37:Save me

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Dakotas POV

I wasn't nervous until I got to the courthouse and I was sitting where they told me too. This made me think of law and order:svu and I wish Olivia was here so I could meet her. But I had to remember that this is reality and that I could be actually going to jail.

I took a few deep breaths as I felt bile raise up my throat and I pushed it back down sipping the water that was provided in front of me.

There were a lot of people in here, behind me my sister and dad sat with drake and Abel. I tried to be look back or on the other side of me where Eli's family sat.

"All rise!" The police says

The judge comes out and I sigh out a relief when I find out it's a women.

"Ok so..." The judge says as we sat back down

She looked kinda old like my moms age. She had black hair with streaked grey here and there. She had on red lipstick on and her eyes were grey. Just like Xavier's. I sigh as I think about that night a few days ago.

I touch my stomach as I remember the news I got that same night, that I'm pregnant.  That was both scary and exciting news. I still failed to tell Abel I just don't think he wants a child now.

That's makes me want to get closer to him. But I shouldn't he broke up with me! But now he wants to get back together.

"Miss King." I snapped out my thoughts

"Yes." I say

"Take the stand please."

I seem to miss everything in the beginning distracted by my thoughts.

"What?" I say looking at my Lawyer "this wasn't discussed," I hissed at my Lawyer

"I was refrain from telling you." He gave me a sympathetic look

I looked at Abel and narrow my eyes

"Today miss King."

I slowly stood and walked over to the seat beside the judge and I took a good look at the jury. They all had eyes on me, there were more men then women and that wasn't good. I watched as it looked like two of them were playing tic-tac-toe.

I roll my eyes

"Swear to tell the truth nothing but the truth so help you God." The police had my hand on the bible my other raised

"Yes." I whisper

I sat back down and the police walks away.

Eli's family lawyer came up to me and stared at me for a few minutes then began.

"How are you miss King?"

"Let's just skip the introductions." I huff out

"You don't want to be here?"

"Who does?" I ask

"I'll be asking the questions miss King."

I nod gruffly

I already hated this prick

"Do you want to tell me. That happened that night."

"I'm sure if you watch e! News they have the story there. They love being in my business." I snap

"Because you date Abel Tesfaye?"

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