14: I got you

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He was sweating and really hot but I didn't mind he was moaning and twitching too. I'm surprised I woke up before him I guess he didn't get much sleep when he was gone for 2 weeks.

I just wiped his sweat and massaged his head, I yawn. He kept me up most of the night. I can't imagine what nightmare he's having.Could he be dreaming about his hardships?

I know he held back information from me when we were telling each other's background but for now I'll let it slide.

"Mom," he said faintly "Grandma I didn't mean it!" He screamed "I'm sorry I got you into this!" He started to shake violently

"Weeknd," I said softly "Wake up." I say holding his head to my chest "It's ok I'm sure they're fine" I don't know if he hears me but I still talk to calm him

" No it's not safe for them." He answered

"You're doing everything to protect them I'm sure." It sounded more like a question

"I put you in danger too,they saw you." He whispers

"What," I whisper

It was quiet he doesn't move or say another word and I start thinking.

What did I get myself into?

What does he mean,danger?

Should I be worried? Is he dreaming?

About 45 minutes later he removes his head from my chest and looks at me. He yawns and kisses my forehead,

"Good morning." He says

Does he not know he talks in his sleep? Or is he pretending just to avoid an argument? We should talk about this.

"Are you ok?" I ask

He smiles "Yea, just had a little trouble sleeping." He says getting out of bed

"Weeknd you talk in your sleep." I say bluntly

He stood and turns around I take that to continue "I heard some things like 'I didn't mean it' 'your mom and grandma isn't safe' and...me either." I look into his eyes "I'm worried."

He hops on the bed and wraps his arms around me,

"There's nothing to be scared of baby. I promise you, it's just...a dream I had. I'm sorry I worried you." He kisses the palm of my hand

He trailed small kisses up my arm to my neck then licked around on one spot and bites hard making me whimper out. His hand goes to my matching pj shorts and trails his finger around on my thigh and all these pleasurable feels goes straight to my core.

"Take a shower with me." He says on my neck

I laugh and he picks me up bridal style and takes me to the shower.


" Is that a hickey?" My twin sister, dashari, asks

"No..."I put my hair over the mark I tried to hide

Dashari is in the military she followed dad's footsteps as I followed mom's. She had permission to come for a few days because of mom's condition. We were in her hospital room now but she was asleep,she doesn't know that dashari's here. she wasn't suppose to come back til thanksgiving.

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