38:One of those nights

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Dashari's POV

"Miss King." Eli's lawyer said to me "you were there the night Cj got murdered..."

"Not exactly." I folded my hands

I wasn't intimidated by this man at all.

"Tell your story."

"Well as you know me and my sister are twins so I'm not the one that almost got raped. but I saw her punching the man that assaulted her."

"Did you see her get assaulted."

"Well no. But I saw him pull her out the-"

"So you saw punching a man that could of been helpless."

"Hell no!" I said "one thing is you not gonna cut me off while I'm talking."

I only heard drake laugh in the crowd and Abel shushing him.

"Like I said. He was pulling her out the club and I was like nope she don't do that she's with Abel. So seconds later Abel came in and we went after her."

"Was she resisting?"


"That's all."

I didn't like him, at all. I burned a stare into the back of his neck as he walked back to his seat and my sister's lawyer stood up fixing his suit.

"Miss King, even though then pulled her away and she was not resistant why do you think she would go with him."

"She wouldn't."


"Because she goes with Abel, she's loyal."

"Now about Eli-"

"I wasn't there."

"She must have talked to you about?"

"Actually I didn't know it happened." I stare at Dakota who looks away

"really, did you know Eli."

I laugh remembering how we all grew up together but my time with him was short since I was off to join the military.

"I knew him." I state

"Your relation?"

"He liked me and Dakota." I smile

"Tell us about him."

"Shit he was fine as fuck." I say

"Hey!" Drake said from the crowd

"Order!" The judge says "language miss King."

I nod "he was smart and very persistent." I smirk

"Persistent?" The lawyer repeated

"I knew Dakota liked him even though she was in denial." I roll my eyes "but she always said no with me, he took my virginity."

"So you were lovers?"

"Something of the sorts." I didn't far look at Dakota

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