I Can't Quit You

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Lauren both hated and loved fifth period English Literature. It was the last class of the day on a Friday, so clearly she was rearing to get home and start her weekend. On the other hand, she shared the class with Camila, her favourite girl in the world. She slipped inside the classroom and immediately lit up as soon as she saw the singer, who saved her a seat at the back of the room.
"Hey baby." Lauren leaned in to plant a kiss on the girl's lips. "How was your day?"
"It was okay." Camila shrugged and pulled Lauren in to sit beside her. "Are you excited for the weekend though? My parents will be gone until Sunday morning." A small smirk graced her lips. "We have the house to ourselves."
Lauren gulped and nodded. "Yeah, Camz. Can't wait."
Their teacher walked in the classroom and announced that they will be watching the movie for The Picture of Dorian Gray. Camila chuckled and leaned back in her seat as the television was wheeled in and the DVD was placed in the tray. Lauren shifted into a more comfortable position and focused on the movie.
She could tell that Camila was bored with the way she fidgeted in her seat. Lauren was falling asleep as well when she felt the light pressure against her thigh. Camila's pale hand was a contrast against Lauren's loose black jeans.
"B-baby, what are you doing?" Lauren hissed. She almost threw her head back as Camila palmed the outline of her dick in her pants. "Camz, we can't."
"We totally can." Camila kissed Lauren's ear, ran her tongue along the outer shell before clamping her lips down at the lobe. She trailed kisses down the column of Lauren's neck and scraped her teeth across the juncture of neck and shoulder. "You just have to be quiet."
Lauren bit her lip and watched Camila's hand massage her cock through her pants. She was terrified that they would get caught but at the same time, it turned her on to have someone find out that Camila had been jerking her off under the desk. "O-okay."
"I knew you'd see it my way." Camila smirked and pecked Lauren's temple. She could already feel Lauren's erection, stiff and insistent in her jeans. She wanted to touch the pulsating shaft, feel the ridges of the veins in her hand. "Unzip your pants for me?"
"Fuck yeah..." Lauren muttered, her fingers shaking as she unbuttoned her jeans, and slowly unzipped it so she wouldn't make so much noise. Camila moved her lips away from Lauren's neck and faced the movie, her hand squeezing the length Lauren's cock. She squeezed it through Lauren's boxers, rubbed her hand over it, before slipping it through the slit of Lauren's underwear.
"God, this is so weird..." Lauren gulped, looking around in case the teacher or a student was looking at them. Her dick jutted out proudly, despite the fear that was running through her veins. She watched Camila from the corner of her eye as she licked her palm and gripped her cock. "Oh my fucking hell..."
"Shh," Camila murmured as she pumped Lauren's nine inch cock up and down with the tips of her fingers. She smirked and kissed Lauren's cheek, then returned her attention to the film. Lauren was a mess beside her, the pressure of Camila's fingers were not enough, but it caused precum to spill out of the eye of her dickhead. It pooled on the tip, until Camila swiped her thumb on it to spread the slickness. Lauren shuddered and sighed.
"Faster, Camz." Lauren whimpered, her grip on the edge of the desk was so tight that her knuckles paled. She had to stop her hips from rising off the seat and fucking herself into Camila's fist, but she needed to come.
"Shh," Camila repeated, her fist pumping faster. "We're going to get caught if you don't keep quiet, Lauren."
Lauren bit her lip and closed her eyes, a staggering breath escaping her lungs as Dorian stabbed one of the characters. She could really care less about his moral deterioration. She needed to come. Camila used her palm to rub against the tip of Lauren's cock, smearing her slick come all over her hand. She then gripped the shaft, completely surrounding it with her fist and slowly pumped.
"Oh god... I'm going to come..." Lauren murmured, pinching her temples with her right hand. She tried to keep her breathing steady but it was difficult. Looking up, she saw Santana looking back at them with a smirk on his face, causing a blush to erupt through Lauren's already red cheeks. "C-Camz, please—"
Camila ignored her girlfriend and was now focused on the movie, yet her hand was persistent in rubbing Lauren in a slow, fluid manner. She could feel Lauren's heartbeat through the veins that spiralled all over the thick shaft. Licking her lips, Camila imagined that slick cock burying itself deep inside her throat until it left her breathless and dripping between her thighs.
"I want you to come for me, Laur." Camila leaned over to whisper in Lauren's ear. She nipped at her earlobe and scraped the sharpness of her teeth against the juncture of Lauren's neck. "I want your come to drip out of your thick cock. Come all over the desk, baby. Come. For. Me." Camila roughly sank her teeth down the taut muscle of Lauren's neck as the short-haired brunette gasped and let out a deep, shuddering breath.
Lauren trembled and whimpered, ignoring the fact that she was still in the middle of class. She reached out to grip Camila's thighs as she gulped for air. "Baby... Fuck... A b-bit faster... Oh my god—" She choked and released the tautness of her muscles. Thick come spurted out of the tip of her dick in a violent rush that Lauren couldn't seem catch her breath. She could smell her come that hit the desk, dripping down on the floor.
Without another word, Camila gently tucked Lauren's softening penis back in her boxers. With her trembling hands, Lauren zipped herself back up and slumped onto the desk. "Camz, that was..."
"I know, baby." The brunette singer pecked Lauren's cheek and beamed. "I know how much you love your handjobs."
"God, why can't today be over already?" Lauren sighed in exasperation as she glanced at the clock. There were ten more minutes left when all she wanted was to rip those red spanks from her girlfriend's ass and shove her thick cock inside her surely-dripping pussy. "I want you so fucking bad..."
"I know you do." Camila winked and said nothing else, despite Lauren's whining.imageDuring the short drive to Camila's house, Lauren's cock managed to make itself known once again. It was the thoughts that plagued her; thoughts of Camila's legs sprawled on either side of her, pussy wet and shining with her cunt juices. Lauren moaned at the imagery, her dick pulsating in her boxers as if it had a mind of its own. "Are you picturing me naked and waiting for your dick, baby?" Camila asked as if it was a daily conversation as friends.
"Fuck yeah." Lauren murmured, relief flooding through her as soon as she saw Camila's house. The van that was usually there wasn't and Lauren was glad. "Hurry. I want you so much, you have no idea..."
"Oh, I do have an idea." Camila winked. "But I'm sure it's not even half of how much I want you, Laur. My panties? Ruined. Why?" A slow smirk appeared on her lips, menacing and almost devilish. "I can't wait to have your thick cock shoved down my throat, ripping my pussy, and tearing up my ass."
Lauren was left speechless as Camila leapt out of her car and into the house. It took Lauren two minutes to process what just happened before she sprinted after her girlfriend. Running up the steps and into Camila's room, Lauren's jaw dropped at the sight of Camila. Completely, and utterly naked with her pony tail still intact, Camila's fingers were sliding up and down her folds. Her legs were spread apart and bent at the knee so that Lauren could see the nub peeking out in between Camila's middle and forefinger. It reminded her of pink gobstoppers, and how she could suck on that sweet pearl all day.
"You look hungry, Laur." Camila sang as she crooked her finger that wasn't playing with her slick cunt lips. "C'mere and let me feed you."
Lauren almost tripped in her rush to get rid of her clothes. She jumped on the bed and was about to hook her arms underneath Camila's knees to feast, but a gentle yet firm hand on her shoulders stopped her. "Wait. Lay on your back, Lauren."
Doing she was told, Lauren laid down so that her head was in between Camila's thighs, but her pussy seemed so distant. She could smell it, feel the heat radiating from her core, but she wanted to taste it, but she couldn't because it was so, so far. "Baby, please... I need to taste your fucking pussy."
Camila folded herself so she could peck Lauren's nose. "I can tell. Your dick is so hard again, see?" She leaned forward to squeeze the base of the thick shaft. Situating herself so that her pussy was directly above Lauren's eager mouth, Camila nuzzled her nose against the pale cock that she jerked off an hour ago like it was a cuddly thing. Lauren moaned. "Babe, don't do that."
"Why? It makes your cock twitch when I do it." Camila repeated the action, and Lauren couldn't help but arch into her. Kissing the tip, Camila rolled her hips so that her pussy grazed Lauren's chin. "Mm, do your thing down there and I'll do mine."
Lauren grasped Camila's ass cheeks in her hands and spread them apart. A groan escaped her at the sight of Camila's puckered asshole, and her pussy twitching with every breath Lauren took. She used her thumbs to spread Camila's lower lips and sticking out her tongue, Lauren took a quick swipe across her slit. Camila gasped, and the taste that filled her mouth was divine.
"Stop teasing!" Camila whined, her hold on Lauren's dick never loosening. She slowly pumped it, squeezing the tip so that the dribble of precum would swell. Camila licked it off and hummed, the taste of Lauren's come was one of her favourites, next to the flavour of pop rocks and root beer lip gloss. She scraped her teeth across the crown of Lauren's cock, eliciting a tremor across Lauren's body.
"Mmm, I know you like that." Camila smirked and sucked the tip before releasing it with a pop. "C'mon, babe. Fuck me." She jiggled her ass and felt Lauren moan against her thigh.
Lauren spanked Camila's ass and delved into the wetness in between Camila's thighs. She sucked onto her clit, her tongue flicking around and around the bundle of nerves as she shook her head, causing her nose to rub against Camila's dripping hole. She clamped her lips around Camila's clit and tugged as her fingers played with the lips of her pussy, before slowly dipping in her index finger into the flooding wetness. Camila sighed and squirmed a bit, a sign that she wanted more.
Ignoring the writhing girl on top of her, Lauren grazed her fingers against the wet walls of her cunt until more wetness dripped down onto her chin. She eased in another finger, and the breath that caught against Camila's throat made her cock twitch.
Lauren continued her gentle ministrations until Camila's thighs were shaking with an uncontrollable warning that made both brunette's anticipate what was about to happen. With four fingers inside Camila's pussy, Lauren increased her pace and then curled.
"Fuck!" Camila shrieked, her lips still pressed against Lauren's stiff cock. She tried to stroke Lauren, but the pleasure that was building up in the pit of her stomach was distracting her. She knew what was rapidly approaching, and she tried to warn Lauren. "L-Lauren, I'm—"
But it happened before she even got the words out. A stream of hot come squirted out of Camila's pussy. She exploded around Lauren's fingers, the liquid spreading across Lauren's face and mouth. "Fuck yeah..." Lauren husked out as she continued to stroke, but only with her two fingers this time. "I love it when you squirt.."
"Mmmm..!" Camila rolled off of Lauren, a heap of panting mess on the bed. "Y-you're lucky I'm a natural squirter then..." She breathed, her stomach still quivering with the aftershocks. Lauren sat up and smirked at Camila as she situated herself in between her legs. She grabbed her by the thighs and yanked her closer. Lauren gripped the base of her dick and rubbed the tip against Camila's folds.
"You ready to have me pounding into you, babe?" Lauren leaned forward and brushed her lips against Camila's, her cock sliding in between her pussy lips, nudging her clit and making her buck up into Lauren. "Can't wait to have your tight walls gripping me so fucking hard..."
"Actions speak louder than words, Laur." Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck and hummed against her lips. "C'mon..." She lifted her hips and rubbed herself against Laurens erection. "Let me feel you."
Shuddering into her girlfriend's arms, Lauren took Camila's lips into a deep kiss, her tongue sliding inside the brunette singer's mouth as she pushed in slowly, slowly, slowly. Camila bit Lauren's lower lip and gasped, her girth still something Camila had to get used to.
"So deep..." Camila arched and entangled her fingers with Lauren's hair. She tugged, encouraging Lauren to fuck her. "Baby, please..."
"Shh," Lauren murmured as she pulled out, and then slid back in. With a glint in her eye, she abruptly snapped her hips and took off, pounding Camila into the mattress.
"Lauren!" Camila shrieked, her pussy receiving a violent beating from Lauren's thick cock. She could feel it pulsating inside her cunt that she couldn't focus on anything else but the feel of Lauren's penis sliding and rubbing inside and against her walls. "Fuck, your cock is so—"
"Yeah?" Lauren felt sweat drip down the side of her face. She palmed Camila's tits and gripped them for leverage. "You feel so fucking good, Camz... You're such a slut for me, aren't you? My slut."
Camila gasped and nodded her head, her short nails digging into the nape of Lauren's neck, making her hiss. "You love my big dick in your sweet little pussy, don't you?" Lauren rammed into Camila harder, the sound of their skin echoing throughout the room. "Fuck, baby... You're going to make me come."
"Yes, do it!" Camila whimpered as her pussy walls began to flutter against Lauren's member. "Come inside me baby. I want your come deep in my pussy!"
"Fucking hell..." The muscle of Lauren's jaw tightened as she pounded harder. She needed to come; needed to see her semen dripping out of Camila's pussy. "Come for me too, babe... Come for my dick."
Lauren's balls twitched and tightened as she rutted against Camila. "Fuck, Camz!" She groaned as her cock swelled and spilled her thick, white come inside the brunette singer. Camila screamed and pushed Lauren off of her, girl-come spurting out of her hole in staccato bursts that made Lauren sob with how hot a sight it was.
By then, the sheets were soaked with their sweat and come, but Lauren was still hard; in fact, she was harder than ever. The veins that coiled around her shaft was thrumming and she needed to come again.
"Come here." Lauren growled and twisted Camila so that she was on her stomach. She lifted Camila by her ass and parted her ass cheeks to stare at the pink, puckered hole of her asshole. She pointed her tongue and prodded the little kiss until it was shimmering with her spit, and Camila was writhing beneath her once more.
"Gonna fuck this ass.." Lauren murmured and spanked Camila lightly, watching the pale globes of flesh jump against her hand. She pressed the tip of her cock against the star of Camila's asshole and breached the tightness, a gasp escaping her lungs. Camila was so tight. The heat of her ass was grasping, and Lauren wanted to slam her cock into her just to be sheathed in the smouldering heat.
She did.
The entire length of Lauren's cock entered Camila's ass until the two brunette's were panting and squirming against each other. Lauren gently humped upwards to test just how ready she was so she could finally crash her hips against Camila's ass.
"You ready for me to come inside this ass?" Lauren husked into Camila's ear. She eased out, and then right back inside. "God, you're so fucking tight and hot, babe... I love your ass so much..."
"I love your cock in my ass." Camila countered. She moved back and forth, fucking herself against the stiff pole. Bouncing her ass until Lauren was a moaning mess behind her, Camila reached between her legs to flick her clit. "So big... I'm going to feel you inside me for days, Lauren."
"Fuck yeah..." Lauren gasped and watched as Camila's ass cheeks clapped against her hips. "Let me see your ass bounce, baby. Fuck my dick."
"Mmhmmm..." Camila hummed and did as she was asked. She slid faster and harder, rearing back into Lauren in a rapid pace. From her clit, she reached lower and cupped Lauren's balls and gave them a tight squeeze.
"Holy shit!" Lauren's jaw dropped and without a warning, the crown of her cock buzzed as her load spurted out of the tip of her cock. Camila shuddered as she felt Lauren's semen pooling inside her ass. "Oh my god, Camz..."
"Nngh, L-Lauren!!" The singer kept moving back and forth on Lauren's cock. Not having any time to recover, Lauren gripped Camila's hips and slammed into her four more times before feeling another steaming gush of Camila's come all over her thighs.
"Oh god..." Lauren sobbed and pulled out, watching a dribble of her jizz connecting with Camila's asshole. She could see it's milky whiteness peeking out and there was no way she could get hard again.
Before her, Camila was a shaking mess. Lauren mustered all her strength to her limbs and picked up Camila to take her to the head of the bed where it was barely soaked. "You okay, baby?" Lauren asked, Camila on top, her head on the crook of her neck and shoulder. She kissed Camila's hairline as she stroked her sweaty back.
"Mmhmm... Love you s'much.. S'good to me..."
Lauren smiled and settled further into the pillows. She loved holding Camila. It made her feel strong, and she loved protecting the girl with everything that she was. With heavy eyelids, Lauren muttered a soft, "I love you too" before drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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