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Friday night. Camila already had two hours of dance class, another two about musical theory, and another three for her acting classes. It is an understatement to say that she is tired, and as much as she wants to head back home and sleep for twelve hours, someone has to work to pay for her bills. Camila changes into a pair of comfortable sweatpants that still barely hid her penis—the rare medical condition she could explain, but only with diagrams.
So usually, she doesn't bother. Not that anyone knows about it anyway.
Camila jogs to her taxicab and unlocks the shiny, yellow vehicle. Her friend from musical theory hooked her up with the job of driving around Camila's favourite city for pay. While yes, it could get hectic, people don't know how to ask politely, and every cab is pretty much driven by an asshole, Camila makes do.
Camila pulls out of the curb and she drives around, the Broadway station playing softly as she steers through the streets she knew as well as the back of her hand. She plunges into the darkened streets in search of a passenger who was hopefully not to drunk that they would vomit all over her upholstery. She rounds the street, along the edge of Harlem where the crumbling apartments were. Camila spots a brunette girl darting out of one of the buildings. The girl starts and waves at her, so Camila steers slowly to the curb.
She is beautiful, the girl that is now her passenger. Camila adjusts the rear view mirror so she can see this angel. She looks dishevelled and frayed, like she's been awake for thirty-six hours straight, running on pure adrenaline, pure emotion, and pure coffee. She looks so sad, and for a beat, Camila wants to do everything in her power, as minimal as that is, to make this pretty woman smile.
"Where to?" Camila asks, her fingers flexing on the steering wheel.
"Stadium Motor Lodge, please." The angel husks. Even her voice is weary, and Camila feels her heart break. "It's in the Bronx..."
Camila taps the GPS for a few seconds and selects the destination. She pulls out of the curb, turns on the meter and hums softly to herself. However, Camila's on edge. Her eyes are darting from the road to the rear view mirror, as if she is terrified that the ghostly pale angel will disappear from her backseat. She tries so hard not to start conversation, to keep this as a strict business transaction, but Camila fails. It's not her style.
"What's your name?" Camila asks. The angel jolts, as if Camila's voice is an electric current that coursed through her lifeless body.
"Lauren..." She murmurs.
"Hey Lauren," Camila smiles at the rear view mirror, feeling her skin tingle as Lauren smiles back, albeit a small one. "I know it's not any of my business, but... you look so sad, and you're so pretty... Did something happen?"
Lauren looks at Camila, stunned. The dim orange lights of the streetlamps illuminate the alabaster skin of her passenger, and then her eyes: hazel and radiant, as if they are gems that are worth more than diamonds. "I... I don't..." Lauren takes a deep, ragged breath. "Is it that obvious?" She asks weakly.
Camila makes a left. "In my acting class, we have exercises where we try to read emotions and I always guess right." Camila stops at a red light and switches the radio off. "And as I said, it's not my business. But I care enough about people to listen."
Silence follows, and Camila focuses on the road ahead. It is late, almost midnight, which means that most of the people who are still awake are probably in clubs getting drunk and partying, or doing something else of importance for them. The streets are not empty—after all, this is New York—but compared to the madness of rush hour, it is a graveyard.
"I just... Broke up with Vero. M-my girlfriend—well." Lauren pauses and breathes in deep. "My ex-girlfriend now, I suppose..."
"Oh." Camila reacts softly, her fingers clenching tight around the wheel. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's not that bad, I guess." Lauren shrugs and shifts, her head now leaning against the cool window of the taxicab. "We've been best friends since high school... There were three of us. Me, her and Brittany." Camila hears Lauren's voice, how it cracks, and quietly, she longs to be able to fix it. "I-it's understandable, I guess, for Vero to..." Lauren's breathing hitches. "To fall in love with Brittany."
Camila makes a right and almost decides to run a red light but doesn't. "I've been there." She replies. "My ex-girlfriend, she realized in the middle of our one-year relationship that she was actually in love with her best friend." Camila shakes her head at the memory. "I was sad, clearly, but after I got over the loss, I became happy for them." She glances at the mirror and her eyes lock with Lauren's. "Happy that they're friends so I know that they'll treat each other well."
"Yeah..." Lauren smiles—a small one, but Camila appreciates its beauty nonetheless—and nods. "You're right. But for now, I'm allowed to be sad and bitter, right?"
Camila returns the smile. "Of course, Lauren."
The shift in the atmosphere within the vehicle is not an unwelcome one, as Lauren leans forward into the window that separates her from Camila. Lauren slides it open and quirks her lips upward. "I like how you say my name." She murmurs, cocking her head to the side. "It sounds sweet, coming from you. Like you want to know everything about me."
"I wouldn't be averse to that." Camila says with a grin.
And they spend the remainder of the trip getting to know each other. Camila finds out that Lauren loves everything that has to do with pomegranates, and that she is allergic to apples. She is in Yale, studying acting and her favourite poet is a toss-up between Pablo Neruda, William Shakespeare, and EE Cummings. And Lauren finds out that Camila quit being a vegan when she moved to New York from Ohio because it's too expensive and it's hard to resist New York pizza; that she's been singing and dancing since she was four months old; and that she longs to read her name in startling neon lights on Broadway.
Camila makes a right and the GPS softly announces that they have arrived at their destination. After hearing this, a chill permeates through the cab. Camila feels a vague sense of loss because now, Lauren is going to pay and leave. Camila sighs.
"Fuck!" Lauren exclaims from her seat. "God fucking damn it all to hell!"
"W-what's wrong?" Camila is startled.
"I left my fucking wallet at Vero's apartment." Lauren curses and clenches her fist. Her lower lip trembles and Camila sees the crystal tears beginning to form in the corner of Lauren's hazel eyes.
"It's fine!" Camila insists. "It's on me, I swear. It's not much, anyway." She says, glancing at the meter. Really, she can make up forty bucks in at least an hour if she's lucky.
But Lauren isn't having any of it.
"No, I can't do that to you. You were so nice to me, Camz. I..." Lauren's eyes roam the streets and she points across from the Stadium Motor Lodge. "There's an empty parking lot across the street. You should go there so we can settle this. I don't want you to get towed or anything."
Camila steers and does as Lauren requested. She pulls at the parking breaks and throws her arm to glance back at Lauren, but the brunette is gone. In a flurry of slammed doors and opened ones, Camila's eyes widen as she is met with the very real image of Lauren now sitting beside her on the passenger's seat. "Hi." Lauren says, breathless.
"Lauren, what are you doing?" Camila asks. She is panicking now, but tries hard not to show it to her new friend. She squirms and unclasps her seatbelt. "I told you, it is okay, I can make up for the money you—"
Something warm and minty presses against Camila's mouth, her arguments vanishing into Lauren's soft lips. A groan escapes Camila. It's been awhile since she's been kissed, and never by a sexy and attractive woman like Lauren. Camila's hands fall limp on her lap, as Lauren's fingers play with the strands of her brown hair.
Camila feels her dormant cock stirring in her comfortable sweats, and it sparks a series of warning signals in her brain. Pull away! Her head screams at her. Hurry, before Lauren finds out about your... thingy and freaks out!
"I—Lauren, I can't!" Camila blurts out, dislodging her lips from Lauren's. She suddenly feels very cold, but she braves it out. "We just met." She argues, but Camila knows it is a weak argument.
"So?" Lauren cups Camila's cheek and nuzzles her soft cheek with her nose. "Does it matter how long we've known each other when after those few minutes, you made me feel like I can be someone worth... loving, again?" Lauren presses her forehead against Camila's and peers into her dark eyes. "No, I don't think it matters at all." She whispers and kisses Camila once more.
This time, Camila doesn't fight her. She succumbs to the softness; to the mint chapstick on Lauren's lips as her fingers weave through choppy brunette hair. Camila moans, her tongue tracing the seam of Lauren's mouth as it opens. Their tongues meet, sliding and tasting with the eagerness of two hungry lovers.
Camila jumps when she feels Lauren's hand on her thigh. "Q-Lauren..." She whimpers; her hand covers Lauren's so it wouldn't go anywhere else—namely, at her crotch. "Please, don't..." Camila pleads with her tone, as well as with her eyes. But Lauren pecks her nose softly and tilts her head.
"Why?" Lauren asks, and her eyes dart down where Camila's free hand is covering a persistent bulge. She raises a brow and slowly peels Camila's hand from her crotch, and presses her own hand against it. Lauren's eyes widen, but she only kisses Camila once again.
Camila whimpers into the kiss but doesn't pull away. A guttural moan escapes her throat as Lauren massages her now straining cock. "Oh my god... A-are you serious?"
"I read about this once." Lauren murmurs, her teeth sinking into Camila's bottom lip. "It's a rare genetic mutation, right? Only your anatomy is affected, but otherwise, you're a completely sexy woman." She licks and sucks on the soft skin of Camila's jaw, her hand massaging Camila's cock through her sweatpants, moaning as it hardens. "Let me tell you now, that it doesn't bother me one bit." Lauren husks.
Camila opens her eyes, not realizing that she closed them. "But I didn't realize they're so big." Lauren smirks and squeezes the thick shaft.
At this, Camila whimpers and grips Lauren's arm. "Don't squeeze me... I-I might..."
Lauren pecks her lips once more and pulls away slightly. Her palm rubs the prominent bulge of Camila's cock before leaning over the console to mouth at Camila's dick through her sweats. Camila's mouth parts in pleasure, her hand holding on to the back of Lauren's neck.
"Take it out." Lauren whispers as she noses lower, where Camila's testicles are. Camila swallows hard and raises her hips slightly to pull her sweats and boxer briefs down to her thighs, her thick, leaking cock slapping her lower belly.
Lauren marvels at its length and girth. Nine inches long from base to tip, Lauren picks it up and strokes it once. She traces the vein that snakes along its shaft, before kissing it. She moans, feeling it pulse against her lips. "Your cock is so..." Lauren swallows hard and licks at the precum that shimmers out of the tiny slit. Camila shudders and chokes out a groan.
"Lauren, you don't have to—oh shit!" Camila's back curves, the mushroom head of her dick disappearing inside Lauren's hot and slippery mouth. She watches in utter fascination as Lauren bobs her head against her twitching cock. Camila feels Lauren's tongue playing with the tip, darting in and out, flicking and curling around the tip to coax out more precum out of her. "Fuck..."
Smirking at the helpless arousal that Camila is succumbed to, Lauren wraps her fingers around Camila's shaft and strokes her slowly. Her right hand palms the soft sacs, massages them, and admires how it is heavy and full, probably with Camila's pent-up semen. Lauren slurps down Camila's cock and takes her in deeper.
"Oh my goodness..." Camila's eyes roll to the back of her head as more and more heat engulfs her cock. She bucks up experimentally and almost blows her load at the way Lauren gags, her throat convulsing around the sensitive tip of her shaft. "Fuck, Lauren... I-if you don't stop, I-I'm going to..."
This only spurs Lauren on, now bobbing her head faster, her wrist twisting along the part where her mouth can't take in Camila. She strokes Camila, hand disappearing in a blur before pulling her head to suckle on the tip. Camila loses it when Lauren does something unexplainable with her tongue—a cross between curling it and dipping it inside the eye of her cock. Thick spurts of Camila's cum pumps out of her cock, her balls twitching as she floods Lauren's mouth with her jizz. "T-that—oh god..."
Lauren hums and lets Camila's cum pool in her mouth. She releases Camila's cock and makes a show of swallowing her semen down her throat. Camila watches her throat bob, and it only serves to make her cock twitch. "You're amazing..."
Shaking her head and leaning forward to kiss Camila, Lauren curls her fingers around her shaft once more. She is still half erect, and Lauren silently applauds her stamina. "Fuck me." She whispers against Camila's mouth. "I'm so wet, Camz... Please."
Camila pulls the lever that allows her to push her seat back as far away from the wheel as possible. Lauren tugs her jeans completely off and clambers on top of Camila to straddle her thighs. Camila's eyes lock in on the tuft of brunette hair, shimmering with Lauren's juices. "You weren't lying, huh?" She asks, looking up at the hooded eyes of the brunette. Camila's fingers dip between Lauren's legs, and she fingers Lauren's stiff clit. She pauses. "I... I don't have a condom." Camila murmurs. "And I'm fully operational, or so my doctor says."
"It's okay." Lauren kisses down Camila's jaw and sucks softly on her pulse point. "I'm on birth control."
"But I thought you're a lesbian?"
"I am." Lauren sinks down, her dripping pussy lips gliding against Camila's broad cock. She groans at the delicious pressure against her clit. "I use them to balance my hormones. It's a long story." Lauren rolls her hips a few times, her cum lubricating Camila's dick. "So... Do you want to fuck me?"
It's hot in the cab now, and Camila finds it difficult to breathe. Though she chalks it up to the breathtaking angel smirking up at her, she rolls down the windows as a cool breeze sifts into the car. "Yes." Camila groans, her hips bucking up. The tip of her dick glides in between Lauren's pussy lips; a shudder escapes them both. "But from where I am, it looks like you're the one who's going to do the fucking." Camila sits up and rips Lauren's plaid shirt open, the snap buttons making her smile. She licks her lips at the sight of Lauren's bare breasts. Her tongue darts out and licks up the valley, and then Camila sucks a nipple in her mouth.
"Mmmmm..." Lauren throws her head back, her arms lock around Camila's head to keep her mouth where it is as her pussy slathers more of her girl cum along Camila's dick. "I want you inside me now, Camz..." She tugs Camila's hair back and places sloppy kisses along her jaw and mouth. Below them, Camila holds her cock by the base and Lauren sinks into her.
"Oh my." Camila gawks at the tight heat that squeezes her shaft in a way that she never felt, ever. She always used condoms before, but now Camila has felt a bare pussy, she wants to permanently bury herself inside Lauren for as long as she allows her.
But Lauren is not content with Camila's nine-inch cock just sitting inside her. She wants to ride its thickness, wants to squeeze it with her muscles as she comes all over its length. Lauren rolls her hips once, her nails digging into Camila's shoulders. "I can feel your cock pulsing." She whispers as she lifts off, and then sinks down slowly.
"You're so hot and wet... Fuck..." Camila whimpers as she cups Lauren's ass. "Ride me... Please, Lauren? I want to feel you."
Lauren smirks and presses her mouth against Camila's. She suckles on her tongue as she moves in smooth, deliberate strokes against Camila's throbbing cock. And that is when Lauren takes off. She rides Camila as fast as she could, her ass clapping against Camila's thighs. The sight of the brunette, eyes glazed over and wide open, mouth parted, spurs Lauren's pace.
"Fuck me, you're so good..." Lauren scrapes her nails against the nape of Camila's neck. "I've never been stretched like this before, Camz." She nips Camila's jaw and clenches her pussy.
"Oh my—don't do that!" Camila hisses, fingers tightening against Lauren's soft flesh. "I'm g-going to come if you keep doing that..."
"It's okay." Lauren reassures her, bouncing faster and clenching tighter on Camila's dick. Sweat breaks out on Camila's brow and Lauren wipes it away with a smirk. "I'm close too, Camz... Shoot your come inside me."
"You want me to fill you up?" Camila husks, more out of curiosity than for the sake of dirty talk. "You're so tight, Lauren. I-I don't think I can last..."
"Come." Lauren beckons and shudders. "I-I'm coming!" She shrieks, her back arching as wetness floods her pussy.
Camila chokes, her hips bucking up into Lauren as she fucks her through her orgasm. She pulls Lauren by the neck for a kiss, her cock slamming in to the hilt as she comes—more so than usual—deep inside Lauren's grasping pussy. Both moan at the slickness that forms between their legs. "Wow..."
"Wow is right." Lauren chuckles. She nuzzles Camila's cheek and settles her head against her shoulder. They smell like sweat and a little bit like Camila's pine fresh air freshener. Camila slips her arm inside Lauren's shirt to rub her sweaty back. They lay in the quiet, the sounds of New York providing them with ambient noises they consider to be home.
"Come home with me." Camila says softly as she mouths at Lauren's protruding collarbone. "I don't want you to stay in that trashy motel. And I mean... You left your wallet so you can't pay for a room anyway, right? My apartment's not that big but you can have my bed and I have a couch, so..."
Lauren chuckles and rests her forehead to look into Camila's eyes. "I would love that." She whispers and pecks Camila's lips—chaste, compared to what they just did. "But I would rather share your bed with you, if that's okay?"
Camila nods and smiles. "Of course. Whatever you want."
Lauren climbs off Camila and moans at the loss of the thick cock inside her. Camila blushes at the sight of her cum leaking down Lauren's thighs, grabbing tissues from the center console to wipe it off. Thanking her softly, Lauren pulls her panties and her pants on as Camila does the same.
The drive back to Camila's apartment is peaceful and light. Lauren dozes against the window, and for a minute, Camila does not believe what just occurred between them. On one hand, Camila is glad that she is able to help a new friend from suffering a night in a sketchy motel. But on the other end of the spectrum, Camila has no idea where this relationship is going.
Provided that they even have enough bases to initiate a relationship in the first place.
Camila parks in front of her apartment building in Bushwick, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She glances at Lauren, her weary expression gone, and now replaced with a peace that only comes naturally at rest. Camila climbs out of the cab and jogs to the other side to wake up Lauren.
"We're here." Camila murmurs as Lauren stirs. "Come on. Let's go up so you can lie down."
Camila leads Lauren up the steps to her apartment, careful that the sleepy brunette doesn't trip. By the time they're inside Camila's neat home, Lauren is alert once more, judging from the way she drapes herself on Camila's back, her hands roaming all over Camila's body.
"Q-Lauren, you need rest." Camila argues weakly as she trudges to her room. But Lauren is having none of it. She turns Camila around and slams her back against the wall with a soft thud. Her lips latch onto Camila's neck, the burn of a hickey coursing through Camila's skin.
"We'll rest later." Lauren murmurs as she grinds her body against Camila's cock. She is hard again, and Lauren wastes no time in pulling her sweats down to release Camila's huge dick. "Now, I want this inside me again."
Camila pulls away slowly, her palms hiding her erection. In the car, it was different. It was dark, and Lauren can barely see anything in front of her let alone Camila's cock. But now, in the light of Camila's apartment, there is no way that Lauren won't be disgusted by this... mutation between her legs.
"Camz..?" Lauren asks, sensing the shift in Camila's demeanour. "What's wrong?"
"I... I'm a freak." Camila murmurs, her eyes avoiding Lauren as much as possible. She knows that if she looks into the hazel supernova, it will be another uprising stemming inside her belly, up to her chest. "This... I'm not supposed to have this." Camila motions at her penis, her curse.
"I don't care." Lauren states as if it's the most inane thing that they can talk about. "You're Camila Berry, and you're helping me through this tough time in my life and that's all that matters to me."
"You must care on some level!" Camila moves away from Lauren and curls into a ball, deep into herself. "This isn't normal. I'm not normal."
Lauren shakes her head and leads Camila into a room that she assumes to be hers. Lauren makes Camila sit on the bed as she kneels in before her. The brunette kisses her softly, a butterfly kiss that leaves them both tingling. "I'm not much of a fan of normal, to be honest." Lauren says. "Look, Camz. I won't touch you anymore if you don't want me to. But I just want you to see that beyond your body is a heart that I admire." Lauren traces Camila's knuckles with her thumb. "I care for you."
Camila raises her head to look into Lauren's eyes. She radiates sincerity, almost drowning Camila in it. "Okay." She says, her fingers locking with Lauren's. Camila kisses her softly, her hands dislodging from her half-erect shaft, only to be immediately replaced by Lauren's. "Oh god..."
Lauren giggles and stands up. "Can I use your bathroom?"
Camila nods in a daze. "First door to your right."
She watches Lauren leave, and Camila climbs on the bed to lean against the headboard. She longs to feel pressure on her cock, so she wraps her hand around it and strokes. She is far too used to this action that in two minutes, she was completely hard once more. Precum slicks up her hand, and soft moans escape her throat.
Camila hears the floor creak and her eyes dart open. She sees Lauren leaning against the doorway, stark naked, as she watches Camila's moving hand. "Keep going." Lauren husks as she pads closer to Camila, crawling over to her. She parts Camila's legs and kisses her inner thighs.
"Fuck, Lauren..." Camila strokes faster, Lauren's temperate breath against her balls make her twitch. "I-I'm so close already... Damn."
Lauren flicks her tongue against the leaking head, moaning at the taste of precum. "Come inside me."
Camila's hips buck at this. "B-but I'm going to come now..."
"So?" Lauren rolls onto her back and tugs at Camila's arm. Above her, Camila holds her cock in her palm. "Inside, baby. Blow your load in me."
Camila groans and slides her cock inside Lauren's slick heat. It takes a couple of strokes for Camila to lose control, her cock slamming inside Lauren down to the hilt as her dick pulsates with thick, heavy jizz. "Oh god..." Camila rests her forehead against Lauren's sternum, shivering at the brunette's nails that scrape against her back. She rocks slowly, her sensitive dick hardening once more.
"Your stamina is amazing." Lauren grunts, the sticky mess of Camila's semen dripping down her thighs. "Fuck me some more." She orders, fingers burying in dark brown tresses that curtain Camila's face and shoulders. "That's it, baby... Take me."
It was one o'clock then, and by the time Camila pushes her throbbing cock inside Lauren's tightening pussy one last time, it was already five in the morning, the sun is rising, golden beams warming Camila's taut back. Camila slumps on top of Lauren, breathless and panting. "Holy fuck..." Camila mumbles in a slur. "What time is it?"
Lauren giggles and glances at the iPod dock on the bedside table. "Almost six." She murmurs into Camila's neck. "You fucked me throughout the night, Camila."
Camila groans and pulls her sore cock out of Lauren's beaten pussy. Cum leaks out of her and Camila has to force her eyes to look away from the sight that is sure to make her limp cock hard again. "But you keep asking for more." She reasons as she rolls off Lauren's body. The brunette rolls on top of her and throws her arm across her stomach.
"Can't get enough of you." Lauren nips the curve of Camila's breasts. "I'm hungry though, and I need coffee. Is there a coffee shop nearby?"
Camila nods and sits up to stretch, groaning as her bones pop. She searches for two pairs of sweats that she hands to Lauren, and a sweater. They get dressed and both walk—or limp, rather—out of Camila's apartment, hand in hand.
To the coffee shop they go, and Camila is greeted by the elderly woman who goes by the name Mercy who owns the establishment.
"Your girlfriend, Camzie?" The grey-haired woman drawls in a sprawling Brooklyn accent.
She blushes. "O-oh. No ma'am." Camila insists. "This is Lauren." Lauren smiles in amusement.
"Such a shame." Mercy shakes her head as she waddles to the counter. "You two look lovely together. You smile a lot, Camzie, but not like this. All huge and wide-like. But anyway, what can I get for ya?"
Camila clears her throat and orders a steaming mug of black coffee, and Lauren asks for the same. In the middle of the search of her wallet, Camila hears the chime of the register opening. Beside her, Lauren is holding something in her hand.
A wallet.
The wallet she claimed she left in her ex-girlfriend's apartment.
Lauren follows Camila's gaze as a blush erupts on her pale cheeks. "Keep the change." She smiles at the elderly lady, takes their drinks and walks out of the shop, followed by a confused Camila.
"I know what you're thinking." Lauren starts as they stand out of the shop. "I lied about leaving my wallet at my ex's house, obviously—"
"I get that." Camila takes her coffee from Lauren and sips at it. "But I don't get why."
"I like you." Lauren blurts. "While yes, I think it's only superficial right now, I just know that I can like you more than I do right now. I can see a future with you. And if that's not enough, I can imagine myself, days, weeks, hell, even months from now, waking up beside you, getting coffee with you in the mornings, getting teased by Mercy—" the elderly woman hoots, and Lauren laughs. "—and we won't mind because I'm happy with you and... you're happy with me." Lauren voice diminishes softly, as she ducks her head, waiting for Camila to react.
"Lauren, look at me."
Lauren does, and Camila says nothing else. She stands on the tips of her toes and kisses Lauren—deep and meaningful, toe-curling and the start of a habit. "I like you too."
Cheers erupt from within the store, initiated by Mercy who is sporting a toothless grin. Lauren and Camila laugh along with her.
"So does that mean she's your girlfriend now, Camzie!?"
Camila rolls her eyes and looks at Lauren who nods subtly. "Yes, Mercy. Lauren's my girlfriend now."
They return to the apartment, sipping their coffees, fingers locked. "New York, baby." Camila shakes her head in disbelief as she lies down on the bed, Lauren cuddling beside her. "I knew there's a reason why I love this city."

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