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"Sweetheart, wake up." Camila heard her daddy from the doorway. She cracked an eye open and saw Leroy, his head poking inside her bedroom. It was only eight in the morning on a Saturday, which was unusually late for Camila to still be in bed, but she had a long night last night. "Our new neighbour is here, and your papa wants to meet her."
Camila had been hearing about this elusive neighbour of theirs for weeks now, ever since the Stewarts moved away to move to Colorado. From the real estate gossip Alejandro heard at work, their new neighbour was a woman who would be loving alone, which was apparently a bizarre thing for their suburban Miami mindset. Still, that didn't mean that they would shun this woman just because she had no two point five kids or a husband. The Cabellos don't either, so that would probably help them get along just fine.
Rolling out of bed, Camila tugged on a pair of jeans over her boxers. Her morning wood was being its normal, attention-seeking self, but she had no time to take care of it. She just hoped that her jeans would hide the bulge, and that she could find a sweater big enough to hide it, if her pants failed. Camila brushed her teeth, pulled on her socks, and ran downstairs where her dads were waiting with a thermos full of coffee and a box of donuts. Upon seeing Camila, they beamed and headed out the door to cross over to the next door.
The moving vans were long gone, and Camila had no idea if their new neighbour would mind the Cabello's eager welcome, but as Leroy rang the doorbell, Camila found herself being excited. They haven't had a new neighbour in years, since usually those who were born in Miami stayed in Miami. Except for her, of course. She planned to be in New York someday.
The soft pattering of footsteps could be heard, and the door swung open. A tall brunette, her hair curtaining her elegant features. Dressed in a floral print dress, a simple white hair clip keeping her locks in place. A look of pleasant surprise in her eyes. "Oh, hello! You must be my neighbours?"
Alejandro smiled. "We're the Cabellos, from 128." He said. "This is my husband, Leroy. And our daughter, Camila."
If this new neighbour was surprised regarding a gay couple living in conservative Florida, she didn't show it. "I'm Lauren Jauregui. Would you like to come in?"
The three Cabellos nodded and they stepped inside the house. It had the same layout and floor plan as their home, but Lauren's furniture was sparse and minimalistic. A black leather couch, with a matching coffee table made up the living room. And as they entered the kitchen slash dining area, the hallway leading up to it had framed photographs not of people, but of scenery and of French bulldogs. Not a single photograph of Lauren and her family could be seen.
She led the Cabellos to the kitchen and they sat on the breakfast island while she took out mugs and small plates for the donuts. "It's so nice of you to come by today." Lauren said. "I was just wondering what to do for breakfast."
Camila smiled at that as she fixed up her coffee just the way she liked it: two sugars and a teensy bit of cream. She took a honey crueller from the box and gave it a nibble while her dads told her about the neighbourhood, before working on getting to know this Lauren Jauregui. "So, Lauren. What do you do?"
"I'm a writer and a photographer." Lauren said as she swallowed down a bite from her maple glaze donut. "I used to live in California, but that place is too busy, too hectic for me." She shrugged. "I move around a lot, whenever I want. And for the moment, I think a few years in calm Florida would do me some good. Might even help me with my writing."
Camila watched Lauren for a few moments. She couldn't be more than thirty years old, and already, she seemed so successful with her artistic freedom and casual energy. She could hold a conversation with her dad regarding the economy, and with her papa about their shared views on recycling policies. Camila found herself being attracted to Lauren's intelligence, the manner in which she spoke, and her maturity.
"What about you, Camila?" Lauren asked after the two Cabello men had dispersed into the living room to look at Lauren's photo albums. She was standing by the sink, washing the used coffee cups. "You're a senior in MiamiHigh, your dad said."
Camila walked over to her, holding the plates and the spoons for Lauren to rinse. "Yes, that's correct. I'm also the choir club's co-captain. We're having Regionals in just a few weeks and we are all stressed about it."
Lauren leaned back against the counter and wiped her hands dry. "Must be hectic. I remember high school. I was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school." She snorted, as if the fact disgusted her. And Camila saw the traces, the hints of prom queen in Lauren's eyelashes and in her posture, as if she had been trained for it her entire life. "All I really wanted was to join the photography club and write my stories but my dad was really into the whole all-American family deal." Lauren faced Camila and smiled. "So I pretended to be daddy's little girl until he let me go to college and do whatever I want. Which is take a creative writing degree and a minor in photography."
As they spoke, Camila swore she could talk to Lauren about anything from dawn until dusk. And it showed. She was in a heated conversation with Lauren about old movies when her dads appeared to tell them about errands they have to do. But Camila could stay of she wanted, since their house was just next door. Camila took them up on their offer, wanting to be with this woman for just a little while longer.
A few days since Lauren moved in, Camila formed a new habit. After school, instead of heading straight to her room, she would park her car on the Cabello driveway and walk over to Lauren's place for snacks and a glass of juice. When she knocked, Lauren would answer almost immediately and would ask her about her day with all of her attention. It made Camila feel wanted, made her feel important enough for Lauren.
On a particularly warm spring day, just before summer actually began, Camila was sweating when she entered Lauren's house. "How about we take a dip in the pool today? Your classmate, Drew Chadwick just came by and cleaned it for me."
"Oh no, Chadwick?" Camila furrowed her brow. "Did he make inappropriate sexual comments about you and his awful hairdo?"
"He did, yes." Lauren laughed. "But I ignored him like you said."
"Good." Camila smiled and looked out towards the backyard where the pool was, bright blue and glimmering with the sun's rays. She wanted to, so badly, to leap in and cool down. But her condition prevented her from doing anything of that sort. She looked at Lauren who was dressed in a white shirt and a long, flowing skirt. "I'd like to, but I can't."
"Can't?" Lauren asked with a raised brow. "Why not?"
Camila had no idea how honest she wanted to be with Lauren. Looking into her green eyes, Camila steeled herself and smiled. "It's nothing. Let me just go and get my swim clothes from my place and I'll be right back."
She then went to her room and found her black board shorts with a white stripe along its leg. She didn't bother with the tape to hide her cock since she was a grower, not a shower. Plus, the pool was cold water, which would make her shrivel up even further, which was fine by her.
Returning to Lauren's backyard dressed in said board shorts and a bikini top, Lauren was already on the lounge chair, clad in a pink bikini, soaking up the sun. Camila's jaw dropped for a second. Lauren was all ivory skin with freckles along her breastbone. Her thighs were defined, muscled, and perfect for tightening around Camila's head as she devoured her pussy. The thought made Camila sputter, and she shook her head. She cannot possibly be thinking such dirty thoughts about Lauren. Camila swallowed hard, praying to the deities that her half-stiff cock wasn't apparent, as she sat by the edge of the pool, toes stirring the water.
Lauren sat beside her and nudged her with her shoulder. "Let's jump in." She said with a wide grin that Camila couldn't help but reflect. Nodding, Camila stood up and grasped Lauren's hand as they leapt into the deeper end, cold water assailing their bodies. Camila rose up to the surface, breathless and giggling.
They played around, splashing each other, Lauren draping herself against Camila's back as they lazily swirled around the pool, the sun heating their skin where they touched. Camila could smell the lilac scent of Lauren's skin, her warm breath tickling her cheek. Despite the water's coldness, her dick stirred. Her throat bobbed. She needed to keep her distance, as far away from Lauren as possible.
But the brunette woman kissed her cheek. Her soft, pliant lips trailing along Camila's cheekbone. She felt Lauren say something but did not hear it. So she turned her head. Met her lips with hers for the briefest of moments.
It was enough. Camila wrenched herself free from Lauren's grasp and swam to the opposite end of the pool. "I'm sorry!" She gasped out. Her cock was probably tenting her shorts, so she couldn't leave the pool. "I'm so sorry, I better leave."
"What? No, Camila. Relax." Lauren said, but she didn't swim closer. For that, Camila was grateful. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have assumed. I'm just a creepy old woman who had no right."
"You're not creepy." Camila mumbled, looking up at Lauren. She slowly floated over to the brunette. "And I've always wanted to kiss you. But I wish to be completely honest from the very beginning, and thus certain aspects regarding my anatomy might prevent me from having... Relations with you."
At that, Lauren raised a brow. "What does that mean, exactly?"
Camila sucked in a breath. Released it in one go. "Ihaveapenis."
"Oh." And it took approximately five seconds for Lauren to seemingly digest this fact. "Okay, but does that mean you still want to kiss me?"
Camila blinked. "Um, did I hear that right? Are you okay with this?"
Lauren shrugged. "I'm not attracted to you because of what's between your legs. I'm attracted to your wit. Your charm. Everything in between. And I want to kiss you, Camila. Often and a lot. To the point where our lips bruise, and all I can taste is you."
Smiling, Camila reached for Lauren as she swam closer. Their arms touch, and Lauren pulled Camila into her arms until their stomachs were flush, and her lips were on the younger girl's lips. Lauren's fingers curl against the back of Camila's neck and deepened their kiss. Lauren tasted like peppermint and mandarin oranges blooming on her tongue, Camila thought. And she tasted wonderful.
Thus began a new wave of habits, which Camila seemed to be forming left and right upon Lauren's arrival in their quaint Miami neighbourhood. Upon arriving on the brunette woman's doorstep, she would be tugged inside, and together they would stumble into Lauren's living room, where her leather couch waited for their bodies to lay against it. And Camila would recline supine, Lauren the blanket that covered her body with her own. "You're not even going to ask about my day?" Camila whispered, though she was smiling as she was wont to do.
Lauren hummed, her lips leaving a trail along the young girl's jaw. "Oh, alright. How was your day, Camila? How was Siope and Dinah's budding romance? Did he ask her out yet, or is he still begging you for advice on how to approach Dinah?"
"Actually, he wanted me to ask her for him."
"A Duke Orsino in our midst?" Lauren raised her brow. "Don't do it, Camila. He might fall in love with you instead." But Camila looked confused, and Lauren pecked her soft mouth. "Sorry, I keep forgetting that the English curriculum was not the same as it was. Twelfth Night, baby. What play are you studying this year?"
"We had the choice of Macbeth or Othello. I chose Macbeth."
Nodding, Lauren flattened herself once more against Camila's chest. The leather couch groaned and stretched beneath Camila, and Lauren's arm stuck against its sticky surface. "Would you like a drink while you tell me more about your friends?"
In the cool kitchen, the afternoon seemed to be at a standstill. Lauren poured a mix of mango, pineapple, and orange juice into a cocktail shaker, as well as a dash of strawberry syrup. She threw ice in it and shook it around while Camila spoke.
"So, I told Siope I won't do it for him and to just do it because really," Camila huffed. "She likes him, but I think she just enjoys watching him squirm." Lauren laughed and slid Camila a lowball glass full of the mixed juice. She took a sip of it and enjoyed the sweetness.
"He's being ridiculous, then." Lauren said. "He needs to stop overthinking everything and just be a gentleman."
Camila agreed as she finished her juice. The cool drink did wonders for her, and she wanted to go back to their earlier activities. And it seemed that Lauren caught on to Camila's mood. She lowered her own glass and offered up her hand, which Camila took.
Following Lauren into the other sitting area where there was no television, but rather walls upon walls of books decorated the three walls. On one wall was a fabric couch, a coffee table, and a lamp. Lauren tugged Camila towards it, and this time, it was Lauren who laid first before she pulled the dark-haired girl on top of her.
"Am I squishing you?" Camila asked, breathless from nothing but anticipation.
"Of course not. Your weight is nice." Lauren cupped the back of Camila's neck and kissed her. Softly at first, before her tongue licked against the young girl's upper lip to lap up the sweetness from the earlier drink. "You feel so good, and I want you to kiss me some more."
One of her virtues, Camila would proudly admit, was that she listened to her elders, and obeyed them.
One hand on Lauren's hipbone, and her fingers threading through brown locks, Camila took Lauren's bottom lip in her mouth and gave it a nibble. She struggled to keep herself from placing all of her weight against Lauren, but when the brunette hummed and rolled so they were facing each other on their sides, Camila found that this position was definitely better than the last.
The new position allowed Camila's hands to do a little wandering. Her palms dragged against Lauren's sides, along her hip, mouth never leaving hers. Camila indulged herself. She touched every inch of Lauren's body, from her sides to her hips, to the curve of her back and the swell of her ass. She felt every moan and every whimper of breath Lauren expelled. The softness of Lauren, the warmth of her body, Camila thought distantly, as Lauren's soft mouth wandered down her neck, is definitely something I can get addicted to.
In Camila's room, she managed to finish her English Literature reading of George Orwell's 1984, plus discussion questions before the orange glow of the sun began to cast shadows on the wall of her bedroom. The clock read half past six, and cracking her knuckles, tackled the remaining pile of math questions on her desk before dinner. She didn't head to Lauren's house since the brunette texted her that she was out. Which was fine. Camila had a lot of homework to finish, anyway.
A soft tap on her door interrupted her, however, just as she finished the final question. "Come in!" She called out, and in stepped Leroy, wearing a nice pair of slacks and his semi-formal loafers. "Oh, what's the occasion? I thought we were having lasagna for dinner?"
"We are," he said. "Lauren is coming over for dinner."
At this news, Camila's eyes bugged out. Slowly, slowly, panic began to set in. "What?" She demanded, almost livid. "W-why didn't you tell me? I don't have anything to wear! And I could've prepared dessert or appetizers, or something!"
"Relax, Camila." Leroy laughed and smoothed the top of her head. "It's just a pleasant dinner between neighbours. Your dad and I thought she could use the adult company. Not that you're not great, of course." He held up his hands. "And we just want to see how she's fitting right in." Kissing Camila's head, Leroy hummed. "She's coming in thirty minutes. Get dressed by then."
And as soon as the door closed behind her daddy's back, Camila dived into her closet and took out the nicest dress she could find. It was a simple floral dress with red and white lilies, and matched it up with a pink belt. Camila combed her hair in waves, applied a bit of makeup, and headed downstairs when she heard the doorbell ring.
Lauren stood by the doorway, clutching a bottle of wine as Alejandro welcomed her in. Her eyes wandered towards Camila, and a smile curled her lips. "Hello, Camila. You look like a dream."
Camila floated to the bottom of the steps and beamed. "Hi, Lauren. Welcome to our home."
For the moment, Camila did not act as if she knew everything about Lauren, nor did she interrupt when her Papa asked her about how she was finding Miami. She didn't think her fathers knew of the amount of time she spent with the brunette these past few weeks, so for now, she walked with poise towards the kitchen to aid Leroy with the salad, as Lauren and Alejandro walked in.
"Please, sit." Camila said. Alejandro pulled out the chair for Lauren and she sat, a delighted glint in her amused green eyes. "You too, daddy. I'll handle all of this." She disappeared back into the kitchen once the two Cabellos and a Jauregui sat their asses on the ornate oak chairs. Camila emerged and began to serve the salad, along with croutons, freshly-grated Parmesan, and the variety of dressings they had on hand.
Taking the vacant seat beside Lauren, Camila speared her salad greens and took a bite.
"So, Lauren. What do you do again? We know you're a writer, you told us when we first met, but what do you write?" Alejandro asked.
"I'm an editor for this website. It's called Book Riot." Lauren smiled, glancing towards Camila. She knew all about Lauren's work, and even read a few of her articles. While she's not a big reader, Camila appreciated what Lauren did. "We basically talk about books, the publishing industry, that kind of deal. That's my main work," she took a bite of her salad. "I also published a few novels here and there."
"I'm glad that's working out for you, Lauren. Didn't you say you were also a photographer?"
"I manage to sell a few prints online, though that's only on the side."
"Still, it's good to make money any way you can."
Camila rose to clear up the salad bowls. She caught Lauren's eye. The brunette smiled. "Do you need help bringing the main course in?"
"That would help me a lot, thank you."
Together, Camila and Lauren disappeared behind the wall that separated the kitchen and the dining room. The taller, older brunette grinned and pressed Camila against the basalt countertop and kissed her thoroughly, enough to make Camila's toes curl. She could kiss Lauren for hours, and she had in the past. But not right now, with her dads a few feet away.
"It's in the oven." Camila murmured. "The lasagna."
Lauren nibbled Camila's lower lip and moved away to grab the oven mitts. Camila took a breath to steady herself, smoothing out her dress as she did. The lasagna had been warming in the oven for the better part of the hour, and carefully, Lauren brought it to the dinner table. Leroy rose and brought a bottle of red to the table and poured it out into the glasses, but only a bit for Camila.
Alejandro sliced through the dish and plated it all up. "Looks amazing." Lauren commented.
"It's all Camila." Leroy said with a proud grin.
"It's a veggie lasagna though. I hope you don't mind?"
"You know I—" Lauren cut herself off and cleared her throat. "I haven't tried it before, but I think I might like it."
Camila glanced at her dads and caught them glance at each other. She said nothing else, merely smiled and continued eating while Lauren eased the silence by asking Leroy about his work.
Feeling the tablecloth rustle, Camila felt the touch of a warm hand. She caught the ghost of a smile. She laced their fingers together and held Lauren's hand throughout dinner.
After a decadent dessert course of molten chocolate cake and homemade vanilla biscuits Leroy and Alejandro cleaned up the dinner table and the dishes. Camila told them that she was to give Lauren a tour of the house.
"You just want to show off your dance trophies." Leroy teased, kissing the top of Camila's head. The smaller girl huffed, while Lauren grinned.
"I would love to see those, actually. Let me guess. You have... About ten trophies?"
"All in all? I don't think so." Camila grinned and took Lauren by the hand. "That's only for dance, I'm afraid."
Together they headed downstairs to the basement lounge. The dim lights gave the room a subtle glow of comfort and relaxation. Behind a glass wall was a shelf, lined with Camila's dance trophies, trophies she won during middle school for spelling bees. Lauren hummed as she ran her fingers against the glass, leaving trails of her touch against it. "You are really talented. And I'm glad you're unashamed to flaunt it."
She laced her fingers with Camila's and pulled her into her embrace. Lauren curled her arm around her waist. Dipped her head and took Camila's lips in a kiss that took her breath away. Camila's knees weakened, and Lauren had to grasp her, pulled her close to her body.
The door upstairs opened, and Camila gasped and wrenched herself away from her, just in time for Leroy and Alejandro to appear, carrying a tray of small cups of coffee, a jug of cream, and a small porcelain pot of sugar. They huddled around a small maple wood coffee table and took a seat, while Alejandro poured out the coffee.
They spent a few hours chatting. It wasn't until the clock struck twelve that Lauren stood up to bid the Cabellos farewell. "I'm afraid my pumpkin coach has reached its end, and so as well as this magical night." She smiled as all three Cabellos walked with her up the stairs. By the foyer, Camila stood, sad to see Lauren go. Despite the brunette being nine years her senior, it mattered so little for Camila—for Lauren, she did not know. But with the way her green eyes danced whenever she gazed at Camila, it was difficult to believe that she had any problem with her at all.
Camila slammed her locker door shut and was met with stares from her friends. All of them. She stared at them, one by one. From Ally to Siope, they all had the same looks in their faces. Furrowed brows. A few pursed lips. "Umm, hi?"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Normani asked, her hip cocked, hand resting against it.
Camila blinked and shook her head. "No, I don't think I am?"
Dinah nudged Siope, making the tall boy wince. "Today's Regionals boot camp, remember? You've been planning this day as soon as we won Sectionals. How could you forget?"
Huffing, Camila rubbed her cheeks. "Right, I'm sorry. I was just... thinking of other things." She cleared her throat and pulled out her phone. Saw a text from Lauren which she painfully ignored. "Okay, okay. Let's go do boot camp then."
She followed after the choir club, Siopr standing behind her, probably to make sure she wouldn't run away or something. Camila took her phone out and texted Lauren.
—I'm afraid I won't be there for our post-school 'chat'. My choir club is dragging me away for boot camp I forgot I organized.
A moment later, Lauren texted back.
—Oh darn. I just finished baking the most delicious-smelling olive ciabatta bread. But it can wait, I suppose. I'll just have to go without your kisses for a while longer.
Camila pouted while entering the auditorium. She went up the stage and texted Lauren one more time.
—Don't be mean. I'll make up for it as soon as I get home.
—You better.
Regionals boot camp passed Camila by in a blur. She assumed it was because she would rather be somewhere else—with Lauren—instead of with her friends. It was bad work ethic, she knew, but as a teen, it was completely normal, right?
As soon as Mr. Cowell told them that they did a good job, Camila hurriedly packed up her stuff. Sparing no farewell to the members of choir club, she left the auditorium, unaware of their gazes burning the back of her neck. She jumped into her car and drove home, barreling straight into Lauren's house, amidst the remnant smell of baked bread. Lauren was in her office, glasses on, brows furrowed.
"Hi," Camila said, breathless.
"Hi," Lauren lowered her glasses and closed her laptop. "You know I'm only joking, right? You don't have to do anything to make it up to me. I don't want to monopolize all your time—"
Camila walked around Lauren's desk and kissed her as if she hadn't seen her in ages. "I want you to. I want you to be selfish with me, Lauren."
But the older woman shook her head. "You're only young once, Camila. And you're graduating soon. I don't want to take your time away from you when you could be spending it with your friends, making high school memories with them." She chuckled and grasped Camila's smooth cheek. "Don't look at me like that. You can't just hang out with me forever. Be with your friends next time, okay?"
Camila was at a loss in what to say. Heart sinking in the pit of her stomach, she took a furtive step back from Lauren and nodded like a sulky teenager.
"Good," Lauren murmured. "Besides, I won't be here for a few days. I have a business meeting to go to in New York."
At the mention of her coveted city, Camila perked up. "Really? You didn't tell me?" She longed to ask if she could come, but the inevitable answer, of course, would be no. So she bit her lip, not wanting to taste any more of that bitter rejection.
"It was sudden as well. I wasn't asked to go in the first place, but a colleague insisted that all of us be there." Lauren rose up off her office chair and took Camila by the hand. They went upstairs, into the bedroom where they lay side by side on the large bed, facing each other. "I'm gone for a week for Book Expo." She explained. Camila saw her bags already packed in a corner of her room.
"Will you text me while you're gone?" She asked, voice a soft murmur. Lauren wrapped her arms around her hips and pulled in close. Planted a soft kiss on her lips.
"Of course I will."
Thus began the longest week of Camila's life. Of course she was being melodramatic, but it didn't take away from her misery. She did as Lauren asked her. Spending every day after school with her friends in choir club was certainly missed, but Camila's longing for Lauren didn't waver. The occasional texts were enough to stave her off until the week ended, but it wasn't enough.
By the time Camila headed home on Friday, she was exhausted. She just wanted peace and quiet, preferably with Lauren.
So when she saw a rental car parked on the older woman's driveway, Camila struggled to keep her excitement at bay. She calmly got dressed and power-walked to Lauren's front door. Camila knocked, but no one answered. The door was unlocked, and from the shoes on the foyer, Camila came to the conclusion that Lauren was home. Up the stairs she went. "Lauren?"
"Camila? I'm in the bedroom."
Upon entering Lauren's room, the sight that greeted her was one of daytime imaginings and wet dreams. Lauren, standing by her closet wearingabsolutely nothing. They haven't gone beyond kissing and some touching underneath clothes. Camila squeaked and clamped a hand over her eyes. "I-I'm here! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on you—"
Lauren laughed softly and wrapped her hand around Camila's wrist. "Shh, baby." She lowered Camila's hand from her eyes and pulled her into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind Camila. Lauren laced their fingers together and they waltzed over to her bed. She watched a very naked Lauren push her down with her weight.
"It's okay." Lauren whispered as her hands wandered to the front of Camila's sweatpants. It was baggy and hung low on Camila's hips. She long since ceased hiding her anatomy from Lauren. She no longer wore too tight boxer briefs and other constricting attire. Lauren grinned and tugged the garter of Camila's sweats and peered inside. "Take this off. Show me what you've been hiding from me all this time, Camila."
Swallowing hard, the teenager eagerly obeyed. She yanked off her slate grey pants, leaving her in a black Spring Awakening shirt and purple boxer briefs. Camila's cock was already stiffening beneath Lauren's scrutiny. Green eyes raking up and down Camila's shapely legs. She grasped the hem of Camila's shirt and yanked it off. Camila wore no bra, and Lauren hummed her appreciation of this fact.
"I missed you all week." Camila whispered. She wanted to curl into herself, but Lauren's steady, hungry gaze was preventing her from doing so. A part of her even wished to yank her boxers down to show the older blonde the thick stalk of meat that grew between her legs. Camila knew she was bigger than boys her age, and she took pride in that fact.
After all, it was only fair that nature balances things out. Give the tiny Jewish girl with two dads a penis, might as well make it a massive one.
"I know. I missed you too." Lauren murmured. She made Camila sit on the bed so she could straddle her. Knees on either side of Camila's legs. Lauren's pussy was bare save for a tuft of dark brown on her mound. Camila's breathing hitched at the sight and her eyes shot back up to Lauren's face. "See something you like, Camila?"
Camila shrugged, though her nonchalance lost its effect due to the thickness in her boxers. Lauren grinned and pinned Camila against the bed. "I've been doing my best, trying not to just eat you up." Lauren said softly. Her thumb caressed Camila's bottom lip and took it in her mouth. "You're so adorable and so young. I don't know if you'd want an old hag like me."
Camila snorted. "You're far from a hag, Lauren. You're only twenty seven. Plus to me, you're this gorgeous, elegant woman who makes me hard every time we kiss." She swallowed hard and ran her palms along Lauren's creamy legs. "Heck, you make me hard every time you walk into a room. Youknow that. You feel it."
Lauren laughed and cupped Camila's cheeks. She pressed her lips and her forehead against the younger girl's and pushed her down so she was on her back. Flattening her body against Camila's, Lauren trailed kisses down her body. She licked shapes on the girl's soft belly, and left bite marks on her hips.
Camila was gasping for air, her dick unbearably hard now. She had never been more aroused in her life, and it was making her head spin. "L-Lauren, oh my god..."
A warm, wet mouth wrapped around the head of Camila's cock. She groaned at the sensation and propped herself up with pillows so she could watch the way Lauren sucked her, cheeks hollow, lips stretched around Camila's thick shaft. This was her first time getting a blowjob—hell, it was the first time anyone else touched her cock, and it felt amazing.
"Oh wow." Camila bit her lip. Toes curled, and fists clenched the bed sheets.
And since it was her first time, Camila had the lasting power of a deflating balloon. "I'm so close already." She whimpered. But that didn't deter Lauren. She sucked harder, wrapped a firm hand around Camila's shaft, and pumped her length in time with her sucks.
That was all it took, and already, Camila was warning Lauren and attempting to pull her cock out of her mouth. But the brunette gripped her firmly and gave her a squeeze. Camila threw her head back and came in thick spurts, her body shaking as Lauren suckled on the head for every bit of her cum. "F-fuck..."
Lauren released Camila's thick shaft and crawled up her body to kiss her lips. She straddled Camila, whose eyes widened at the sensation of her slick folds against her cock. "Oh. A-are we going to...? Should I get a condom?"
"I don't have any diseases. I'm proud of you for thinking of it, though." Lauren murmured, kissing the curve of Camila's jaw. "And you said you can't get anyone pregnant. If you want a condom though, be my guest."
Camila took barely a second to decide. No, she didn't want a condom. She wanted to feel Lauren's insides and warmth. She grasped Lauren's waist, stared wide-eyed, as she felt her pussy sinking around her cock, like something out of a dream. She never imagined sex to feel like this, and as Lauren took her all the way, until Camila's cock was sheathed deep inside her, Camila swore she saw stars.
"This is... wow." Camila couldn't put the sensation into words, despite the depth of her vocabulary. But when she thought being inside Lauren was a different world altogether, when Lauren moved, it was something else. She held onto Lauren's hips, willing herself to last longer so Lauren would get something out of this. But she was a teenager, and this was her first time.
Camila's breathing came out in short gasps. She reached down, dragged her fingers along Lauren's folds and touched her clit. It caused her walls to ripple around Camila's shaft, making her groan. "Lauren,"Camila whined. "I'm gonna come..."
"Me too," she whispered, and it surprised Camila. She clenched her jaw, gripped Lauren tighter and fucked into her pussy. The brunette screamed, and her walls clamped down on her thrusting cock. Something warm and wet flooded around her shaft, and Camila assumed that Lauren just came.
She beamed. Proud of herself, Camila took a few more thrusts before she was unloading inside her as well.
Lauren slumped on top of Camila and sighed. The younger girl rolled over and faced her. "I love you." She whispered, barely audible against Lauren's shoulder. Camila kissed her neck and sighed. Felt Lauren stir against her, her arms wrapping around her neck.
"I know. And I love you too." Lauren stroked the back of Camila's neck. "I know you're unlike any teenager I've ever known, and that I'm not some conquest for you. And that makes me happy, Camila. You have no idea."
Curling into the woman whose skin is white like cream and smooth like satin, Camila felt stellar. She kissed Lauren and smiled. "It doesn't matter to me how old you are. I'm sure that even if we're of the same age, I would still find myself loving you."

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