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(G!P Camila)

Camila propped up the tripod in the middle of the guest room, directly in front of her computer chair. She did this enough times to know the exact height and the perfect angle to tilt her camera to achieve the optimal framing of her body without showing her face. She flicked off the lights, instead turning on the arm lamp instead. Camila started the video program on her computer and checked if her face would be seen. Content that she wouldn't be identified, she stripped down slowly and folded her clothes. Camila looked through her video folder, selected a file that she hasn't viewed before, and leaned back, cock in hand.
She ran her hand all over her sculpted thighs, and then to her heavy balls. She tugged at them as her wrist twisted and jacked off her eight inch penis. She could feel the throb in her palm, the porno that she was watching steadily picking up. Moans filled Camila's ears, and her cock became harder than ever. More precum dripped out of her, thus making her dick more slippery. Reaching up to play with her nipples, Camila swung her thick meat to and fro, slapping it against her stomach. She knew how much her regular viewers loved it when she did it.
Camila straightened up and fucked her cock into her fist, grunts and whimpers escaping her. She squeezed her shaft, eliciting a deep groan from her throat. "I'm gonna come." Camila growled, her voice reaching a deeper decibel. She tilted her head back, gasps of pleasure coming from her lips, her body shaking and twitching with every squeeze to her sensitive cockhead. "Ready to take my load? On your face?" Camila grunted and slapped her dick against her abs, a streak of her precum coating her skin. "Or do you want my creamy white cum all over that ass and pussy?"
Her body seized and Camila grunted, thrusting up to fuck her cock against her trembling fist. Camila zoomed in on her stomach and cock just as her meat pulsed out the first shot of her thick cum. It spilled all over Camila's fist and stomach, her ragged gasps filling the room. Her breath hitched and more spurts of her cum shuttled out of the slit of her cock. "Oh god damn..."
Camila struggled to catch her breath, the lens of the camera trained on her cum-coated stomach as her cock softened against her thigh. She smiled to herself and turned off the recording so she could upload it on her Redtube account. While it was uploading, Camila went to the bathroom to clean up.
When she got back, her video finished uploading and already had a few hundred views. She sat on her computer chair and did a spin, grinning at the thumbs up that her new video received.
When Camila told Lauren about her penis, the first thing she did upon entering the sanctuary of her own room, was to boot up her laptop, open Google Chrome's incognito mode and go on Redtube. She plugged in her earphones, despite knowing that she would be home alone for a few more hours. Clicking a few links, Lauren ended up in the shemale section. The term, she knew, was derogatory, and it made her clench her jaw. Maybe what she was doing was wrong and offensive to her girlfriend, but...
She needed to know.
Lauren needed to know exactly how different Camila's anatomy was. She wanted to prepare for the day when... When she and Camila finally have sex. She took a deep breath and scrolled through a few pages, when a thumbnail of a video caught her eye.
It had four and a half stars—pretty high for its category—and had a thousand plus views. Swallowing hard and situating herself more comfortably against her pillows, Lauren clicked the video and allowed it to buffer, and then play.
The video showed a dim room, a lamplight the only source of illumination. For an amateur video, the quality was decent, and it showed a body from the chest down. Perky tits, a smooth abdomen, and in between two tanned thighs, was a fat, thickly-veined cock. The person in the video—who Lauren assumed to be a she, because of the screen name—ran her tiny hands all over her thighs before she gripped her cock by the base, and waved it around. It shot a bolt of arousal through Lauren when she saw the swollen tip, clear beads of precum leaking out of the slit.
"Wow..." Lauren gasped, as the person in the video began to stroke her erect cock. She stared at the rigid meat being beaten in the video. It stood at around eight inches, the tip was thick and oozed out clear beads of precum that made Lauren's mouth water. God, she wanted that cock in her mouth, imagining that it was Camila she was sucking on. Lauren released a slow breath, the girl's ragged gasps filling her ears, as well as the background moans from a porn video.
When the star of the video pinched her nipples and bucked into her pumping fist, Lauren almost lost it. She bit her lip, glanced towards the locked door of her bedroom, and inched a hand into her shorts, where she found her pussy wet and dripping. Lauren fingered her slippery clit, her eyes never leaving her laptop screen. She couldn't control the groan that tore through her lungs when the dirty sound of the amateur porn star's cock slapped against her stomach.
Lauren swore she was going crazy with arousal, and the fact that her girlfriend was very much like the person she was watching now sent her to the edge of the brink. However, Lauren held back, not touching her throbbing clit. She wanted to come with that cock; wanted to imagine the heavy meat inside her slick cunt, pumping her full with dense, white sperm.
So when the girl in the video gritted out that she was about to come, Lauren whimpered and dug her toes into her bed sheets. She reached down, her finger slipping in her cum-soaked entrance. She thought that that was it; that the porn star was just going to come and the video would end, except that was not what happened. She spoke filthy words in a deep voice that shoved Lauren over the brink. Lauren squealed, her palm mashing her clit as she came, the video ringing in her ears.
"Ready to take my load? On your face?" At this, Lauren whimpered. She does, oh how she does. She needed to feel that warm cum coating her skin."Or do you want my creamy white cum all over that ass and pussy?" Shivering and gasping, Lauren's pussy clenched around her single digit as her hips pumped up to grind herself against her hand.
Lauren couldn't take her eyes away from the thick cum that created ropes all over the star's stomach. She eased her digits out of her panties and wiped her greasy girl cum against her shorts. She closed the window and laid supine on her bed, bare traces of her orgasm still wracking her frame. Lauren closed her eyes, and imagined Camila's cock. How big would she be? Would her dick be long and slender, or short and heavy? Veined? Smooth? Lauren couldn't decide.
She closed her eyes and curled into a ball, all sleepy. Intense orgasms would do that to anyone.
They were making out on Camila's bed, Lauren on top of Camila. Her fingers dug into the brunette's shoulders, her lips suckling softly on her girlfriend's bottom lip. Her tongue glided between soft lips, and she groaned at the sweet taste of Camila's mouth. Lauren was flat against Camila's smaller frame, and she could feel it. Camila's rigid cock, pressing up against Lauren's thighs. The knowledge that she could arouse Camila to this hardened state filled Lauren with a rush of power and delight that she rubbed up against Camila, knowing it would drive her insane.
"Oh my. L-Lauren..." Camila gripped the brunette's ass and squeezed. "D-don't. It's hard enough to control myself as it is..."
Lauren smirked and kissed a line across Camila's cheeks, down to her jaw and neck, where she parted her lips and sucked on Camila's pulse point hard. This caused the singer to arch and cry out, her hips rising off the bed to hump herself against the brunette's warm thigh. "Lauren, I n-need...nngh!"
If it weren't for the noise of Camila's dads coming home, Lauren would've indulged Camila. Maybe she would've given her a handjob, even sucked her off until she was writhing and squirming, pumping Lauren's mouth full of salty, bitter cum. But no, to be interrupted was a common occurrence.
With a huff, Camila moved away and glared at the angry bulge of her erection. "Sorry," Lauren husked, her voice thick with arousal. She palmed the tent of Camila's trousers and smirked when she thrust into her hand. She fixed herself, made sure she was presentable to Camila's dads, before taking the brunette's hand in her own to greet them.
Lauren drove back to her own house, her own body still vibrating with the arousal from her make-out session with Camila. She greeted her mom and ate dinner with her—salad, with herb and spinach pasta. Lauren also washed the dishes and cleared up. She climbed up to her room, double-checking if her mom was already passed out and asleep. That was when she locked the door, took out her laptop and checked out her favourite channel. She almost squealed when she found that there was a new video, posted just thirty minutes ago.
Headphones plugged in, and her door locked, Lauren finally clicked the thumbnail. Her heart thudded inside her chest, and she heard the distant whirring of the computer's fan. As if Lauren was conditioned for it, her clit twitched, and she squirmed in anticipation. The video began, showing the familiar cock that Lauren had grown to adore. It was so big, so thick, and she could almost feel it stretching her mouth while she imagined sucking on it. Lauren bit her lip. She couldn't moan too loud, since her mom was home.
In the video, the owner of the cock that Lauren needed seemed to be making her dick move without touching it. The thick meat that jutted out in between her thighs jumped and wobbled. Lauren noticed her abs flexing, and she gushed, even if she had yet to touch herself. Squirming on her bed, her breathing laboured, Lauren heard herself begging 'please' to no one in particular.
As if her prayers were heard, the focus of the video finally wrapped her hand around her fat dick. Lauren sucked in a breath and pushed her hand down her panties, two fingers drawing circles around her stiff pearl. She shivered, watching every move, memorising every detail of the thick meat that was being played with before her. Lauren swore that if anyone asked her to identify this cock in a penis lineup, she would get it right.
She wondered then, on the day she could finally see, touch, and play with Camila's cock, if she would be satisfied with hers. This dick that she longed for constantly set the bar so high, that Lauren was slightly terrified. What if Camila's penis disappointed her? What if it was weird-looking, so unlike this majestic shaft that was being toyed with before her? She couldn't bear to think about it.
Focusing once more on the arousing sight before her, Lauren licked her lips at the sight of that clear bead of precum that always had her drooling. She watched a finger rub the slit, coaxing more slick fluid to drip down the cock's length. Lauren squirmed and sped up her digits on her clit, before reaching lower to slide two fingers inside her pussy.
"You want this cock?" The amateur porn star husked, and Lauren couldn't help but cry out. The girl in the video rarely spoke filthy words, but when she did, it was sure to make Lauren come hard and fast—too fast, for her liking. "I know you do... I bet you're playing with your clitty right now."
Lauren bucked into her desperate fingers and found herself nodding. As if on cue, the person in the video shook her penis to the camera, like it was waving at Lauren. She whimpered and curled her fingers inside herself, crying out when she rubbed up against her spot, while the subject of her attention tugged at her balls. Lauren longed to suckle on those soft sacs until they were wet with her saliva.
"I want to make you gag on my big dick... Gonna come hard down that throat." Lauren could hear the smirk in her voice as she pumped her cock faster, squeezing and twisting her wrist occasionally. She was so in lust, so distracted by the slick noises that filled her ears that it didn't register in her head that the voice sounded so...
"Fuck, I want to spill my load all over that pretty face..." Her pussy clenched and she came hard all over her fingers, despite the five minutes left in the video. Lauren kept rubbing her clit, the star of the video still jacking off her cock. "You ready for my cum filling up your mouth and coating that pretty face?"
Lauren cried out and humped her hand faster, her orgasm rising rapidly once more. Her eyes dilated, and she stared at the thick cock, and the copious amount of precum that gathered on the slit. Lauren whimpered. She could almost feel it; feel the thick head breaching her entrance, stretching her out.
"Get ready for this cumshot..." The person in the video growled, and Lauren's breath hitched. She drooled, her body tensed, and at the same time as the girl, Lauren moaned softly and came, gasping out Camila's name. "Fuck yeah, take my cum..."
Lauren groaned, the sight of the thick meat pulsing out ropes of cum all over the person's abs made her spasm as she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, slick with her juices. She watched the last remaining minutes of the video, the heaving chest, the limp cock... Lauren relaxed into the bed, a lazy smile playing on her lips.
It was time.
Camila swallowed hard as she approached the bed, where her sexy, sexy girlfriend was waiting, with a self-assured smirk on her lips. They were in Lauren's room, so she had home court advantage. Camila fidgeted with her boxer shorts that clung to her thighs. "A-are you really ready for this, baby? We can totally wait if you want—"
"I've waited long enough." Lauren purred, hooking her fingers against the garter of Camila's underwear and tugged her close. Her legs hanging off the edge of the bed, Lauren parted her thighs and took Camila in between them, while she ran her hands all over the tanned stomach. Lauren kissed in between Camila's breasts, and took a nipple in her mouth which she sucked on gently before tugging on it with her teeth, causing Camila to yelp. "Mmmmm. Looks like you've had enough of waiting too, baby girl." The brunette grinned, her palm smoothing out the front of Camila's boxers, where her cock twitched insistently.
"I'm so hard for you." Camila said, grinding her clothed dick against Lauren's hand. "I need—" Lauren didn't allow her to finish her sentence, yanking Camila's boxers down, her cock bobbing in front of Lauren's lustful gaze. "Oh god! D-does it freak you out?"
But Lauren said nothing. She stared at the shaft that jutted out between Camila's legs as if it was the Holy Grail. Her eyes met Camila's nervous ones. "I... How could I have seen this before? Hold on one second."
Camila watched in disbelief as Lauren scooted back and grabbed her laptop. She stood in silence, cock erect and throbbing with desire. Lauren tapped at the keys and spun her laptop around to show Camila what was on her screen. It was Redtube. To be more specific, one of her—Camila's—videos, staring at her in the face.
"I-I could explain!" Both girls blurted out.
"Wait, why do you have to explain anything? You're not the one who records yourself jacking off and posting it on the internet!"
Lauren's eyes bugged out. "So it is you!" She shrieked. She snapped her laptop shut, put it back on her desk and lunged at Camila. "Oh my god, I didn't know..."
As Lauren told the story about how she stumbled upon the videos, calling the event research and a happy accident. They soon found themselves back into the swing of things, kissing on Lauren's bed, naked with hands roaming all over one another's bodies. With a gasp, Lauren pulled back and allowed herself to get lost in Camila's eyes. "You have no idea how often I dreamt about your cock, Camila. I came so hard imagining it pounding inside me."
Smirking, Camila rolled on top of Lauren and thrust against her pale stomach. "Yeah? You shoved fingers in your naughty pussy thinking about me, huh?" She grasped her meat by the base and slapped it against Lauren;s inner thighs, then to her wet slit. It smacked heavily against the brunette's skin, making her shiver and buck into Camila. "What a dirty girl..."
Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's neck, her nails digging into her skin. "Oh god, oh god—mmh!" She clamped her mouth against Camila's jaw and hooked her legs around her waist. "C-Camila... I need it."
"Need what, Lauren?" She husked, rubbing the underside of her penis against Lauren's leaking slit, making her shaft slippery so it would glide easily against her. "Fuck, look at you. All wet and dripping for my thick cock." Camila nipped Lauren's earlobe and smiled in apparent delight. "I'd love to open up that pussy, but I don't have to, do I? You already did that thinking about me."
Lauren whimpered, her clutch on Camila tightening. She was often the more dominant one, always the one to push Camila down and ride her dry through their clothes. But this Camila... This more aggressive, dirty-talking girl above her, with her stiff dick kneading against Lauren's soft skin definitely turned her on to the point where she could feel her head spin.
Camila clambered up Lauren's body and straddled her breasts, cock slapping against the soft mounds and flicking the leaking tip against her nipples. She squeezed her tits together, cramming the fat shaft between. Lauren craned her neck, kissed the wet cockhead, and licked the precum that gathered there. She latched on the bulky mushroom head and suckled, her mouth making slick, sucking noises.
But Camila was having none of it. She yanked her cock out of Lauren's mouth and smacked it against the valley of her creamy white breasts. "Tell me what you want to do to my hard dick, babe."
"I want it between my titties." Lauren begged, pushing the two plush mounds together, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout that she knew Camila was vulnerable to. She could already see her girlfriend's volition falter. "I want to suck on it until you shoot your cum down my throat..." She licked her lips, green eyes twinkling with desire. "And then I want it in my pussy." Lauren writhed, her pussy clenching around nothing. "I want to feel that stretch."
"You'll have it." Camila promised, her right knee acting as the support as it rested against the side of Lauren's head. She brought her heavy cock to Lauren's mouth and traced her lips until it shined with a coat of her precum. "That's hot."
Leaning back to have the perfect view of her thick cock in between Lauren's lips, Camila could tell that Lauren was elated with the fact that her mouth was filled with dick—Camila's dick, to be precise. She pushed more of her girth into Lauren's mouth, groaning as the underside rubbed against her tongue. "O-oh... I never imagined being sucked off could feel this ah!—amazing..."
Lauren hummed and relaxed her throat as best as she could, and took Camila in deeper. It took a few tries, Lauren choking around Camila's cock, until she had her all the way in her mouth. The brunette shook her head, rubbing her nose against Camila's lower stomach, humming and bobbing her head all over the hard cock.
Camila whimpered and gripped a handful of Lauren's hair, pulling her back so only the leaking cockhead remained in her mouth. She thrust in rapid strokes, rubbing the sensitive head against the flat of Lauren's tongue with a growl rumbling at her throat. "G-gonna... I'm fucking coming." She grunted and bucked, cum spurting out to coat Lauren waiting tongue. Lauren flinched in surprise when Camila yanked her cock out of her mouth suckling mouth. She jacked herself off as Lauren watched with her heated gaze, another rope of her sperm streaking across Lauren's pale cheek.
Breathing raggedly, Camila slumped on the bed, cock still in her hand. She continued to stroke herself in slow, gentle twists of her wrist in her attempt to get hard again. Lauren grinned, straddled her lap, and without much preamble, sheathed Camila's pulsing cock into her drenched cunt.
"Ah, fuck..." Camila growled, low and deep, her nails digging into the flesh of Lauren's ass. "What a naughty pussy... All wet and dripping for me?"
Lauren nodded, her hand grasping Camila's shaft in her desperation, but Camila moved away from her reach. "Nah uh." She sneered, pushing her cock tip, using it to part Lauren's plump pussy lips. Camila hissed as the heat coated her dick. "Damn... That's so—" Swallowing hard, Camila leaned forward and kissed Lauren, her lips rough and her tongue forceful.
The brunette groaned into Camila's lips, her back curving in a delicate arch. Camila's cock slid inside her easily, greased by Lauren's girl cum. She squirmed and clawed at the brunette's back, the stretch stung, but she would be lying if she said that she wasn't going crazy. She wanted this; needed Camila's dick inside her to fill her up. "Oh m-my go—nngh!"
Camila's mouth hovered over Lauren's, sucking on her bottom lip as she thrust inside her. "You haven't seen anything yet, Lauren." She husked, teeth scraping against pale jaw. "I'm going to pound into you soon enough... Fuck you into the bed like a—" Camila cleared her throat, her smooth hands running up Lauren's sides.
"Say it." The blonde urged, her heels digging into Camila's ass. She gripped her girlfriend's jaw and forced her to meet her eyes. Camila choked back a whimper, her hips jutting forward to slam her thick shaft into Lauren. "Ah!"
A growl rumbled deep in Camila's throat as she rested her forehead against Lauren's breasts and took off, rutting and pounding into her. The brunette girl screamed, nails digging deep in tanned skin. Her body tensed, and she came in a wild rush that knocked the breath out of her lungs. Camila grunted, pushing through the tightness of Lauren's pussy while it choked her cock in slick heat.
"Came already?" Camila grinned, clearly pleased with herself. Lauren wheezed and bobbed her head. It took her a few seconds to realise that she was now on her elbows and knees, ass swaying in the air, held up by Camila's grip. A loud cry of pleasure and surprise escaped Lauren's lungs, Camila's thick meat now rutting into her from behind.
She felt bigger, and Lauren swore she could feel the ridges and the veins of Camila's dick against the walls of her pussy. "Oh, oh, oh..." Lauren panted, fists clenching the sheets, her ass pushing back into Camila's hips. The singer groaned, and Lauren couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips as her girlfriend kissed her spine. "You feel so big and so deep in me, oh my goodness. Just like that, Camila... Fuck me, fuck me!!"
"You got it, babe." Camila growled behind her. And as if Lauren didn't expect it, she wailed at the rough pace that Camila managed, the head of her big cock brushing against the mouth of her cervix. "Take my cock in that hot pussy... Fuck."
"I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!" Lauren shrieked, and she did. Her juices gushed out, almost pushing Camila out of her channel, but the brunette maintained her rough thrusts, cock sliding in and out of her. "Oh god, Camila!!"
Camila reached for Lauren's tits and palmed them. Her cock fell out of the blonde's pussy, knowing that her girlfriend would be too sore if she continued pounding her pussy. Instead, Camila rested the underside of her cock in between Lauren's ass cheeks and rutted. "Fuck, you're so sexy... I'm so lucky to h-have you." Camila pinched Lauren's nipples, grunting as her cock twitched. "Where do you want this load?"
Lauren whimpered, flashbacks of the videos popping in her head. "Inside. Fill me up with that thick cum, babe..."
"It's fine." She growled, reaching for Camila's cock, sliding it back inside her pussy. Behind her, Camila's entire body twitched, her grip tightening around Lauren's hips. "Give it to me."
Both girls trembled, Camila's cock pulsing out thick ropes of her cum into Lauren's pussy. "Oh fuck, oh my god, Lauren. Your pussy feels amazing, taking my cum deep in you."
They collapsed, flat on the bed, a coat of sweat covering their skin. Camila threw her arm over Lauren's hips and kissed her shoulder blades. "So... You watched my porn, huh? I suppose I'm glad that I don't really have to tell you about it. But," she shrugged. "I know you're going to ask why. I did it for money. And for the lack of variety in those websites." Camila kissed Lauren's cheek. "But if you want, I'll take them down—"
"Don't." Lauren said, shaking her head. "I like watching them..."
Camila smiled in amusement. "You know... I can just give you the files. Since my account on Redtube was an amateur one, the video quality wasn't that great."
"And your files are what, 1080p?" Camila nodded, and Lauren pulled her into an embrace. "Good. Then yes, you should take down those videos, because this cock is mine."

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