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On bright, crisp Fridays, Lauren often finds herself saying 'fuck it' to class as she packs her overnight bag to spend the weekend with her girlfriend. It is not as if her presence is required in lectures anyway, and Lauren is a smart girl. She reads her class notes on the train that stems from New Haven to New York, and in those three hours, it is as if she attended the lecture. Except by the end of it, she is now closer to Camila.
She checks the large clock that was scattered all over the train station. If Lauren's assumptions are right, Camila would be practising for her upcoming midterm dance exam. Lauren grabs a food on the way, asks a freshman for the location of the dance studio, and when she arrives, it is as if Christmas has come early.
Camila is alone—maybe because it is a Friday—bent over a ballet barre, dressed in black tights, her thick, wavy locks draped across her shoulders as she stretched. The stirring in Lauren's pants are inevitable. She locks the door behind her, drops her bag on one of the benches, and stalks her way behind Camila. Her cock feels heavy and constricting, that she presses herself against Camila's back with no preamble whatsoever.
"Wha—Lauren?!" Camila gasps, but Lauren is not hearing any of it. She cups Camila's ass and presses herself against Camila's pliant body. Lauren buries her nose into Camila's neck and breathes in the scent of her girlfriend, a low growl rumbling through her chest. "Fuck, you smell so good." She hums, nips the soft skin of Camila's neck, as her clothed cock ruts into the crevice of Camila's shapely ass.
Camila whimpers and bites on her bottom lip to stop her moans, but Lauren is not having any of it. She suckles on her pulse point and continues humping her through her clothes. "L-Lauren, we can't... Not here—" Camila tighten her grip on the barre with a sharp gasp when Lauren bit hard on her jawline.
"Yes we can. I closed the door and everything." Lauren bends her over roughly and unzips her fly to take out her cock. She rubs the rigid shaft against Camila's clothed ass. "I haven't had you in weeks, Camila... God, I just want to eat you, make you come all over my mouth." Lauren crouches down, tugging Camila's workout shorts down, along with her fishnet stockings. Camila squeaks, but Lauren palm on her ass was enough to make her bite her lip to maintain silence. "Fuck, look at that pink pussy..."
Lauren parts Camila's pussy lips with her thumbs to get a good look at Camila. She fingers her stiffening clit, her mouth latching onto her inner thigh. She sucks, rough and sloppy, until a red bruise appears. "L-Lauren, I don't think this is a good idea." Camila whispers. Her thighs are trembling, and Lauren grip them to keep her steady.
"Why not? I always make you come." Lauren smirks and laves her tongue all over Camila's plump flesh. Moaning at the taste that filled her mouth, Lauren yanks Camila by the thighs so she can bury her mouth and nose into her pussy. Camila yelps and grips the barre with shaky fists.
"O-oh my god..." Camila bites her lip and sees their reflection in the mirror. Lauren, greedily lapping away at the steady stream of her pussy, with her cock jutting out from her zipper. It is rock hard, pale, and thick. It is enough to make Camila drool, and drool she did. Lauren flicks her tongue across her clit, her nose dipping into Camila's clenching hole. "Lauren, I need your cock in my mouth. I want to suck on it, and taste your come on my tongue. Please, baby?"
"Not until your pussy clenches when you come around my tongue." Lauren growls, and as soon as Camila grips the barre with her arm, Lauren's slippery, skilled tongue pushes into her slick cunt. She laps at Camila's walls, her taste always enough to sate the hunger of Lauren's desire. Lauren suckles harder, spit and girl come dripping down her chin and onto the hardwood floor. Camila moans at the sight, her eyes locked on the reflection of Lauren's actions.
Lauren is relentless, her mouth doing things that Camila thinks only come from porn. She curls her tongue around Camila's clit and bites roughly on it. Camila grits her teeth and ruts her ass back into Lauren's skilled mouth. She rides her tongue until she feels her body tingle and stir. "L-Lauren, oh fuck, I'm—"
Smirking, Lauren brings her fingers to Camila's clit and pinches it as her tongue thrusts in and out of her dripping pussy. Camila screams, and in a gasp of Lauren's name, her entire body shivers. Her pussy clenches and gushes as she comes. Lauren holds her steady as she laps away at her twitching pussy. She scrambles to her feet, grabbing her cock by the base and swiping it across Camila's sensitive cunt.
She doesn't give Camila time to beg. Lauren snaps her hips and in one full thrust, her cock stretches Camila still grasping pussy. "So tight and wet..." Lauren murmurs, her eyes locking with Camila's, as she bends over the ballet barre. "You love choking my cock in your pussy, babe?" She grasps Camila's hips and pounds into her, rough and desperate. "I love this pussy, I love you." Lauren leans forward, presses her front to Camila's back and bites the shell of her ear.
Camila bites her lip, knowing that she tends to get loud whenever Lauren is in a mood of rough fucking. She watches, listens intently at the way Lauren's balls slap against her skin with every deep thrust into her soaking pussy. "Yes, Lauren..." Camila groans, her eyes locking with Lauren's through the mirror. "Love how you fuck me..." She uses her pussy muscles to massage Lauren's hard shaft, breaking the steady rhythm of Lauren's thrusts. "You feel so big inside, oh my god. I can feel your cock all the way inside—"
Lauren smirks and ruts into her in an increased pace, not caring anymore if anyone walks in on them. "When we get back to your apartment, I'm taking you on every surface." She murmurs. She tightens her grip on Camila's hips, forming half-crescents on Camila's smooth skin. "I'll fuck your tight little pussy on the couch, the kitchen table, against the front door..."
"But Dinah—"
"Screw Dinah." Lauren murmurs, reaching down to flick the stiff bud that throbs between Camila's slick thighs. Lauren pinches and rubs, lets Camila's clit slide in between her soaked fingers. "She'll understand. You're mine, and she knows that. So I'll fuck you on every inch of your apartment, make you scream my name until you lose your voice." She snaps her hips and feels her balls constrict. Still, she holds out coming. Lauren fucks into Camila, their hips clapping in a rough, constant noise.
Camila's mouth parts in a silent scream. Her pussy clenches and grasps at Lauren's thick meat, her come gushing out of her. Lauren grunts and pounds into her a few more times. "You want my come in your mouth, Camila?" She asks tightly. She is so close, she can feel her precome steadily pulsing out of the tip of her cock.
"Yes!" Camila grits out. She scrambles to her knees, her spine tingling with her orgasm. She parts her mouth and watches Laurne jerk herself off. While Lauren focuses on the beautiful sight of Camila, on her knees before her. Her balls tighten, and with a stuttered gasp, Lauren comes, whimpering Camila's name as white streaks of come paint her pink tongue. "Holy fuck..." Lauren grunts, a spurt escaping Camila's mouth to spill across her cheeks. "God damn, baby..."
Camila smirks, locking eyes with Lauren as she swallows. The sight of Camila's throat bobbing is enough to make Lauren's entire body jolt. She moans and tugs Camila to stand up. Lauren tucks herself back in her jeans and makes sure Camila is fully dressed. Lauren kisses the tip of her nose and wraps an arm around her hip as Camila's knees are still weak and shaky. "Take me home and make do on that promise, Lauren." Camila husks in her ear.
Lauren gives a fake salute, her cock already stirring in her pants. "Yes ma'am."

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