In Triplicate- Part 2

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Part 2 in the 'In Triplicate' mini-series

It was the fourth time she'd fucked up the same part of the same song. Lauren yanked the headphones off and sighed in frustration, pressed the pads of her fingers against her eyelids. She glared through the studio glass at the producer, who was holding his hands out, brow raised in expectation of a decent excuse for her fuckups. He leaned down and flipped the mic, sending his tinny voice into the recording studio. "What the hell is going on? We just going to waste time today or what?"
Lauren couldn't exactly explain to him that she had a hard-on from hell and all she could think about was nailing a Broadway starlet named Camila Cabello. She'd just signed with a new label (after she swore out too many executives at the old one), and this was the first track of her new album. She really need to focus and not fuck this up again.
Lauren only had one choice, really. She needed Camila.
She tapped the glass and her producer poked his head inside. "I need to call someone," she said, as vaguely as she could manage. "Give me an hour and I'll be flawless."
Her producer eyed Lauren for a brief moment before shaking his head. "No, that's too long. We're renting this studio by the hour and it's not free. You get half an hour."
Lauren chewed her bottom lip. Half an hour wouldn't be enough for all the things she needed to do to Camila, but it would have to do. "Fine," Lauren conceded. "But during that half hour, you won't disturb me." The producer nodded and she immediately took out her phone and called Camila.
When she answered after the first ring, Lauren sighed in relief. "I need you to get your ass here now," she muttered as she walked into the empty break room. She knew there was no need to explain to Camila her reasons. "Wear a plug and bring lube," Lauren added, and hung up.
But not even a minute after she ended the call, she received a text.
—Where exactly is 'here'? You just changed studios, remember?
Oh, right. Lauren scrunched up her nose and texted her the address before landing on the leather couch with a sigh. A moment later, her phone buzzed. She opened the text from Camila.
—Dinah's spreading my ass cheeks apart and rimming me, trying to get me ready for the plug.
Lauren cussed softly to herself and felt her dick jump in her tight jeans. She lunged up and locked the door, staring at her phone as she sat back down. Unzipping her jeans, she sighed in relief as she hefted her erect cock out of the fly. She fired off a quick reply.
—Tell me more.
—I'm sucking on the plug. Dinah is switching between her tongue and three fingers in my ass. It feels so good to be stretched out, Lo...
"Goddamn," Lauren growled. She needed Camila here now, but she knew she couldn't begrudge the girl some preparation for taking her thick cock in her ass. They all knew Camila needed it. No matter how open Lauren fucked her asshole, she was always so damn tight the next time.
—Have DJ take a pic and send it to me.
A second later, Lauren opened up the text and moaned at the sight that greeted her: Dinah's long fingers, knuckle deep in the puckered hole of Camila's ass. Lauren could see the shimmer from the lube, and she squeezed the meat of her cock, imagining what it felt like to be pumping inside that tight butthole. She jerked off harder for a bit, groaning as her cock pulsed in her fist, before sending another text.
—Now a selfie. Don't be shy.
This one was a few seconds coming. Camila was trying to raise selfies to an art form. She tapped the pic and was greeted to a closeup of Camila's face, her tongue out as she licked up the side of the thick anal plug. Lauren needed that to be her dick so bad. It didn't hurt that it was nearly the same angle as the shot of Camila's face plastered all over New York City for her new Broadway show. But this picture, like so many others, was just for her girlfriends.
Her phone buzzed with an update.
—Four fingers. Almost ready.
Lauren laid back and tried to relax. She still had to wait for Camila to show up. She gazed down at her painfully hard cock, willing it to be patient. A moment later, she got another picture. She opened it to see the plug seated neatly in Camila's ass, the rim stretched open around the base. Lauren cursed up a storm and squeezed the base of her dick, hard. She was so horny she could barely type a full sentence on her phone.
—I am about to explode. Get your ass over here so I can fuck it.
—Coming as fast as I can. :) Not taking my phone out on the subway, I might get mugged for it.
Lauren tossed the phone aside and threw her arm over her face, still squeezing her dick in a calming rhythm—she was a master of this technique after needing to last long enough to fuck any and all of her girlfriends into screaming orgasms. She wasn't sure she would live through the next ten minutes, but somehow she managed. Lauren allowed her lust-filled mind to imagine all the ways she would fuck Camila's ass once she got there, slowly and steadily pumping her shaft with her fist, occasionally tracing the slit of her cock as it oozed precum.
Before she knew it, the handle jittered and Camila's voice pierced the door. "Lauren? They said you were in here?" She jiggled the doorknob again and Lauren stood to unlock it. Camila pushed the door open and smiled at her, before her eyes slipped down to the hard-on jutting from Lauren's jeans. "Oh. Couldn't wait for me, huh?" Camila asked with a delighted grin. Fingers curled around Lauren's thick cock. She stroked it, the pads of her fingers pressing against a faintly pulsing vein.
"Can't even get through the door without jumping my dick?" Lauren took Camila's hand. Pulling her inside, she locked the door again. "Bend over and show me your ass." She nudged Camila towards the couch, and Lauren licked her lips in appreciation as Camila did as she was told without missing a beat. "That's a good girl. We don't have much time." Lauren flipped Camila's skirt up and groaned at the curve of her bare butt, the plug sitting pretty in her asshole. "Oh, fuck." Camila's plump pussy lips were visibly slick, glistening beneath the dim lights of the break room. Lauren traced her slit with a fingertip. Camila gasped and wriggled her ass. "Did you ride the subway without panties?"
"Don't be gross. I took them off before I walked in here."
Lauren snorted. "Right." She smacked Camila's ass. Rifling through Camila's purse, she found the tube of lube she always kept in case of emergencies. Squirting some on her palm, Lauren rubbed it around her pulsing meat. She tugged at the plug until Camila's ass muscles flexed, allowing Lauren to remove it. Camila's gape winked and taunted her, making her cock throb against her hand.
Sitting down beside Camila, Lauren grasped her girlfriend's chin and kissed her. "Come up here and sit on my cock." She patted her legs. Camila grinned and sat, sidesaddle on Lauren's lap, sinking her fat cock inside her asshole in one, smooth thrust. "Ohh, fuck," Lauren moaned, her dick relishing the familiar tight heat of Camila's butthole. "This ass is perfection."
Camila braced herself on the couch and started to ride Lauren, her brow knitted as she got used to Lauren's thick length stretching her open. "Is this good, Laur?" Camila panted. She dropped down, taking her dick to the root, before lifting up slowly. "My asshole taking your big cock?"
Lauren relaxed back into the leather, drinking in the sight of Camila's body as she rode her. "Exactly what I need," she sighed. "Faster, babe."
Pleasure rocked through her spine as Camila's pace increased, the brunette panting and moaning as she worked. "You like that dick," Lauren husked. "Don't you? What a perfect little cockslut, taking my fat cock so easily. Look at you, bouncing like a good girl—"
A sharp rap against the door interrupted Lauren, just when she was getting warmed up, and they both tensed. Camila's asshole clenched around her as if afraid to let her cock out of her. "Lauren? Are you in here?"
Lauren groaned, because Camila's ass was really tight around her dick when she clenched like that, enough to make her balls tighten threateningly. "What part of 'don't disturb me' was in Swahili?" she shouted.
She could feel the producer's frown, and her jaw clenched. She held Camila still, soothing the wide-eyed brunette with soft strokes on her sweaty back.
"It's been thirty minutes," came the annoyed response. "If you're not interested in working, we can find someone else to make an album with."
Lauren growled under her breath. "I'll be right out," she called out, a disgustingly sweet lilt in her voice.
Hearing the footsteps dissipating, Lauren grasped Camila's hips and pounded into her, hips smacking against her ass, rough and fast, until the smaller girl above her was whimpering against Lauren's hand over her mouth. "Yesyesyes..." Camila gasped, her arms looping around Lauren's neck to kiss her. "Pound my ass," she mumbled against Lauren's lips. "Harder, please, want your cum in my ass so bad. Use my hole, baby. Please fill me up..."
Camila's words drove Lauren to the brink. Her balls tightened and Lauren thrust up, grunting as she buried her meat as deep as it could go in Camila's ass and came violently, her throbbing dick shooting ropes of thick, hot cum inside Camila's hole. Lauren thrust shallowly as she came, panting as she fucked her cum deeper into Camila. Camila's walls clenched her pumping meat, making Lauren gasp and grip her tighter against her. She spread Camila's legs and dragged her fingers against her pussy to trace circles around the smaller girl's slick clit.
She felt Camila's legs tremble, the girl coming undone with a breathless moan. Lauren humped her hips, grinding her cock deeper inside her warm butthole, fingers sliding inside Camila's still coming pussy. Camila moaned, head thrown back, Lauren's name on her lips. "There's our good girl," Lauren said softly, drawing out Camila's orgasm until the brunette fell bonelessly into her arms.
After catching her breath Lauren nudged Camila, who seemed very intent on napping on Lauren's lap, ass still stuffed with half-hard cock. "There's no time, babe," Lauren said regretfully. "Gotta go not get fired."
Camila whined pitifully, but stood slowly on shaky legs. Lauren hissed when her sensitive cock dragged out of Camila's warm hole. "Bend over for me," Lauren said.
Camila leaned over an arm of the couch, presenting her well-fucked, gaping ass for Lauren. Lauren grabbed her phone and paused to frame the perfect image: focused on Camila's reamed hole, the crinkled flesh glistening with her cum as some of it trickled down into a white line along her crack, but with Camila's proud smile in the corner of the frame as she looked back at Lauren. Lauren snapped the picture and sent it to Normani and Dinah. Lauren slowly pushed the plug back into her hole, grinning as the brunette swayed her hips, purring at the sensation.
"Okay, you really need to go." Lauren helped her up and kissed her. "Don't take that plug out when you get home. I intend on having one more go at that ass. Or ten." She smirked and smacked Camila's butt hard, causing her to shriek and laugh. Lauren tucked herself back in her pants and smoothed her hand along Camila's plump ass. "Did I ever tell you I love you and this ass?"
Camila grinned and nuzzled her neck. "You do, every time you fuck it."
Lauren sighed and gave it a squeeze. "I'll see you later, Camz."

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