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I wake up with a huge headache, I feel a soft, plush thing beside me and it's a big brown dog bear with a red heart. I look to my left and see different color roses are sitting there and beside that is The Weeknd asleep uncomfortably In the hospital chair.

The Hospital!

My mom was just diagnosed with cancer, I can't believe it. And I freaked out? Abel saw Me, I've never done that before. I hug the bear closer to me and feel tears roll down my cheeks,a soft sob comes out.

"Hey,hey..." I'm pulled into a tight hug

I cry harder now.

"Kota!" Eli busts through the door with Taylor behind him

They both looked worried,and run over to me taking me from The Weeknd's embrace and hug me.

"I'm so sorry."Taylor says hugging me really tight

"Are you OK?" Eli asks

"Of course not dumb ass, she's in a hospital bed." Taylor snaps

"I'm saying like..."he says nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"Its not like I'm the one with cancer." I sob

"Oh honey." She hugs me again

And we rock side to side, as I cry. The room is silent after 5 minutes of crying I finally pull myself together. The doctor comes and he has a clipboard and a pen.

"Miss King, I'm doctor quin."

Eli slips out a laugh and Taylor,the doctor and I shoot him a glare.

"Oh come on doctor Quinn medicine woman! You can't just not laugh at that."he laughs

I smile just a little but cover it up because this is a serious situation.

"I think you should wait outside."Taylor says

"But I-"

"Now." Taylor Interrupts

"OK I'm done jeez I'll shut up." He slouched in a chair by the wall

"I just have a few questions."

"Okay..." I say taylor gives me room to sit upright in the bed

The Weeknd is holding my hand standing by me.

"How old are you?"

"24." I answer  with ease

"Do you do drugs,"

My eyes widen "Well I..." I trail off and stutter

"Miss King you need to be completely honest so-"

"You can figure out a diagnosis." I finish

And he nods his head

"Well a few days ago I tried a blunt, one puff and I didn't want anymore. And I drunk some brandy." I shrug

He writes down what I tell him I suppose

"Are you sexually active?"

"Not yet." Eli says with a smirk

"Hum hummm." The Weeknd clears his throat

I blush


"You go to school?"

"Yes, I go to college. I'm studying to be a vet."

"Lots of test?"

"Exams," I correct "I'm graduating soon so I'm studying extra hard."

"Do you ever take breaks?"

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