5: wicked things

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"So this here is your new honey?" One of Abel's friends ask who is Drake

"You know, so paws off. This one taken." He says holding me closer as we walk over to a table by the window And Drake follows

The weeknd pulls a chair out. I sit in it and he pushes it up to the table, what a gentlemen! And he sits across from me and Drake just drags a chair to sit between us.

He lights a blunt and the smoke hits my nostrils and I instantly cover my nose.

"Don't like the smell?" He asks me

"Its a little..." I think of a word "strong."

"Have you ever puffed?" He asks holding out the blunt for me to take

I look at Weeknd who has a blunt himself. Would he think that I'm being childish if I don't smoke? Should I be like him?

I take the blunt and stare at it

"Puff Puff give!"Drake says

I narrow my eyes at him

"Dakota you don-" Weeknd starts

But I already put the blunt between my lips and inhale the smoke hitting the back of my throat and I cough wanting the nasty bitter taste out my mouth.

"Whoa," Drake takes the blunt from my fingers "First time?"

I nod while coughing

"She's a keeper." Drake says getting up

"So Dakota you like to try new things?" He clocks a brow

I fan my face

"Here have something to drink." The Weeknd hands me a wine glass with gold liquid

I sip it, since my lips we're dry, just like my mouth and it was brandy. Drugs and alcohol won't be good for me in the morning with my exam tomorrow.

I didn't notice how close The Weeknd was to me at first,so close I could smell his Cologne. I gulp down the little sip of brandy in my mouth and sit the glass on the table.

"Why'd you do it?" He asks

I shrug "Well I've always wanted to try." I say hesitantly

"Hm." He hums

"First time for everything" I shrug

He looks at me with curious eyes, suddenly a soft song comes on. I don't recognize the melody but it was pretty sweet.

"Would you like to dance?" He was standing with his hand out

"Yes."I say taking his hand and I stand walk to the middle of the floor

No one was dancing just standing or sitting, chit chatting. He grabs my other hands and we get into position and start to move.

"The Weeknd knows how to ballroom dance?" I say fake shock

"Don't be surprised baby girl, you seen my dance moves on stage."

I chuckle

He pushes me out and I twirl into his arms then twirl back out and back into position.

"Where did you learn?" He asked me

"Princess movies, I was hooked when I was young."

He chuckles

"I'm glad you find my childhood amusing."

I was curious about his, I mean I read about his past in papers and he'd sing them in songs but I wanted to hear the truth from his lips,Maybe one day.

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