27: Or nah

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"So you let her go?" Drake asks on the phone

"Yes, I think if they talk he'll leave her alone," I say sitting on the bed

"Dude you made it worse." He sighs out


"Isn't he like her sugar daddy?"

I laugh "something like that,"

"Well she had strong feelings for him, talking will bring them back. He's probably telling her how much he misses her and talking about old times," he smacks on the phone probably eating chips

"Do you think she'll leave me for him?"

"Of course not! I've seen the way y'all act around each other and just remember all the shit y'all been through it's gonna take more than him to break y'all up."

"But Aubrey she's has more memories and things with him, then us." I rub the back of my neck

"That was the past,you're the future."

I liked the sound of that, and he couldn't be more right. He always had something good to say to make me feel better.

"Have you talked to Gabe?" He asks me

Gabe was another friend of ours he wasn't famous and he grew up with us,along with his cousin and other friend ,Leo and Charlie.

"No I haven't talked to him in months." I admit

"He called me today, he wants to have a get together soon. Are you taking Dakota?"

"Yes I want her to meet everyone. Are you taking Dashari?"

"If she's comes back in time I will."

"Do you think they're ready for our past?"

"Please our home town ain't that bad, we made it." He says happily

"We were one of the few."

"Well dashari's calling me, I'll talk to you later." He says

"Alright we aren't suppose to have phones anyway." I chuckle


"Bye," I hang up

Dakotas time was up anyway. I walk out the door,And down the hall, I press the elevator button and wait patiently for it to come up.

The doors Bing open and I see Dakota and Xavier...


"Hey!" I pull him off her

I get between them and look back at Dakota who's face is red just like her lips. I look back at Xavier and frown.

"Give me a reason not to beat your ass,again."

"She wanted it." He smirks

I punched him in the nose and he went backwards covering it, groaning in pain.

"No Abel, he's right." She grabs my arm stopping me from hitting him again

"What?" My heart dropped

"It's not what you think." She says "It was gonna be our last one."

"That doesn't make sense." I snatch my arm away from her

"I didn't think that you would find out though..." She looks down saying honestly


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