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Camila: Hi, Lauren. Busy tonight? ;)
Lauren: Only if it's with you ;)
Camila: Mhm, where are you now? Back at the dorm?
Lauren: Mhm, only thing left for you to take off is my underwear ;)
Camila: Oh, that's very very convenient. I'm so wet for you, Lo. Have you been touching yourself, too?
Lauren: Having you as my girl tends to leave me with no other choice, Camz. I've been thinking of you all night.
Camila: The distance between New York and New Haven sucks. :(
Lauren: I know :( Three weeks is way too long. My dick is craving your tight pussy right about now
Camila: As is my pussy for your beautiful cock. And I want to take you into my mouth after you finish pounding away at me like you usually do.
Lauren: You do love sucking my big cock don't you, drinking up my come? I'd still be so hard for you after you gush all over me.
Camila: I'm addicted to your taste, Lo. And I'm sure you will, and I do love it when you continue fucking me when after I've come back down on my high. Such a stud for a girlfriend, how lucky am I?
Lauren: I'll always make sure you feel you're flying, even if I have to use my cock to help ;) What I love is cleaning up your swollen pussy after I tear it apart, you're so sensitive, shivering as your hips buck even though you just came all over me, and you taste wonderful.
Camila: There's no such thing as lesser than three orgasms with you, for which I'm grateful. And each one makes me crave you more and more. Can you imagine me in your bed right now, Lauren? Begging for your big, delicious cock?
Lauren: Mmm, I can Camz, I can imagine your cum soaked red lips begging for my big cock teasing them. Your hips rocking against any piece of skin they can find because i've teased you to the point of desperation. Only then would I tear you apart, plunge into you so deep and hot every spot that makes you scream for more.
Camila: Ohhh, fuck, Lauren. It's such a turn on to have you type out all those descriptions in such detail. How do you do it with just one hand on an iPhone? You spoil me so. ;) And yes, I would definitely be begging and wanting and humping myself to any available part of you. I'd squeeze you so hard when you do enter me, because my pussy is greedy and it won't ever want to let your cock go.
Lauren: I've perfected this having to be away from you, and the new speaking feature does wonders ;) Your pussy never lets me free, I love it. It's like an amazing vice grip that keeps my dick hard and ready for you while I fuck you into the bed, making you scream my name. Your poor helpless clit would be begging for attention while I pound you. My tongue would have worked it up to twitching ;)
Camila: Ohh, I should get that, too, soon. It's so hard right now. :( Your pounding never fails to spur me on and I try to match your pace. My clit would be at attention, hard and desperate, and if I was any less patient or less obedient, I would be rubbing it myself. Fuck, Lauren, do you think we could move this over to a call? I don't want to need to clean my phone afterward.
Lauren: You really do need to get it. I'm going to invest in this for you... And you must have read my mind, baby ;) About how I'd much rather be able to hear your whimpers when I tell you how i'm going to pound your pussy. How I'll push so deep and so hard you feel me for days. Call me right away ;)
Camila was knuckles-deep inside of herself as she received the response, and her free hand flew to immediately bring up the call option and put it on speaker phone as she laid it back on the bed. She was groaning as she went back to herself, pausing only when the call finally connected. "Hi, baby," she spoke, almost breathlessly, lazily pumping her fingers back in again. "O-oh fuck, you can't believe how utterly drenched I am right now."
Lauren lazily jacked herself off as the message was sent, slowing down only to answer the call and groan at the sheer tone of Camila's low voice. She'd missed this beyond words. "Hi love" Her hand continued its slow movements, stopping and squeezing her precome soaked head every so often. Her breath was staggered as she tried to speak. "You've got me so hard, babe. My dick is begging to pound you, it needs to fuck your tight pussy so bad. My hands can't do it justice"
Camila groaned in response as Lauren's voice filtered through the speakers, and she lulled her head backwards into the pillows as she quickened her pace, the soft wet sounds of her ministrations hopefully reaching the phone. "I want to feel you in me now, Lauren," she moaned, holding her fingers still as she bucked up into them, "I'm up to three fingers and I still feel like it's a poor substitute."
Lauren set her phone down on speaker and squeezed the base of her cock to keep from erupting at the desperation in Camila's voice. "Fuck, baby, you know your fingers will never compare. You need to add another. Pretend it's my dick pushing deep inside of you and hitting that spot you love" She husked, her voice on a record low husk as she was beginning to move her precome soaked hand along her 8 inch shaft, she paused to spit in it and resume her actions. "Imagine how I'd stretch your tight pussy with my big cock, and leave you breathless with every hard thrust"
Camila chuckled breathless, and she did as Lauren instructed, groaning at the additional digit being taken inside her searing heat. "Oh shit," she gasped, moaning as her legs instinctively spread further apart. The soft, familiar sounds of Lauren's self-loving reached her and she whimpered, her mind's eye imagining that Lauren was over her and thrusting hard as her hand did. "Maybe I should get that feeldoe..." She rasped, "What do you think?"
"That's right baby, spread yourself good for me" Lauren groaned at the thought of the question posed, hand momentarily pausing. Camila getting pleasure from a tool that wasn't her had her raising a brow, but it seemed so hot if she couldn't be around. "Only if you get one that's not a monster, because that is reserved for my dick in your pussy." She breathed huskily, resuming her movements as she listened to Camila's strangled moans. "You'd love it, wouldn't you? Having something almost as good as my cock tearing you apart, teasing you just enough to want more"
Camila whined as she flicked her fingers against her inner walls. "I would, especially when we're talking like this." she confirmed, letting out a long, pleasured moan as she hit a very nice spot, even by accident. "Shit, Lauren, I'd still be so tight for you." she promised, "I just need something bigger than my fingers."
"You can make that purchase, then. We wouldn't want to leave your pussy feeling so neglected. But for the record, you'd never be able to achieve my force." She husked, letting a moan slip out as her movements picking. Lauren jacked herself off, free hand finding her smooth balls and palming them softly. Camila's moans were driving her mad. "Mm, I can't wait to make you mine again, fuck baby i'm about to burst..."
Camila groaned at the jab and she squirmed around in bed, fucking herself into her hand. "Let go, Lauren," She murmured, turning to stare at phone in question and moaning. "I'm not t-that, oh, far behind myself." She stammered, "And next time you visit, we're not leaving my room for at least a day."
"Cum with me, Camz" Lauren managed to say before her hips jerked erratically, waiting until she heard Camila going over before she let herself go, soaking her hand and abs in ropes of cum. "Fuck, fuck..So good baby" She moaned out, pushing hard into her semi closed fist moving on her dick as it twitched. Once her breathing calmed, she groaned. "I'm booking the next damn train"
"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit!" Camila mumbled incoherently, a few other things as she felt herself convulse and drip down on her beddings. She rode out the rest of her orgasm through the phone, punctuated with loud moaning and whimpering as she heard Lauren reach completion on the other end. She laughed at the promise and she wiped away the sweat that accumulated on her forehead with the back of her hand as she brought her soaked fingers to her lips and tasted herself. "Can't wait, baby," she mumbled, letting her fingers go with a pop. "I miss that cock of yours so much if you couldn't tell."
"I miss your tight pussy, feeling it clench around me when you come..I'd give almost anything to be with you now" Lauren inwardly pouted that she couldn't be the one cleaning Camila up, her dick falling limp in her hand signaling a night well spent, though it would be far from over had Camila truly been in her dorm. "Right now I would be using my tongue to clean you up, have you whimpering for me."
Camila chuckled, and let her hand wander back to her soaked folds, brushing her fingers through it leisurely. "I'd be so thoroughly fucked that it'll be so sensitive to your tongue, babe," She murmured, "You'd have me begging for a second orgasm right away."
"The curl works like charm, your poor clit would never have a chance but to obey" Lauren husked, trailing a finger over her cum covered shaft, she was still half hard, and it had been over a week. "I'd make you take it, my tongue all over your pussy while your hips fought to buck away, your whimpers would turn into moans in a minute"
Camila threw her head back, her middle finger rubbing furiously over her swollen clitoris, and she moaned loudly into the phone. "Damnit, Lauren, I just came and already you've worked me up into a frenzy." She teased, parting her nether regions with her other hand and she arched off the bed. "Why can't you be here now?" She whined.
"Tell me to stop, then.I don't think you can. You want me to much. You'll rub that clit for me until you're begging to stop" Lauren smirked at the sounds she was able to elicit from Camila, each moan only fueling her cock to wake up again, and soon she could start slowly moving her hand. "I was serious about taking the next train"
"Of course I can't," Camila muttered, then stared hard at the phone. "Like, literally the next one out?" She asked, hoping to not let the excitement in her voice show /too/ much. "That's nearly three hours in transit," she chuckled, "Are you sure you're going to make it here without being to tempted to touch yourself in public, Lauren?"
"Three hours that bring me to the most worth it experience of my living years" Lauren chuckled, her movements keeping lazy as she looked at the clock. 7:30. She had about three hours. Off the bed in an instant and on the phone, she nodded though Camila couldn't see. "If you can make it, I can make it. We'll see who caves first, my wet princess"
Camila blinked, actually having to pause in her rubbing as she heard the rustle of clothes on the other end of the phone. "You're not actually, oh fuck, I'm already worked up!" She giggled, "Fine, I'll share with your self-imposed torture, my Queen."
Lauren smirked at the phone as she pulled up her pants and boxers, having been naked from her shower earlier she shook her head to get her hair falling correctly again. "I'll see you soon, little minx, don't have too much fun without me" She husked teasingly and hung up the phone, finishing getting her clothes and packing a few essential items. Dressed in skinny jeans, her favorite shirt, and leather jacket along with comfortable boots she called a cab and head out. The ride to the train station was quick, and she was on the train within an hour. She text Camila that they got moving, entertaining herself with her ipod for most of the ride.
Camila had kept to her word and stopped touching herself but refrained from moving up from the bed and instead lounged around as she browsed through her phone. She smiled at the text message she received from Lauren, and she chuckled as she thought of the blonde sitting on the train for the next couple of hours or so. Feeling a little bit naughty, she texted back, asking if the black haired girl had her copy of her keys with her and attached an impulsive selfie of what she was probably going to find when she arrived.
Lauren shook her head, replying back instantly. 'Of course I have my keys, because after last time I don't want to show my dick off.' The photo came in and she groaned, feeling the spark in her abdomen. 'You better behave of you're watching me while tied up' She sent back, using her bag to cover up the more than obvious stir in her jeans, not before taking a picture and sending it to Camila.
Camila laughed as she received the photo, and she leaned back against the plush pillows as she typed up her reply. 'Ohh, please, I'll be a good girl and behave.' A little while later, she sent another text. 'That looks awfully hard, Lo, is anyone around?'
'Got half a train car to myself ;) Good time to finish reading Divergent' Lauren replied, using candy crush and music as a distraction from what her body actually wanted. She'd never live it down if she let this be a lost challenge. The conductor announced they were about 45 minutes out, it should be easy.
She outed at the response, and she padded over to retrieve her charger as she plugged her phone in and then responding. 'Remember the time we had an entire car to ourselves? Mmm, now that was fun.' She giggled, and sat back down on the bed, adding to the text, unable to resist teasing her girlfriend, 'Haven't read that one yet. Is that one more Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey?'
Lauren groaned inwardly seeing the message, knowing exactly what Camila was trying to do but she wasn't giving in when she'd made it this far. She waited to reply for another 20 minutes and smirked when replying. 'I'm sure you'd enjoy that much more than me ;)' She could have her own fun too, deciding not to mention her arrival and just get a cab to Camila's apartment. When she got there, she had her keys ready to let herself in, heading straight for Camila's room. "You're just asking to be punished, aren't you?" She husked when their eyes finally locked, making it to the bed in two strides.
Camila chuckled at the delay in response of the text. Either Lauren had deliberately ignored her last missive, or she had fun for a short while. The brunette groaned at the thought of the latter and was about to respond when she saw her bedroom door open and reveal a predatory Lauren, advancing to her bed with great purpose as she stood up to meet the blonde and giving her a kiss hello. "Depends," She murmured, pulling back and licking her lips, "Are you in the mood to tie me up?"
"Big time" Was Lauren's only response before she leaned forward to kiss Camila a second time, her lips quickly becoming an addiction. Lauren slipped her tongue into Camila's mouth without much warning, working to get her annoying clothes off. She backed them up and pushed Camila onto the bed, one hand coming up to trap Camila's wrists as she rocked her hips. "You're going to be begging all night long, babe"
"I could go all day like this, actually." Camila purred up at her girlfriend, smirking playfully at her as the blonde continued rocking into her. "I'm not begging this time around." She kissed the other girl back for all that she was worth, a smug look on her face when Lauren pulled back almost breathless. She did groan in frustration, however, as she felt Lauren withdraw her cock and left her wanting. Camila bit her lip hard, sighing as her stomach clenched with the wandering lips making their way downward. She could not help but wriggle her hips in response, her back arching, wanting to feel any sort of friction again between her legs. "Sooo bad," she licked her lips, then tugged the bottom of Lauren's lip into the warmth of her mouth. "Probably as much as you want to feel me squeeze you and clench around you."
"All day, huh?" Lauren smirked against Camila's lips, rocking her hips more firmly when her lip became trapped. "You've got nowhere to go, I might keep you here as long as I please" She said, unable to resist the temptation much longer, now positioning her cock at Camila's entrance to allow her to plunge inside. With a swift move of her hips she sunk down into Camila, her cock sheathed by her warm and slick pussy. Lauren groaned at the feeling, kissing Camila hard as they became one again. Already slick with sweat while they moved slowly, it felt like an eternity since they could experience this, and Lauren had no intentions of wasting their time any longer. "Fuck, so tight babe" She growled, hips picking up to a more steady pace. Her hand held onto Camila's tied wrists and occasionally flexed around them with each added thrust. "I missed this so much. Being able to feel the way your pussy clenches for my cock"

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