Let Me Take It Out On You

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Lauren walked into her dorm room angrier than ever before. She had just got into a fight with Austin about Camila, and she wasn't about to have it anymore. She understood that Austin was just overprotective with his crush, but Camila was her's and so that made her angry. She wanted to get even with Austin, but she didn't know how to. Noticing that Camila was still on the computer, that's when an idea had finally hit her full on.
Camila turned around to see Lauren standing over her from behind. At first, it scared Camila because she didn't know Lauren was standing over her. She had a smug look on her face, and that worried Camila.
"What's wrong with you?" Camila asked, and Lauren got closer to Camila.
"Nothing, but guess what?" Lauren said, and Camila tilted her head in curiosity.
"Wha–?" Camila was saying, but Lauren cut her off by kissing her roughly.
This surprised Camila, but she started kissing Lauren back. Grabbing onto her hair, Lauren pulled the smaller girl over to her bed. She needed to blow off her anger on someone, and Lauren thought this was the best decision for her.
"Safeword is SpongeBob. Got it?" Lauren asked, and Camila nodded.
"Yes, ma'am." Camila said, earning a seductive smile from Lauren.
Lauren stood up, and went into her drawer to grab rope. Camila's eyes widened, and Lauren was too busy tying her hands up to notice. She wanted to do this, but she had a secret, and that secret was that she had never had sex before, let alone anything like this. Camila could tell that Lauren was angry, so she didn't want to ruin her way of blowing off steam. She'd feel guilty, so she just decided to let her have her virginity. She did love Lauren very much, and Lauren loved her.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard, you're going to forget your name, babygirl." Lauren stated, and Camila moaned from her dirty words.
Once Camila's wrists were completely tied up, Lauren began to remove her pajama bottoms. Lauren smirked at the sight of Camila's wet panties, and she couldn't wait to have a taste. "I can smell how wet you are, Camila." Lauren stated, earning a moan from Camila.
Ripping at her tank top, Lauren realized that Camila wasn't wearing a bra. This made Lauren smile as she leaned down to suck on her left nipple. As she sucked on it, she played with the other in between her fingers. To Camila, this felt overwhelming, but amazing. She wanted more, but didn't want to make Lauren even more angrier than ever. So she stayed as quiet as possible, and Lauren was glad.
Getting on the bed, Lauren hovered over Camila before playing with Camila's nipples again. "Your nipples are so hard for me, little slut." Lauren moaned as she wrapped her hand around Camila's neck. Squeezing hard, but not hard enough to kill or injure her, Lauren watched as Camila struggled to breath. Ten seconds later, she let go before Camila could pass out. Lauren smiled as she watched Camila gasp for air.
Camila wasn't expecting that, but it turned her on even more. She liked kinky things, but she obviously hadn't acted upon them until now. Lauren wrapped her hand around Camila's neck again, but this time she rubbed her through her panties. Camila was on the verge of passing out, when she felt a sharp pain on her right cheek. This brought her back to reality, and soon enough, Lauren started choking her again.
As she choked Camila, Lauren began to rub Camila's pussy. She still had her panties on, but Lauren was planning on taking them off soon enough.
"F-fuck," Camila gasped as she struggled for air.
With that, Lauren moved down to her panties. Looking straight at her tied up girlfriend, she was quick to pull them down her long legs. Exposing the little pubic hair Camila had, along with the wetness of her pussy. Lauren couldn't wait to get a taste of her, so she laid down on her stomach so it would be easier to taste.
Licking slow but hard strokes with her tongue, Camila couldn't stop herself from moaning. Thankfully, Lauren didn't mind that she was moaning. She actually liked Camila's moans, and Camila knew it.
"You taste so good, slut. You're so wet for me." Lauren stated, and Camila moaned in acknowledgement.
"Oh god – Lo, I need it." Lauren knew exactly what she meant by that statement.
"Good," Lauren said as she slipped her tongue in and out of Camila's slick, wet heat.
"Fuck, shit, fuck –" Camila moaned as she thrusted her hips up to meet Lauren's tongue.
Lauren held her hips down as she tongue fucked her as hard and fast as she could. To Camila, the whole sensation was overwhelming, but craved it. She craved it more than anything she had ever wanted. Lauren's tongue felt amazing on her pussy, and she wanted more of it.
"Oh, Lo... I think I'm going to come." Camila moaned, and Lauren stopped completely. Only because she wanted to finger Camila while she was going down on her.
"Laur–" Camila cut herself off as she came undone on Lauren's fingers.
Pulling her fingers out, she cleaned them off with her own mouth. As she cleaned her fingers off, Lauren looked straight into Camila's eyes
"Wan-want to lick yo–" Camila moaned as Lauren began to rub Camila's clit roughly.
"Oh? Is that so?" Lauren asked in a teasing way before slipping a finger into Camila's pussy.
"Y-yes, please Lauren." Camila begged, and Lauren didn't stop fingering her.
"Fine, only because I'm starting to drip." Lauren rolled her eyes as she pulled her fingers out of Camila's tight pussy.
Getting on top of Camila's face, Lauren could feel her tongue start to slip in and out of her pussy. It felt amazing, and she was already on edge from it. Camila had to have done this before – because she was a pro at it. "Keep going, Camila..." Lauren moaned, and Camila sped her tongue up. Dripping all over Camila's face, Lauren could feel herself growing closer to the edge.
"Fuck, I'm going to come." Lauren moaned, and Camila sped up. She wanted to touch Lauren, but she knew Lauren wouldn't allow her to.
Coming all over Camila's face, Lauren got off of her. Walking back to the same drawer, she pulled out a red strapon. She wanted to fuck her anger away, and Camila was going to enjoy it.
"Wha–?" Camila was in the middle of asking, when Lauren started to choke her again.
Choking her again, just hard enough to make her pass out, but she let go before that could happen. Smacking her back to reality, Lauren got in between her legs. Spitting on the strapon, Lauren rubbed the spit up and down the shaft and the head. Lubing it up so the pain wouldn't be too bad when she went in.
"Are you ready for my cock, slut?" Lauren asked, and Camila nodded. But that wasn't good enough for Lauren, she wanted an actual answer.
"Yes, yes, just fuck me already." Camila demanded, and Lauren wasn't about to disobey her demands.
Slipping into Camila's tight pussy, Lauren let out a moan of her own. The strapon pushed against her clit the very moment she had lined herself up with Camila's entrance. "You're so fucking tight, Camila." Lauren commented, and Camila moaned in agreement.
"Tell me when I can move, baby." Lauren said, and Camila nodded as she began to adjust to the strapon.
"Y-you can move now, Lo..." Camila moaned, and Lauren started to slowly move in and out of Camila.
"You're not on your period... are you?" Lauren asked with wide eyes, and Camila gulped in nervousness.
"N-no, it's just thick... that's all..." Camila lied, and Lauren moaned as she sped her movements up.
Lauren figured that she was lying about it being thick, and she knew Camila wasn't on her period. So that's when it hit her: Camila was a virgin! She didn't want to say anything, she wanted Camila to say something. A part of her knew Camila was going to tell her after they both were done and cuddling.
"Fuck... faster please," Camila said impatiently, and Lauren rolled her eyes as she sped up.
In and out of Camila's tight pussy, Lauren could feel her walls tightening up around the strapon. "You gonna come, baby?" Lauren asked in a low voice. She was close to coming, and so Lauren reached down to rub her clit in harsh strokes with the pad of her thumb.
"Fuck, Lauren!" Camila moaned as she came all over the strapon.
Pulling out, Lauren slipped out of the strapon and quickly untied Camila's wrists.
"Come cuddle with me, Laur." Camila said in a tired voice, and Lauren happily listened to her girlfriend.
"Camila, are you hiding anything from me?" Lauren asked as she snaked her arm around Camila's waist.
"No – yes, okay... I am – I was a virgin."
"Camila... I would've made love to you if I knew that. You really should have told me." Lauren said in a disproving tone of voice.
"You were just so angry, I didn't want you to be angrier than before. I'm sorry, Laur..." Camila frowned, and Lauren sighed before kissing Camila on her lips.
"You should have told me, but now it's too late and I feel like shit." Lauren admitted, and Camila frowned again.
"Please forgive me, Laur... I'll never hide anything like that ever again. But please forgive me." Camila begged, and Lauren smiled.
"I promise."
With that, they cuddle naked until Camila ended up falling asleep. Smirking, Lauren kissed Camila on the forehead before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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