7:cant feel my face

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"Hi." I say out of breath to the woman behind the desk "We are looking for the room Valerie King is in."I huff

"Umm floor 8 room 818." She says looking at a book

"Thank you." I say running to the elevators

I get in the elevators and press floor 8.

I look at Weeknd,who I didn't except to come in at all.

"You don't have to come." I say watching the floor numbers change

"I want to be with you." He holds my hand

I can't believe my mom fell out. I hope she's OK, she was a healthy woman. What if she's dead, no I can't think like that.

A sob escapes my mouth and The Weeknd pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Shhhh I'm sure she's fine." He cooes


We walk out the elevators past the desk to look for room 818,

14,16,18! And I bust through the doors.

"Dad." I see him holding my mothers hand and her eyes are closed with IVs in her and a heart monitor she looks like robot with all these things connected to her.

He runs up to me and hugs me.

"What happen?" I say to my dad

"Have a seat, " he gestures to the chairs in the middle of the room

Me,my dad and The Weeknd, all have a seat around a coffee table.

"We were talking and she was cooking supper,she was laughing and acting normal then she stopped and just fell over. I couldn't catch her in time and she hit her head on the floor"

"We have hard tile floors." I sob out

"Blood came from her mouth and..."he stops a tear falling down his cheek I wipe it and kiss his forehead

The doctor comes in, we stand up to hear the news.

"How is she doctor?" I wipe my tears

"She has been diagnosed with cancer,"he says sadly

"What!" I say backing up, shaking my head

No! no! no! this can't be happening, not to her,  no! no! no!

"Dakota," I hear my name being called I fall,to the floor pulling my knees to my chest.

"She shaking."

"Take her to the room next door."

Someone tried to pick me up, but I didn't want to leave the room, my mom is in here.

"No!" I screeched "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I flail my arms pushing away the rock hard body

They ignore me and pick me up, I try to push out their grasp.

"Let go! MOTHER!" I reach for her while she lays in bed "no mother!" They take me out her room, I was put down on a bed I try to get up

"Nurse,nurse!" I hear some one yell

I try to move and get up and run back but they're holding me down. "HELP! MOM!" I scream for her

I feel something prick my arm and I look to see a white coat with a pointy metal object.

"This should calm her down." The voice echoes and I fall into a deep sleep


What happened? She just flipped the fuck out! I've never seen her act like that, but I haven't known her long either. So it was me and her dad in the cafeteria in awkward silence.

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