Public Display of Affection

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Having a family reunion with the girls had seemed like a decent enough idea at the time, when Camila had suggested it to Lauren. But now it's actually happening, Lauren is bored out of her mind.
Camila had pulled her aside before lunch, instructing, 'no funny business'.
Lauren had just rolled her eyes. What's a Fifth Harmony reunion without a little funny business?
The chicken salad that Camila had spent the entire morning preparing is actually pretty good. The girls sit around Lauren and Camila's dining room table, discussing what they've been up to recently whilst chowing down on lunch.
Lauren's sister is letting everyone know all about her new job, how much money is making and how happy she is. Lauren's happy for her, sure, but is getting sick of hearing about it.
"Wanna have some fun?" Lauren mumbles under her breath to Camila, who is sat beside her.
Snaking her hand under the table, Lauren slips her hand under the waistline of Camila's jeans, feeling the texture of lace. Camila tenses at Lauren's touch, her mouth dropping open and her eyes bulging. She turns to the brunette, scowling. Her eyes are stern, signaling to Lauren to stop.
"Lauren no," Camila warns. "This is a terrible idea."
Smirking, Lauren takes Camila's warning as more of a challenge. Her girlfriend always does this – telling Lauren that PDA is not appropriate in front of friends, especially not sex in public, but she knows that Camila loves it. She fucking loves it. The rush and the excitement. It turns Camila on twice as quickly as normal.
"This chicken is so good, Milz," Dinah praises in between mouthfuls. "What did you do to it?"
"Oh," Camila perks up, smiling. "It was really easy actually; I made the sauce myself and marinated it –"
Lauren runs her hand along the length of Camila's lace panties under the white tablecloth, trailing down the gusset and back to the top, massaging her lips through the thin fabric. Camila chokes on her sentence.
"Um," she stammers, "yeah, uh, it wasn't that difficult."
Camila's cheeks burn as she ignores Lauren and tries to compose herself. Lauren feels the brunette kick her shin under the table. It only makes Lauren grin triumphantly.
"You okay, Camila?" Ally asks from across the table, narrowing her eyes at the two girls opposite her who had been dating for a few years now.
Camila nods vigorously, clearing her throat.
Ally doesn't seem convinced but doesn't get a chance to continue interrogating her friend as Normani begins a new conversation.
"So did anyone notice my hair or what?" Normani demands, arching an eyebrow and striking a pose.
"It looks great, Mani," Dinah laughs.
"Mmhm," Sofi agrees, nodding.
"It took five hours to get the ends this color, you know?"
"How could it possibly have taken so long?" Ally questions dubiously.
Lauren allows them to continue with their conversation, turning her attention to Camila and her hand currently resting on her girlfriend's crotch.
Trying to make out that she is paying attention to Normani's hair salon story, Lauren presses two fingers against Camila's clit and moves in a circular motion over the lace. Camila lets out a muted squeak, coughing to cover it up. Lauren's smile widens, using her ring finger to rub up and down at the same time.
Camila continues to cough, gripping onto the edge of the table and digging her fingernails into the cloth. Lauren knows how much Camila struggles with volume control, so watching her try to stay silent is more than amusing.
"You know bleach doesn't work on all colors," Normani is still rambling.
"That's not true," Sofi interjects.
"It is!"
Lauren continues moving her hand, her index finger circling against Camila's core, going faster and faster by the second, pressing on the exact spot that she knows drives Camila crazy.
"No, it just takes longer," Dinah adds to the conversation.
Within seconds, Camila is grinding against Lauren's hand, subtly thrusting her hips back and forth against Lauren's hand. Letting Lauren know that faster is better. Lauren smirks more, speeding up her movement and increasing pressure ever so slightly.
The lace in Lauren's hand soon becomes wet; only damp at first but increasingly soaked until Lauren can feel it all over her fingers. Camila whimpers, clamping her eyes shut and breathing heavily.
Luckily, no one seems to notice.
"Have you ever bleached your hair, Mila?" Normani asks abruptly.
"I've never bleached my hair," Camila answers bluntly, her breathlessness more than obvious.
Lauren laughs under her breath, increasing her speed even more. Camila grips Lauren's thigh under the table, a moan escaping her lips. She grunts, glancing around the table self-consciously.
"You okay, babe?" Lauren inquires innocently, keeping her expression neutral and her eyes trained on the plate of food in front of her.
"I'm fine," Camila growls through gritted teeth. When Ally raises her eyebrows in concern, Camila forces a smile onto her face. "Just. Indigestion," she lies. "Ate too fast."
Dinah nods, pointing a fork at Camila across the table.
"I get that all the time," she grumbles. "Like right here, between my boobs? Is that where you have it? It burns like fuckery."
Camila nods once, her attention seemingly being held by something else.
"You know Ally was ginger once," she forces out with bated breath, attempting to get the attention off of herself.
"No freaking way," Normani gapes.
Ally laughs, bowing her head.
"Yep. It's true- high school."
"Tell us everything," Dinah demands.
As their conversation restarts, Lauren slows down her fingers, dragging them carefully along the drenched lace, teasing Camila until she can feel the brunette tensing under her touch. Camila whimpers under her breath, scratching along Lauren's thigh harder to elicit more movement.
"I mean, it was just a dumb phase. I was always jealous of this friend in high school –" Ally is still telling her story, loving having all the other girls' attention on her.
Lauren flashes her eyes to Camila's, winking once. Her hand finally travels underneath Camila's lace, the direct content on her skin causing a shudder. Once she's sufficiently lubricated by Camila's arousal, Lauren takes a finger and eases it between Camila's folds, sliding inside of her.
Camila bites down on her lip, panting under her breath. It doesn't take long for Camila to draw blood, her lower lip sliced at one side. Lauren doesn't stop for a second, adding another finger and beginning to move in and out. She starts slowly but Camila isn't taking her shit.
"Faster," she hisses furiously.
Lauren grins, doing as she's told. She moves quickly, in time to Camila's fast breaths, her fingers pumping backwards and forwards until she has built up a steady pace.
"God, Laur," Camila breathes almost inaudibly. "Fuck."
"Yeah?" Lauren murmurs in response. "Like that?"
"Y-yeah. Yes," Camila pants, biting on her lip again. "Oh fuck."
Lauren feels herself getting wet at the sound of Camila's responses but she ignores that for now. Camila's head lolls back slightly and her panting becomes less and less subtle. It's fucking music to Lauren's ears.
If they were alone, Lauren would have used her tongue along with her fingers, teasing Camila in the way she usually does, making her come undone beneath her. But that doesn't seem like an option right now so, instead, Lauren adds another finger and picks up the pace until she's going faster than Camila's labored breathing.
The girls around the table are laughing as Ally's story comes to a close.
"Are you sure you're alright Camila?" Dinah asks. "You don't look great."
"I'm fucking fine," Camila snaps in exasperation.
Lauren sniggers at her girlfriend's lack of patience for their friends.
"Sorry, jeez, I was just asking."
"She's just PMSing," Lauren assures everyone. "Don't take it to heart."
She can feel Camila tightening around her fingers, her muscles contracting and the heat building.
A phone pings in the background and Taylor sighs.
"Jonathan won't stop texting me," she complains.
"Yo, what's he saying now?" Normani asks.
And just like that, the conversation resumes.
Lauren can tell that Camila's close so she pushes as much as she can, curling upwards until she hits the spot that works every time. Camila whimpers increasingly more helplessly, whining as quietly as she can manage. Her moans are as suppressed as possible but Lauren knows she is dying to scream.
"Come for me, Camz," Lauren coaches her, teasing her over the edge.
Camila does as she says almost instantly, coming into Lauren's palm and letting out a pealing cry as she does so.
Everyone in the room turns to see what the noise is about.
Camila is panting heavily, recovering from her experience. Lauren laughs quietly, taking her dripping fingers and making a point of putting them in her mouth, licking each one clean. Camila watches, worn out.
"What happened?" Sinu questions her daughter quietly.
"That fucking indigestion," she exclaims. "Sorry, it just got me good."
"Sounds like it sure did," Lauren murmurs.
"I've never had it that bad," Dinah comments, sounding concerned.
"Do you need a doctor or something?" Ally stresses. "Some aspirin?"
"I'm alright now. I think it's done," Camila waves a dismissive hand and the other girls relax a bit, although Ally and Sinu still seem unconvinced.
Lauren keeps her lips pressed together for a few moments, trying not to laugh while Camila regains her composure and re-regulates her breathing. The girls chatter amongst themselves a little and Camila takes the opportunity to turn to Lauren, shaking her head with a grin.
"You are the worst person in the world, Jauregui," Camila utters.
"You fucking love it," Lauren responds in glee, reaching over to kiss Camila's hot cheek.
Camila shakes her head again, curling her leg around Lauren's under the table. Lauren thinks about the dampness in her own panties and notices Camila eyeing her crotch.
"During dessert, I get to return the favor," Camila whispers.
Lauren's heart stutters and she takes a breath.
"Fair enough."

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