35: What you need

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Dakota's Pov

"Don't do that!" Dashari grabbed the tickets out the trash

"Who's side are you on?" I cross my arms

"He said he has a surprise, don't you just want to see what it is?"

Tomorrow is the concert; The tickets he gave me, been sitting in the same spot since his visit. Dashari came in right when I tossed them in the trash. I thought about it and I was curious about what that surprise was but I have an interview tomorrow that is the same time when the concert starts.

"I can't go. Even if I wanted to." I say " I have an interview tomorrow actually 2."


"The shelter that I used to go to, the one I took you that one time."

"Saint Patrick's?"

"Yes. and another one outside of town." I Whisper the last part

"What if you get the job? you're gonna move? In the state that mom and dad are in, When your family needs you the most!" her voice started to raise

"This is what I spent all those late hours on, stressing over. You leave! I need to go on with my life. This would be a great opportunity for me." I pick up clothes off my floor

"Stop cleaning." she grabs me "you're only trying to run away from Abel. When I leave I come back."

I snap my head up at her and glare "No, and i'll visit."

"Does he bother you that much that you have to leave?"

"It's not that, it's Xavier and I need a new setting a-a fresh start." I sigh out sitting on my bed

"Call him," she says holding up my phone


"To tell him you can't come."

"Why are you taking up for him? Are you fucking him too?"

"What. NO! I'm your sister i'm just trying to help you; you love him after everything you've been through with this guy for it to be all over."

"He didn't care."

"He did it for fans." she says annoyed

I still don't believe that he used his career as an excuse.

"Why would he do that?"

"With your case coming up in a week, the manager took advantage."

"You talk to Abel?" I ask

" Yes." she looked away shaking her foot nervously

"I'm done with him." I felt bile rise up in my mouth, I push it back

"You ok?" she asks me

I nod yes but a soon as she asked that it came right back up, I ran to my bathroom and tossed the cookies into the toilet. I start to gag and spit up wiping my mouth with my arm.

"stomach bug?" she asks

I used to get those a lot when I was younger, I stayed sicker than a dog coincidence that i'm a veterinarian.

"Yea, Probably." I hiccup

"Try to be there." she sits the tickets on the sink " hope you feel better." she mumbles before leaving


After a well deserved nap I went to the nearest Dollar General and got me some snickers and ranch to dip them in. Yes i'm weird and eat weird shit like that, I went ahead and bought cheese puffs and ketchup too.

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