39: like me

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Sorry it's alil late😌


I saw him walk in. And right behind him was Abel.

I take in a deep breath. And look at my dad who you can tell had cried. This hasn't been the best year. The judge came in and took her seat.

"Has the jury came to a verdict?"

"We have your honor." One of the women said "in the case of Dakota King being accused of first degree murder we find the defense not guilty."

I sigh out letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. After that I felt everything would be alright but I still had the baby in me that's Abel's and I didn't know how to tell him.

"Dakota." Xavier came up and hug me

I leaned in "you ok?" He asks I nod

"Wanna go eat?"

I saw Abel behind him watching me

"Maybe later." I whisper out

"Call you." He kissed my forehead before leaving

I walked up to Abel who had a faint smile on his face.

"Hey," he said


My throat was dry and it felt like I couldn't talk.

"You look pale." He frowned obviously worried
"I'm fine." I rasp out

"Let's get you home." He pulled me to him

"Please." I beg holding my arms to my body

We began to walk out when a bunch of cameras and reporters huddled in on us.

"Oh no." I say covering my eyes

"Back back." Abel says in a demanding tone Trying to get through

"Are you happy with the verdict?"

"Abel,We heard you bribed someone in the jury is that true?"

"Are y'all back together?"

"We heard you broke up?"

All these questions coming at us and my head began to spin. I was claustrophobic and it was like they were coming closer.

"Abel do you know she's having an affair?"

That made me and him stop, he looked back before continuing up to his SUV opening the door for me.

I hop in and he rushes to the other side and drives off. The radio played quietly a song I wasn't familiar too. It actually was jazz which I didn't know he listened too.

"Jazz?" I rasp out

"Calms my nerves." He's turning on a blinker

It was silent and I was wondering with the good news, if I should tell him about the baby. But my mind traveled back to the question that stopped us both in our tracks.

"Abel about-"

"We aren't together, it's not my business."

I nod

I look out the window and the slow patter of rain became into a rainstorm. I laid my head against the window and let the sweet symphony go in my ears. The next song that came on was a favorite of mine from childhood, song bird by Kenny G. My eyes began to drop and I fall asleep.

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