my hands and I stand up, him a few inches taller than me.

"I want to see more of you." I blush" If you don't mind."

I shake my head no

My phone rings


"Dakota! Where are you?"

"I left a note mother." I smile awkward at The Weeknd

"Well it's past 12. I was worried sick! no phone call or anything!"

"I'm sorry, I'm OK."

"Well I suppose. Your father got home today."

"He did!" I scream

"He's asleep now but you can see him in the morning."

"OK well I'll be home shortly."

"Love you."

"Love you." And I hang up

"Good news?" The Weeknd asks

"Uh yea my dad is back from over seas see he's in the army and well I don't see him much-"I ramble on and he just stares at me smiling letting me talk

"The most you've said all night."

I blush "sorry."

He hugs me and I'm taken back by the sudden act.

"I have to go sing but wait here I'll be back."

I nod and sit in the seat, I see him from my seat on the small stage as a soft melody starts to play and everyone quiets Down.

"I feel the blood rushing out through your body. You see the scars painted over my skin."

I notice the song to be 'Where you Belong from Fifty Shades of Grey album'

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