21: kiss land

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"We've already met over the phone." Abel grunts

"Right." I whisper

"Are we just going to stand out here or go inside." Xavier turns and walks to the door

"Umm actually-" I start

"No. Not you anyway." The weeknd says blocking the door way

Xavier sighs he turns back to me and grabs both my hands and hold them up to his chest.

"Dakota I'm so sorry. That was so long ago I've change, honest." He has on his puppy dog face

It made my heart ache, I believed him.

A tear streaked down my cheek, I look at him. I didn't want to move my hands so I couldn't wipe the tear away.

"You left me, the one person I could trust and my first love." I sniff

Then I frown what I'm doing?I'm with Abel he's my first love I don't need Xavier anymore.

I snatch my hand from him"why?! You knew the feelings I had for you! And You broke my heart!" I scream

He winced a pain expression on his face. To be honest if he never left we would of been together. There's just this hole, maybe because I was young I don't know but all I knew,I loved that man.

And it scares me. this is why I didn't want Able to know about him I'm so emotional when it comes to Xavier.

"Dakota you don't need him he's an asshole for leaving you. I would never do that to you." The weeknd wipes the tears off my face

"really. You don't know what me and Kota been through." He says to Abel "I love her."

I gasp no he can't say that not now everyone is in love with me and I'm only in love with one person but Xavier is bringing up old feelings.

"Did you really just say that now! in front of me. " Abel grits his teeth

I push him back slowly away from Xavier, I couldn't have him beat up somebody else.

I kiss him."Stay here." I say on his lips

I walk over to Xavier, at the same time keep my distance.

"We are done.been done." I say looking up at my bedroom window

"Is that why you cry over me. Is that why you let me pimp you."

"It's different now." I stop him "I'm with Abel, I'm happy. I don't need you here-mm" my eyes widen

He was kissing me. Imma fool for kissing him back wrapping my arms around his neck deepening it. God I miss his cinnamon taste I moan and he sticks his tongue in my mouth, I let him and he moans.

"No!" I push him away "stop. Just...go." I say taking one last look at him before I walked into the house


She kissed him, right. In.front. of.me.

When she walked in the house I was snatched up.

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