29: high for this

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My phone rings and I answer it, "hello."

"Abel I need to talk to you." It was my manager

"What about?" I sit up in bed

"You and Dakota."

I sigh out "look I-"

He interrupts me "meet me at the coffee shop," he hangs up

"Great," I sigh out

Dakota comes in carrying a tray with food on it.

"Morning," she smiles sitting the tray in front of me

I look down at the pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. It smelled really good that I grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it gratefully.

"Thanks babe," I say mouth full of food

I can't remember the last time I had home cooked meal.

"Thanks only shows by an empty plate." She smiles "cooking is my hobby."

"You're really good at it," I drink some juice "I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Go?" Her face falls "where?"

"Meeting with my manager." I move the tray over and pick my shirt off the floor

"When will you be back?" She's sitting on the bed

I chuckle at her pouting and kiss her on the forehead "soon" I then kiss her lips

With that I walk out and get in my car and drive to the coffee shop. I get out and see him immediately through the window. I sit in the seat in front of him.

"Let's just get straight to the point." He starts "I have good news and bad news."


"Good news: this court thing with Dakota is giving you good publicity."

"How?" I give him a look

This is a bad situation

"Because you're helping her and it's giving you the good guy look."

"The bad news?"

"You have to break up with her."

"What the fuck?!" I stand up

"Calm down." He hisses

"I'm not doing that." I slap my hand on the table "you just told me She's giving me good publicity."

"Yes but your fan count is going down and fans like drama, to add to the drama you need to break up with her."

"So put on a show?"

"Abel you're losing fans the longer you take making songs. You need to be doing something to keep them."

"There's got to be something else, I'm helping her with the case!"

"Say it's like a gift for the relationship." He shrugs

"There has to be something else."


"About what?"

"That she murdered them."

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