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Lauren smiled and kissed Camila's softly rounded belly. "Hey, Camz," she whispered adoringly. Camila herself laughed and combed her fingers through the brunette locks at the nape of her lover's neck. She tugged playfully and pulled the other woman to her mouth. The brunette moaned as her tongue slid between Lauren's lips, swirling and dipping. She was just entering her fourth month of pregnancy and the hormones were kicking in really badly. It felt like there was a constant vibration in her panties and though they really tried, there seemed to be no end to her constant heat. Lauren moaned into the petite brunette's kiss, biting her lip and then sucking away the sting.
"Lauren," she panted, slightly. "We have time, please, touch me." She pushed her wife down on their bed and climbed into her lap. She wrapped her arms and legs around the willowy frame and kissed her passionately, her nails digging just slightly into the small of her back. Her tongue slid easily into Lauren's mouth. Camila began to slowly, desperately grind her aching, dripping wet pussy against her lover. She grunted in frustration. She grabbed Lauren's hand and pressed it against her slick folds. "Please."
Lauren kissed Camila back, hard, licking her way inside the smaller woman's mouth and ravaging her. She allowed Camila to push her hand against her pussy and began to slowly rub her small, but very hard clit. "You're so wet baby," She whispered. "You're so wet for me." She thrust inside the drenched walls of her lover's dripping pussy. "So wet for me, baby." Two fingers quickly became three as Camila tightened and whimpered pleadingly.
"Pleaseeeee! Lauren! Fuck yeah..." Camila was literally dripping into Lauren's hand. Since the second trimester had begun in Camila's pregnancy, she was horny constantly. The rougher they touched each other, the hotter the brunette became. Biting and scratching had always been a small part of their love making, but the pregnancy was turning her wife into a Tasmanian devil of orgasm need. They made love for hours and Camila just craved more, rocking on Lauren's hand and whispering filthy things in her ear. The scientist had always been able to achieve multiple orgasms, but this need since the pregnancy, had increased the need to come trifold. Lauren was beginning to become concerned that her wife would become raw, but no, Camila was fine and for some reason she tasted even better now.
The phone chimed, breaking the spell that the couple was under, Lauren's eyes slowly came back into focus and she realized the time. "Fuck! Camila, I'm so sorry, baby, but I'm late. I have that meeting with Simon in 30 minutes!" Lauren pulled her fingers from the swollen walls of Camila and gently rolled her wife on the bed. She eagerly lapped the taste of Camila's arousal from her fingers and palm while winking at the pouting woman. "Camz, baby, you taste heavenly. I promise tonight I'll make it up to you." She quickly washed her hands and brushed her teeth.
Camila followed, her hands cradling their unborn baby. She leaned against the bathroom wall. "You know, this isn't fair. I can't help how horny your baby's hormones are making me."
Lauren's eyes met her wife's in the mirror. "I know, I'm a scientist as well. I promise, I'll make it up to you. I've got so much to do today." She kissed Camila quickly and pulled on her sweater. "I did give you three orgasms just two hours ago though. Remember, when you woke me up?"
Camila sighed, dramatically. She did understand how much her wife had on her plate today. Her body was just out of control. The constant ache and wetness was nearly driving her crazy. Even her panties rubbing against her highly sensitive pussy lips and swollen clit was almost too much sensation. She rubbed a spot on her engorged belly. "What are you turning your momma into, my sweets? I can't keep attacking your mommy this way. It's not right." Camila chuckled and climbed her aroused body into a cool shower that she quickly turned to icy in an attempt to cool her body. It worked, for a short time.
Later, as she tried to work in the lab, the ache returned. She could feel the pressure in her pussy. She shifted in her chair, which until two minutes ago, had been a very comfortable seat. Now it was like sitting on a brick. She glanced at Lauren, who was concentrating on whatever was on the computer screen. The brunette was chewing on her lower lip and that just drove the brunette completely crazy. She could feel those teeth teasing across her skin. She flopped back, huffing in irritation.
Shawn, ever diligent, looked up from the microscope. "You alright there, 324B21?" He had begun teasing her by only calling her by this tag number since they had broken Austin Mahone's code and were able to completely heal Camila and her sister. This was how she had been able to become pregnant in the first place.
Camila smiled at her friend. "Yes." She looked at Lauren who was watching her with narrowed eyes. "I just need to get up and walk around. Hey, Shawny? Will you run down to the cafeteria and grab me a bottle of ginger ale and a cup of ice?" She needed to get him to leave for a few minutes, so she could get a little relief.
"Of course!" Shawn saved whatever he was working on, on his computer and hurried out the door.
Camila stalked over to Lauren. She stood behind the brunette and began to nuzzle her wife's ear and lick it playfully. Lauren moaned softly, allowing her head to fall to the side. The pregnant woman took this as an invitation and began to kiss the pulse point on the edge of the brunette's collar bone. "Mmmm," she mumbled against the soft skin of the green eyed woman.
"Camila, babe, please," Lauren moaned. "I've gotta complete this report, Simon is waiting for it."
Camila stopped and made a face. "I'm beginning to think you like Simon more than me. You say his name an awful lot." She stood up and crossed her arms in front of her belly protectively.
Lauren looked crest fallen, she pulled her lover into her lap and covered her face in kisses. "Camz, you and our baby are my entire world."
Camila smiled that bright, joyful smile that was purely Camila. She pressed her face into Lauren's throat and let her wife rock her for a few minutes. However, then the door chimed and Shawn came in, caught sight of them and blushed. Camila laughed, "Shawn! It's been years, and you still get all red when you see us together. You're so cute!"
The guy just shook his head and smiled. He set the requested ginger ale and cup on Camila's desk and laughed. "If you two need to be alone, all you have to do is say so."
"Where would the fun be in that?" Camila snuggled her face in Lauren's neck, biting the tender skin there and growling playfully.
"Please, Shawn, you can't leave me alone with this Tasmanian devil! She'll accost me the second you go from the room." Lauren felt those sharp teeth and knew the petite woman was leaving a big love bite. Heat pooled between her thighs and she moaned aloud. God! She absolutely had to get this report finished! She caressed her wife's belly, separated her teeth from her neck, and gently set the brunette on her feet. "Camila!"
The brunette flashed a wicked smile and shook her hips playfully. Both Shawn and Lauren watched her appreciatively. Lauren forced her gaze back to the keyboard, silently cursing the way her body responded to the wild brunette. She was throbbing and wet now. The spot on her throat was aching nicely. She was certain there was a big claiming mark there. If not yet, soon.
At lunchtime Camila waited impatiently for Lauren to return to the lab after delivering the report to Simon fucking Cowell. She didn't understand why Lauren hadn't just emailed it. She paced to the "chill zone" sofa and sat down. She unbuttoned her shirt and released her front hook bra. The air hit her heated horny flesh. Her nipples were stiff and since she was alone, she began to rub them roughly, hoping that the pressure would relieve some of the ache.
Lauren had needed to hand deliver the report because she was hoping that her heated body would calm. It failed. The second she walked back into the lab and saw her wife sprawled out with her hands pinching and pulling her rosy nipples, the desire boiled through her blood stream. Camila's eyes caught and held the Cuban beauty's own gaze.
Knowing her wife was watching her excited the pregnant woman even more. She twisted her nipples harder, panting and moaning as she felt the creams pooling inside her panties. She whimpered. "Lauren. Come fuck me. I need you so badly."
The brunette stepped towards her writhing wife. She knelt beside Camila and wrapped her mouth around one pink and swollen nipple. She bit down and slowly pulled backwards letting it pull from her teeth. Camila moaned desperately.
"Yes! God! Fuck yes!" the brunette lost control, she shoved her fingers inside her panties against her pussy. She scooped her spilling juices and brought the soaked digits to Lauren's waiting mouth. She pushed them against her lover's tongue, smiling as she felt the brunette suck every bit of cream from her. "Tasty?"
"Ohmygod, yes!" Lauren bent down, planning to take the brunette back into her mouth. She slid her hand over her lover's soaked panties. She pressed deeper against her swollen folds, the thin silk, the only thing separating her from her woman's pussy. "Mine."
The phone rang. Camila swore out loud angrily. "Ignore it." she demanded as Lauren began to move toward it.
"Camila, whoever it is will come to the door if I don't." Lauren reminded her agitated wife.
Camila rearranged her clothing, blushing as she remembered the numerous times they had been caught by Dinah or Normani in various states of undress. It was a running joke that you needed to give this lab at least five minutes after knocking before you entered. It was worse in the past week. Camila's horniness was not a secret.
It was two hours later, Shawn had left for the day and Lauren was finishing yet another report. Camila was bent over the microscope, making brief notations on her own report. She saw her wife stretch and stand up. The Cuban woman walked over to her pregnant love and wrapped her arms around her rounded belly.
"My wife, and my baby. What a lucky woman I am," Her palms flattened against her lover's pregnant belly. "To think, I never considered that I'd be married to a beautiful, brilliant and feisty woman who is giving me a perfect child."
Camila turned to face her love. She wrapped her arms around the taller woman's neck. She lifted her lips to kiss her lover, sighing as the need gushed to her pussy again. Lauren lifted her up to sit on the edge of the stainless steel table. Her fingers grasped Camila's skirt and pushed it out of the way. She reached inside her lover's panties and slid right inside of her pussy. Three fingers fucked Camila roughly. The brunette squealed as a mini orgasm shook through her body. It wasn't even close to satisfying to the small body. She spread her thighs wider apart, grabbing her wife's shoulders.
Camila jerked her body to the edge of the table and then she laid down. She pulled her knees to her chest, hooking her hands behind her knees to hold them against her body. "Fuck me, Lauren! Make me fucking come!"
Lauren grabbed the tights and panties and dropped them to the floor. She fell to her knees and buried her face into her lover. She caught the throbbing clit in her mouth and began to suck on it. Three fingers pressed deep as she sucked roughly on her wife's swollen little bump. The Cuban beauty had come a long way since an angry and hurt Camila had sneered "Yeah it showed!" Yes, now she was so much more skilled.
Camila was losing control. The messy sound of her wetness rang in her ears as Lauren continued to tear her pussy up. She craved this. This rough fucking, this hot desire, Lauren's passion was all Camila wanted. She wailed as her body released in another small orgasm. It wasn't enough! Her horny pussy screamed for more. Lauren knew her body. Her hand reached up and began to twist Camila's aching nipple.
Lauren moaned as she felt the hot gush of fluid against her chin. She slammed her fingers deeper, knowing that her woman needed a little roughness to hit that high and to come hard. She twisted her wrist and her blunt nails scraped against Camila's g-spot. She fucked her lover harder, her eyes closed in ecstasy. That heavenly taste was on her tongue as she continued to lick and suck the brunette's clit. She circled the tip along the head of Camila's clit.
"Fucccccckkkkkkk!" Camila screamed out into the silence of the room. She writhed on Lauren's fingers as she came hard this time. The brunette jerked her fingers free and pressed her open mouth to Camila's exploding pussy and took every drop into her mouth. The cream spilled. Lauren lapped it up like a puppy. She moaned against her wife, lapping up and down her folds, cleaning her thoroughly. She moved up Camila's body then, kissing her, slipping her soaked fingers to the brunette's mouth and licking both her fingers and Camila's lips.
Camila groaned and eagerly suckled her lover's fingers. She loved when Lauren would share their wetness with her. Often it would be a mix of their come. Lauren would fuck herself with Camila's come before giving her slick digits into the petite woman's mouth. It was such a turn on.
Lauren kissed Camila's pregnant belly with a laugh. "Well done, baby. You remained asleep so your mommy could make momma feel better!"
Camila, her need finally sated for the moment, smiled at the sight of her lover's brunette head against their baby. "I love you, Lauren."
"I love you too, Camzi, until death do us part." Lauren glanced at the clock and swore. "Shit! I'm supposed to be in a meeting in five minutes!!" She kissed Camila quickly and rushed to wash up.
Camila sighed, her eyes falling on her cell phone. It's been over an hour since her wife had texted that she was finished with her meeting and had one last report to complete. She paced the lab in irritation. Her hormone level was back up. But her need was to fuck her wife, to taste Lauren's honey on her lips.
She grabbed her jacket and bag. She stomped down to her wife's office and stopped herself as she reached for the door. She forced herself to calm down first. Then she pushed into the room and stared at her exhausted wife. She was biting on her lower lip in concentration.
"I'm sorry, Camz, I am almost finished." She barely glanced up as she furiously typed. "Three minutes. Five at the most." She vowed.
Camila nodded. She sank into the chair across from Lauren's desk and tapped her fingers. She wanted to go home and fuck her wife. She stroked her small belly. The baby was settled. No flutters. She looked at the space under the Cuban woman's desk. She wondered if she could fit comfortably in that space. She took off her sweater and sank to her knees. She crawled under the desk. She pulled off her lover's shoes and slid her hands up the smooth calves, pushing passed the knees and up the thighs. She could fucking smell her wife's arousal.
"Ca-mi-laaaaaa!" Lauren whined. "Stop it! I'll be finished soon and then we can finish this at home."
But Camila was done waiting to fuck her wife. She ripped the nylons from the Cuban woman from the crotch and breathed deeply. She began to slowly stroke the slick folds of Lauren's pussy, seeking the small bit of flesh and stroking it.
"Type quickly, Dr. Jauregui. Because I am not waiting much longer to eat this pussy."
"Fuck," Lauren recognized that tone. She quickly saved the file. Heat ripped through her body as Camila stroked her clit over and over. "God, Camila!"
Camila, knowing her lover's voice, shifted and pulled her hand free. She crawled up the brunette's body, and licked her fingers, humming happily. She was finally getting her way. She wanted to eat her lover and nothing was going to keep her from that sweetness.
"On the desk, Lauren," the brunette growled. The brunette obeyed quickly inching her skirt up to her waist and settling on the top of her desk. Camila pushed her wife's thighs apart. She smiled as her gaze drank in the Cuban beauty's swollen and dripping pussy. "God, your pussy is so wet, my love."
"Camila! You have been teasing me and touching me all day- of course I'm wet, you idiot," Lauren twisted her hips invitingly. "Please, fuck me already!"
"Such language in front of the baby, Lauren," she teased as she reached for her wife and sank her fingers deep inside Lauren. She found the brunette hot and wet. Her pussy walls clamped on the brunette's two fingers. Camila smirked. Her eyes lifted and held the brunette's emerald gaze.
She kissed along Lauren's thigh. She bit the tender skin, sucking hard, marking the brunette with her teeth. She growled with desire. She lunged forward and began to suck on her wife's clit. She pulled her fingers from Lauren and used her hands to hold Lauren open. She was starving. She wanted to taste Lauren. She wanted to lick that brunette pussy and swallow everything her wife had to give and maybe just a little more.
Lauren tangled her hands in the smaller woman's dreads. She pressed the smaller woman deep within her pussy. Camila's tongue licked up and down on the brunette's clit and then deep inside of her pussy. Her mouth watered as she drank from Lauren. Her hands pulled those puffy lips apart and flattened her tongue before licking just the tip of her wife's ruby red clit.
Lauren began to mutter nonsense words, always an indication of how close to coming she was. Camila sucked hard on one pussy lip then the other. She scraped her teeth lightly against Lauren's clit making the brunette scream as she came. Camila licked up the come as it spilled from her wife's pussy.
Lauren collapsed back on her desk, exhausted and drained. But the brunette wasn't done. She moved her body over the Cuban beauty's body and lay beside her. She slipped her fingers inside of Lauren. She fucked her wife hard and deep, as the brunette moaned. Her fingers pushed until her fingers touched even the brunette's cervix. She didn't stop the hard thrusting.
Lauren's green eyes rolled back, her head lolled as she lost all control. She whimpered and sobbed slightly. She hadn't lied to Camila after their first encounter. She often cried when the experience was overwhelming. And with her beloved Camila it was very often overwhelming. She was so in love with her wife.
Camila wanted the brunette to come. She knew it was close. She knew Lauren's body as well as her own. She pressed on Lauren's clit and continued to thrust deep and fast. No gentleness. She just wanted to fuck her wife. As she stroked on that over sensitive bud, she began to lick at her lover's throat. That was all it took.
Lauren came undone, her body shaking as she came, tears spilling out of her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Camila. She slammed her thighs shut and squeezed until the small brunette stopped her movements and pulled her small hand free. She grinned hugely as she kissed the taller woman.
Their bodies wrapped close together as Camila held her shuddering wife. She kissed away the falling tears and rocked her. She whispered how much she loved her. Lauren sighed and moaned.
"I love you so much, babe." Lauren hiccuped. Burying her face against Camila's throat, Lauren was home.
Camila's belly grumbled. And their baby chose that moment to flutter against its mommy's side. Both women laughed. "Take me home, woman. You were an appetizer but your wife and child are hungry!"

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