2: After party

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"Awe man, that was great!" Taylor has a big grin on her face

We we're walking in a hallway to see The Weeknd walk in his dressing room and try to get his autograph.

"I can't believe we are going to meet THE Weeknd."

"If we're lucky." I say holding my poster of him in my hand

"We are. You saw they way he looked at you and he sung to you!" She shrieks

"Its not that big of a deal." I roll my eyes inside I'm bouncing of the walls

Already there we're like 50 to 80 people crowding around his door.

"Here he comes!" A girl screams and a bunch of screams follows hers including taylors

We try to squeeze by up to the front but failed.I drop down to the floor and crawl through their feet.

And hop up in a space,not looking where I got up from, bumped into a body. I dropped my poster,wallet,and phone.

"Shit,"the person and I say at the same time

I bend down to pick my things up and the person hands me my poster.

"Thanks I can be such a..." once I look up to see who I bumped into and grab my poster it was The Weeknd himself in front of me.

"Uhhhh,"I lost my words

"Is this for me to sign?" He asks

I nod, wide eyed, watching his every move. He signs it.

"Whats your name?" He asks

"Uhhhh..." loss of words

"It's Dakota." Taylor says behind me

He hands it over to me, his fingers lingers on mine longer then needed when I take it.

"Sorry for b-bumping into you." I say his eyes never leaving mine

"Its alright,Dakota." He smiles

Suddenly I'm pushed out the way by a heave of girls and I just crawl my way out.

"Wow." I say fanning myself like I'm hot

"That was intense." Taylor said

"I know right!"

I couldn't believe it.

"Ready to go to the after party?"

I nod and she takes my hand and we rush to go to the after party.


Once we got in, we sat at a table.

"Dakota you and The Weeknd have chemistry." She says looking over a small menu of drinks

"Please,he's famous. I'm just a nobody." I say

"Hi ladies," that deep voice that gave me tingles said I turn my head and saw Eli

"Hey." I blush

"Can I sit here?" He pointed to the empty seat beside me

"Of course." I say and he sits

"So... what are we drinking?"he ask picking up a menu

"I want something sweet." Taylor says face covered by the menu

"Me too." Eli whispers huskily in my ear

I bite my lip and try to cover my face with my menu

His hand lands on my thigh as he trails up closer to my middle area.

"I'll have a melon ball or maybe.."Taylor voice trails oblivious to what's happening on my side of the table.

"I'll have you Dakota,in my bed,naked." He licks my neck And starts to suck

I stiffle my moan when the waiter comes up he stops completely.

Its always been like this since 10th grade he'll make passes at me. I wouldn't give him my virginity, he's a fuck boy and tells me his stories about him and his girls, so I get hes playing with me like always.

"What would you like?" the waiter asks me

"Something strong."

I answer this is gonna be a long night

I know what you're thinking,aren't you a little too old to be a virgin? Well I find pride in my innocence and Eli has even told me that's what he likes most about me. That's just what he wants and sometimes I get to the point where I just want to give it to him. I really want to experience It but I want it to be with someone I love.

I secretly like Eli but I'm not sure if it's lust or actual love.

"IDs please." The waiter says

I reach for my wallet and it's not there,

"Ummm I think I left my wallet in the car." I say to Taylor

"Here's the keys." I grab them and go

Hopefully they are in there. I'm sure I picked it up when I drop them by The Weeknds' dressing room.


It wasn't in the car! How can I be so irresponsible. I close the door to the car and lock It, only to be push back on it.

"Baby girl I'm done playing games with you." Eli says

"Stop it." Hes grabbing my arm harshly pushing me up against the car, hard.

"Come on. I've seen the way you look at me and you like it when I play with you."

"I-i " I stutter

"Its OK," he let's go of my arm and body and walks back with hands in the air,in surrender  "I'll have my turn. I know you like me,kota... I'll be waiting." And he walks to his car and leaves

"Fuck that Fuck boy." I mumble and walk back to the building

"There she goes." Taylor's pointing at me and a male figure turns around and it's The Weeknd!

I get closer to the table,my head down wondering 'why he's here at my table!'

"You left this in front of my dressing room." He says holding out my pink wallet with a white bow and chain on it

Inside I'm screaming but I'm acting awkward on the outside I'm shaking when I went to grab for it.

"I was hoping you would be here for me to return it to you."

I nod

"You don't say much do you?" His head turnt to the side as if figuring me out.

"I -I do." I sigh out

I make eye contact with him and he smirks at me

"Well I have some seats open over at my V.I.P section, do you ladies want to join me?"

"Hell yes!" Taylor says grabbing her drink,wallet,and phone, walking towards the V.I.P section.

"Coming?" He says nodding towards that way, his hair moving too.

I notice I haven't moved a muscle.

I nod

"Yea that'll be great."

I finally found my voice, grab my things, and follow behind him to the V.I.P section.

"They're with me." He says to a security guard

"I can't believe this, V.I.P with The Weeknd!" Taylor squees

You read my mind

Next chapter is gonna be great and what do you think about Eli he needs to keep his hands to himself. Dakota might like it though anyway I'm gonna let you continue to the next chapter


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