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"I still don't understand why we couldn't just ride in the car with the Wi-Fi..."
"Really, Lauren, you can't go a couple hours without internet? I thought it would be nice to spend some time paying attention to each other given our usual distance," Camila frowned, a hint of offense not quite masking the vague hurt she felt.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's just - we're about to spend three weeks together and I'd really like to catch up on news, because honestly, well, world news really helps distract me from the effects of the, uh, vibrations," Lauren blushed, glancing down at the slight tent lifting her dress.
It was embarrassing and always made her feel like a teenage boy on a school bus, but the vibration of the train never failed to have her at half mast for the entire trip unless she kept her brain occupied with decidedly non-erotic subjects. Perhaps it was because her subconscious associated the train ride with visits to her sexy girlfriend - whatever the reason, it had been a problem since the very first trip and would likely be worse having the object of her ardour close enough to touch... and smell... and... Lauren's eyes glazed over, her semi-hard cock rising to near full-mast.
"Oh," Camila bit her lip, smirking slightly. "If that's the problem, you know there's a rather simple solution..."
One small hand trailed up a muscular thigh, brushing sensitive skin and Lauren gasped when those nimble fingers stroked the length of her now fully hard shaft.
"H-here?" Lauren squeaked, eyes darting around the empty car. The few other passengers at this time of day were all clustered in the Wi-Fi enabled car, leaving the couple conspicuously alone in the rear car.
"Here," Camila affirmed, her hand moving up to tug at the waistband of Lauren's boyshorts, urging the black haired woman to bare herself.
Lauren licked her lips and glanced around again, uncertain if she was prepared to be quite so bold. Determined to persuade her lover, Camila leaned over to pull an earlobe into her mouth, swirling her tongue and sucking gently. Lauren's resolve weakened, her dick throbbing and straining against thin cotton.
"That could be your cock in my mouth instead, you know," Camila whispered, her lips just barely brushing against the delicate shell of Lauren's ear.
"Oh my god," Lauren scrambled to pull her underclothes off, hurriedly stuffing them into her knapsack.
"Mm, I thought you'd see things my way."
Camila lifted the skirt of Lauren's dress, exposing her rigid shaft to the warm air of the train car. The black haired girl's hips were rocking slightly in anticipation, a bead of pre-cum already glistening at the tip of her swollen cockhead. Gently cupping delicate testicles in her palm, Camila paused to whisper in Lauren's ear before beginning her descent.
"I love how eager you are for me. You make me feel so desirable in a way no one else ever could."
Before Lauren could respond, Camila's mouth was on her - lips wrapped around her bulbous cockhead, tongue teasing at the tiny slit to taste the green eyed woman's arousal. Lauren groaned, fighting the urge to shove her dick up into that hot mouth; her girlfriend may not have a gag reflex, but that was no excuse to be rude after all. Her higher thought processes - noble as they were - couldn't outlast Camila's throat swallowing around her and before long her fingers were wrapped in silky, dark hair, guiding the bob of the girl's head in her lap.
"Fuck, baby... that's so good, I... unnh, I'm not gonna last," Lauren's hips bucked up against her girlfriend's face, that perfect, Cuban nose pressing against her groin.
Camila moaned around her shaft, happily swallowing the spurt of pre-cum elicited by the vibration. The throbbing between her own thighs was becoming a distraction and, as much as she usually preferred to take her time, she really wanted to finish Lauren off quickly so the sexy raven haired woman could return the favour. It must be the thrill of exhibitionism. Knowing just how to bring her lover over the edge quickly, Camila swept two fingers lower to press against Lauren's perineum as she swallowed around Lauren's length.
Lauren let out a strangled cry, her hips snapping up and her back arching almost painfully as she came down Camila's throat. The diva hummed contently, swallowing the viscous fluid, her own arousal increasing exponentially at the feeling of her girlfriend's cock twitching in her mouth. As soon as she'd swallowed the final drops, Camila pulled her mouth of the softening member to frantically yank her lace panties off, nearly tearing them in the process.
The green eyed woman was slouched in her seat, eyes closed, a sated smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Camila was entirely too turned on for pleasantries, opting to grab Lauren's hand and unceremoniously shove it under her own short skirt. Pulled out of her post-orgasmic haze, Lauren's eyes flew open at the feeling of wet heat against her hand.
"Baby, please," Camila begged, desperate for relief.
"Hmm, is someone else all hot and bothered now?" Lauren teased, even as her fingers swept through soaked folds to stroke a swollen clit.
"Oh fuck, yes," Camila's mouth fell open and she pushed her hips up, fucking herself against Lauren's strong fingers.
"God, you're so wet," the dark-haired woman felt her arousal peaking again and slid two fingers into her lover's tight core, glancing around the still-empty train car as she contemplated replacing her fingers with her rapidly hardening cock. Pounding her fingers into the smaller woman, the heel of her hand slapping against a sensitive nub, Lauren could feel the slick walls tightening around her. She was about to make her move when she caught sight of movement through the window at the front of the car.
"Crap," Lauren swore quietly. She ripped her fingers from between her girlfriend's legs, quickly adjusting their clothes as the car door slid open.
Camila let out a cry of dismay at the sudden loss. She had been right there and she looked around wildly to find the reason for the interruption. Her intense arousal threatened to turn to murderous rage when she saw the hapless young man who'd thwarted her orgasm. He was wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans and bouncing his head to music so loud that Camila could hear the tinny sounds of it even from the opposite end of the train car. It'll serve him right to lose his hearing by the time he's 25. She knew it was uncharitable - rather vicious even - but really, he had some nerve barging into their car.
Seemingly ignoring the couple - one desperately hoping to not get caught, the other contemplating homicide - the boy dropped into a seat and settled in for the ride.
"Lauren...," Camila whimpered, "I was so close."
"I know baby, but he's right there, and..."
"I don't care," the brunette practically growled the words. "You're finishing what you started. For both of us."
"What?! Are you crazy, Camila, we can't..."
"We can, and we will."
Hiking her skirt up around her waist, Camila moved to straddle the older woman, knees on either side of curvaceous hips. She wasted no time pushing Lauren's dress out of the way and positioning the tip of the rigid shaft at her entrance. Her mouth opened in a silent cry as she sunk down onto Lauren's lap, loving the feel of the thick length filling her up. She pressed down hard, rocking slowly against her girlfriend, that bulbous cockhead hitting a white-hot spot inside her.
The slick walls fluttering around her throbbing cock felt even better than she had imagined when she'd been knuckle deep in her girlfriend just moments earlier. Camila was barely moving and Lauren already felt like she could come, the girl just felt so good around her. And then she began to move, those sexy legs working to slam that hot pussy onto her dick. Lauren grunted, thrusting up into her lover and bringing her hand up to press against the girl's swollen clit - she'd already come once and wanted to make sure Camila got off first this time, especially given the earlier interruption.
"Unngh, baby, do you know how sexy you look when you fuck me?" Lauren panted, voice low and rough with arousal. "Mm, I wish... oh, fuck, I wish you were naked so I could really see your tight little pussy stretch around my cock... watch your gorgeous tits bounce while you ride me..."
"Oh, fuck, Lauren, mmn..."
"Ah yeah... come on my cock, come all over me..."
Camila shrieked, slamming down onto Lauren's lap one final time, walls collapsing around her girlfriend's rigid length. Her hips jerked against Lauren, loud cries spilling from her throat with each wave of pleasure. Lauren looked over Camila's shoulder worriedly, but the boy just sat there, bopping his head to his music. Those must be really good headphones...
The raven haired woman held her girlfriend close, stroking her back and nuzzling into her hair as the brunette rode out the aftershocks of her climax. She tried to ignore the nagging of her painfully hard dick, but Camila's slick walls were still fluttering around her and the girl was still rocking just slightly and her primal instincts were urging her to rut, to mate, to fuck...
Lauren carefully maneuvered Camila off of her cock, hissing at the coolness of the outside air after the intense heat of the girl's insides. Casting a last glance over her shoulder to ensure the boy was still ignoring them, she fumbled in her knapsack for a tube of lotion. Squirting a generous amount onto her palm, she stroked the length of her shaft. She'd intended to lube up and move on, but instead took a moment to enjoy the stimulation, moaning quietly and fisting her slick cockhead in a tight grasp.
"Hey," Camila pushed Lauren's shoulder, demanding the green eyed woman's attention.
"Sorry," Lauren cleared her throat and blushed. "I, ah, got distracted."
"Well, get un-distracted," Camila smirked. "Unless you wanted to take care of that all by yourself."
"No, no, I'm, uh, I'm totally focused on the task at hand. I just wanted to, um, give you a moment, you know."
Squirting some more lotion onto her hand, Lauren knelt between Camila's legs, grateful the laminate floor seemed to be relatively clean. She cut off further banter by bringing her hand up to smear lotion around her girlfriend's puckered hole, one fingertip teasing into the tight entrance, already wet with Lauren's cum where it dripped down from the girl's swollen cunt.
"Mmm, that's more like it," Camila moaned at the feeling of that strong finger probing her sensitive anus. She hadn't thought she'd like anal when they'd first tried it, but there was something about the raunchiness of it that really turned her on.
Lauren pushed two fingers into her roughly; she wanted to take her time, but the pressure of the location had her anxious and the throbbing of her cock had her impatient, and, well, gentle lovemaking is for at home. When we aren't at risk of being interrupted or possibly arrestedfor public indecency. Scissoring her fingers, she bit her lip and grabbed at her dick when Camila groaned throatily and pushed down onto her, stretching her own ass out.
"Fuck, Camz..."
"Nngh, yes, please..." the brunette moaned.
Lauren wasted no time getting into position, her knees grateful for the break from the hard floor and her dick twitching in her hand in anticipation of splitting the tiny diva. Positioning her cockhead at the slick entrance, she began to push forward slowly, the tight ring of muscle resisting the initial intrusion.
"Yes, baby... mmn, fuck me," Camila whimpered, grabbing Lauren's hips to pull her closer, deeper inside.
"God..." Lauren pushed forward steadily, forcing her dick into her lover's tight little ass. When she'd pressed in to the hilt, groin resting against her girlfriend's butt, she paused, trembling with the effort of holding still.
"Okay?" the green eyed woman's voice was hoarse, quavering with restraint.
"Mm-hmm," Camila shifted, pushing her hips up to encourage her lover to move.
With a groan, Lauren braced her hands on the back of the seat behind Camila and pulled out to the tip. The ridge of her cockhead brushed against the inside of Camila's tight anus just before she pushed in again, spearing into the tight heat. She fucked her girl's ass in a steady rhythm, feeling her balls tighten already - there was no way she could last, not when Camila felt so good and looked so sexy and the thrill of possibly being caught had her dick leaking pre-cum in a steady stream.
"Oh god, oh fuck... Lauren, baby," Camila breathed into her ear, going out of her mind with pleasure just at the thought of what they were doing. Her eyes fluttered open to peer between the seats at the boy seated up front - still listening to his music - and a rush of pleasure spiked through her body. All he has to do is turn around and there is no hiding what we're doing.
"Unngh, Camila, yeah, fuck yeah," Lauren slammed into her lover, cock swelling and reaching impossible depths as she released into the diva.
Camila whimpered at the feeling of the raven haired woman's hot cum filling her bowels, the usual thrill of doing something so dirty amplified by the circumstances. Reaching between her legs, her fingers slipped across her swollen clit, pushing her over the edge into a second orgasm. Her cunt clenched around nothing, ass clamping down on Lauren's softening dick to push it from inside her.
The pair slumped together, breathing heavily and shivering through aftershocks until the PA warned them that they would be arriving in New Haven soon. Scrambling to clean up - thank goodness for the wet wipes Camila insists on carrying - they just managed to look presentable by the time the train pulled to a stop.
Gathering their belongings and preparing to leave the train, they exchanged furtive glances like children wondering if they'd gotten away with something as they approached the front of the car where the apparently oblivious boy was stretching.
"Oh, hey!" the boy slipped his headphones off and glanced between the girls, gaze sweeping their figures - particularly Camila's legs in her short skirt.
The pair paused, both wondering if they were about to be confronted for their behaviour.
"I didn't know you guys were back there, sorry if my music was too loud or whatever."
"It's quite alright, it was fine, really - I didn't even realise it was on!" Camila flashed the boy her Broadway smile and dragged a laughing Lauren off the train. The boy watched them go - particularly enjoying the view - and sighed to himself.
Man, I could've been macking on them the whole way? I gotta pay more attention when I'm on the train!

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