10:he got it

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I told him everything and I don't feel bad either but Taylor doesn't even know about me and Eli.

I was in the Weeknds arms right now and I was on the verge of actually falling asleep again.

"So I guess it's my turn." He says

"To what?" I say sleepily

"Tell my story." He says

His deep voice vibrated through out his chest and I just snuggle closer into him.

"Go on." I say running my hand up and down his chest

"I was 19 before I was famous, I was selling dope and smoking it, I stole from people just to get me and my mom through. I met this girl, she was beautiful and talented she help me get to the top but I had to do a lot of scary shit to get there." I sigh "I met Aubrey along the way he was really cool and we stuck together helped each other out." I look up at him he looks down at me and he Continues

"I end up falling in love with the girl but she was no good for me, she introduce me into a world of hatred,cold,and loneliness, Even though we did drugs together. But she was my kryptonite anything she asked I would crawl to hell and back to get it for her. Aubrey got me away from her, let me clear my head and start new with my new career."

"Why would she do that?" I ask

Thats dumb as hell to mess someone up like that,but also he didn't have to do it he could of left anytime. But if that's what love does, do I want it? Does it make you do crazy things? I mean he got that thing that makes me go crazy, he can sing, he's a perfect gentlemen,sexy and fun.

I sigh out I've fallen completely in love with him.

He shrugs "She's crazy. I'm glad I met you though." He pulls me into a tight embrace

"Me too," I kiss his cheek Then bite his jaw

He smirks then nibbles on my ear lobe shooting tingles all down my body. A small moan escapes my mouth and he ends it with a kiss.

"Do you want to talk about your mother?" He asks

"My mother..." I say sadly going back to the position of laying against him

"We are in here...and you haven't went to go see her yet." He says rubbing my arm

"I'm scared." I say truthfully and I didn't want to see her like that

"That's your mom she took care of you now it's your turn to take care of her." He says

"You're right." I say with a yawn "but can we later, I'm pretty tired."

He wraps his other arm around me,"Sleep. Get all the rest you need sweetheart." He kisses my forehead.

"Sing to me,please" I say closing my eyes

"Which song?"

"Sing Crew Love." I smile

"Hum humm." He clears his throat "Taking notes off my keyboard, what you following me for?" He sing lowly soft and sweet "There's a room full of niggas what you following me foooorrr? This ain't a fucking sing along so girl what you singing for?" he kisses my forehead

I fall asleep as he sings Drake's rap part, and this time I was sleeping comfortably.



Her breathing started to be slow and even and I took it as her finally asleep. I throw the cover on us and get in a good position with her in my arms and me snuggled against her.

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