31: Gone

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(The twins matching fits for the get together)

Dakotas POV

"Are you ready yet!" Abel asks for the 20th time in the last 10 minutes

"Almost," I say again

"Come on we gonna be late." He comes the door frame of the bathroom

"Alright I'm ready jeez." I giggle

I walk up to him and put my hands on his chest and look up at him.

"Ready." I smile

"Let's go," he walks away and out the room

Wow no compliment? And he didn't kiss me. What's wrong with him. I grab my id wallet,keys, and phone and go outside were everyone else is.

"Let's take pictures!" Dashari runs up with her phone

"Something's wrong with Abel." I say

She wasn't listening instead posing me for the picture

"Did you hear me?" I say again "something's wrong with the weeknd." I say again

"Huh oh I'm sure he's fine." She poses beside me "now smile." I do as Aubrey takes the pictures for us

"Perfect sister." She kisses me before going over to Aubrey

I walk over to Abel who's sitting in the car, I walk to the driver's side.

"Come take pictures with me." I smile



"I just don't want to ok!" He yells at me

"What are you yelling for?" I stand back and give him a crazy look

"You just wasted all the time for pictures by doing your make up in the bathroom." He says starting the car

"Time to go." Dashari comes over

I huff out and walk to the passenger seat as Aubrey and Dashari hops in the back. Great now his attitude is rubbing off on me. This won't be a great day for either of us.

We pull up to an old barn with a bunch of cars everywhere and people standing outside. I could hear the music beating as we walked up to the entrance.

"I need a drink." Abel says walking away from me

I don't know no one here and he's leaving me. I follow behind him as my sister and her date were already gone somewhere. I watched as everyone Abel passed by where dapping him up. I nod at the people that looked at me and smiled.

Finally the bar and weekend gets himself a drink. I sit by him and he stares at me like he didn't want me around. I stare back and order me a drink too. I sip it slowly not wanting another mishap like last time.

"Wanna dance?" I ask him liking the song that was on

"No." He said


"Why all the questions?" He stares at me angrily

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