RUNAWAY - Part 2

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"Camz, Jai needs help with his math homework," I said hurriedly as I shuffled about the kitchen making dinner and cleaning. "Can you do it tonight? I want to make you guys dinner for once," I smiled bashfully and saw my wife's face split into an endearing grin.
"Of course," She hurried over to my side to peck my cheek, grabbing hold of my elbow to whisper in my ear. "I love you and I really want to finish what we started earlier, like right now. But we can't, and I'm really tempted to drop off the boys at Ally's just so we can have the house to ourselves for a night," She bit my ear lobe at the end to emphasize her point.
"Do it," I said automatically as I stiffened, in multiple areas, in my spot. "Drop them off and we can do it anywhere and everywhere- not their beds though. That'd be disgusting," I cringed and watched Camila walk over to the dinner table with an extra sway to her hips. "After dinner, though! I have to make you guys dinner," I blushed.
"Hey boys?" Camila asked to grab both of their attention. "Wanna go see Aunt Ally and Uncle Troy? And Noah?"
"Yes!" They replied in unison and I couldn't help but laugh at Camila's gleeful smile.
Camila smiled and sent me a suggestive look before nodding and grabbing her phone to text who I assumed would be Ally. However, I was wrong.
Thirty minutes later after we all finished dinner, Camila's mom showed up at the door with two gifts and her purse in hand. I shot Camila a quick 'what the fuck' look but she just waved it off with a slight shrug.
"Hey, mija," Sinu hugged her eldest daughter. "Lauren, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever," She hugged me before ruffling the boys' hair. "Now why'd you ask me to watch them? Do you two have another last minute dinner party at Lauren's work?"
"Oh, actually we just wanted the house to ourse-"
"Date night," I cut the brunette off with an answer not much better than hers.
"Date night? Like movies and dinner?" Sinu asked carefully as she bent down to hand the boys' their little gifts. "Or the Netflix and chill type of date night?" She raised an eyebrow and Camila threw her head back in laughter.
"Ohmygod, Mami," The brunette chuckled. "I can't believe you even remember what that means. I swear we were actually just going to have a Disney movie marathon but... yeah."
Sinu hummed and kissed the boys' foreheads before grabbing their hands and whispering something in their ears, earning a loud 'Yes!' along with excited giggles. She stood up and took ahold of their hands and looked us both in the eye.
"Please don't be dumb, mija. I love you both," Sinu said, kissing both of our foreheads, and ushered the boys out the front door. "Be safe and have fun! By the way, I want a granddaughter!"
Camila opened her mouth in shock as the door shut and turned to me with an amused smile.
"She sure is something else," I laughed and kissed Camila's cheek. "I wouldn't mind a daughter, though. I kind of want another kid- I mean, only if you're up to it?" My voice rose at the end and I felt my cheeks turn pink.
"I'm not sure," The brown eyed woman admitted and I sighed. She turned to walk towards the kitchen and I followed closely behind, still a little embarrassed about my little admission. "Don't get me wrong, I love our boys I just don't know if I could handle another pregnancy- especially after Jaxon's," She looked down and fumbled with her fingertips. "I'd love to have a daughter I'm just afraid I won't, like, make it, I guess?" Her voice was quiet and trembling and I trailed my palms up and down her sides comfortingly.
"We don't have to have another baby," I said softly and placed kisses along her hairline. "I'm happy with the boys, I just sometimes wonder what it's like to raise a girl, you know?"
"Yeah," She sighed sadly. "I'm sorry. We can try, I'm just a little scared. When I was pregnant with Jaxon it didn't go so well and I don't want to go through that again. Is that selfish?"
"No. Not at all, baby," I hummed and scanned her body, my eyes pausing at the curve of her butt. "But let's save this talk for later and have fun now, alright?" Camila smiled and dove in for a passionate, rather rough kiss. Her small hands went to rest on my hip and tangle in my hair as she explored my mouth.
I lifted her up by her thighs and sat her on the counter as I stood between her legs, massaging my way up and down her thighs as we kissed. I smiled as Camila sighed into my mouth and shivered against me when my hand brushed over her clothed center. I pulled away and latched onto her neck, spending all the time I'd like to mark her as mine with little nips, licks, and sucks and my wife was obviously enjoying it.
"Babe," She sighed and tangled both hands in my dark locks. Her legs wrapped around my back and pulled me in closer so I was now flush against the counter with my hands on either side of Camila's hips as my straining member was now earning some contact against the hard cabinets.
"Lauren," The brunette breathed out. "Fuck me, please. I need you."
"We're getting there," I teased, but truthfully I just wanted to take her right on the counter top.
I slipped off her leggings and hoodie, leaving her in a pair of lacy white underwear that practically made my mouth water. I looked up to see Camila's cheeks flushed as she watched me devour her body with my eyes. She pulled me up by my forearm and leaned in to my side so her lips were ghosting over my ear.
"Please, baby, I need you to fuck me right now," She nearly whimpered. "I need you inside of me."
"Oh my God," I groaned and dropped my sweats and tore off my hoodie and boxer briefs to free myself from the restricting confines. I immediately pushed Camila's panties to the side with one finger while I dragged another through her wetness, gathering it on my finger and bringing it to my erect cock to help lubricate it. My wife whined at the sight and leaned back onto her hands on the counter while spreading her legs and putting her soaked pussy on display for me.
And, almost as if it were second nature, I buried my face between her legs, eager to taste her and feel her writhe beneath my mouth. I licked all around her center except for her clit, attempting to build her up as much as I could and when my tongue finally came in contact with her most sensitive little bud she cried out and jutted her hips towards me.
I brought my hands up to her hips to hold her down and reveled in the way her body was struggling beneath my grip, literally shaking from the pleasure she was receiving. I carefully brought a hand up to tug at her bra straps before bringing it back down quickly to still to woman's hips yet again, luckily Camila understood and sat up a little bit to remove it herself. I locked eyes with her and she whimpered under my heady gaze, struggling to keep her eyes open as I worked my mouth on her center.
"You taste amazing," I murmured against her as I watched her eyes flutter closed.
"Lauren," The brown eyed girl moaned softly. "Please, I need you- I need you inside."
I hesitated, not quite willing to discontinue the attention I was giving her center yet, but I was being pulled up by my forearm into a deep kiss- a kiss that Camila quickly took control of as she tasted herself on my tongue.
I groaned and let her take control eagerly, only stopping when she tried to pull me up onto the counter with her.
"No, we can't, we'll break something," I said warily, earning a raised eyebrow from my wife. "Come here," I opened my arms and Camila accepted, happily falling into my body and wrapping her legs around my back while I carried her over towards the wall. I gently settled her between me and the wall, still steadying her with one hand while I moved to angle my cock towards Camila's dripping entrance as she wrapped her arms around my neck and tightened her hold on my lower back with her legs. I slowly entered her, satisfied with the elated squeak I elicited as the tip entered her, stretching her walls to accommodate my eight inches.
The brunette moaned and practically collapsed against me so I pushed her up against the wall more to support us better. Camila whimpered and her lips ghosted over my ear as her hot breath tickled my skin. I eased all the way inside of the warm, wet walls and slowly set up a nice and steady pace.
I was already delirious as I moved inside of her so when I heard Camila's voice I was thoroughly surprised and mildly confused.
"Harder," She begged and then I registered her attempts to fasten our pace by bouncing slightly. Her breasts were swaying deliciously right in front of my face and I couldn't help myself when I wrapped my lips around a dusky nipple. "Lo," She whined. "Faster, please baby. I need you to fuck me harder."
I raked my teeth over her nipple and quickly did as she said. I quickly went from slow, lazy, loving strokes to hard, fast, aggressive thrusts in less than a second and Camila was loving it. Her head was thrown back, resting against the wall as I fucked her as hard as I could, her breasts still bouncing in my face and I eagerly ran my tongue over the erect nipples at every chance I got.
"Camz," I moaned, almost losing it and finally realizing how close I was to my climax when her lips found their way to my sweet spot right under my ear lobe and sucked hard. "Holy shit, babe. I'm so close."
"Me too," She whimpered and my eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head as her walls fluttered around me. I groaned and loosened my grip on my wife for her to slide down the wall a little bit, satisfied when I slid deeper inside of her as her hips were now a lot closer. I went back to pounding her, quickly angling my thrusts to hit her g-spot as often as I could, earning little 'oh's every time I came in contact.
"Baby I'm gonna cum," I warned and pushed aside my thoughts and let myself continue pounding my wife, bringing each of us closer to the edge with every thrust.
"Lauren!" Camila all but screamed as her orgasm seized her suddenly. I came soon after, moaning loudly at the feel of her walls clenching so deliciously around me and taking in all my seed. I slowed down to lazy effortless strokes to bring us both down from our high, dragging out our orgasms as long as possible.
When I came down from the high I pecked her cheek and smiled at the delirious look on her face, picking her up and walking upstairs to our bedroom without losing any contact. I gently laid her on the bed and held myself up by my forearms above her, brushing the fly away hairs from her face and kissing her nose and closed eyes softly.
"Why are you such an adorable idiot?" The brunette laughed softly "More importantly, why am I in love with such an adorable idiot?"
"Because," I said in a baby voice and kissed her face everywhere I could reach. Camila hummed contentedly and leaned up to take my lips in hers in a much slower kiss than what she'd been initiating earlier. "I love you," I sighed as our lips parted but the heartfelt moment was ruined when Camila clenched her inner muscles and almost made me choke. "Never mind, I hate you," I managed and turned my head to dodge her kisses like a child.
"No, you love me," She started. "And I love you."
I pouted playfully but couldn't keep up the act for long and quickly went in to kiss Camila, slowly grinding into her only to feel my semi-hard member slip out. We both made our own sounds of protest and I quickly pushed myself up onto my knees, my eyes raking over Camila's body, stopping at her swollen pink pussy.
"Lauren," Camila said in a sing-song voice. I pried my eyes away from the cum dribbling out of her center and met those brown eyes I fell in love with so long ago. "Ready for round two?"
"Hell yeah," I smirked before continuing. "But I get to take you in any position," I said confidently, subtly raising an eyebrow in question to see if she was actually okay with it.
"Okay," The brunette nodded and brought her legs back together against my wishes. "What first?" She offered me what seemed to be an innocent smile, but if you actually studied her features long enough it was obvious that wasn't the case. I pondered her question for a few moments before smirking and squeezing her ass in appreciation.
"Hands and knees," I decided and slapped the younger woman's ass gently. "I want to watch your wonderful ass as I fuck you."
She hummed and kissed my lips momentarily before getting into position and shaking her ass for me teasingly. I groaned and leaned down to bite the ample flesh, earning what sounded like a low moan from the brown eyed woman.
"Have I ever mentioned I love your ass?" I said as I let my mouth wander the soft skin.
"Only a few times," Camila teased and moaned when my tongue reached her leaking entrance. I grinned and licked up some of our combined fluids before grabbing my hard cock and running it through her folds and easing it inside of her effortlessly. "Oh, Lauren. Fuck."
I settled on my knees and thrusted into my wife, letting my hands roam her body freely. I grazed my fingertips along her sides, slipping under towards her chest to give her breasts a small squeeze before going back to running over the smooth skinned canvas in front of me. The brunettes head was hanging low as the hazy pleasure overtook her and I grew impossibly harder inside of her. I worked up my pace until Camila's ass was swaying as I worked to reach our high, entirely pleased with the sight in front of me.
Camila's back was smooth and delicate under my fingertips, the muscles flexing every now and then as she grew closer and closer to orgasm and the dip between her shoulder blades was quickly growing damp with sweat as her hair concealed it. I brushed her hair over her shoulder and leaned down to place kisses all along her back until the angle was too awkward for me to reach her skin, sighing contentedly when Camila pushed her hips back to meet mine, eliciting loud moans from both of us.
"Baby, I'm close," I warned and held onto her hips as I pounded my own against her.
"I-Oh mhm," The brunette choked on a moan when I snaked a hand down to stimulate her clit as well, only spurring the woman on more. "I am too," My wife managed after a few more whimpers and moans. "So close," She whimpered and pushed her hips back further again, her ass flush against my pelvis and hips.
I groaned and squeezed the ample flesh of her ass as I picked up the pace of my fingers circling her clit to bring her to the edge. Camila made a small whimpering sound and I felt myself spilling spurt after spurt of cum inside of her, making the brunette hum at the feeling of being filled up before her own orgasm followed soon after. Camila keened and I came down just in time to see all of my wife's back muscles tensing before she practically gave out and slumped forwards into the bed. I smiled and continued my ministrations on her clit with one hand while I wrapped the other around her torso to pull her closer to me, so close so we were both on our knees with my front flushed against her back.
She leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder, breathing heavily as I placed kisses all along the exposed skin of her neck and slowing my movements down to a near stop as she seemed to be done riding out the waves of her orgasm.
"No," Camila whined and I immediately groaned when her walls fluttered around me yet again. "No, keep fucking me."
"I- babe," I ignored the urge to do exactly as she said and chanced a look at the clock beside our bed. "Camz, its almost ten- and I have work in the morning."
"Skip," She whined and attempted to turn around to face me, prompting me to help her and sit her in my lap after my now soft member slipped out of the brunette. "You're CEO you can take it off, right?"
"Well, I- yeah, I guess," I shrugged and focused on the baby hairs sticking to my wife's forehead with sweat.
"Okay, good," She smirked. "You're taking it off and staying with me instead. I told my mom to take the boys to the beach tomorrow, maybe invite Noah and Ally- they won't be home until about four or so, I think. So, how about it?"
I couldn't help the small smirk from forming on my face at her words- everything would be just like old times again. Camila bit her lip and watched as I nodded quickly, immediately pulling me down into a searing kiss and rolling us over to start all over again.

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