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Lauren woke up to the warm weight of Camila pinning her down. Her warm back pressed against Lauren's arm, her shapely legs entangled with hers. Sighing softly, Lauren turned to her side and pulled Camila's small and sexy frame against her body. Lauren's cock was erect—no surprises there—and she sandwiched it in between Camila's plump ass cheeks, resisting the urge to just start humping her wife first thing in the morning.
Though to be fair, with an ass like that, Lauren would do anything to fuck it in the morning. And she had, in the past. Those were always mornings well spent, albeit she would be exhausted for the rest of the day.
Right now, she was content in holding Camila in her arms, feeling her chest rise and fall with every deep breath. Lauren cupped Camila's tits, rolled her nipple between thumb and forefinger until it stiffened and peaked. Lauren kissed the nape of Camila's neck and sucked on the spot behind her ear. She squeezed her tits until the flesh bulged out between her fingers.
Precum was leaking out of her cock, and Lauren longed to fuck Camila like this—warm and limp, submissive to her every whim since she was asleep. Lauren licked her lips and ignored the insistent pulsing of her cock as she humped against Camila's butt cheeks. Lauren licked her finger and rubbed it around Camila's nipple, making the stiff buds wet.
God, she really need to put it in Camila. Lauren spread Camila's legs, her hand wandering down to cup her mound. Her heat radiated from her pussy, and Lauren groaned. She slipped her cock in between Camila's soft thighs, a desperate moan ripping through her. Lauren could feel Camila's pussy lips wrapped around her thick meat. Fucking against Camila's thighs, her length dragged against her slit.
Lauren could slowly feel Camila waking up. Her arms moved and her breathing was no longer even. For a moment, she thought about ceasing her actions and pretend she was asleep. But before she could turn around and fake her snoring, Camila's eyelids opened, and out came her beautiful brown eyes. And they looked at Lauren from over her shoulders, a smirk on her lips.
"Couldn't wait, huh?" She teased, reaching back to rub the back of Lauren's neck. "How about stop teasing me like that and just put your dick inside me?"
"So early in the morning and you already have that potty mouth," Lauren retorted. She made Camila lay on her back and she grabbed her legs, hooking them up on her shoulders. Her heavy cock slapped against Camila's pussy, and in one smooth thrust, she sheathed her meat all the way to the hilt. Back arching, Camila clawed at Lauren's arm with a short scream.
Lauren leaned over Camila's body, the angle of her cock allowing her to hit deep inside her, the tip of her shaft nudging along Camila's cervix. Her pussy, hot and wet, clamped tight around Lauren's dick. Sweat trickled down the side of Lauren's face, her eyes never leaving Camila's features. Her mouth, parted as she moaned constantly, enticed Lauren. She kissed her deeply, the angle changing, Camila's pussy squeezing her cock. "Ohhh, fuck." Lauren left crescent indentations along the skin of Camila's calves. "Your pussy is fucking amazing..."
Grasping the back of Lauren's neck, Camila wrapped her legs around her neck, locked tight with her ankles. "You gonna come already, baby?" She teased, her pussy muscles flexing around Lauren's pumping cock. At her tone, Lauren snarled and lowered Camila's legs so they were wrapped around her waist. She fucked into Camila's pussy, the headboard tapping out their rhythm against the wall.
Not long after, Camila's back was arched and she was coming and screaming. Her walls became more slippery, almost sucking Lauren deeper inside her wet hole. Unable to hold back any longer, Lauren let out a deep groan. She came hard, her dick pulsing out thick ropes deep inside Camila, the rippling of her pussy around Lauren's shaft made her come harder. Not to mention that she's always so sensitive in the mornings.
Lauren slumped, limp and breathing heavily on top of Camila. She kissed along her collarbones, her neck, and finally her lips. She rubbed tanned thighs, keeping them warm as she eased her softened cock out of Camila's leaking pussy. "God damn."
With a soft giggle, Camila ran her fingers through Lauren's hair and kissed her nose. "You always say that. I'm starting to think you don't mean it anymore."
"Are you kidding?" Lauren laughed and slipped a hand between Camila's legs. "I promise you, Camila, I mean it every single time."
Every morning, that's how they would start their day. Lauren would wake up before Camila, and she would hump her morning erection against her ass cheeks while she relished her wife's prone and defenseless form. Though it never lasts, because Camila would wake up after a minute or two of Lauren's insistent thrusting.
Dismayed, Lauren hid it well with her rampant fucking, making Camila come twice or three times as she finished shooting her load deep inside her pussy. All she wanted was to fuck Camila while she was sleeping. To take advantage of her and fuck her however she wanted in her vulnerable state.
After that thought, Lauren flushed brightly in shame and continued to work without further thought about her morning fantasies.
Still, Lauren tried to make her fantasies come true. She would often try to fuck Camila slowly so as not to wake her. And it would work, for a time. It would take Camila longer to wake up, but she would, in any case.
It would've been easier for Lauren to just talk to Camila about said fantasy, but it wouldn't be the same.
A few weeks after Lauren came up with her morning sex fantasy, she rolled on top of Camila who was still fast asleep, on her stomach. Her cock, heavy and thick as always, slid along the soft skin of Camila's ass crack. Lauren moved lower to lay between Camila's legs, her palms spreading her butt apart to admire her puckered hole, her plump pussy lips, and her glistening hole.
Her wife was always so gorgeous that it always boggled Lauren's mind about how she could think about anything else besides Camila. She swiped her tongue against Camila's butt, feeling the crinkled skin along the tip of her tongue. She licked slowly with broad strokes, her nose and face buried in Camila's ass. Lauren breathed deeply, the puckered hole finally giving way to her tongue. She pushed it in as deep as she could go, the tightness making Lauren shudder. Her hand wrapped around her cock and she fisted the head, while she fucked her tongue in and out of Camila's hole.
A thumb slid inside Camila's pussy, and Lauren bit back a moan at how drenched she already was. She stroked Camila's clit, her tongue dipping along the entrance of Camila's asshole. When Lauren pulled back, a line of spit trailed after her tongue which she wiped away with the back of her hand.
Straddling the backs of Camila's thighs, Lauren checked if her wife was still asleep. She was. Her eyes were closed, her breathing was even. Lauren grasped the base of her cock, and with one arm beside Camila, slowly eased inside her wet pussy.
Lauren bit the inside of her lip, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.  She flattened herself against Camila's back. Only her hips moved, pumping in shallow motions, her cock driving in deep inside Camila. Barely an inch of her cock slipped out of her wife's pussy. She rocked her hips and relished every clench and every inch of Camila's dripping hole.
Surprisingly, Camila was still asleep. Lauren grinned triumphantly. She planted her palms on either side of Camila body and drove deep inside her, hips slapping hard against Camila's ass. Lauren could fuck her all day like this, her stiff cock encased in her soft, wet pussy. Lauren sighed in pleasure while she mouthed along Camila's neck.
Lauren humped harder into Camila, her hand squirming between her stomach and the bed to rub her slick clit. She watched her features, waiting for her to open her eyes, but to her surprise, Camila was so deep in her slumber that not once did she stirred. She moaned though, and Lauren assumed it was because she was dreaming.
"God, I'm gonna fucking come," breathed Lauren to no one in particular, her rhythm stuttering. She pounded into Camila a few more times, and with a strangled groan, came hard. Her vision blurred, her arms felt weak. Her thighs squirmed as she pushed her load deep inside Camila's pussy, her breath hot and constant against Camila's neck. "Fuck..."
Lauren couldn't believe it. She just fucked Camila and the entire time, she was asleep. She stared at the ceiling, eyes wide, cock limp against her thigh. Sure, she missed Camila's filthy talking in her ear, her fingers raking across her scalp. And maybe she just go lucky in fucking Camila in her sleep. Maybe it was a one-time thing, and if so, that was enough for Lauren.
The only problem was Camila hadn't come yet.
Lauren rolled Camila to lay on her back. She hooked her legs over her shoulders and for a moment, watched her thick cum ooze out of Camila's open hole. She dragged a fingertip along Camila's folds and sucked her shiny clit into her mouth with a firm suck. Lauren lifted Camila's legs and squeezed them tight around her head, moaning at the softness of her thighs against her cheeks. Lauren dipped her tongue into Camila's pussy and licked the cum there, her nose dragging against her clit as Lauren shook her head from side to side.
Without any sense of urgency, Lauren licked and sucked Camila's pussy and laved her tongue against the underside of her clit. She relished Camila's taste, her arms outstretched to cup Camila's soft tits, her fingers tweaking dusky nipples.
"Fuck..." She felt Camila stir, the profanity the first thing out of her lips as her eyes opened. Gripped a handful of Lauren's hair and kept her head still as she humped her clit against her tongue. "So that's what you wanted." Camila murmured. "You wanted to fuck me while I was still asleep, huh?"
Lauren's eyes widened, and Camila smirked. "I've pretended to be asleep while you were humping my pussy like an animal," she continued, her grip on Lauren's black locks tightening. "That's right. I felt how hard you came. And how quickly you camel ." Camila laughed as Lauren's ears reddened. "Is that a fantasy of yours? Fucking me while I'm vulnerable?"
Swallowing hard, Lauren nipped Camila's clit with her lips. "Yes."
Camila hummed and pushed Lauren's head back against her clit which she sucked roughly into her mouth. Back arching, Camila shivered and came, gushing girl cum from her hole. Lauren eagerly lapped up every bit, her tongue slipping inside her hole to lick her walls clean.
Lauren kissed along Camila's mound, her tummy, her breasts, then to her lips. "Are you mad at me?" She asked, rubbing Camila's belly. She kissed her cheeks and rested her forehead against hers. "You know, for wanting to fuck you like that?"
"Goodness, no." Camila smiled and grasped the back of Lauren's neck. "But did you think it's not as appealing if I knew? Because you could've just told me you want to do it, and I would've made your fantasies come true."
"You already do."
Camila snorted. "You're so corny," she teased, kissing Lauren's lips with a loud smack. "And I love it."

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