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Camila opened her mouth to respond but moaned out loudly instead, shivering when Lauren barely gave her any warning as she entered her in one swift motion. "Fuck, Lauren!" She felt herself squeeze around her girlfriend—her legs and inner walls clenching greedily around her waist and cock—as her hands twisted and fisted at her bed sheets. It had been far too long and her pussy was adamant to feel every inch of that pleasurable intrusion. "I missed this, too. O-ooh, how're you so big tonight?" The brunette whimpered against Lauren's lips and she met her thrust for thrust, helplessly responding to the pace she set. "Harder, p-please, don't hold back on me."
"I would never" Lauren groaned picking up her thrusts, now setting a heavy and deep paced rhythm over Camila. "Take it, take my big fucking cock. You're never going to be used to me, are you?" She grunted, the second her cock slid out of Camila's pussy, it was slamming right back in, finding the deep spots that made her love scream. Lauren felt it in her buttocks, the welcomed strain being heavily weighed upon them, along with her abs. The way Camila clenched so tightly around her cock was maddening. She slid a free hand between them to find Camila's clit, wanting to maximize her pleasure as she pounded determinedly into her pussy, kissing her hard.
Caught in the pleasure of Lauren pounding away at her with an increased rhythm, Camila choked on her own moan as the black haired girl teased her already sensitive clit. It throbbed under the attention and the small girl could only buck wildly beneath her girlfriend. "F..fuck yes. T-take me like that, Lauren!" Her thighs trembled and the proof of her arousal dripped into the bedding whenever Lauren pulled out and her cries at being filled right after were drowned in the black haired girl's mouth. Her fingers were definitely no match to Lauren's delicious length. "Your...your cock's s-stretching my p-pussy so...shit! well." She stammered against Lauren's lips, "I-I'm nggh..not too f-far away from coming, Lo." She could feel herself clamping around that member, her body shaking as she grew closer and closer to her release.
Lauren could only respond with staggered grunts as her hips found a new rhythm, this one much deeper and thorough, almost in time with the way she rubbed Camila's twitching clit. She was feeling like never before in this moment, being one with Camila in pleasure. "Fucking cum Camila" At her words Lauren only encouraged Camila to let go, whispering softly in her ear making sure to hit that special spot inside her girl that would maximize her pleasure, all the while moving her fingers on her clit, and leaving kisses on Camila's neck up to her lips where she kissed softly. "I'm about to fucking fill you up with my cum, I can't take your tight pussy much longer"
Camila's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she dropped her head to the pillows, her lips parting to let out her heavy breathing and the occasional moan. A torrent of incoherent mumbling escaped her as well, and she writhed beneath Lauren, her legs locked securely around the black haired girl's waist, her own hips rolling now in response to the more insistent pace and she flexed her hands against the makeshift restraint. She loved the fact that Lauren knew all of her secret points, and did not shy away from them at all during their lovemaking sessions. "Oh Lauren," She rasped, almost breathlessly and hoarsely, against Lauren's lips. She entertained the idea of squeezing the black haired girl's cock a little bit more. "Just do it, Lauren, fill me up with your thick cum."
"Ohmmmgod" Lauren rasped hoarsely against Camila's lips, almost unable to last when Camila did that thing where she encased her cock even tighter. "Take it Camz, take my hot fucking cum!" Lauren groaned and balls tightened up, signaling her release. Her fast moving hips began jerking erratically and she did as she said in one thrust, filling Camila's pussy with rope after rope of thick cum. She moaned with each jerk of her hips, finally able to still them after she emptied herself, obviously still hard as a rock, only letting up for a moment before she hit that spot again inside of Camila. "Show me what you're made of Cabello" She managed to say between pants against Camila's neck. She loved the idea that Camila, and every woman could go on for hours on end, and she sure as hell wasn't going to take that for granted.
Camila hummed low in her throat as Lauren jabbed into her in spasmodic movements, her own hips unconsciously moving against the other girl in an urging-almost-push-you-over-the-limit dance. She stilled when her girlfriend bottomed out completely and felt the telltale signs of completion from Lauren's cock rearing itself for its release. Camila shivered when Lauren finally did and the brunette felt those hot explosions deposit into her. "Fuuuuck." She groaned, feeling her inner muscles clamp around the throbbing length and seemingly milking it for what its worth. "Mmm, so good, you're making me feel so full." Her heels dug into the Lauren's back until the spurts died out to a trickle. She bit into the black haired girl's shoulder hard and she fucked herself over and over in that particular mental debate. "Still so hard?" She whispered, teasingly, "Others might think that I'm not doing the best job."
"You're doing" Lauren panted, getting distracted with playfully nipping her way up Camila's neck and keeping her hips slow and still "extremely well, it's just that it's been a while. You know how I am, shouldn't be complaining because you get to enjoy the benefits" She finally said, pulling back so look into Camila's eyes...Slight mistake because what she saw in those dark chocolate brown eyes was pure desire and sex. "But if you'd rather be cleaned up" Lauren leaned down to kiss swollen lips as she pulled her hips all the way back, winking teasingly and let herself free of the confines that were Camila's pussy, moving her way down Camila's body.
"Oh, I definitely am not complaining." Camila chuckled, then groaned as she suddenly was left empty and she mock glared at Lauren's moving downward. "No." She growled, bucking sharply to throw Lauren off and use the momentum to flatten the black haired girl out onto her back as she flipped them over, shifting her bound hands to loop her arms around her girlfriend's neck and pulling her close as she straddled her on her stomach. Camila smirked playfully then, sliding her soaked self across the smooth expanse of skin, and right over Lauren's cock, groaning appreciatively. "I missed this, Lo." She murmured, "I need your cock so bad."
Lauren Jauregui, for the first time in a long time found her self at a loss of words. She could only growl and moan while rutting her hips up. Camila Cabello, her sex goddess of a girlfriend let her determined side out to play and this turned her the hell on. Seeing Camila grinding across her stomach and not only soaking it, but loving every minute, made the journalism student nearly cream herself again. Lauren glanced up at Camila wearing a smirk and her hands flung to her hips, moving them in a teasing rhythm while her blushing cock searched for anywhere to bury itself permanently. "Damn, Camz, you're so fucking hot, grinding me like that, spreading our come around all over my dick" Her hips moved upwards, catching Camila's pussy entrance as it slid over her and slowly she moved herself inside. Lauren's mouth fell open in a long moan, trying to imprint this feeling in her mind. "Show me how you ride my cock and maybe you can come again" She teased playfully, keeping her grip on Camila's hips as she shifted to kiss her.
Camila rolled her hips around, deliberately delaying her riding her girlfriend's cock despite Lauren's urging, staring at the blonde lovingly before she responded to the kiss. Her hips remained defiantly still and she pulled back, kissing Lauren's jawline soundly. "You feel so much bigger like this." Camila whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut, feeling every inch of Lauren—hard, thick, and deliciously pulsing inside of her. "Oh, fuck..." She was panting heavily by the time she allowed herself to move, sliding to and fro and then side to side, keeping Lauren's entire length inside of her, moaning loudly each time the head of the cock brushed against a very sensitive spot. "S-shit." Camila opened her eyes and stared at Lauren again, biting her lip as she murmured, "I love that all of this is all mine, Lo."
"Fuck babe" Lauren let her body fully enjoy every movement Camila made, showing her appreciation in moans against her lips and the occasional jerk of her hips. She found Camila's eyes as she stilled her hips, keeping her hard length in the spot that had Camila's eyes rolling back, and gave her a slow kiss. When their eyes met another time, Lauren's hands moved up Camila's abs to her chest, taking her time with palming her pert breasts and loving that she could feel exactly how much her girlfriend was enjoying the pleasure, it drove her wild. "I love that you are all mine, that your pussy treats me so well.." She told Camila as she ran her palms over the starlets nipples, whimpering slightly when she felt a rush of warmth over her entire length. "That I can feel how fucking much you're enjoying me" Lauren bit her lip, moving her feet to touch flat on the bed so her knees almost touched Camila's back, all the while slowly circling her hips in tandem with how Camila moved her own, allowing her pussy to swallow her cock deliciously each time. "Shit..You feel so good"
Camila's heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she arched instinctively into Lauren's hands, mumbling appreciatively over how Lauren was palming her breasts. She drew her own arms back, pulling at Lauren closer and upwards as she leaned back against her legs, grinding harder and more insistently against the black haired girls's pelvis. She rocked her hips in response to Lauren's earlier words, shifting her hips around and greedily squeezing her girlfriend's cock. "You feel amazing." She breathed, sliding her hips back slowly and chuckling as she focused on teasing the blonde even more. She could tell by her moans and the way that the delicious length as twitching inside of her that Lauren was enjoying it as much. Still, it was amusing to draw it out for as long as she could until someone broke and gave in.
"Mmmmh" Lauren hummed in appreciation to the treatment she was given by Camila, she was never one to disappoint and it only urged the journalist to sit back and enjoy as much as she could, continuing her conquest on Rachel's breasts by leaning forward to capture a dusky nipple into her mouth. "You have no idea how good you feel, riding me like that" Lauren swirled her tongue around the nipple, her heart was pounding harder, almost as hard as her cock with every swivel of Camila's hips when she moved back, her face flush and she wore a smirk when some particular movements made Camila squeak in the way she loved to hear. She moaned at the the friction on her cock, it was delicious. Warm, wet and captivating at the same time, it made her head spin. "So fucking perfect" She husked, she'd treat Camila like the princess she was, after she let the starlet have her fun riding her teased and blushing cock.
Camila threw her head back as Lauren caught one of her nipples in her warm mouth and she jerked sharply on her lap. "Probably as good as you feel inside of me." She panted, continuing to roll her hips around teasingly. "Do you like this, Lo? Me grinding on you?" She whispered into the room, pressing herself more fully against Lauren's mouth. "Or would you rather me wantonly riding you?" She asked, lifting her hips slowly and pulling back, moaning at the knee-tingling sensation of sliding Lauren out of her hot cavern before eagerly slamming back down, unable to part from the cock for too long.
Lauren's hips shifted with a groan, trying to capture any essence of Camila the position allowed, her cock hungry for something more. "I love anything you do to me, baby doll" She smirked up at Camila as she nibbled on her opposite nipple, gently sucking it between her lips, rocking her hips with more determination as the sensations became even more pleasurable. Her cock was aching now for something more, twitching and pulsing hard inside of Camila each time she allowed it back inside of her. Lauren looked Camila in the eye and held her hips, cock rutting up against her as it slid out to rest up and down, as close to leaking pre come as she could be without bursting. "Fuck me, baby, I need it so bad"
Camila moaned out loud, and, unable to help herself any longer as Lauren's words washed over her, she began to set a quick pace, bouncing on Lauren with abandon as she settled her arms around the blonde's shoulders for leverage better. "S-shit," she hissed, pushing herself back and forth along her girlfriend's shaft, feeling the precum trickling out made her all the more determined to make the black haired girl sweat. "Oh-mmngh. Do you like this, Lo?" She rasped, clenching her inner muscles to squeeze Lauren a bit more, and she worked her hips and she ducked her head down to look at herself taking Lauren entirely. "You're filling me so deeply and so big... oh fuck, look at that."
"mmmh, ohgod" Lauren moaned breathlessly now, the feeling of Camila's movements almost too much for her to handle, almost. The way Camila's pussy took in her cock was like a drug she never wanted to quit, the warmth and friction her forever addiction. "I love watching you ride my cock, you take it so well" She responded huskily, Lauren could feel the tension and sheen of sweat building in her body, her abdomen flexed as she moved with Camila, moaning and groaning as the pace began to quicken. "Shit, we look so fucking good, look at that, my cock fits so perfectly inside of you. Does that feel good Camz?" She looked down again and groaned at the site of her soaked cock sliding in and out of Camila's pussy, faster now like it was a part of her, wanting, needing more, showing its appreciation with a continual flow of Camila's juices.
Camila gasped for breath, feeling her arms beginning to quiver as Lauren moved along with her and fucked her harder in the process. The brunette slammed down against her upstrokes, and she could feel her orgasm draw nearer. "Fuck yes," She managed out in response, through the rhythmic slapping of skin and guttural groans and whines, so lost in the sensations that she couldn't tell who uttered what anymore. "Don't stop talking," she mumbled, pulling Lauren into another kiss—albeit sloppier this time as she kept up with their frenzied pace. "Tell me just how you want me and I'll tell you how much I want you to fill me up until you can't anymore."
"You want me to tell you exactly how much I want you, crave you?" Lauren let out a loud moan against swollen lips as Camila found that certain spot on her member that was always extra sensitive, her hips moving faster now with a renewed mission along with Camila's. Her hand found its way between them and she used her fingers to circle Camila's clit, groaning at what it made the girl on top of her do to her cock. "You have no idea, how good you feel when you clench around me, how it feels when I play with your clit while I pound you. So damn amazing. And when you come," She lost her breath in that moment, eyes rolling back a moment at the way Camila's pussy seemed to register what she was saying. "When you come, tight and hot around me, soak me with your hot juices, It makes me want to give you a million more orgasms"
Camila threw her head back and whimpered desperately, feeling herself tighten greedily around Lauren's cock. The black haired girl words had turned her on even more, and she had a hard time believing such a thing was possible even though she felt herself practically dripping and gushing down the other girl's length. "Fuck it," she mumbled, distractedly, gripping and threading her fingers into Lauren's hair, and riding her in earnest. "Harder!" She rasped with a light laugh, "Work those hips with me." The brunette flexed her thighs and rutted against Lauren, loving the feel of the other girl's hand on her sensitive nub. "Ah! So, so close." She sobbed, stammering over her words now. "Don't stop. Don't ever stop."
Lauren growled out, picking up the pace of her hips to meet with Camila's eager thrusts. She took charge, angling her hips to bury her cock that much deeper, that much better inside of Camila. The pace was unrelenting as Lauren found new energy, rubbing Camila's clit in time with her thrusts, slowing just to feel that clench she craved around her cock. "So fucking good, not gonna last, you're so god damn tight" Lauren rasped when she felt the tell tale signs of Camila teetering on the edge, she herself feeling the tightening in the base of her cock that only Lauren could make feel this good. "Come with me Camz!"
Camila smiled and pulled away from the kiss, lifting her arms up and holding her bound wrists in front of Lauren, asking her to remove the scarf. She soon placed her head against the blonde's shoulder, basking in the sweet afterglow of their lovemaking as she stayed astride her girlfriend, loving that Lauren was still inside her. "Three weeks is still too long." She pouted with a chuckle and tugged at Lauren's cheeks playfully. "We're not leaving tonight. Or tomorrow. I fully intend on making the most of the time with you here."
Lauren wore a satisfied smile as she untied Camila from her ties, smiling lovingly and stroking down her back as they settled, chuckling as Camila pouted at her. "Camz, if I had it my way we'd stay here for the three weeks, and only make necessary breaks so we could shower and I could make you dinner" As much as she craved being with Camila, she craved this the most: Intimate and relaxing time spent together in comfortable silence, playful conversation with one another. Her cock though soft now, still warm and buried inside Camila may have something to do with it. "At least I picked a Friday this time instead of Tuesday"
"Thank goodness for small favors..." Camila murmured happily, finally able to flex her wrists and dropping her arms to snake them around Lauren's waist. She snuggled into the blonde, and exhaling softly. "As much as I love staying like this, think we should clean up?" She scrunched her face, glancing down at their joined fronts and lifting her hips a little to pull away to see a bit of their combined cum leaking out. She licked her lips at the sight and sighed softly. "I don't want a repeat of the time we exhausted ourselves to sleep and it was difficult to pull away the next day."
Lauren mentally pouted at the prospect of having to untangle herself in any way from Camila, holding her tighter but shivering at the thought of what happened last time. It was like glue, messy and not at all helpful. She let out a soft breath, and kissed Camila's head. She waited a few more moments, basking in the warmth that was Camila and smirked. "First one to the shower, first one to get off" Lauren winked, physically plopping Camila down on the bed and bolting in all her glory to the direction of the bathroom.
Camila blinked after Lauren, then laughed as she drew herself to sit up and cup herself to keep as much of their juices in as she followed the blonde to the bathroom. "You dork, I almost spilled some on the carpet." She teased, taking a seat down on the toilet and smirking at Lauren. The actress smirked then, tilting her head, "And I still haven't sucked you off, so I don't mind you getting off first."
Lauren got the water on in the shower and turned it to hot, smirking when Camila walked in pretty much covered from the waist down in their combined juices. "Good, you'll have a constant reminder of our lovemaking" She winked, moving to bend and kiss Camila, reaching for her hand, showing her the way once she got the large shower door opened. "After you, gorgeous girl"
Camila chuckled, even as the entire bathroom soon filled up with steam, and she followed Lauren's directions to step into the shower safely. She was still dripping as she shifted towards the running water, moaning at the feeling of the hot water on her skin and she leaned on her hands against the wall and bent her head forwards. "Mmmm, the water's amazing on my muscles after that workout." She teased over her shoulder. "Don't you think so, Lo?"
Lauren licked her lips when she was met with the site of a completely wet Camila, the droplets of water running down her body an erotic site in itself. To add, she was flushed pink from the temperature of the water and her eyes were dark as night. "Mhmm, it's wonderful, almost as good as your hot pussy" Lauren found herself nodding automatically, she'd do it to anything Camila suggested these days. She joined Camila in the hot water and hissed in pleasure, kissing along Camila's shoulder.
Camila let her head lull to the opposite side where Lauren was kissing her and she hummed contentedly. She reached back and tangled her hand into Lauren's wet locks, using her other arm to hug her backwards and she let out a quiet moan as she pressed her back flushed against the blonde. "It's even more wonderful when you're like this." She teased, playfully bumping her hips back against her girlfriend's.
Lauren licked her way up Camila's neck and kissed her ear, moving her hair back to the opposite side to give the same treatment to the other. She let out a quiet growl when her cock found its way between Camila's cheeks, met with almost unbearable warmth. "Fuck, you're soaked, and it isn't from the water" She husked into Camila's ear and swirled her tongue along the shell, fully knowing it was one of her special spots, pushing her hips lightly into Camila which caused her to be fully pressed against the shower wall. "Your pussy is like hot silk, begging to be fucked"
Camila groaned as she got pushed into the wall and she leaned heavily against it, feeling her knees weaken with Lauren's cock finding its way iin between her soaking folds and at the way the black haired girl tongue was teasing her ear. "I thought we were supposed to clean up." she murmured, though her tone was far from complaining. The brunette loved Lauren taking control and they have never done it in the shower before so it was all very much a win-win situation. She clenched her thighs together and trapped her length and teasingly rolling her hips forward and moaning, "You're so hard again, Lauren."
Lauren responded by nibbling on the spot behind Camila's ear, leaving her mark and grinding her hips towards the hot cavern that was Camila's soaked pussy. "You do this to me. Do you feel it? How hot I am for you, how hard my dick is from one look at you?" She husked, continuing her journey with her lips down Camila's neck, kissing and licking the expanse between her neck and shoulder for a little bit. Lauren's hips worked harder against Camila, her cock still insistent on burying itself in its favorite warm place. She teased Camila with her slow movements, deliberately grazing her entrance at the same time her teeth gently bit down on her shoulder.
Camila shivered and tugged at Lauren's neck, her fingernails digging lightly into wet skin. "Fuck, almost as drenched I get whenever I think about you, babe." She chuckled, panting heavily at the playful bite. She arched her hips into the black haired girl, exhaling heavily as she felt the head of Lauren's cock nudge past her pussy lips and where she wanted her the most. "Such a tease even after two rounds?" She chuckled, almost breathless, "You're a mean one, Lauren Jauregui."
Lauren chuckled lightly at her words, pulling her hips back enough for her cock to be almost completely removed of contact. "Can you blame me? I love watching you squirm and beg for my cock as much as you like how my cock begs for you" She murmured against the wet skin of Camila's ear, tongue peeking out to lick the shell as she pushed forward, slowly sliding her cock where it most wanted to be inside Camila. "I can't get over how tight you are, squeezing my cock so good" Lauren groaned out, her forehead now resting on Camila's shoulder as she tried to catch her breath from the dizzying feeling.
Camila's breathing speed up as Lauren teasingly pulled her hips back, and she had to keep herself from groaning out her disappointment and she pushed her hips back, seeking Lauren's cock. She moaned out loudly, though, as she felt it slide inside of her and she shivered at how the pouring water made the sensation all the more intense. "Fuck, Lauren!" She gasped, her arms tensing in front of her as she bucked against the taller girl's hips. "I love how much deeper you get when you take me like this."
"I love how much more you can take me this way" Lauren moaned out when Camila began moving with her, the sheer constriction on her cock causing it to twitch and leak inside of Camila's pussy. "Fucking shit, you feel so good" she murmured into Camila's ear, picking up the pace of her thrusts moments later, unable to stop the undeniable need to gain any type of friction. She gripped Camila's hips and moved her for each thrust, kissing and gently biting her neck, groaning out loudly at the increasing tightness she was awarded because of it.
Camila mumbled out incoherent murmurs as she felt Lauren coming a little inside of her. Her mouth parted as the black haired girl seemed to thrust into her faster, harder, making use of her hips to pull her into each pump as she felt teeth nip at her neck. In response, she slipped an arm upward and she curled it around Lauren's neck, letting herself feel the way her girlfriend was moving inside of her and the wet slapping sounds of their skins meeting thundering inside the acoustics of the bathroom.
"Take it, take my cock Camz! Fuck!" Were the last coherent words Lauren could manage to say. She let herself get lost after in the feeling of Camila's tight hole squeezing her towards orgasmic bliss. She lasted a few more long minutes, sinking deeper if possible with each of her fervent thrusts, "Fu-fuck!! Gonna come so hard" she was panting hard as she tried to kiss Rachel, only succeeding for a moment before she exploded inside of her.
Camila groaned, rubbing her ass back against Lauren's front as she felt the black haired girl stagger in her thrusts. "So good, Lauren." She kissed her back, sloppily, and when she felt the twitching cock inside of her tense and spill inside of her, she let out a hissed out a long drawn out "Yessss," as she gripped the back of Lauren's head tight and held her flush against her. "Fuck, Lauren," she muttered and began chanting her girlfriend's name over and over again as she continued her bucking back against the black haired girl, desperate to reach her peak as well. "Give it to me, fill me up just like that."
"Fuck, Camila!" Lauren hissed in pleasure. She listened to Camila's breathless words, filling her up with hot ropes of come following each thrust, until she was sure of being emptied. She slumped slightly on wobbly legs, making her cock push deeper inside of Camila and in turn she shivered despite the sauna they were surrounded by. "Mmmungg mm" She mumbled against Camila's hair and shoulder, hips finally slowing themselves down and she pulled Camila back from the wall enough to slip an arm in front of them, blindly searching for the starlet's clit, wanting to give her the same pleasure but succeeding in teasing more than anything because of the angle.
Camila whimpered and bucked against Lauren's hand, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt herself draw closer and closer to the edge but not quite there enough to really cum quite yet. She could feel herself be filled up quite nicely with Lauren and her juices, and it made for that nice, wet, squishy feeling as she rode against Lauren's softening length and saw some of the cum slip through Lauren's fingers and down her parted legs. She was whining softly now as she felt herself at the precipice but not quite able to just go over it. "Laaauureeenn..."
Lauren realized in another thirty seconds that she was not helping Camila much, and decided to fix that. "Turn around" She husked in her ear and carefully slipped out of her, softening cock probably not much help to the situation. When Camila did turn around, she got down and winked up at Camila. "Lift your leg" She licked her lips at the site of her dripping pussy, unable to wait before she set to work
Camila shivered as Lauren pulled out from her completely, and she whined as she instantly missed the feeling of being filled up. She leaned back against the shower wall, looking down at Lauren as she hoisted her leg over the blonde's shoulders as asked and she moaned out loudly just as the blonde went to work on her clit. "Fuck!" She murmured, throwing her head back and slamming it hard against the tiles. "Oh fuck," She groaned again, not quite minding the dulled pain at the back of her skull and she arched her hips into that delicious mouth. "We taste that good." Rachel managed out to correct, smirking as she stared at Lauren, the sight of her lapping up and playing with her pussy turning her on quite easily.
"Mmmmh" Lauren hummed against her second favorite place to be, doing her best to give Camila the best pleasure. Her tongue swirled around Camila's engorged clit, slipping lower to breach her entrance and she added two fingers along with it, loving the sounds she could elicit. "So good, fuck baby" She groaned, fully enjoying making her girl feel good. She nosed at her clit as her fingers and tongue, moaning against her searched for the spots that made Camila see stars.
Camila moaned loudly and rolled her hips down to meet Lauren's thrusts. Her hands went to the back of the blonde's head, gripping tightly as she fucked herself on her mouth and tried to keep up with her girlfriend's eagerness and now failing to do as she felt herself reach the remaining stretch to her orgasm. It had been a while since she had last ridden Lauren's this way, and as her eyes opened to watch her devour her, she was going to have to make this into a regular thing somehow. With a gasp at feeling the blonde's nose grind against her swelling clit, she felt herself fall and gush out, hard and fast as she convulsed at her ministrations.
Lauren was almost in heaven as she basically devoured Camila's pussy, each sound she elicited only spurring her on to do better, to push Camila over the edge and earn that gush of juices in her mouth. She groaned as Camila's grip tightened and she could feel the way her walls did the same, and Lauren never let up. She replaced her tongue with a third finger and lapped at Camila's clit as she felt her going over, moaning as the gush of wetness reached her and she never let up on her pace, letting Camila ride it out as she pleased.
Camila felt herself start to shake a bit as she pressed herself further against the wall as she rode out her orgasm well into a second one, grasping at Lauren desperately as she came again around those fingers. "Fuck," She muttered breathlessly, tugging her girlfriend up and pressing herself against her when she did. She kept the intimate embrace as she pushed the blonde against the adjacent wall, back under the spray of the shower, and kissing her soundly. "We probably should turn off the shower," She teased, nuzzling her nose against Lauren's.
Lauren hid the pout when she was pulled away from Camila's still convulsing pussy, and groaned at the feel of their naked bodies together again. She returned the kiss with passion, nipping her lip as they broke it, shivering a bit from the coolness of the tile. "We almost cleaned up this time, almost" Lauren chuckled in a smirk, reaching to turn off the water and kiss Camila happily, wandering hands roaming down to squeeze her ass. "What ever will we do with ourselves now, baby?"
Camila chuckled, her eyes still dark with desire as she stared at Lauren and moaned when she felt those hands close around her ass. She trailed her own fingers up and comb through the wet locks of blonde hair. "Well," she bit her lip, using her free hand to tease down the toned abs. She smirked and wrapped her fingers around Lauren's length and gave it a teasing tug. "You could take me from behind again." She suggested pulled herself away and out the shower stall, hand still leading them to the sink, her hands firmly latched around Lauren's cock and pumping teasingly. "In front of the mirror this time."
Lauren followed as she was tugged out of the shower and quirked her brow as Camila's hand moved from her abs down to her cock, squeaking as it was slowly stroked and didn't take more than 3.5 seconds to stand at attention for Camila. Her words caused Lauren's eyes to darken, rolling back a moment and she pushed towards the hand giving her the friction her insistent cock craved. "Fuck babe, you don't have to tell me twice" She husked, pushing Camila against the sink and looking at her eyes in the mirror. Her cock found its way between Camila's cheeks and she let out a low moan, lightly rocking her hips to create teasing friction, eyes still locked on Camila's. "This what you want? My dick pounding you from behind, making you scream?"
Camila chuckled, smirking, as she looked at Lauren through the mirror and very teasingly pushed her hips back against Lauren, humming at the way her cock was rubbing the underside of her still throbbing clit. "As long as you make me cum this time, baby." She teased, letting out an almost exaggerated erotic moan as she continued to rub herself along the hard shaft. She brought her hands to her breasts, teasing herself and putting a show on for the blonde through the mirror as lazily ran her thumbs around her nipples in circles. "You came too quick earlier," she said sadly, enjoying the way that she knew was pushing at Lauren's;s buttons, "You had to resort to eating me out was well and good, but I would have loved to come around your big cock."
Lauren quirked her brow when she noticed the game Camila was playing, letting out a growl at her teasing shade. She licked her lips watching Rachel play with her own breasts. "You act as if I'm Bradley Fucking Simpson who will leave you frustrated and dry. I should spank you for being unappreciative" She teased right back, not wasting her breath and entering Camila in a swift motion, biting back another growl. "Oh, it seems that you are far from dry, perhaps you've been too satisfied, my love" She knew exactly what to say, and how to say it, she if anything taught Camila this whole game.
"Brad wouldn't be as big, no matter what he claims." Camila said in retort, cheekily, before groaning loudly at the sudden intrusion and she felt her inner walls clench around the entire length. "I've been a good girl, though," she shuddered, and her eyes rolled upwards, feeling Lauren sink into her deliciously. "Taking your big cock like this, even though it seems you barely fit." She moaned out loudly, canting her hips backwards to get Laurne to move. Having the blonde growl into her ear was such a turn on and she could feel herself get even more turned on. "And taking all of your cum into my tight pussy as you come into me again and again. Fuck, Lo, I'm fucking burning for you to just pound away at me."
Lauren smirked at Camila's words, running her hands down to cup Camila's ass and squeeze the tanned flesh. "I suppose, you have been a good girl" Lauren murmured, rolling her hips each time Camila's pushed into hers, effectively trapping her willing cock,making her moan lowly. She pushing Camila's hair out of the way to gain proper access to her neck, nibbling her way over the sweet skin there when her hips pulled back with more force, fully burying her aching cock in Camila's hole. "You're so good, so fucking tight around my cock, I love pushing into your pussy, feeling you stretch for me" She husked, punctuating her words with kneading Camila's ass and sinking her teeth gently into her neck, leaving a small mark. "And now, i'm going to make you scream" Lauren's pace picked up upon finishing her sentence, thrusting deliciously and purposefully into Camila's pussy.
Camila groaned out aloud at Lauren's responses, feeling her inner walls clamp around Lauren's cock, even as she moved and assisted with Quinn in her thrusting. She felt her backside be toyed with, and she rested her entire weight onto her arms as she watched Lauren from the mirror. "You stretch me so well, Lauren. It feels like you're tearing me apart." she purred, and let out a rather loud moan as the blonde started to really pound at her and she could not keep her feelings in. "Oh, oh, ughhh, fuck yes, Lauren. Don't let up. Fuck me just like this."
"Yeah, you like how I pound your wet pussy? Stretch you with my big cock?" Lauren let out in a husk, lightly spanking Camila's ass cheeks in time with a few of her thrusts. "You better fucking take it, and cum all over me this time" She added with a groan as one particular thrust left her cock feeling almost trapped when she pulled her hips back. So. Fucking. Tight. It was maddening. She could feel the twinge in her abs as she worked them, but her pace only picked up, now really giving it to Camila, fast and hard like she knew the girl loved. She panted into her back, angling her hips to be able to push her cock deeper, working to hit that spot inside Camila.
"Ohminggrh, Lauren" Camila yelped, "Fuck, yes! Fuck my pussy like that. More, harder—fucking give it to me as hard as you can, Lauren." Her sentences were punctuated with swearing and dirty talk, even more so than usual, and she was shamelessly slamming back again Lauren, her wet walls constricting around the blonde's cock and squeezing deliciously with each spanking that her girlfriend gave her. Her breathing staggered, her eyes staring right at Lauren as her length continued to brush against those pleasurable spots. She whimpered then, her backside bucking up, and soon she screamed into the sink. "I'm coming, fuck, I'm coming!"
"That's it, take it like my little slut!" Lauren growled out, increasing her pace by a fraction and continuing to spank every other thrust, she enjoyed what it was doing to Camila, and her cock. She could feel the difference in the pleasurably unbearable tightness and let out a moan as Camila came around her, never stopping or hindering her thrusts. She kept angling her hips in order to hit that spot as Camila contracted around her, eyes rolling back as the gush of warmth soaked the both of them. "Fuck, give it all to me! You're not done yet" She husked, giving Camila another light spank.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Camila let out, whimpering, even as she flailed against the bathroom counter. Hearing such things coming from her normally sweet and romantic girlfriend usually got her going. She did certainly love it when Lauren let the HBIC out to play...sometimes. Even now, as she expected the blonde to slow down after her orgasm (as asked), and still the other girl was not letting up. Camila moaned loudly, her breasts pressing against the marble counter top, the cool smooth texture a stark contrast to the hot-bodied man halding her from behind. It was so easy put her back to the edge, spasming again and writhing against her. "Ohfuck, yes, right there."
Lauren only let herself go at Camila's words (as it should be), lasting a thrust or two more until she felt the explosion rock her body. She growled out into Camila's shoulder as rope upon rope of cum spurt into the girl's pussy, catching Camila's eyes in the mirror as she did so. This only added to the erotic intensity and Lauren gave one more thrust. "Fuck, Camz, take my cum!" She hissed, shooting one last rope of cum deep inside of her girlfriend with it.

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