11:(prisoner) im addicted

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I kiss her back, I grab her chin and push my lips back on her as she tasted of cigarettes and beer a taste I'm familiar of.

She pulls away "Baby." She giggles

Oh my God what the fuck did I just do?

"Abel!" Someone yells behind us and it's Taylor with a bag in her hand I look down in shame and guilt

"What are you doing kissing her?!" She hisses

"Whose this, your new bitch?" Victoria spat

"Hold on hoe you don't know me. I'll knock those fake eyelashes off your face 30 feet from the building." Taylor says waving her hand,with her phone in, around and getting closer

"Taylor stop." I raise my hands up in defense mode

"Yea Taylor stop, good doggie." Victoria praises sarcastically

"That's it bitch!" Taylor drops her stuff and runs toward her but I grab her, her stuff and drag her off

"You lucky he's holding me back, or I would beat your ass!" She yells on our way out the door

She was breathing hard and snatches her stuff from my hands

"Why kiss that slut, do you know you just committed suicide."Taylor says fixing her hair

"I'm sorry I just she I-"

"Don't explain it to me, tell kota. I thought you were different from other guys," She shakes her head "Fix this." she walks off

Victoria comes out and walks over to me.

"Glad she's gone, who is that?"

"My girlfriend's best friend."

"You have a girlfriend?"

I nod and smile. The sudden realization slapping me like a ton of bricks thinking of what I just did my smile falls.

"You kissed me like you don't." She says folding her arms

"You know you're kryptonite." I growl

"That's what Aubrey calls me." She smiles She grabs my hand "Come over."

I look into her green intense gaze and instantly fall. I follow her to her car, we drive off probably to her place.

"I'm so glad you're taking me back." She says

I look out the window

what am I doing with this thot?

"Stop the car." I say

"What for?" She slows down and stops

I take off my seat belt but she grabs my hand and I stop to look at her sad gaze

She gets in my lap and kisses me, she goes into the glove box and takes out a small case.

Inside was already rolled up blunts and a small bag of cocaine

She lights the blunt and take a long puff.

"I know you miss me baby" she says blowing the smoke on my lips

I snatch the blunt from her and take a deep puff of it and my nerves instantly calm.

"Let me relieve the stress." She says kissing on my neck and grabbing on my crotch "I can make you feel good and you know it" she whispers and I sit back and relax as she sucks me up and I smoke the blunt


I hear the sound of a plastic bag and a delicious smell hit my nose, FOOD! I wake to see Taylor with two to-go boxes and plastic forks

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