Our Most Perfect Thing

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Camila scrolls through her Twitter feed out of habit, but soon closes her eyes. She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. She needs to stay calm and look unaffected. Still, the words seem to be dancing in front of her eyes. Mother's Day. It's only Thursday, but already everybody is talking about what they're getting for their moms on Sunday, where they're taking them, or how long it's been since they've seen them.
Lily won't see her mother on Mother's Day. She never does. Camila wonders if Lily even remembers her, and she doesn't know what she wants the answer to be. The plan had been for her to see Lily regulary, but then Shawn got a great job offer on the other side of the country and Camila hasn't seen Lily since. Thinking about her little girl always seems to cut her breath off for a second.
Camila opens her locker and extends her arm so she can feel behind the stack of books and pull out the picture she keeps there. The picture is torn a little on the edges, from always having to hide it and from always taking it with her. She only allows herself a few seconds to look at one of the two things she did right in her messed up life: have Lily. She bites her lip, forcing back the tears she can feel welling up in her eyes. She takes another deep breath, gets out the books she needs and closes her locker.
"Hey, babe."
Camila jumps up when Austin Mahone greets her with his usual sleazy grin. Yeah, she was so drunk when that happened. She decides to just ignore him - turn around and walk away. But then he puts his hand on her shoulder and takes a step closer, now standing in front of her again. "You look fine today, baby mama."
Camila quirks a perfectly epilated eyebrow, giving him a cold look that does her reputation of being an ice queen justice. But Austin wouldn't be Austin if he gave up so easily - too stupid to understand that Camila is with Lauren now (that other right thing), and even if she wasn't, she'd never want him.
"So, what do you say, want another ride on the Mahoneasaurus?" He wiggles his eyebrows, and Camila is pretty sure that if she'd even considered sleeping with him before, she sure would be entirely put off now. She's ready to put him in place when she feels a familiar arm slip around her waist.
"Tell me I did not just hear those words," Lauren says, her voice as cold as her eyes. She gives Austin her trademark look - as if he's less than a stain on her shoe. Which he really is to her.
Austin shrugs, not impressed. He knows that Lauren won't beat him up because Camila won't let her, and even if she did, he could take a girl, right? "All's fair in love and hate, Jauregui."
Camila frowns. "That's not even how it goes."
Lauren lets go of Camila and takes a step closer to Austin, their faces inches apart. Lauren's lip is curled up in disgust and the hate brimming in her eyes says more than a thousand words. "Let me make myself very clear, Austin Mahone. You stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, or I swear to God I will cut you up and serve your balls on a fucking silver platter."
Austin chuckles. "Woah, she giving it to you that good? She's looking hot today so who can blame me for having another try, right? Yeah, I remember. She's a damn good lay. Doesn't she make your dick hard just looking at her fine ass?"
That's when it happens, before Camila can even stop it. Lauren's fist meets Austin's nose, and it's not a gentle landing. Lauren bites her lip, because okay - her knuckles hurt like hell right now, but she's not about to admit that. "You do not talk about my girl that way, Mahone. She was never yours. You fucking took advantage of her by getting her drunk when she was feeling down. Nothing to be proud of. Now get the fuck away from me before I end you."
Austin is holding his nose, trying to stop the bleeding but failing miserably. He's cursing - very uncreatively. Lauren grabs his shoulders and knees him in the balls before taking Camila's hand and leaving.
When they turn the corner, Lauren lets out the breath she's been holding. "Holy fuck, that hurts." She closes her eyes. "I'm sorry, Camila. I know you don't like it when I get into fights."
Camila licks her lips. "I don't. I much prefer it when you take people down with words, you're good at it too. But he was being an asshole, and quite frankly... it was kind of hot." She gives Lauren a very meaningful look.
Lauren swallows. "It... it was?" For all her bravado, it takes her girlfriend just that wink and those bedroom eyes to turn her into a speechless mess.
Camila leans in and cups Lauren's cheek. She kisses her girlfriend fully on the lips, slipping her tongue inside and pulling their bodies closer together. Camila's hand trails to Lauren's ass and she lets it rest there. Lauren can feel her dick throbbing in her pants, reacting to Camila's touch.
Camila nips Lauren's lip a final time before leaning back and grinning. "We've got twenty minutes before class. Second floor bathroom?"
Lauren doesn't even have the presence of mind to use words, so instead, she just nods.
"God, you are so fucking sexy," Lauren says, her voice heavy with arousal. She's sitting on top of the toilet lid, Camila in her lap, pressing her body against Lauren's.
"That was really sexy, the way you looked after me out there. It's my turn to look after you now," she winks. Her skirt is bundled around her waist and she gyrates her hips into Lauren. She can feel Lauren's dick hardening rapidly in her pants, and it gets her so damn wet she'll be needing that second pair of panties later.
Lauren licks her lips. "I want you so bad right now."
Camila gets up from Lauren's lap and shakes her head. "Easy, tiger. We can fuck later. For now, I'm just going to suck you off."
Lauren throws her head back and groans at the prospect. Camila gets on her knees and opens Lauren's pants with swift movements. She tugs them down and then gets working on Lauren's boxers. She hooks her fingers behind the waistband and they follow her jeans to the floor, Lauren's erection springing free.
Camila moans just looking at it. Lauren's dick is big - bigger than most, definitely bigger than Austin even though he hates to admit it. Lauren's long, tick and uncut, and Camila just loves it. Her mouth waters only looking at it. She takes Lauren's dick in her fist and squeezes it softly, earning herself a low moan from her girlfriend.
Camila moves her hand up and down, squeezing, and Lauren's dick is throbbing in her fist. Camila leans in and licks the head of her dick before nibbling on her foreskin softly, alternating with sucking on it heavily. Lauren's whispered encouragements and the jerking of her hips tell Camila she's doing exactly what her girlfriend loves. She lets go of her dick and pulls the foreskin away with nimble fingers until she can get her tongue between Lauren's head and skin, circling all the way around her dick. Lauren pushes into her, and Camila loves it. She loves having Lauren inside of her mouth as much as she loves having her inside of her pussy. She also knows exactly what Lauren likes.
She groans herself when she feels a dribble of precum on her tongue. She feels her own pussy flutter when she leans back and kisses the head of Lauren's dick before taking it in her mouth. She sucks on the head, her hands finding their way to Lauren's balls. She fondles them softly as she feeds herself more and more of Lauren's dick. She can feel her girlfriend's thick cock straining in her mouth, getting so rock hard. She licks the throbbing vein running through Lauren's dick and hollows her cheeks around it.
Camila gags slightly when the head of Lauren's dick taps the back of her tongue, but this isn't the first blowjob she's giving Lauren. She can take it. Besides, her girlfriend deserves some special attention for sticking up for her. Slowly but surely, Camila takes Lauren's cock deeper and deeper into her throat. She looks up and her entire body tingles with arousal when she sees Lauren's head thrown back, her mouth open, her cheeks flushed, clearly enjoying the treat.
Then Lauren looks down at her and their eyes meet. Lauren loves this sight, her girlfriend's mouth full of her dick. She groans when she feels it slip inside Camila's throat - so fucking tight. She knows this makes Camila so horny. Camila's hands are still playing with Lauren's hard balls and she can feel them tensing up. She nods at Camila, indicating her impending orgasm. Camila's eyes almost roll back in her head at the idea and it makes Lauren chuckle. It's amazing how much her girlfriend loves to swallow her cum.
Camila is pretty sure that if they had the time to fuck now, it wouldn't even take five seconds for her to reach her orgasm. Her mouth is full of Lauren, and that nod means that she's almost there. She scrapes the bottom of Lauren's dick with her teeth lightly, making sure it brings pleasure and the slightest hint of pain. It's enough to send Lauren over the edge. Camila takes Lauren's dick out of her throat until only her head rests on her tongue again, and sure enough, she can now taste her girlfriend perfectly as she cums. Load after load of hot seed spurts on her tongue and she eagerly swallows it, sucking on Lauren's dick to get even more cum out of it.
When Lauren's dick starts to go soft in Camila's mouth, she starts sucking on it again. Lauren frowns in surprise, but doesn't mind at all as her girlfriend licks and sucks her to a second orgasm. Camila is milking her girlfriend's dick and they're both loving it. The seed is coming faster than Camila can swallow, and the cum fills her mouth, dribbling over her chin. Lauren fumbles to take her phone and snap a quick picture of her girlfriend's mouth full of her cock, the seed running out of her mouth.
Lauren goes soft again and pulls out. Camila licks her lips and then licks Lauren's dick again, tasting all the cum she possibly can get. She smiles and gets up. Lauren is exhausted. "You're so damn good at that," she mutters.
Camila smiles, but doesn't say anything. When Lauren's pulled her boxers and pants back on, she settles in her lap. Lauren frowns, noting how quiet her girlfriend is. "What's wrong?" she asks instinctively.
"Nothing," Camila says, adding what she hopes is a reassuring smile. "I'm great. You taste awesome."
"You're the best at blowjobs," Lauren grins. "I mean, even if I didn't love you as much as I do, I'd probably be exclusive with you just for your blowjobs."
When Camila just smiles and doesn't respond, Lauren knows that something really is wrong. "Okay, who are you and what did you do to my feisty girlfriend?"
Camila takes a deep breath. She knows she can't keep lying to her girlfriend who knows her so well. "It's Lily," she sighs, fighting the tears. "It's Mother's Day Sunday and it's everywhere and I can't stop thinking about her. I made a lot of mistakes and I hurt a lot of people, but Lily... she was perfect. She was my perfect thing and then I had to give her away. Then I got her back, just a little, and she was taken from me again. I just... I really want that perfect thing again."
Lauren licks her lips. "I'm so sorry, baby."
"And then Austin, he hit on me, and I hate him - but he's the father of my perfect little girl, you know? And he just reminded me of her so much today. I love you, Lauren. And you're the most perfect part of my life now."
Lauren rests her head on Camila's shoulder and tries to find the right words before looking into Camila's eyes. "You're my perfect part, Camila. So why don't we make the most perfect thing together?"
"Do you mean...?"
"Let's have a baby."
Camila grins. Lauren smiles. The idea should probably seem ridiculous, but it sounds wonderful. "I mean," Lauren says. "I'm getting the key to my abuela's house today. I'm getting access to the money today. We could totally afford a baby. Start a family."
"We could," Camila nods. "Perfect revenge, too."
Lauren's abuela had never liked her, not from when she was born with a penis. Abuela had always been sure it was Lauren's mother's fault, and Lauren's mother must have carried a family curse, or some shit. But Lauren was the only grandchild, and leaving everything to Lauren was better in her abuela's eyes than leaving it to her son for her daughter-in-law to have access to it and do god knows what with it. Like finance the devil, or something. Lauren had never really listened to her abuela's theories - the same abuela who didn't pass up a chance to remind Lauren she was a freak of nature. So fuck yes was she going to take the mansion and the money left to her and make her girl happy, make herself happy.
"I have an idea," Camila says, getting Lauren's attention. "My parents are going on a long weekend with their church group. Some weekend about the mother Mary, or something. They'll only be back on Sunday. How about we go to my house for the weekend and fuck on every available surface until I'm pregnant?"
Lauren smirks. "I've always wanted to fuck you on your father's desk."
Camila is softly singing along with the song playing on the radio when she finally spots her girlfriend making her way to the car. She bites her lip softly - it's just the way she walks. Lauren definitely has swagger. Knowing that they'll be making a baby together - looking at her and knowing that - it makes Camila feel happier than she's ever been. Knowing that they'll be starting a family. Together forever.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Lauren asks as she throws her bag in the backseat. "You look totally hot when you're daydreaming, by the way." Lauren leans in for a soft kiss, and then she cups her jaw, and the kiss isn't that soft anymore, but definitely just as loving.
Camila smiles. "I was just thinking about how perfect my little family is going to be when we've got the little one. And how much fun we'll be having making the little one," she adds with a sexy smirk.
"Mhm," Lauren responds. "How about we go check out the house, then go to your parents' place and have awesome sex as much as we possibly can?"
"Sure, on one condition."
"What's that?" Lauren frowns. Camila usually doesn't put conditions on sex - it's one of the things Lauren loves about her. Camila doesn't feel the need to play games with her girlfriend, she gets to do plenty of that as the captain of the soccer team. If Camila doesn't feel like having sex, she'll either put Lauren first, get over it and enjoy herself anyway (because Lauren totally knows how to make her want it) - or she outright says so. No lame excuses. No headaches.
"We just grab the key to the house, then go to my parents' place and have awesome sex as much as we possibly can," she says nonchalantly. "We can check out the house properly later."
"Deal," Lauren agrees quickly.
After dinner at Breadstix on Friday, Lauren parks the car on the Cabello's driveway and turns to her girlfriend for a soft kiss, cupping her jaw. "Let's go and make a baby," she smiles.
Camila goes ahead to open the door while Lauren gets their weekend bags out. They don't have much with them, but all they need is a change of clothes. She brings the bags to Camila's room and then goes to the kitchen, where Camila is opening and closing cupboards.
"What are you doing?" Lauren asks, taking a seat on one of the high stools.
Camila looks up. "I was just looking if they've got any food in the house for tomorrow. Want something to drink?"
"Yeah, sure." A devilish smirk graces her features. "What would piss your dad off most?"
Camila frowns. "Probably something from his secret stash he has no idea I know all about. He's got some great scotch, he keeps it in his home office."
"I didn't know you were an expert on alcohol," Lauren teases. But then Camila makes her way out of the kitchen and Lauren is too distracted by that magnificent ass to think about anything else. She follows her girlfriend into Alejandro Cabello's home office and whistles lowly. She hasn't been inside the Cabello home very often, as Camila's parents don't approve of their relationship at all and Sinu is home more often than not.
Camila goes straight to the giant mahogany desk and starts opening the drawers. Lauren opts to sit down on the leather chair. Camila lets out a frustrated sigh and bends down to open the bottom drawer. Lauren licks her lips at the sight of her girlfriend's ass right there in front of her, and the promise of great scotch is suddenly about the last thing on her mind. She surprises Camila by pulling her on her lap, earning her a squeal and then a giggle. "Lauren, what are you doing?" Camila asks, turning around in her girlfriend's lap.
Lauren bites her lip – her girlfriend is just really damn sexy. "This is your daddy's office, right? The place where he works so hard to fuck people up?"
Camila nods. "Yep. This is where he protects the citizens of the 'fine state of Ohio'. He's such a hypocrite – one of the few things he's got in common with my mother."
Lauren tilts her head to the side. "I suppose he wouldn't like it too much if I fucked his little girl in the very chair he uses every night?"
Camila purses her lips. "I'm pretty sure it would drive him crazy."
Lauren smiles. "Perfect." Her hands find their way to Camila's skirt and she drags it down a little to get her point across. Camila smirks and stands up so she can take it off. To Lauren's surprise, she immediately takes her panties with it. Lauren gets up so she can take off Camila's top and bra, then pulls her girlfriend closer into her for a hungry kiss.
They've been together for a while now, and they love each other so much. They're both faithful as can be, and neither of them has diseases. But they still haven't had sex without a condom, and the prospect of actually feeling Camila's warm pussy clench around her dick almost makes her come in her pants.
"I was just imagining your enormous dick inside of me without a condom," Camila whispers, almost as if she's been reading Lauren's thoughts.
"Oh, fuck," Lauren mutters.
Camila pushes Lauren back down into the chair. Lauren is caught off guard, but before she can verbalize her confusion, Camila is already on her knees, palming Lauren's crotch. Camila massages Lauren's dick through her pants and then replaces her hand with her mouth. She smiles when Lauren's dick hardens – Camila can feel it through her jeans. She presses her tongue against Lauren's pants and that's when she can't take it anymore. Lauren quickly unbuttons her jeans and pulls down the zipper. Camila tugs at the waistband of her pants until it's down to her knees. Lauren stands up just enough to pull her pants down to her ankles and kick them off.
"Someone's eager," Camila says, eyebrow quirked.
"Fuck baby, I just need to have you," Lauren mutters. Camila's hands are working on the waistband of Lauren's boxer shorts now. Soon, they join Lauren's jeans on the floor. When Lauren sits back down, Camila leans in and licks the head of Lauren's dick, then wraps her lips around it. She suckles on it lightly – enough to get Lauren rock hard.
Camila gets up and then settles down in Lauren's lap, her legs hugging Lauren's hips. Lauren grabs her dick and rubs it against Camila's clit, loving how wet her girlfriend is already. Camila's clit is so hard and Lauren loves to tease it with her dick. A little precum is already oozing out of her dick, and Camila can't take the teasing any more. She wraps her hand around Lauren's and guides her dick to her entrance. With an animalistic grunt, Lauren pushes inside. She curses at that amazing feeling of Camila's hot pussy walls clenching around her dick.
"Oh God," Camila moans, throwing her head back. She pushes back so Lauren goes in even faster, her giant dick stretching Camila so deliciously. Camila bucks her hips into Lauren's, and soon they find a rhythm that feels great to them both.
"Shit, you're so sexy, baby," Lauren mutters. Camila's in her lap, hopping on her dick. Lauren rubs her clit, earning herself a very approving groan. Her head thrown back, her neck flushed, her tits bouncing. Her pussy swallowing her dick, then releasing it only to swallow it again. The sight of it makes Lauren's balls tighten. She cants her hips a little and gets what she expects: a guttural groan because the head of her dick just rubbed Camila's G-spot. The sound of it alone is enough to make her come.
The hot seed spurts from Lauren's dick inside of Camila, filling her up again and again. Camila's not quite done, and she increases the pace all on her own. Lauren bites her lips and then puts her hands on Camila's hips to keep her still and increase the friction. The sound of Camila's heavy breathing, the sweat streaming down her body, the loudness of those noises that seem to come from so deep within her – it's enough to make Lauren come a second time and bring on a new load of cum. It just keeps coming, and Lauren's pretty sure she never knew she had that much cum in her. Finally, Camila's pussy relents and it traps Lauren's dick inside, squeezing it so violently as she rides the waves of her orgasm, completely losing control of her body.
When she's finally come down from the orgasm, Lauren pulls out slowly. Camila is so filled with cum that it drips out a little – right onto Lauren's balls. The sight of Camila's pussy filled with her essence is enough to make Lauren's dick hard again.
Camila still has her eyes closed, so she has no idea what's going on when Lauren lifts her up on top of her father's mahogany desk and slams into her again. Camila falls back on the desk and Lauren grabs her ankles, pulling her closer into her. She pounds Camila hard and fast, needing the release so badly. Lauren's cum from earlier is still dripping out of her, right onto the desk.
"Lauren," Camila grunts. "Don't stop."
Lauren chuckles – no way is she going to stop. Herx eyes roll back in her head when she feels Camila crossing her ankles at the small of her back. Camila digs her heels into Lauren's back and Lauren leans forward, going even deeper inside of Camila. Camila's pussy is so filled with cum that it feels even hotter than before, and Lauren can think about nothing else than to fill her even more. She wants her girlfriend to fucking leak with her cum.
"Oh shit," Lauren mutters when she feels herself getting closer to her orgasm. "Shit shit shit shit shit-"
Camila sits up, wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and pushes herself completely into Lauren, her tits rubbing against Lauren's shirt. Lauren's dick is pushed even deeper inside and it feels so insanely good to Camila that it makes her fly over that edge. The feeling of Camila's walls convulsing on her dick makes Lauren shoot another load right into her girlfriend, and this time Camila keeps Lauren still, her dick buried deep inside her pussy. Lauren manages to push herself into Camila just that tad bit more and it feels completely amazing to be so deep inside.
They both need a little while to recover from their orgasms. Finally, Lauren pulls out of Camila. When she notices the cum she left on the desk, she frowns. "Should we clean it up?" she wonders.
Camila tilts her head and smiles. "No. I want him to come home and know we fucked all over his desk, possibly even made a baby."
Lauren smiles and nods. "Whatever you want, baby." When she notices Camila's grimace, she asks worriedly: "What's wrong?"
Camila pouts. "My back's a bit sore. This desk isn't exactly soft. How about we get into the jacuzzi to relax?"
They decide to not wear bikinis – they're alone anyway. Lauren's legs are spread and Camila is nestled between them, leaning into her girlfriend, her head resting in the nape of Lauren's neck. The hot water and her girlfriend's touch feel amazing to her back.
"We're going to make a beautiful baby," Lauren says softly. "And we will love our beautiful baby. We will love him or her so much."
"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Camila asks, realizing she has no idea how Lauren feels about that.
Lauren shrugs. "Honestly? I don't really care, either is fine. I just want a healthy, happy baby. That's all that matters to me. What about you?"
"I don't know. Same as you, I think. I don't know if having a girl would hurt because she would remind me of Lily, though."
"I know giving Lily up was difficult for you. But you're getting a second chance here, and this is a baby you can raise, you can take care of. If it's a girl, she won't be Lily. But she will be your girl. Our girl."
"I know," Camila smiles. "Have I ever thanked you?"
"What for?"
"For not judging me, about getting pregnant before and then giving up my baby. For falling in love with me even though I'm so fucked up. For always sticking by me, no matter what."
"I love you, Camila Cabello. And that kind of trumps everything every single day. I know you've had hard times, but you fought through. You're strong and brave, how could I not admire that? We all make mistakes. You did what you had to do in the circumstances at the time."
"You're so incredibly sweet." Camila smiles and turns around to give Lauren a kiss. "It actually makes me kind of horny."
Lauren chuckles. "Again?"
Camila quirks an eyebrow. "Are you complaining?"
"Not at all, not at all," Lauren says quickly.
"There's something I've always wanted to do in a jacuzzi..." Camila says suggestively. "Want to try it out with me?"
Lauren grins. "Hell yeah. What do you want to do?"
Camila kneels on the seat of the jacuzzi and leans forward so that she's on all fours, facing one of the jets. She looks over her shoulder, ready to instruct her girlfriend. "Okay, now kneel between my legs and get that delicious dick of yours inside me from behind."
Lauren is completely mesmerized at the sight of Camila like this, but soon catches up to the request. She enters Camila swiftly, but carefully. Camila feels for the right button and then turns on the jets, moaning in delight when she feels the water spurting against her clit. She waits until Lauren is firmly inside of her and then grabs on to the edge of the tub. Lauren follows her lead and they both shift a little until they're completely balanced.
"Okay, now we straighten up," Camila says, holding on to the edge of the jacuzzi. Lauren does as asked and then pushes deeper into Camila. Camila moans, bites her lip.
Lauren pulls out and pushes into Camila again. Soon, she's pumping into her girlfriend, enjoying the feeling of the warm water around them, of Camila so willingly taking her dick.
"How did you come up with this?" Lauren asks between grunts. "It's really fucking hot."
"I read it online. I looked it up because I've always kind of wanted to have sex with you here." Camila throws her head back and Lauren kisses her neck.
Lauren chuckles. "You've got good research skills, baby."
Lauren pumps deeper and deeper into Camila, the head sliding in and out of her forehead. It feels so fucking amazing to Camila, and soon her pussy is trapping Camila's dick again, clenching around Lauren. Lauren's cum spills out her dick, right into Camila's pussy. Lauren folds her body over to hold Camila, making sure that her girlfriend won't hurt. The orgasm is astounding. When they've both come down from it and Lauren pulls out of her, Camila shakily lifts herself out of jacuzzi and lies down on one of the lounge chairs nearby.
Lauren frowns as she leans on the edge of the jacuzzi. "What are you doing?"
Camila smiles. "Don't want to lose any of your sperm, baby."
Lauren smiles. "Come here and I'll give you some more."
Camila rolls her head in her neck. "Tomorrow? I'm totally spent for the day."
"Sure. We can just go to sleep," Lauren smiles, getting out as well so she can join Camila on the lounge chair.
Lauren smiles when she wakes up the next morning. She looks at the clock – 1 pm. Obviously, all that amazing sex in the office and then the jacuzzi has her body worn out. But now she feels ready again. She turns to kiss Camila, but frowns when she finds herself alone in the bed. Then the smell of bacon hits her nose and she understands.
Lauren goes to the bathroom to freshen up a little, then makes her way to the kitchen. Camila is busying herself making breakfast, wearing nothing but a flimsy shirt and a pair of tiny panties. Lauren licks her lips and makes her way over to her girlfriend standing behind the counter, sneaking up on her. As she passes the stove, she turns it off and then moves to wrap her arms around Camila's waist.
Camila jumps up and screams, then notices who's holding her. "You asshole!" she laughs nervously, swatting her girlfriend playfully.
Lauren pouts. "And here I was, thinking you love me."
Camila rolls her eyes. "Of course I love you. Now are you going to give me a baby or what?"
Lauren purses her lips, pretends to think about it. Then she grabs Camila's shirt and takes it off, followed by her panties. Camila smiles and leans forward, her naked tits resting on the cold surface of the counter, her pussy spreading for Lauren.
Lauren whistles, her dick getting hard at the sight of Camila's wet pussy. "Damn, baby, you're ready."
"I was thinking about yesterday," Camila admits. "And how hot our sex was."
Lauren grabs her dick and rests the head against Camila's pussy. She guides it along her lips, gathering Camila's wetness on her cock. She then enters her without hesitation, going all the way inside. She holds on to Camila's hips as she pounds into her, her breathing ragged.
Camila moans, loving the combination of senses overwhelming her. Her hard nipples against the marble, Lauren filling her up so good, feeling Lauren's dick come out of her foreskin and gliding back in. She loves the double sensation it gives her.
She was so wet already and her pussy is more than ready. Lauren moves her hand to Camila's stomach and finds her way to her clit. She starts rubbing it, and that just seals the deal for Camila. The walls of her pussy squeeze around Lauren, pulling her in closer, keeping her there. Lauren's dick doesn't take long to react and soon, Camila can feel herself being filled with cum again. She's never even had sex with Lauren without a condom before this weekend, and she never could have imagined how good it would be to be so full of her seed. It pools inside of her and she absolutely adores it. Lauren's cum is hot and she loves how it comes out, spurt after spurt, making her so full of Lauren in every way possible. She moans when Lauren changes her angle and she topples over the edge.
"I love you so much," Camila pants when she finally comes down from her orgasm.
"I love you more than anything," Lauren smiles in response as she pulls out. "Let's have breakfast."
The plan is to watch some TV in the lounge and just relax. But when Camila can't control herself and starts fondling Lauren's dick over her jeans, then inside her jeans – well, Lauren's only human. A few minutes later, Lauren is inside of Camila and they're trying to find a comfortable position to have some more mind-blowing sex.
"Let's just take this to your bedroom," Lauren suggests.
"How about... my parents' bedroom," Camila suggests, looking almost too delighted at the prospect.
"Sure," Lauren says, not even caring where they're having sex – as long as she can fill her girlfriend up again. Lauren gets up very carefully and keeps her cock inside of Camila as they make their way out of the living room, down the passage to the Cabellos' master bedroom. Camila moans every time Lauren's cock slides in deeper as she walks.
When they reach the bedroom, Lauren puts Camila down on top of the bed gently. She looks Camila in the eye as she pushes her cock deeper ever so slowly. They pick up a pace that works for them both, and there's something about looking into Camila's beautiful hazel eyes as her dick is treating her pussy. Camila's eyes are glazed over with lust, and she brings her hands to Lauren's breasts, fondling them lovingly. Camila loves kneading Lauren's breasts, playing with her nipples. She concentrates on her pussy and clenches her walls around Lauren's dick as much as she can.
Lauren frowns in surprise when she sees Camila's knowing smirk. "I've been practicing," Camila shrugs. "Feel good?"
"Damn, baby," Lauren mutters. "So good."
Camila tenses up the muscles in her pussy and rubs Lauren's nipples every time she does. It's enough for Lauren's balls to tighten and prepare a new load of cum for her girlfriend. Camila suddenly lifts her hips and Lauren slides even deeper inside, completely taken off guard. Camila is slowly but surely losing control over her pussy as it contracts around Lauren's dick, her walls fluttering around the stiff, thick cock filling her so good.
"Fill me up, baby," Camila whispers softly. "Fill me with your cum."
Lauren groans and loses it – her cum spilling out of her dick, rope after rope of cum spurting into Camila's pussy. Camila follows a few seconds later and the feeling of her walls trapping her dick so very tight just makes her come again and again. She's lost all control over her body now and is only aware of the seed leaving her cock. Finally, after a last long spurt, she can feel her dick soften a little.
Lauren pulls out and Camila moans softly. "Wow, Lauren... I feel so full," she almost whispers.
Lauren looks at her girlfriend, looking so beautifully exhausted. Sweat streaming down on her body, her skin flushed, her pussy full of her cum. Her lower abdomen looks swollen and out of pure curiosity, she presses on it. Camila watches Lauren amusedly. It's a nice surprise when the cum dribbles out of Camila.
Camila frowns when she sees the cum come out. "Shit, we can't have it come out!" She uses her fingers to push it back inside her pussy and the sight of that just makes Lauren hard all over again. She takes Camila's hand away and slams her cock into her as deep as she can get, Camila's pussy still wet from their sex earlier. Lauren holds herself there and leans down to kiss her girlfriend passionately.
"I want to stay inside," Lauren mutters against Camila's lips. "I want to stay inside of you so we can be sure to make ourselves a beautiful baby."
Camila moans. "Fuck me again. I'm so horny."
Lauren happily obliges her girlfriend, again and again. The more sex they have, the hornier they get. After a while, Camila's pussy doesn't even feel sore. She just feels like she needs more of Lauren's cock inside of her, more of her seed, again and again. The bed sheets are drenched, and they're having so many orgasms they can't stop the cum from spilling all over the bed as they look for as many different positions as possible.
It's late at night when they decide to move to Camila's room to catch some sleep.
Camila gets up to open a window when Lauren stops her. "Let's keep the windows and door closed, make sure it smells like sex in here when they get back."
Camila smirks. "I like your thinking. And let's leave the sheets as they are."
Damn, she really is one of a kind, Lauren thinks to herself a few minutes later, when they're lying in each other's arms in Camila's bed.
The next morning, they decide to clean up Camila's room. The idea is to make it look as if Camila was never in her room that weekend. They take her sheets to the washing machine and that's when Lauren's face lights up as a new idea hits her.
"The washing, that's like your mom's domain, right?"
Camila smiles and nods. "That, and the kitchen."
"We should totally have sex on top of the washing machine," Lauren says excitedly. She can feel the bulge in her pants growing hard at the idea of taking her girlfriend here.
"I like the way your perverted mind works," Camila smirks. She turns around, gets the machine ready and then turns it on. She kisses Lauren on the lips softly, then nibbles on her lower lip. "Let's have sex," she mutters. "Right here, right now."
A few seconds later, both girls are fully naked. Camila hops on top of the washing machine and Lauren tugs at her dick to get as hard as she can. Camila takes over from Lauren as soon as she's settled, and Lauren brings her hand to Camila's pussy to play with her clit.
They're enjoying each other for a little while when suddenly, the washing machine makes a small bump. They look each other in the eye and nod. Lauren lines her cock up with Camila's entrance and brings the head inside. She very slowly pushes inside and with the next bump, her dick goes in deeper. Lauren plans to wait until the washing machine bumps every time, but Camila is nowhere near that patient. She pushes her body into Lauren and wraps her arms around her neck to pull her closer at the same time. Soon, Lauren fills Camila up to the hilt. Camila tenses her muscles again to grip Lauren's dick and it makes Lauren's eyes roll back a little. She starts pounding into her girlfriend, and they love how with each bump of the washing machine, their angle shifts a little, taking them by surprise.
Lauren buries her dick as deep as she possibly can and just then, another bump makes her rub the head of her dick against Camila's G-spot. Camila keens and throws her head back, her pussy fluttering around Lauren's cock, squeezing it so damn hard. Lauren tumbles over the edge as well and before she knows it, she's filling Camila up once again. Camila's pussy is working her cock, milking it of all the hot seed it has to offer. Camila keeps wanting more, and Lauren comes a second time – just from that very feeling.
When Lauren finally softens and pulls out, a little bit of cum drips on top of the washing machine. They look each other in the eye and know that it's going to stay there.
Lauren is bringing the bags to the car as Camila finishes the note she's written for her parents.
Alejandro and Sinu,
I turned eighteen last month. That means you have no control over my life anymore. When I was little, I thought that this was just how parents treat their children. But as I grew older, I realized that it wasn't true. I realized that you simply don't care for me for who I am, and that I will never be good enough. Yes, I made mistakes – but you should have helped me deal with them instead of turning your back on me. You should have supported me so I could learn from it and move on to be a better person.
All I ever was for you was a photograph to show to friends and business associates. The last addition to your perfect family, so you could maintain your perfect image. When I told you I'm dating Lauren, you weren't happy because your daughter has found love. You were angry because your daughter 'betrayed' you by entering a relationship that doesn't meet your definition of 'normal'. It was the second time I 'betrayed' you and your perfect image. But this time around, I don't care.
I refuse to be a part of your lie any longer. I have found love, I have found someone who knows every part of me and loves every part of me. She makes me feel good about myself, good about my life. She doesn't judge me for my mistakes and doesn't chastise me for my flaws. She simply loves me for all that I am, with all that she has. She makes me happy, and I make her happy. Because I love her even though she's not perfect. I love her smile and her embrace, I love her wit and her warmth. I love every part of her there is to know. That's what real love is like. I'm sorry you have never known it. I also really love her dick, even if it makes her different from other girls.
Lauren is the most perfect part of me. And together, we decided to make something that transcends perfection. We're having a baby. We've started trying this weekend – all over the house. You'll find the evidence. In fact, we've had so much sex in so many places around the house and in the jacuzzi that I must surely be pregnant by now. And it felt really good. It felt amazing when Lauren filled me up, and kept filling me up so much that it spilled out.
Lauren is everything to me and we will have a real family. That's why I'm leaving here. Lauren and I are going to live together in her house, which is by the way much bigger than this one. My key is here on this table – I don't need it anymore. You won't be seeing me, ever again. And you can tell your friends and your business associates that your daughter ran away to finally have a shot at true happiness, something she would never have had at home.
You fucked up, Alejandro Cabello. And you fucked up too, Sinu Cabello, because you didn't stop him. You both fucked up so badly that you've lost me forever, and it doesn't even make me feel sad. That's how horrible the two of you are.
I'm sure you'll hear about your grandchild being born eventually. But it won't be from us, and you won't get to meet him or her. Our child will be loved and cherished.
Your perfectly happily pregnant and emancipated daughter,
the future Mrs. Camila Jauregui
Camila is so concentrated on finishing the letter that she doesn't notice the way her girlfriend is staring at her ass. She places the note on the glass table and turns around to the hungry look in Lauren's eyes.
"One more time?" Lauren asks.
"I'd love to."
A few seconds later, Camila's on top of the glass dinner table, filled with Lauren's dick. This is the same table her parents used so often for the fake family dinners and the fake dinner parties. She moans when she feels Lauren's head glide out of her foreskin, pushing inside so deep as she holds Camila's hips. Lauren moves hard and fast, and it doesn't take long for either of them to reach their orgasms.
Lauren notices the letter and smirks. She waits until her dick is a little softer, then gets it out of Camila. She takes Camila's finger and guides it to get the remaining cum off the head of her dick. She has Camila drop it right next to the letter.
Camila smirks, then hops off the table. Her ass left an imprint of the glass table and they agree it'll be a perfect sight to come home to. They make their way out to the car and go on their way to explore their new house.
A few hours later, another car pulls up into the Cabello driveway. A tall dark haired man and his blonde wife get out, stretching their legs, satisfied smiles on their faces. As soon as they enter their house, those smiles turn into frowns. There's a funny smell in the air.
"I'm going into my office to have a drink," Alejandro says. "The lord knows I need it after a weekend with such common people. Good lord, Sinu, couldn't you have booked us a more exclusive trip? The minute I leave something to you..."
"I'm sorry, honey. I know you didn't enjoy yourself as much as you deserve. Now you go and have a good glass of scotch to unwind and I'll start on the washing, okay?"
Alejandro makes his way to his home office, Sinu goes to her area of the house: the kitchen, and then the washing machine and dryer.
When Alejandro opens the door, the smell hits him like a ton of bricks. As he walks closer to his desk, the evidence is there to support what he already suspected: sperm. "Sinu!" he bellows.
Right at the same time, Sinu sees a gob of sperm on top of her washing machine. "Alejandro!" she cries out as her husband calls her.
They meet each other outside Alejandro's study. "I found sperm," they say simultaneously.
"And the entire place smells like... copulation," Alejandro says in disgust. "I believe I feel sick. I need to freshen up, get a change of clothes."
"So do I," Sinu nods.
They pass right by the dining room on their way to the master bedroom. As soon as they open the door, a look of shock settles on their faces. The smell of sex is much stronger here, almost palpable. It couldn't be more obvious. Their sheets are tangled and soaked – there's sperm everywhere in their bed.
"Lord have mercy," Alejandro finally mutters. "Who... what?"
Sinu faints when realization settles in. Alejandro immediately makes his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water for his wife. He glances into the dining room as he passes by, only now noticing the door is opened. His eyes fall on a white envelope. He walks over to it and the first thing he sees is another gob of sperm and the faint imprint of someone having sat on top of the table ... naked.
He recognizes the handwriting on the envelope – it's his daughter's. He takes it with him and goes to the bedroom first. He carries his wife outside of the cursed place and is relieved to find Camila's room untouched. At least his wife can regain her composure here. He can feel a vein throbbing in his forehead – they even slept in his bedroom. Didn't even go into Camila's room. He lays Sinu down on top of the bed, and she soon regains consciousness.
He's started reading the letter by now, and the more he reads, the more his face changes colour. By the time he's finished, it's purple.
"What is that?" Sinu asks, her voice quivering.
"That slut," Alejandro hisses. "That ungrateful little bitch!" He tosses the letter to the side and Sinu takes it with trembling hands. She pales even more as she reads her daughter's words.
"Oh, Karla," Sinu says, tears in her eyes. "How could she do this to us? How could she do this to us after all the chances we gave her in her life?"
Alejandro grabs the first item he can find – the lamp on Camila's bedside table – and smashes it against the wall, roaring so loudly it makes Sinu tremble in fear.
Sinu feels angry with her daughter, but also sad about her choices. She'll never get to see her grandchild, that much is clear. It's too soon for them to have one, but still, if it must happen...
"She is dead to me, Sinu! We have no daughter in her. She is never to be spoken of again, do you hear me? The spiteful little slut is dead."
And that's when Sinu realizes that she can never tell her husband that she feels anything beyond anger. She just nods and mutters: "She is no daughter of ours."
Camila whistles when Lauren pulls up to the house. Lauren's had to go to a few family gatherings there when she was younger, so she remembers the sheer size of the place. But to Camila, it's new. She gets out of the car to get a better look. "Shit, this place is huge," she says, wide-eyed in astonishment.
Lauren nods. "My abuela had a lot of siblings, and she was the youngest. Most of the men in the family where career whores, and they all worked so hard they earned a fortune. Abuela inherited it all, because everyone left everything to her in their will. She was the youngest, and then she grew so old. And my abuelo was a really rich dude. I've seen what she left me. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't want to, both of us wouldn't have to work a single day in our lives."
Camila puts a hand above her eyes to block the sun. "I do want to work, though. I want a career."
Lauren smiles. "I know, baby, so do I. So we just get to spoil our kids rotten."
Camila smiles. "I look forward to that. Dad would be so pissed if he saw the size of this place, I'm going to take a picture later so I can add it to my letter when I tell them I've left home to live here with you. This house is totally bigger than my dad's."
Lauren chuckles. "Well, I reckon I've got a few things that are bigger than your dad's."
Camila rolls her eyes playfully. "I don't even want to think about that. Gross." She can't really be angry at Lauren, though. She knows her girlfriend is just playing around, and she loves her so much she basically forgives her everything right away anyway. She starts walking to the front door.
"I sure hope you want to think about mine," Lauren calls out after her girlfriend. She wants to get out of the car as well, but then she sees the lovely view of her girlfriend's ass as she's walking, so she decides to enjoy it. As if Camila can feel her stare, she adds an extra sway to her hips. Lauren can definitely feel something stirring in her pants. Then Camila bends down to tie her shoelaces - but Lauren knows for sure she's only pretending and giving a show. She's not complaining, though. Not at all.
Finally, Lauren gets out of the car as well. She grabs the keys from her bag and follows Camila to the front door. When she reaches her girlfriend, she puts her hand on her ass and gives it a gentle squeeze. It makes Camila giggle.
First, Camila and Lauren explore the house and its many rooms. They start with the spacious living room. The furniture definitely needs to be replaced - her abuela's love for tradition went a little too far sometimes. It's a good thing they've got the money to do with the house what they want. From the living room, they go to the kitchen. Luckily, that has all the modern appliances. Of course, her abuela prouded herself on her kitchen and on being an excellent cook. From the kitchen, they make their way to the dining room and decide they'll look into getting the wall down between the dining and living room. Lauren's abuelo's home office has been left intact, even though he passed away years ago. Lauren can tell her abuela kept it clean throughout the years, and it oddly touches her that this woman who was so cold and calculated in her experience did actually love her husband. They just never showed it, unlike Lauren and Camila.
They get a glimpse to an enormous garden and a lovely terrace. First, they go upstairs. There are two more floors and they immediately decide that when the kids are older, they can have one floor and the parents the other. There are five bedrooms and three bathrooms - one ensuite to the master bedroom, with bay window, and two separate bathrooms. "That'll come in handy if we have a boy and a girl," Camila smiles, already picturing a couple of mini Camila's and mini Lauren's running around. There are a few empty rooms as well, which they can later turn into play rooms for the kids or do with as they like. The attic has a permanent staircase and runs over the entire house. They discover a staircase leading to the kitchen and a large balcony - perfect if their kids want to have friends over undisturbed.
They end their tour of the house in the master bathroom. When Lauren sees the look in Camila's eyes, flitting around the room, and the small frown wrinkles in her front, she nods. "I'll get you a pencil and some paper."
"Thanks," Camila smiles. When Lauren comes back from the car with a pencil and paper, she immediately starts drawing some ideas of what they can do with the room. Lauren watches her girlfriend in awe as she transmits her ideas from her head to paper so effortlessly. Camila's very concentrated and it's such a sexy look on her. The things Lauren would do to this woman...
After a few minutes, Camila's got her initial ideas on paper. She can expand on them later, but when she glances in Lauren's direction, she knows she needs to take care of something else first. She puts the pencil and paper away and wraps her arms around her girlfriend.
Lauren sucks in a deep breath when Camila gives her the bedroom eyes. She's a sucker for the bedroom eyes. Camila trails one hand from the small of Lauren's back over her hips to the front, where she cups her dick softly through her jeans. She smirks when she feels Lauren's dick stir lightly. She squeezes softly, in a pulsating manner, and Lauren groans. "Fuck, baby," she mutters.
"That's the plan," Camila says cheerfully. She grabs Lauren's collar and guides her to the bed, where she lets her go. She casually takes off her shirt and when she brings her hands to her back to unclasp her bra, Lauren stops her.
"My turn," Lauren explains. She tugs the straps of Camila's bra down, then unclasps her bra. Lauren licks her lips and cups Camila's breasts as the bra falls to the floor. Lauren massages Camila's breasts gently and enjoys feeling her nipples hardening against the palms of her hands.
Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and kisses her fully on the lips, Lauren's hands still giving Camila's breast a treat. Camila pushes her body closer into Lauren's, then puts a hand on the small of her back so their crotches meet. Lauren's definitely well on her way to getting hard.
Lauren wants to break the embrace to take her own shirt off, but Camila doesn't let her. When Lauren gives her a questioning look, Camila explains. "I want you to fuck me with your clothes on. I want to feel your clothes against my naked skin."
"Let's get you naked then," Lauren grins. She takes off Camila's shirts and panties with one tug of her fingers. She moves them on top of the bed and takes an appreciative look at her naked girlfriend, wet and ready. She opens her pants and lowers them a little, along with her boxer shorts. Camila leans up and grabs her dick, tugging at it with her entire hand. Lauren groans - this feels so damn good.
Lauren is so horny that it doesn't take much more to get her completely ready. She kisses Camila again before pushing her lightly to indicate she needs to lie down. Camila worries her lower lip, her eyes fixed on Lauren's hard, throbbing dick.
Lauren lowers herself and lines her dick up with Camila's pussy. She rests the head against Camila's clit and fucking hell, that's amazing. It's as if an electric jolt moves through them both. This is unexplored territory for both. Lauren's head is so sensitive, just like Camila's clit. It doesn't take long before they're both panting and moaning. Finally, Lauren takes her dick and guides it to Camila's entrance.
"I'm gonna go inside," Lauren says softly.
Camila lets out a long breath. "Okay."
Lauren pushes inside and wow, holy motherfucking hell. This is insane. Camila is so horny that her pussy is throbbing. It's amazing to feel those hot, soft walls in direct contact with her dick. She pushes slowly, making sure they can both feel it. Lauren feels like she could explode - her foreskin pulled back, the head of her dick is so fucking sensitive and it's never touched Camila's naked pussy so deep inside before. She's rock hard and panting as Camila's pussy swallows her dick slowly, but steadily. When she's all the way inside, she stops for a second to look Camila in the eye. "This... this is amazing, baby."
Camila nods. "Yeah," she breathes softly.
Then Lauren pulls back and goes inside again, her foreskin staying in place. Camila gasps and moans as Lauren pounds into her, her shaft sliding in and out of her foreskin. She's not used to the double sensation, but it feels so damn good she doubts she'll ever want it any other way again. Lauren goes harder now and leans down to kiss Camila's nipples, knowing how sensitive her girl is there. She can't keep it up for long, too out of breath by the rapid pace. Camila puts her hands on Lauren's hips, then grabs her ass, pulling her into her.
Lauren keens at the feeling of Camila's hands on her ass. All of it is just so damn good. Camila's pussy is really fucking tight, and her foreskin is so sensitive. She loves pounding her girlfriend like this, feeling her soft, warm walls sucking her deeper and deeper inside. She can feel her balls tightening.
Camila throws her head back, her body lifting up. The sight of Camila completely filled with her dick, head thrown back, flushed all over her body sends Lauren over the edge. Camila quickly closes her legs around Lauren's waist to make sure to keep her dick inside when spurt after spurt of hot seed shoots out of her thick cock.
Camila knows she's being loud, but nobody can hear them anyway. The feeling of Lauren's hot cum filling her up is so damn good, and her girlfriend just keep delivering. She can feel it leaking into her pussy and she goddamn loves it. She loves it so much that it sends her pussy clenching down on Lauren's deck, fluttering wildly as Camila reaches the most intense orgasm of her life. She's sure of it now: they're never using a condom again.
Camila's orgasm is so intense that she seems to lose all strength when she's reached her climax. She almost collapses on top of the bed, fully expecting Lauren to pull out, wrap her arms around her and kiss her.
But Lauren's not finished yet. She shifts her body to lean on her knees, wraps her arms around Camila's torso and pulls her up, shifting the angle. She slides even deeper inside, and Lauren can feel her own hot cum on the head of her dick. Camila's naked breasts rub against Lauren's shirt.
Camila loves the feeling of Lauren's clothes against her naked skin. Her girlfriend starts pounding her again and she absolutely loves it. She uses the muscles of her pussy to squeeze them around Lauren's dick. And that sends Lauren into her orgasm again - the mere idea of Camila using her pussy to manipulate Lauren's cock. Lauren's cum is pooling inside Camila now, but her foreskin prevents any of it from spilling out. Camila lies down on her back again and Lauren's angle shifts a little. It's enough for Camila to enjoy the waves of her own orgasm crashing over her, and she holds on to Lauren through it.
Lauren stays inside of Camila as she goes soft and then pulls out. She lies down next to her girlfriend, both panting in exhaustion.
"That was... earth shattering," Lauren concludes.
"Yeah, we're totally great at making babies," Camila smiles, nestling her body against Lauren's.

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