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Lauren and her girlfriend, Camila were sitting on Lauren's bed cuddling and listening to Ed Sheeran. It was pure bliss as they were completely comfortable not talking about anything, or generally doing anything. Everything was okay as long as they were in each other's presence.
Lauren's fingers were drawing patterns on her girlfriends exposed hip, she knew this sent chills up the younger girls spine. Lauren's fingers stopped and moved up to grasp Camila's cheek and bring her in for a kiss.
As their kiss got even more heated Camila moved to straddle Lauren, her hands moved from the older girl's neck to her breasts. Lauren let out a muffled whimper through the kiss, "Wait, Camz." Lauren said, she had to stop because she could feel her pants beginning to get even tighter.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" The younger girl asked. She sat up as Lauren moved her off of her lap. "Actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now, I get it if you'll want to break up with me. I'm sorry." Lauren mumbled quickly as Camila furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"I don't think there's anything that will make me want to break up with you, but okay." The brown-eyed girl said. Lauren looked at Camila, then down at her lips. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.
"Well, I-you. Okay... I was born with, a kind of deformation, well not deformation. You know I have boobs and everything, but under everything I actually have a penis, instead of a vagina." Lauren said quickly. She looked for any sign of emotion in Camila, but the younger girl just stared into the emerald eyes.
"You have a penis?" Camila asked. Lauren nodded, the younger girl grabbed her hands and smiled. "You know I don't care about that kind of stuff Lauren, I just care about you, and I love you. A dick wont come in my way." Camila laughed.
"You don't care at all?" Lauren asked. Camila shook her head, "If you don't, I don't." Camila said and bit her lip.
"What do you mean?" The older girl asked as her eyebrow quirked up.
"Well I'm very aware of your condition, because I have the same one. I have a penis too." Camila said, Lauren's eyes widened in shock. "You're lying." Lauren said, Camila shook her head and stood up.
"Do you want to see it?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded. As Camila basically started to strip in front of her, she could feel herself hardening. The younger girl took off her white skinny jeans and revealed her banana-patterned briefs. Turning around, Camila removed the briefs that were now tight due to her slight erection. The green eyed girl got a view of her girlfriends ass and her pants were so tight they felt as if they might rip. When Camila turned around Lauren was met with her fully erect 8 inch penis. Lauren licked her lips and her mouth remained open.
"Oh my god Camz... you're so big." Lauren said and stood up, she began palming herself through her jeans. The older girl walked up to Camila, her stare glued to the younger girls hard member. "From the look of it, you seem big also." Camila said and gestured to her jeans.
"Can I touch it?" Lauren asked, Camila nodded. Lauren moved her left hand to the girl's erection, as once she held it she began to pump her hand up and down her shaft, Camila bit her lip in pleasure. Camila grabbed the back of Lauren's neck b and their lips met in a passionate kiss leading towards the bed. "Please take them off." Camila said and tugged at Lauren's jeans.
Lauren's hands reached down and began to pull her pants down, Camila's hand when to her own throbbing member and stroked herself. She bit her lip and watched Lauren get undressed. When she saw Lauren's own dick she whimpered. Lauren moved back to Camila and kissed her passionately, their erections moved against each other. Lauren removed her own and Camila's shirt. Camila's hands moved and palmed the older girls breasts.
"Babe, I need you." Lauren said in-between the kiss. They stopped kissing and Camila looked at her. "Are you sure?" Lauren nodded and reached into her bedside drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom.
"I have the lube because, well I have a dildo which I've used before, and the condom because I thought I would need them for you." Lauren said and laughed awkwardly. Camila took the condom and put it over herself, luckily it fit perfectly. Lauren lie down on her back and spread her legs.
"Are you ready baby?" Camila asked, Lauren nodded. Camila opened the lube and put it on her hand then spread it against Lauren's puckered hole, and her penis. She put the tip of her hard penis on Lauren's hole and began slowly pushing in. She bit her lip as she felt the heat starting to overcome her member. "Oh god baby, you're so tight." Camila said as her dick was fully engulfed in Lauren's tight hole.
"Harder Camz." Lauren said. The younger girls hips moved at a slow pace, but pushing in with a strong amount of force, her hand moved down to stroke Lauren's member. A small amount of precum leaked off of the tip and Camila bit her lip at the sight. She thrusted herself at a quicker pace, "Oh my god, Camila." Lauren said and squeezed her eyes shut. An extreme amount of pleasure was coming over her. Camila started going slower when she was this. "No, don't fucking tease me. Fuck me harder." Lauren said. Camila grabbed Lauren's hips and repositioned their bodies so Lauren was now on top of Camila.
"Oh, you're so deep" Lauren said, she rolled her hips around Camila's dick, Camila continued to pump the older girls hard member. Lauren bent down and kissed Camila hard while Camila thrusted herself harder into Lauren, hitting her prostate. "I-I'm about to cum." Lauren said.
"Me too baby." Camila said, she jerked Lauren's hard meat and felt laps of cum shoot onto her chest. Camila also felt herself fill Lauren's hole with her hot juices, Lauren moaned Camila's name loudly as she slowly rocked herself on Camila's dick, riding out her orgasm.
Lauren fell onto her girlfriends cum soaked chest. Camila's chest rose up and down, trying to regain her breath. "I never suspected you to be a bottom." Camila joked, Lauren let out a small laugh, she brought her face up and kissed the younger girl shortly.
"So... about that dildo"

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