4: Dress to Impress

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, when my phone ringed.

"Hello." I say clearing my throat

"Hi sweet heart." That deep voice ring


"Yes darling it's me.I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie,I'm ordering pizza."

I looked at the clock 4 in the afternoon you have to be shitting me!

"Dakota!" My mom called me

"Actually my dad is here."I remembered and also I didn't feel comfortable about what had happen last night.

Last night!

Me and The Weeknd that HAD to be a dream.

"Dakota!' My mom calls again

"I have to go."I hang up

I run down stairs

"Morning mother."I smile

"You mean afternoon. " a deep voice bellowed behind me

"Dad!" I hug him and he hugs back tightly

"You sleep more than me."he chuckles and it vibrates through his chest

"You know college and exams."I say pulling away

"I'm so proud of you sweet baby girl." He kisses my forehead

" thanks dad."

After me and my dad played catch up, I ran up to my room to call Taylor to make sure she's alright.

"Hello." She says grudgingly

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty."I smile

"Uhhh Dakota , call later."

"I had to make sure you are OK." I say looking for clothes

"Just fine." I can just hear the smirk in her voice

"OK gross ." I say awkwardly, remebering her guy friend

"How about you and The Weeknd, am I right?" She says the sleep leaving her voice completely

"Well..." I trail of dropping my blue and white stripe shirt "It felt like a dream. I wouldn't believe it myself if it didn't happen."

"Spill the beans!"

"He came to my house, he said he wanted to see me again and then he wanted my number." I smile a big toothy grin even though she can't see me

"Awe man y'all are totally gonna fuck." She says

I smack my teeth "Is that all you think about?"

"You will when you lose your V card."

"Well until then." I state

"Besides what if it's to The Weeknd?"

"Really." I say rolling my eyes that is the most dumbest thing I've ever heard

"Yea...but I already bet Eli it would be him before anybody."

"You did what?" I say narrowing my eyes

"Is that my mother calling me?" Taylor says hesitantly

"Taylor." I say "you stay by yourself."

I suddenly hear sounds of static "We are breaking up , d-dakota."

"I know your playing." I say

"I -get-my-car later." she hangs up 

That girl

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