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Camila had been doing this since she was a sophomore, but the nerve wracking-ness of it was still strong as the first day she snuck out of school.
She swallowed hard and surveyed the empty hallway where her locker was. The exit towards the back of the school was a few feet away, and she knew for a fact that no one ever checks the security cameras. Miami High was too lenient to do routine checks. So skipping class was too easy. Everyone had done it at least once, but common practice never made Camila feel better about it.
What made her feel better was seeing Lauren.
Camila glanced at her phone and saw two texts from her girlfriend. It read:
—Where are you, Camz? I've been here for like, twenty minutes.
—Don't tell me you're feeling guilty now???
The tiny singer chuckled and wiped her glasses calmly. She liked making Lauren wait; it made her needier and her desperation was always a turn on. Camila liked being in control like that. Still, she packed up her things and confidently, so as not to attract too much attention, walked out the back entrance to the student parking lot where Lauren was waiting in the middle of the parking lot. She was playing with her phone, Camila's helmet tucked under her arm. It was black with a haphazard spray paint of a gold star on it—Lauren's own doing.
"There you are." Lauren grinned at the sight of her. "You didn't get in trouble, did you? She was dressed in a black jacket, the collar popped up to ward off the spring breeze. Her eyes, hidden by reflective sunglasses, and her motorcycle rumbled while she was perched on it. "Still feeling guilty?"
Camila shook her head and stood beside Lauren as she placed the helmet on her head. She adjusted the straps and leaned in to kiss her, forehead bumping against the hard plastic. "Hop on, sweetheart. Before the authorities come."
She rode behind Lauren and wrapped her arms around her narrow waist, palms grazing her thighs over her tight jeans. Lauren made a soft noise as she kicked the stand, the motorcycle pulling out of the parking lot. "Watch those hands, Camz. Don't wanna get into an accident just 'cuz you can't get your hands off my dick."
Camila nudged her head against Lauren's back as she laughed, but kept her hands still for the time being. She instead relished the feel of Lauren's back against her body. Camila loved the firmness of her, her warmth, her smell. She closed her eyes while Lauren wove through the empty roads, in no rush to get to wherever she wanted to go.
At a stoplight, Camila blindly palmed Lauren's crotch until she found the shape of her cock where the ripped denim stretched taut. She rubbed the growing bulge, Lauren groaning under her breath. "Babe, you're not really planning on jacking me off while we wait for this red light, are you?"
Camila didn't reply. Instead, she tugged Lauren's zipper and wriggled her tiny hand in between the slit to feel her cock. "Commando?" She asked, her fingertip tracing the vein that was thick and throbbing along her shaft. "Lauren, you naughty girl."
"Excuse me, miss hand down my pants." Lauren continued to drive as the light became green. The motorcycle inched down the road. "Seriously, Camz. Hands off or you'll get fined. By me. Distracted driving is a bad thing, remember?"
Lauren was grasping at straws now and Camila couldn't help but grin. The power over her, it was intoxicating. She pulled out Lauren's cock and the green eyed girl moaned, the engine revving fiercely when her grip tightened on the acceleration. "Jesus..."
"Hurry up and take us home, Laur." Camila murmured. "And I promise I'll pay my 'fine' by sucking your rock hard cock off."
Lauren's head tilted and Camila knew she was glancing at her small hands wrapped around the thick stalk of her meat. "I still remember when you can't say dick without blushing. I kinda miss those days because you wouldn't pull out my cock like this while I'm driving."
Camila smiled and said nothing until Camila parked on the Cabello driveway. Lauren looked around before getting off, her erect cock jutting out of her jeans. She helped Camila off the bike and carried her bag for her. "Come on, come on. Let's get inside."
In no rush at all, Camila grasped Lauren's cock and led her inside. Once the front door slammed shut, Lauren groaned in relief that no one saw them. "You're getting more and more risqué by the minute." She commented.
Camila smirked and tugged Lauren's cock. "Shush." She pressed her into the door and pumped her thick shaft. Kissing Lauren, she tasted mint candy and Chapstick on her lips. "You better not be smoking again." Camila whispered against her lips. She locked eyes with Lauren. Licked her hand to lube up her strokes. Lauren convulsed at the action, the look in her eye.
She sank to her knees and licked the slit of Lauren's cock. It drew out a line of precum which Camila swallowed. Lauren's hand was pale on the doorknob, as if to prevent anyone from coming in. "Look at you. Still in the foyer but you're already on your knees for my dick." Lauren smirked but Camila was having none of it. In one swift movement, Lauren's cock disappeared in her mouth, all nine inches of it. "Holy fucking shit!" She screamed.
But as soon as Camila was on Lauren's meat, she was gone in the same instant. She looked at Camila, dazed. "Wuh—why did you stop?"
Camila showed off the straight rows of her teeth and took languid steps up the stairs. "I thought I might make you beg today."
Lauren pouted but followed after her. "But you just did it yesterday."
"What can I say? I like being in power. Love hearing you beg and whine for my pussy on your cock."
The green-eyed girl sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "No one would ever believe me if I say that a nerd like you has such a potty mouth with a propensity to be dominant."
"Oh, but you enjoy it so much." Camila laughed softly and opened the door to her bedroom. Lauren kicked off her boots and was about to strip off her pants. Camila stopped her. "Keep those on. Take off your shirt and jacket."
Lauren obeyed, no questions asked. "Yeah I like it when you own me, baby. Totally." She laid on the end, legs crossed, cock sticking out of the zipper of her trousers. "But sometimes you do that thing where you don't make me come and it feels like I'm going to explode. But then you do make me come." She watched Camila walk around, folding clothes and brushing her hair. "And it feels like my entire body is on fire, you know?"
Smiling, Camila nodded. "That's the point. It's called edging, baby. Know your terms."
"What, I'm getting a vocabulary lesson now?" Lauren grunted. "No thanks."
"Fine, be that way. Tell me, are you going to be a good girl or am I going to have to tie you up?"
"I'll be good." Lauren fidgeted slightly to get more comfortable. She gripped the rungs of the head of Camila's bed as her girlfriend stripped down to nothing. She crawled in bed with Lauren, between her legs. Camila rubbed the muscles of her calves, the firm flesh of her thighs. The entire time, Lauren watched Camila, and Camila took her time with her. She raked her nails along her legs. Fingertips brushed the swell of Lauren's cum-loaded balls.
A tremor coursed through Lauren and she couldn't help but groan. She fidgeted a bit and swallowed. Camila winked up at her and nuzzled her abs, stomach sinking at the light touch. She needed more, and Camla knew it. But she won't give Lauren whatever she wanted. First, she would have her fun.
Camila sprawled down on the bed, her naked torso pressed tight against Lauren's ribcage. She parted her lips and flattened her tongue on her nipple. She sucked on the stiff bud, swirled her tongue around it, as her palm grasped the thick stalk of Lauren's cock. Camila alternated between sucking and licking and nipping Lauren's nipples and the swell of her breasts while she lightly strokes her dick from the base to the swollen head.
"Fucking fuck..." Lauren's eyes were squeezed shut and her upper arms trembled from the strain of gripping the metal rungs. Camila ceased her sucking to kiss Lauren's mouth. "Camz... I can't take too much of this fucking teasing."
"Patience is a virtue." Camila chastised and released Lauren's cock. She rifled through her drawer and took out a bottle of peach flavoured lube. Sitting between Lauren's legs, Camila crossed her legs and uncapped the bottle. She dribbled the cool liquid all over Lauren's hard shaft and set it on the floor.
Lauren's cock strained while Camila massaged the lube on her balls until they were shimmering and slippery enough for Camila to play with. She rolled the spheres in her palm, teased the baby soft skin, and licked the head of Lauren's dick. It twitched as soon as it made contact with Camila's tongue, and Camila's breath hitched.
"Geez," Lauren whined, back arching off the bed in a perfect curve. Camila relished her whimpers as she wrapped her dainty hands around Lauren's length. Two fists, yet it wasn't enough to cover Lauren's length, a few inches jutting out of Camila's fist. She mouthed at the tip, tongue swirling and digging firmly into the slit that leaked precum. "Camila, I swear to god—"
Camila pumped her cock, slick noises coming from her palms as she fucked it on Lauren's dick. She released her meat fully and grinned as it bobbed between her legs. The rose-coloured girl cried out, fisting the bed sheets. She didn't want to break the rungs of Camila's headboard like last time. "Don't stop, don't stop..." She panted.
So Camila picked her cock up again. She bobbed her head, smoothing her hand on the rest of her cock that she didn't have down her throat. Each thrust of her mouth earned a wet, choking noise as Lauren's shaft breached Camila's talented, gag reflex-less throat. Each time, Lauren would gasp and her cock would twitch. Camila kept this brutal, rapid pace until Lauren was whimpering that she was about to come.
Camila stopped. Left Lauren's dick jumping against her stomach. She wiped the corners of her mouth and smirked at the dazed look in Lauren's eyes. "Pleasepleaseplease... Let me come." Lauren gritted out. Her cock twitched again. Camila straddled her stomach and she ground her pussy against Lauren's flexing stomach. "You're so fucking wet. Fuck."
Humming softly, Camila planted her hands on either side of Lauren's head. She humped her pussy against her abdomen and kissed her. Slow and deep. In time with her gyrations. Lauren was breathing heavily and Camila could feel her hot breath, steady against her mouth. "Fuck me." Camila murmured, sucking on the tip of Lauren's tongue. The green-eyed girl trembled, her arms tight around Camila's body.
Camila kissed Lauren and shifted away from her. She went on her elbows and knees, cheek flush against the blankets. Lauren scrambled to her knees. She parted Camila's ass cheeks, licked her folds to get a taste of her while the smaller girl squirmed. "Lick that pussy." Camila breathed, eyes squeezes shut. She'd been so aroused playing with Lauren's dick that she was sure that if she kept up the harsh sucks on her pussy lips, she would come.
And she did. With a squeal, Camila's pussy juices gushed all over Lauren's eager tongue. It dragged up her folds and slid right into her clenching hole. Lauren fucked her tongue into her until her convulsions eased, and that was when she slammed her rigid meat inside Camila.
The brunette cried out as her pussy stretched to accommodate Lauren's girth. She bent over her back, her arms sliding underneath Camila's body to grasp her throat lightly. Lauren covered Camila's entire body with hers as she humped into her while her cock reached the deepest parts of her. Camila reached back and grabbed handfuls of Lauren's hair. "That's it, mount my pussy, Lauren." She gasped against her jaw.
"You're too much." Lauren panted against Camila's neck. Her legs went on a straddling position and it allowed her to pound Camila with heavy, hard thrusts that the smaller girldefinitely liked. She squealed each time Lauren sheathed her cock inside her, balls slapping against her mound. "You're going to make me bust already."
"Keep fucking me," Camila whined, ass rutting back to meet Lauren's forceful thrusts—so forceful that the headboard would knock against the wall, acting as the metronome to their fucking. "Don't you dare stop, Lauren. I haven't had enough of your cock."
Lauren snorted and mouthed at Camila's ear. She licked the shell, nipped her earlobe with her lips and teeth. "You'll never get enough of my dick." She retorted.
Camila tugged sharply on Lauren hair and made soft noises in the back of her throat with every hard pump. Lauren dragged her hands along Camila's sides. Gripped her hips and leaned back to watch the way her meat slid in and out of Camila's gorgeous pink pussy. Her cock would make a filthy noise—wet and somehow mind-numbing—and it would push her a little bit closer to the edge of coming.
Lauren pounded into Camila, driving her face first into the sheets. "God damn, baby. I'm g-gonna..." She trailed off, her tits squished against Camila's back. Lauren's ass continued to flex while she made shallow jerks of her hips, her cum spurting in thick ropes, enough to fill Camila's pussy. It clamped around her throbbing cock. She came so hard she swore her vision dimmed for a minute. Lauren was too engrossed in finally getting to come that she didn't realize Camila was coming too.
She rutted into Camila's pussy as together they rode out their orgasm. Lauren flattened herself against Camila's body and kissed all over her neck. "Fucking hell, Camz. You're amazing."
Camila grinned and angled her neck for a kiss which Lauren readily supplied. "See, I told you edging makes you come harder."
Lauren pulled out and rolled Camila to lay on her back. She spread her legs and hummed at the delectable sight of her load trickling out of Camila's blushing pussy. "It does," she murmured against Camila's inner thighs. Nibbled her softness, her sweat-coated skin. "Let me clean you up."
Closing her eyes, Camila hooked her legs on Lauren's shoulders. Grasped a handful of her hair and dragged her nails along her scalp as she felt her tongue gliding against her hole. "Oh... You're so good to me."

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