12:to say we're in love is dangerous(aqquainted)

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A/N since my last chapter deleted I have to start over!!!! But anyway so here I go


Reality slapped me in the face, I was here for 3 hours and after she called me, that's when I noticed I fucked up. I DID like her... a lot, maybe love, even after a short time.

I stand up from the couch where Victoria was snorting cocaine lines.

"Wait," she grabs my arm "Where are you going?" She rubs her nose

"Back to my girl." I say snatching my arm from her grasp

"That bitch ain't nothing compared to me." She smiles

"You mean trash." I spat

"Don't leave me any more." She cried

Before I would have did anything to make those tears go away but now...I grabbed her car keys and and walked out the door.

"I love you!" I heard her scream

I got in her car and punch the steering wheel. Fuck her! She doesn't know what love is! She ruins me, yes she got me to where I am now but she's a new low.

"Fuck!" I hit the steering wheel in anger

Dakota's not going to take me back

She'll think I was playing with her feelings

Well she forgive and forget?

After everything's that's happened, I put more on her plate

I fucked everything up, anything I touch I destroy

I need to talk to her

I drive off to the hospital, I try to think what I'm going to say, how I'm going to fix it.

15 minutes later I'm pulling up and parking. Running to the elevator, pressing the 8th floor. It feels like months since I last been in here with Dakota when she got the news about her mother.

I sigh heavily mentally preparing myself for the convo that's gonna go down.


I walk out to her room,I go in "Dakota I- what the Fuck?!"

"Really!" Eli says getting off Dakota "What's your problem?"

"Mine! You're on top of my girl,naked and you're asking me,What's my problem?"

"I didn't hear her complain." He smirks

I'm gonna knock that fucking smirk off his face. I grab him and throw him on the ground and start to punch repeatedly.

I feel someone pull on me and screams but everything is blocked out, I only see red.

"Stop Abel!" I stop because Dakota blocks my next punch by getting between us "It's not his fault." She says

After a minute of silence and hard breathing she gets off him.

"I want you to leave Dakota alone, she's with me now. If I see you around her again I'll do more." He had a bloody nose, bruise cheek, and swollen eye. "Now go while you have both your legs." I walk to open the door for him

He grabs his stuff and walks out the door. I close it and I turn to look at Dakota.She has a sheet wrapped around her, and her arms are folded.

"That was completely uncalled for!" She says "Go back to that girl."

"Look I know I fucked up..."

She scoffs and puts on her clothes,

"But I realized Victoria ain't shit and doesn't mean anything to me anymore."

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