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She sat by the bar idly playing with the thin black straw delicately placed in her Cape Cod. Her green eyes followed the motion of the small ice cubes in her drink as she swirled them around. It was about the most captivating thing she could find that night. From the corner of her eye she could see one of her past sexual escapades wave at her to catch her attention; she politely turned around and grinned at the blonde who in turn giggled and buried her face in her friend's shoulder with embarrassment.
"I don't know how you do it Lauren."
"It's a curse." She responded to her friend Harry who was bartending. She'd met him in college and the two had shared an apartment for about a year before he'd moved out on his own to the apartment across from hers.
"You say that." He said with a grin. "But you always come back for more." He finished as she reached for a glass to serve a couple that had taken a seat by Lauren. She shrugged and raised her drink to her lips. She gulped as much as she could tolerate and winced as she felt the warmth from the alcohol slowly make its way down her throat.
"That's not why I come here." she said evasively as she watched him bounce around the bar to serve some other people that had arrived right after the couple next to her. She rolled her eyes; of course she'd picked the worst place to be when looking for some semblance of peace. Tuesdays were never a busy day in the club, but unfortunately it gradually began to get packed. It was New York after all.
"I should have just stayed home," she mumbled under her breath.
Everywhere she looked she was met with curious or lustful gazes directed her way. It was something she was used to given her reputation, but it didn't mean it was something she was particularly proud of. Yes, she enjoyed wooing girls and seeing just how many of them would fall for her, but it wasn't about the sex. It was always about the amount of girls she was with as opposed to the actual act or pleasure.
"Hey Harry." she called as she raised her glass.
"That was quick." He said, referencing how fast she finished it
"I have to use the bathroom." she said while reaching forward enough to stop him from pouring anything. "When I get back." She explained.
The short walk to the bathroom wasn't as short as she'd hoped it would be. It was thanks to a nonstop string of girls that she couldn't for the life of her remember; most likely due to the inebriated state she must have been in when she'd met them. One girl in particular had stopped her and immediately started toying with her hair. She complimented how soft it felt and mentioned that she loved her new haircut. Lauren nodded uncomfortably at the memory of spring break as she did her best to politely move away from her. She ran a frustrated hand through her long black hair and managed to walk around the sea of people pointlessly standing by the bathroom door.
She raised a hand to greet a guy that she recalled meeting about a week earlier as she absentmindedly reached for the door handle to the bathroom with her other. She was met with a warm hand instead of the cold metal of the handle. Her head snapped towards the direction of the door as she looked at the figure beside her. It was a short brunette. She wore a small smile on her face as Lauren took in her features.
"Sorry. I didn't notice you were reaching for it too." The shorter girl said shyly. Lauren nodded softly and found herself forced to smile in return. There was something about the twinkle in her eye that made her feel at ease.
"That's fine, neither did I." She replied casually. Her eyebrows furrowed when she heard a giggle from the girl. She noticed she was looking at the door and saw that her hand was still in place over hers. She pulled back with a sheepish grin. She blinked surprised at her own reaction to this girl; she was rarely ever shy or reserved. As the brunette opened the door, Lauren instinctively held it for her and gestured with her hand towards the inside. She understood and walked in first.
Once inside the bathroom Lauren walked around the small space to find that all the stalls were occupied. She glanced to her right and saw the twinkling eyed brunette bite her lip as she waited for one of the stalls to become available. Lauren couldn't help but look at her outfit; her legs were on full display thanks to a short yet not too short black skirt. She unconsciously licked her lips as her eyes continued their trail. She shook her head out of the trance she was found when she stared for a bit too long at the way her shirt clung to her thin frame.
She expelled a soft breath as she internally mocked herself for feeling so uneasy in the presence of the beautiful brunette; it was a strange yet thrilling feeling. If she ever felt like meeting somebody she would never hesitate in walking up to them and introducing herself, but for some reason every time she inched towards this girl she felt insecure. She'd never admit to it or show it, but the feeling was there. No amount of girls – as much as she tried – or overcompensating could take away the fear of rejection that was always on her mind. She had an extra 'edge' to thank for that.
The door to one of the stalls opened and out walked a girl. Lauren glanced back over to her right and saw the short brunette looking back at her expectantly. She grinned momentarily when her mind immediately took her expectancy as a way of implying interest in her. She was about to reach for her hand and pull her towards the stall with her, but she was interrupted.
"Oh please." Lauren turned her head at the sound of a scoff. "I'll go."
Both girls watched as a redhead walked past them and into the stall. Lauren smiled when she heard the shorter girl giggle.
"You probably should have gone, huh?" Lauren asked teasingly as she stepped towards her.
"I thought you might've wanted to use it first." She replied softly with a smile. Lauren chuckled when it hit her that she was just being genuinely nice and had no thoughts of entanglement in her mind; she was just being polite and letting her use the bathroom first.
"That was nice of you." She said with a grin and was met with a shrug in response. "So, do you have a name stranger?"
"Maybe?" Lauren asked. "Are you teasing me?"
"I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" she responded. Lauren was taken aback by the sly comment and after a moment of composing herself she smirked.
Lauren was graced with another one of the brunette's giggles. She watched in amusement and wondered for a moment why she was so interested in her. She'd never actually been interested in any of the girls she'd been with on previous occasions. She chalked it up to the way this particular girl held herself and seemed so carefree. There was something about her that screamed innocence, but from what little she'd seen there was also a hint of mischief there. She was so lost in her thought that she had failed to see her walk into one of the stalls that had become available.
She sighed and shrugged away her disappointment. She didn't want to seem creepy for waiting around to see if she would come out soon. As soon as there was another empty stall she quickly went in. When she was done she looked around and found that she girl wasn't anywhere in sight. She pushed aside her disappointment again and opted to go back to the bar.
Harry had effectively managed to keep her seat by the bar. She plopped down with a huff and called him over. He reluctantly ended his conversation with a guy she recognized as his boyfriend Louis.
"What's up?" He asked as he instinctively reached for the cranberry juice nearby and started mixing up a drink for her. "You look mad."
"No I don't." She huffed with a scoff.
"Sure." He said as he placed a fresh glass in front of him and winked towards Louis back at the end of the bar.
"I'm not." She replied, rolling her eyes. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Oh come on. I know you a little too much to believe that." He said just as he'd finished pouring Lauren her drink. He waited for anything from his friend, but she was focused on something. He looked over towards where she was looking. She was very interested in a booth over by the left side of the club. There was a trio of girls sitting together in said booth. Two of the girls sat with their backs to the bar and one of them sat opposite the two of them. He quickly glimpsed at his friend for a moment and saw that she was biting her lip as she looked at the laughing girl facing them.
"I get it." he said with a grin. He reached forward and waved a hand in front of Lauren's face until she looked at him. "I get it." He repeated.
"What do you get?" She asked with annoyance.
"I've seen that look before." He said as he passed a bottle of rum to his coworker so they could attend to someone waiting on a drink.
"What look?" She asked while looking over to the booth where the three girls were seated. She watched curiously as it seemed that two of the girls were going to get up and dance.
"The 'I want to fuck her so had but I'm actually worried that I won't get to' look."
She shook her head as she laughed slightly; he wasn't all that wrong. There was no denying that even though she'd promised herself that she wouldn't pursue anybody that night, she was dying to walk over to that girl and do ungodly things to her. Despite her crude thoughts, she also just wanted to know the girl's name. Usually girls were quick to tell her their name, number and in some instances their address just to get some attention from her. Not this girl though; she'd decided that it would be cute to tease her and maybe because of that Lauren couldn't resist the urge to go after her.
"You caught me." She said playfully with a hand on her chest as she pretended to be caught doing something terrible. He laughed and placed her drink in front of her before going back to several people waiting around the bar. It was in that moment that Lauren saw the two girls that were with the adorable brunette stand and finally go to the dance floor. This was her chance, she thought, as she grabbed her drink and walked over to the booth she'd been eying.
Lauren was met with a pair of playful eyes looking at her when she got closer to her. She grinned and took a sip from the black straw in her glass when she finally reached her.
"I didn't think I'd see you again." Lauren said slyly, placing her cup on the small table as she took a seat next to the brunette.
"Aren't you glad that you did?" She asked with a timid smile.
"I am." Lauren commented. She scooted closer to her and placed a hand on the booth beside her; her fingers barely grazed the soft skin of her tan thigh. She watched with a grin the way she licked her lips and moved away slightly. "So, what's your name?" She asked.
"You're stubborn."
"I am when I want something." Lauren moved her lips against her ear and said lowly.
"Why do you want to know my name so badly?" She asked in return as she attempted to keep her eyes open. The feeling of the taller girl's breath dancing across her skin was distracting. Lauren laughed softly and bit her lip slightly as she pulled back to look the brunette in the eyes. She watched those big brown eyes for a moment before she answered.
"I need to know your name if I'm going to take you home tonight."
"Stubborn and confident." She teased as her finger circled the top of her glass. Lauren eyed the motion and wondered what it would feel like to have her fingers all over. She crossed her legs while moving closer to her with a smirk to hide the effect she had on her. "Camila."
"Camila." Lauren said while gazing into her eyes. "I'm Lauren. It's nice to meet you."
"I bet you say that to all the girls." She said lightheartedly.
"I don't actually." Camila raised a questioning eyebrow. She doubted someone with Lauren's reputation wouldn't use such a common line with girls.
"Sure." She commented. Her friends had mentioned the taller girl in several conversations. The only things they had to say about her were related to the many one night stands she was used to engaging in. She could see why most girls swooned over Lauren. She was beautiful; she had stunning green eyes paired with supple lips and a striking jawline framed by her long black hair. Beauty aside, she was charming and witty. Her confidence was just as captivating as that perfect smile across her lips.
"Why don't we just skip the part where I tell you how beautiful you are?"
"Excuse me?" Camila asked; her finger halting as her eyes dropped to Lauren's pink lips.
"The rest of the night is going to play out as follows." Lauren said. She pulled the lime slice off her glass and sucked on it softly. Camila's eyes locked onto her tongue licking the small amount of juice left on her lips. Lauren placed the lime on the table. She used a lone finger to softly touch Camila's hand that rested on the table as she inched closer to her again.
"I tell you that I want you and you play hard to get." Camila narrowed her eyes with the slightest of smiles on her face. "I won't take no for an answer and I'll compliment you, but you wouldn't fall for it because your friends say I'm no good." She raised an eyebrow as Lauren continued. "I'll tell you that they're right, but I can make you feel things you've never felt before." She held back a sigh when she felt the green eyed girls lips against her ear much like earlier. "I'll tell you that I want to touch you, kiss you, and fuck you until you scream my name over and over again." She pulled back to look at Camila who was biting her lip as she waited for a conclusion to her idea of how the night would go.
"So, why don't we just skip all that and do what we both know will inevitably happen tonight?"
Camila didn't bother to say goodbye to her friends as she rushed to text them a quick explanation of where she'd be. The feeling of lips against her neck made it impossible to move her fingers with enough precision to actually make the text coherent. She moaned softly once she was done and soft lips pressed on her own. They kissed slowly yet with a sense of urgency that neither girl had ever felt before.
Lauren hastily pulled Camila along with her as she signaled for a cab. After a hurried murmur of her address to the driver, her lips found the brunette's again. Camila held her hand in her own and placed it high on her thigh. Lauren grinned between kisses as her fingers teased the soft skin of her legs. Their actions were halted due to a disgruntled noise from the driver. They pulled apart, but remained seated closely. Lauren's left hand slowly inched its way higher underneath Camila's skirt who was panting as her fingers barely touched her damp panties. Lauren's tongue darted out to lick the shell of her ear.
"Oh God." Camila whispered heatedly. She turned to look at Lauren whose green eyes were dark and concentrated. Lauren in turn removed her hand from its place and started trailing small shapes up and down her thigh teasingly.
They barely noticed the transition from the cab to Lauren's apartment. Camila had felt the couch underneath her just as soon as they'd crossed the front door. Lauren's lips were on her neck again, nipping and sucking at all the available skin; her elbows were propped up on either side of her head as her body hovered over her. Camila's hands held onto the tall girl's leather jacket as she pulled her body down slowly.
She wanted to feel her body pressed as closely to her as possible and she wrapped her long legs around the pale girl. Lauren moaned deep in her throat at the contact while Camila gasped in surprise. Her eyes which were closed opened in shock as she rocked her hips slowly in an attempt to feel what she'd felt just seconds ago. Lauren moaned again and removed herself from her neck to look down at her curious brown eyes.
"Is that a strap-?"
"No." Lauren interrupted before she could finish her question. "It's not."
Camila nodded softly when she noticed her tense slightly. Lauren licked her lips nervously. There was that damn fear of rejection again. In all honestly, she'd only ever felt it once before with her first girlfriend Kendall; things ended badly when she'd told her about her 'condition'. She called her a freak and told her she had a lot of nerve to ever think she'd want someone like her. That was why Lauren took it upon herself to sleep with as many girls as possible. In some way she wanted to prove to Kendall that she was wrong, that not only would someone want her, everybody she sought out would want her. Lauren knew the reason she feared that Camila wouldn't want to continue was because she had struck a chord with her. The way her heart raced and her stomach fluttered with all those cliché butterflies was enough indication that Camila was different somehow.
Lauren sighed lowly when an unexpected kiss was placed to her closed eyes. The gesture eased the tension she felt as she opened her eyes again. Camila placed a warm hand on her cheek as she rubbed gently in a soothing manner.
"You can tell me." she whispered.
"Would you believe me if I told you I have a penis?"
"I don't know." She answered slowly. "Do you?"
"Yeah." Lauren said with a discreet gulp. She watched Camila's face go from confused to disbelieving and back to curious in several seconds. She chuckled as she watched her think about what she was just told. "Weird, huh?" Camila made eye contact with her immediately and shook her head.
"No way."
"You seem oddly at ease with this." Camila smiled and placed a hand on the back of Lauren's beck. She pulled her down until their lips were barely touching. Her tongue darted across her lips slowly before they parted and they kissed languidly. Camila removed her legs from Lauren's waist and reached down with both hands.
"Camila." Lauren whispered breathily against her ear as she lowered herself slightly. Her arms were already quivering as she anticipated anything and everything from Camila.
"I want to see you." Camila replied as her right hand reached further to cup the bulge between Lauren's legs.
All of Lauren's worries faded away and her confidence was back in place. She moaned when she felt Camila's hand squeeze her timidly. Her hips rocked slowly as Camila's touch grew bolder and her hand slipped into her pants to hold her over her boxer briefs. It wasn't long before she was being pushed back on the couch. She watched in a daze as Camila moved to kneel down in front of her. She bit her lip to contain her excitement. The thought of having those plump lips wrapped around her shaft was almost too much to handle.
Camila undid her belt and pants and with her help they removed the garment. Lauren placed a hand on her cheek reassuringly; she didn't want her to do anything she'd regret later on. For some reason she cared about how she'd feel about this after the fact. Camila smiled and met her halfway in a soft kiss. Lauren sighed and closed her eyes when she felt Camila slip the briefs off of her. She was worried for passing seconds before smirking when she saw Camila's wide eyes glued to her.
"Do you like what you see?" she asked. Camila nodded in awe, it was the first time she saw a penis in person. She'd never been with a guy so she had no idea whether the size was bigger than most, but she assumed it was about seven inches. The bulbous bead was pink and glistening with pre-cum. She licked her lips as she imagined the girth of the shaft rubbing against her pussy or inside her. Lauren held her hand that was placed on her thigh and in turn wrapped it around her cock.
"So soft." Camila breathed as her hand slowly massaged the length of her. She collected the traces of pre-cum from the tip of it and used it to help her stoke the soft shaft in her hand. Lauren expelled a content breath as she looked as the innocent expression on Camila's face as she became more confident and moved her hand at a medium pace.
"That's good." Lauren whispered encouragingly. "Take your clothes off."
Camila looked away from the appendage and gazed into green eyes. Her pussy throbbed at the command; she clenched her legs to ease the throbbing. She loved the way Lauren took control. She stood and started taking off her clothes. Lauren looked on, enthralled as each piece of clothing was tossed aside. She slowly stroked her cock to the sight and waited patiently for Camila to finish as more tan skin was revealed to her.
"So fucking sexy." She said when Camila finally dropped her bra to the floor and she saw her full breasts on display; she itched to touch her pert nipples, but she decided to hold off for the moment.
"Is this good?" Camila asked teasingly while toying with the waistband of her panties. Lauren shook her head with a grin and stopped touching herself to take off her jacket and shirt. She hadn't bothered to wear a bra that night.
"Take it off." She said with her eyes locked on her panty clad pussy.
Camila slowly but surely tossed her panties aside. Lauren's hand returned to her hot shaft as soon as Camila's bare pussy was exposed to her. She called her over and Camila resumed her kneeling position in front of her.
"That's better." Lauren said as Camila wrapped her hand around her length again. She leaned forward unable to help herself; she held onto one of her breasts and pinched her already hard nipple. Camila whimpered at the touch.
Lauren was enjoying the feeling of Camila's hand on her, but she wanted more. She moved her hand to Camila's hair and tangled her fingers there. She pulled her up for a searing kiss before slowly directing her pouty lips towards her hard cock.
"Oh fuck yeah." She moaned when she felt wet heat surround her. Camila's tongue darted out and ran from the tip of her cock, down the length and back up.
"Hmm." Camila moaned as she flattened her tongue against her shaft and placed a hand on Lauren's flat stomach.
"You like sucking my cock, don't you?" Lauren said throwing her head back slightly for a moment. Camila nodded eagerly and continued to lick and suck. Her hand was still stroking the flat expanse of her stomach and Lauren could already feel her balls tightening from the pleasure of having her cock worshipped.
"Shit." She growled when Camila started to take in the length of her shaft; the hand that was in her hair urged her to take more of her down her throat. Camila moaned and took as much of her in her mouth as she could. She felt Lauren hold her hair tightly and start to move her hips gradually. Camila moaned louder and allowed her to pump her cock into her mouth, essentially fucking her face. She reached down to her wet pussy and rubbed her throbbing clit enough to calm the ache there. Lauren groaned at the intense pleasure and gave her a moment to breathe as she pulled out of her glorious mouth.
"You're so hard." Camila said between small pants. "Does it turn you on to have complete control over me?" She asked mischievously. Lauren smirked and pulled her up for another kiss.
"You have no idea." She replied, hand tangling in Camila's hair again to guide her back to her cock. Camila happily accepted the length and girth of her down her throat again. She sucked the base of it until she heard Lauren's breaths turn short and sporadic. She wrapped her lips on just the tip of her dick and pumped the shaft in time with her breathing as she waited for her cum. Lauren struggled to keep her eyes open as she pushed her hips up into Camila's hand and mouth to reach her peak. A few more pumps from her hands and sucks from her plump lips and Lauren was cumming with deep sports. Camila moaned as she swallowed every bit of it and made a show of kissing and licking the pink tip of her cock.
Lauren smiled as she came down from her high and felt her dick twitch thanks to Camila's tongue teasing the tip of it. Camila was unaware that Lauren had somewhat come down from her high and next thing she knew she was being pulled into a bedroom and pushed onto the bed. She moaned when their bodies came into full contact for the first time that night. She could feel Lauren's thick cock rubbing against her wet pussy as they moved their hips in sync. Their lips parted and their tongues stroked one another's sensually.
"That feels so good." Camila whimpered.
Lauren's response was a trail of kisses down to her breasts. Her hands massaged the soft globes before pinching her nipples. She sucked her right nipple in her mouth and paid generous attention to it with her tongue. Camila scratched her back with every swipe of Lauren's tongue, leaving white traces in their wake. Lauren took that as a sign of encouragement as she kissed her way down her stomach. Her hand stroked Camila's thighs as she settled between them. Camila gasped with anticipation when she felt Lauren's hot breath against her clit.
"Look at this pussy." Lauren husked while kissing her thighs. Camila's hips canted upward as she waited for Lauren's mouth on her pussy; but Lauren was in control and she wanted to make that clear. She wasn't about to give Camila what she wanted just yet. "I bet you taste amazing." She said slyly as she kissed her pussy only slightly.
"Please." Camila whispered. She wanted her so badly.
Lauren smirked, obviously pleased that she had her in such a state of want and desire. She decided that she was done teasing her for the moment and surged forward.
"L-Lauren." Camila moaned with an arch of her back. Lauren's tongue traced her pussy and teased her clit. She used her fingers to spread her pussy and suck on her clit. Camila jerked up and panted as Lauren slowly licked and sucked her pussy.
She placed a hand on her head when she felt Lauren's tongue inside of her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head when she felt her tongue swirl around inside of her before going back to a slow buildup inside and out. Her fingers played with her clit and tied with her tongue and Camila felt she was on the verge of release. Lauren could feel her walls tightening on her tongue. She knew thanks to that and the way Camila's thighs quivered against her head that she was moments away from cumming. She replaced her tongue with a lone finger and her mouth took place of her fingers on her clit.
"Oh yes." Camila moaned as her walls clamped down on Lauren's finger as she felt wetness pool beneath her. "Fuck yes!" She closed her eyes as wave after wave of pleasure racked through her body.
Lauren moaned as she licked up every bit of wetness. After a moment she moved up Camila's body and kissed her deeply. Camila moaned at the taste of herself on Lauren's lips and eagerly traced them with her tongue as she felt the head of her hard cock rub up against her pussy again. Lauren never stopped kissing her as one of her hands squeezed her soft breasts roughly and thrust forward. Her dick moved easily over Camila's wet pussy as she teased her clit with each movement.
Camila's eyes opened when she felt the tip of Lauren's cock nudge her entrance slowly. She nodded vigorously as she waited anxiously to feel the long haired beauty inside of her. She inhaled deeply when she felt her push just the tip slowly inside of her. Lauren moved away from her neck and kissed her soundly. Camila's hands tangled in black tresses as their tongues met passionately. She was vaguely aware of the pain she felt when Lauren thrust forward.
"Fuck... tight pussy." Lauren groaned when she felt Camila's hot walls clamp around her cock. Camila's hands held dearly to Lauren's hair as she started to thrust in and out of her slowly. She'd never felt so full in her life as she slowly adjusted to the girth of the hard shaft.
Lauren continued her slow thrusts as she looked down at Camila's face. Her bottom lip between her teeth, small whimpers at the back of her throat each time she'd thrust just a little bit harder. She marveled at the sight of the light sheen of sweat on her tan skin while the pace of her thrusts increased gradually.
"Everything is so-." Camila moaned breathlessly as her hands moved away from Lauren's hair up to own. "Oh god, deep." She said when Lauren thrust her hips particularly hard. Lauren was spurred on by her little pants and mewls as she pumped into her repeatedly. "I love your cock inside me." Camila exhaled.
"Yeah?" Lauren asked, receiving a nod. She smirked as she unexpectedly pulled out of her. Camila whimpered, feeling empty, but that was forgotten once she felt herself being turned over. She felt her ass being pulled up as she rested her upper body against the bed.
Lauren licked her lips as she massaged the perfect globes in front of her and saw her glistening pussy from that angle. She leaned forward and held onto Camila's hair as she pulled her up abruptly and bit her neck. Camila moaned and leaned back into her as she felt Lauren's dick pressed up against her ass. She moved her hips against it and continued moaning when Lauren's tongue lavished her neck where she'd been bitten.
"I'm going to fuck you from behind."She husked against her ear as she pushed her dick between her ass cheeks. Camila moved her hips again to feel that hard cock throbbing against her skin even more. "Such an innocent face for such a tease." Lauren breathed as her hands massaged her breasts. Camila giggled and nodded, pleased with herself.
The sound was music to Lauren's ears as she pushed Camila back to her previous position with her ass up and her head pressed on the pillow below her. She wasted no time and thrust deep into her sopping pussy.
"Oh god, baby." Camila gripped the sheets beneath her as she felt Lauren thrust with purpose. Lauren held onto her hips and closed her eyes briefly as she felt that intense heat around her cock again. Her eyes opened again to lock onto the way her dick entered Camila's pussy and came back out slick with her essence. She looked to Camila's face that was contorted with pleasure as she'd started pushing her ass back into her. Lauren grinned and stopped her movements while Camila did all the work. She closed her eyes and licked her lips as she heard the sound of their bodies slapping together.
"Good girl." Lauren moaned. "Use my fucking cock." Camila clutched the sheets as she rocked her ass back and forth to feel Lauren hitting that spot deep inside her again. She whimpered repeatedly as she worked them both up into a frenzy. Lauren could feel the telltale signs of her orgasm approaching again when Camila's pussy clenched her dick. She could feel Camila's thighs tremble as her breaths quickened and her moans escalated.
"Shit yes." Lauren hissed as she took control and started pounding into the heated girl. "Take this cock baby." she enunciated with a thrust after each word.
Camila felt like she was being ripped apart from the inside out as Lauren's dick speared her repeatedly. She could feel the bulbous head hitting a perfect spot inside of her that sent tingles all the way down to the tips of her toes.
"Lauren. Fuck, Lauren." Lauren struggled to hold out, but it was nearly impossible with the way Camila was screaming and moaning her name. Her thrusts turned into short and deep ones. She watched Camila's face turn a deep shade of red with the way she pushed in deeply and rotated her hips ever so slightly. And then Camila was trembling all over. Lauren exhaled a breath as she felt her tight pussy around her, making her thrust harder. Camila moaned deeply and with one last scream of Lauren's name she was cumming. Hard.
"I'm going to cum inside your pussy." Lauren husked as she thrust repeatedly into her.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." Camila whimpered with each pump into her. Her pussy was swollen and sore from the rough movement, but she loved the feeling of Lauren's cock working her into oblivion. "Cum inside me baby."
It wasn't long before Lauren was bottoming out inside her. Her cum tricked hotly inside her. Camila moaned at the feeling; she reached for Lauren's ass to keep her in place as every last bit of her cum was shot into her pussy. She could feel Lauren's throbbing cock move slowly to extend the aftershocks of both their orgasms.
Camila breathed a sad sigh when she felt Lauren pull out of her slowly. Lauren moved next to her and exhaled with a grin. She looked at the spent girl beside her and admired the way her brown hair clung to her wet forehead and the way her eyes were droopy.
"Aren't you glad we skipped straight to this?" Lauren teased. Camila rolled her eyes playfully and nodded as she placed her head on her bare chest. Lauren's eyes widened at the gesture. It was rare for girls to ever do anything like that after the fact, but she welcomed it. She wrapped her arms around the brunette and closed her eyes as she enjoyed her post sex haze. That was until Camila worriedly spoke.
"We didn't use a condom did we?" Lauren laughed nervously. It didn't make sense for them to have used a condom seeing as she came inside of her. She shook her head in response.
"No, we didn't." Camila nodded slowly and closed her eyes. There was no way she could get pregnant from having sex one time without a condom, they thought. Lauren kissed her head softly and held her a little bit closer. "Shit."

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