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Empty hallway. No one but Camila standing by her locker, in her tight stonewashed jeans, the cuffs rolled up to expose her ankles. Her black v-neck shirt. Small feet in a pair of worn red topsiders. Lauren grips the strap of her book bag and she takes purposeful strides to where her friend and classmate stands.
She spins and flashes Lauren a bright smile. "Hi, Lauren! How may I help you today?"
"You have something I need," Lauren begins, and it serves its purpose—to intrigue Camila into listening to every word she says. "I saw you that other day in the locker room." She bites her bottom lip, looks into Camila's eyes to make sure she is aware of the seriousness of Lauren's situation. "With Kendall. You were fucking her."
She remembers the day she walked into the locker room, expecting cheerleaders. But the only thing that caught her eye was Camila's butt, the muscles tensed as she plowed into Kendall's pussy. The brunette was pressed against Lauren's locker. Normally, she would feel enraged and would put a stop immediately to the activities happening before her very eyes. Instead, she hid behind a partition and felt her clit tingle at the sight of Camila bent over Kendall's back, her balls heavy and slapping wetly against the blonde's pussy.
Lauren remained hidden behind the wall, her hand squirming into her tight spanks. Her pussy, unsurprisingly, was dripping already. She teased her clit, biting back moans. Camila palmed Kendall's tits and spoke filthy words in her ear. The effect of her words was evident in the way Kendall bucked and screamed out her orgasm. Her fists collided against the lockers. Camila pounded into her through her orgasm until with a growl, Lauren saw her dick pulse. She shot cum deep inside Kendall's cunt and when Camila pulled out, she squeezed the rest out into the condom. From where Lauren stood, and as Camila pulled the condom off, Camila came a lot.
That was the exact moment Lauren decided that she had to have Camila's cock inside her. Had to feel its thickness stretching out her pussy. Feel her hot semen spurting inside her, filling her to the brim.
"Oh," Camila clears her throat. "You saw that, huh? But wait," she closes her locker door and leans against it. "You said I have something you need?"
Lauren smiles, all pristine innocence, and cups Camila's cock over the rough denim of her jeans. To her credit, Camila does not flinch. Her eyebrow rises. "You sure?" The brown haired girl asks. "You're not the first one who propositioned me. But tell me what you need, Lauren, and I'll make sure to give it to you."
"I need your cum," Lauren presses against her body against Camila and mouths along her exposed neck. Her warm lips press against Camila's fluttering pulse. "I know you come a lot, Camila. Please, I want it in any way that I can get it."
Camila's fingers curl around Lauren's wrist to still her hand that insistent on feeling her dick over her jeans. "I'm not going to lie, Lauren. I've always imagined what it's like to have sex with you. I was waiting for you to ask, actually." Her lips curl into a smirk. "Do you want to?"
The smaller girl shrugs. "Whenever you want."
Lauren bites her lip. She has Chemistry next period, but it's a class she doesn't care for. Bad practice to skip class, but she really wants to suck Camila's dick. For the moment, she doesn't give a crap. She takes Camila by the hand and pulls her to the Cheerios' locker room, a place where Camila seems to be dragged into often. Lauren pins Camila against the door, locks it, and sinks to her knees. She wastes no time yanking down Camila's jeans, but she keeps her tight black boxers on. The shape of her cock is so apparent. Lauren smooths her palms across Camila's bulge. Her mouth latches on the head of her dick and she sucks, soaking up the fabric with her spit.
"Fuck," Camila hisses. Lauren strokes her dick over her boxers. She pulls out the thick meat, and it gravitates down due to its weight. "You like that?" Camila's voice is low and she is smirking. Lauren traces her tongue along the line of her hip and nods. She sticks out her tongue and licks the underside of Camila's cock.
Precum makes the cockhead shiny. Lauren eagerly laps it up, her soft lips taking in Camila in her mouth. She sucks, firm and slow, making sure the meat that's stretching out her mouth is caressed by her greedy tongue. She licks the cleft, the slit of Camila's cock, and the girl shivers. Thighs quivering against Lauren's palm.
Her head thrown back, Camila grips the base of Lauren's ponytail and humps into her mouth. "Don't just leave my balls hanging there. I like them played with," her hips start when Lauren cups them daintily, as if holding on to fragile things. Which they are. She rakes her nails against the soft, crinkled skin and sinks her mouth down Camila's meat, taking her deeper.
She keeps her suckling slow to relish Camila's girth, her weight on her tongue, her taste coating the roof of her mouth. Lauren fondles Camila's heavy balls, squeezing it hard enough for precum to shuttle out the parting slit of her meat. She sucks some more, bobbing up and down Camila's thick cock. Why she didn't approach Camila before, Lauren will never understand. She blew guys before, and by far, Camila tastes exponentially better—clean and musky at the same time. Guys are just musky in general. If Lauren didn't love cum so much, she'd be fucking girls since she preferred them by a landslide.
And Camila has the best of both worlds going on for her. And for Lauren, too.
She allows Camila's meat to fall out of her mouth, ropes of spit clinging to her mouth and to the tip of her cock. She grips it in both fists, stroking wetly while she tongues the slit. Tongue wriggles into the parting eye to continuously ooze out precum.
Camila takes her dick and pulls it out of Lauren's grasp. She fists herself, focusing her palm on the tip, wrist twisting every upstroke. "Where do you want my cum?" She asks, purely conversational. "In your mouth or all over your face? Maybe I have enough for both. I haven't come yet at all today."
Eyes wide, Lauren tilts her head back, her lips parting. "Give me all you have, baby."
Pink tongue out, Camila aims her cock and keeps jacking herself off. Cum shoots out in a thick glob, landing right at the centre of Lauren's tongue. "Fuck," she grits out. Camila keeps pumping her cock, and more cum lands on Lauren's tongue. Some lands on her lips, her chin, her cheeks. Ten loaded spurts and one small one escapes Camila. She finishes with a sigh. Cock rests on top of Lauren's tongue, and she sucks the rest out while Camila's semen drips down her face.
"Gorgeous," Camila sighs, wiping the cum that drips down Lauren's nose. "I love making you a messy girl."
Lauren smiles and stands up on her jelly legs, licking her lips. She grabs a face towel and soaks it in warm water to wipe away Camila's load. The eroticism of it only lasts for a minute, because then it starts to dry and it feels gross. Only when it is warm does Lauren loves having it all over her skin. "I'll see you after school?" She asks, all hopeful. Thighs squeezed tight to stave off the pressure, the slickness in her panties.
Camila hums and tucks herself back in her jeans. "Your Cheerios always corner me after every class for a quickie." She picks up her bag and opens the door for Lauren. "But I'll try. I'll meet you at your parking spot."
The blonde watches the brunette leave, grinning to herself at the small limp Camila has. Probably from getting her cock sucked so well, but Lauren isn't so arrogant.
When Lauren closes her locker after school, she is immediately flanked by her two best friends. She raises one brow but says nothing else. She walks down the hallway, Kendall on her left, Cara on her right. "So, we heard through the grapevine that you sucked Camila Cabello in the locker room today." Cara says, easy as fact.
Lauren maintains her brows straight, her lips a thin smile. "And who did you hear that from?"
"We were in the locker room too," Kendall chirps, her bouncing causing her pony tail to sway like a pendulum behind her bright, blonde head. "But I didn't see it because I was snacking on Cara."
"But I saw you two," Cara looks ahead, pointedly ignoring Lauren's smile. "It's about time you ride the Cabello train, captain."
"Wait, you 'rode' her before?" Lauren flushes. "To continue your vulgar metaphor."
"Fuck yeah," Cara smirks and the three of them stop walking. Cara's arms are crossed, a picture of nonchalance, and Kendall clutches her binder to her chest. Angelic smile on her lips. "She knows how to give Kendall and me a really good time. If you're going to her house after school, there might even be a lineup. She doesn't just sleep with us cheerleaders, though I think we're her best customers."
"Camila told me she banged the biology club last week," Kendall says. "She went to one of their meetings and they worshipped her cock for hours."
"Right," Cara smirks at the wide-eyed expression across Lauren's face. "Just a heads up, captain, before you take on something your unseasoned self can't handle."
With a tight jaw and a balled up fist, Lauren turns, her crunchy toast skirt fanning out around her. "You don't have to worry about me." She spits out. "I can handle myself just fine."
Lauren saunters to her parking spot. Camila is nowhere in sight, so she leans against the trunk of her car and tries not to tap her fingers, tries not to show her simmering impatience. Off the distance, towards the scattering of trees that surround the school building, she sees a person jogging towards her. As the person nears, Lauren realizes it's Camila who is making her way towards her.
"Hi," the girl pants. She doubles over and struggles to catch her breath. "We better go. I had to run away."
"From what?" Lauren sees Camila's wince. "Never mind. Get in."
Lauren drives away from school, offering Camila her water bottle in silence. She hears her empty the bottle. The back of her hand wipes at her lips. "Thanks."
The drive to Lauren's place is quick. The head cheerleader leads Camila inside the large, empty house, up to her bedroom. Once they're inside, Lauren motions towards the bed, the pastel covers neatly in place. Camila sits gingerly, as if afraid to crease the floral sheets but Lauren knows it all won't matter in a second. "How many girls have you slept with?"
Camila gawks at Lauren's question. She clears her throat. "From Miami High? I don't really count them."
"Wait, you sleep with girls from different schools too?! Are you sure you don't have some sort of venereal disease?"
"I use a condom," Camila shot back. "If you brought me to your house to judge me, then maybe I should just go." She makes a move to rise up and leave, but Lauren's hand is firm on her shoulder, pushing her back down to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound judgmental. It was just a lot to take in."
"That's what some girls said too when I first showed them my dick." Camila mumbles. Upon seeing Lauren's glare, she ducks her head. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Lauren plops down on her office chair and crosses her legs. Legs white like pearls crossing and uncrossing is enough to capture Camila's attention, it seems. Her eyes lock on Lauren's legs. She fidgets. "Has it been too long for you?" Lauren teases, her fingertips tracing her own jaw. "You've been here too long and your cock has yet to be touched."
Camila's lip curls and she leans back, keeping herself propped up with her palms behind her. She spreads her legs and Lauren notices the erection tucked along the pocket of Camila's jeans. "You act like I'm a sex addict."
"Aren't you?"
"That's it," Camila shoots up, giving Lauren no time to push her back down on the bed. "I don't have to deal with this kind of talk from you, Jaureugi. You might be the prettiest cheerleader in all of Miami, but I don't like fucking with people who make me feel something is wrong with me."
She slams the door shut behind her, the echo of her words ringing in Lauren's ears. Regret, like a pot boiling over, swells inside Lauren's chest. She rubs her temples and boots up her laptop. Looks like it's just her, PornHub, and her fingers tonight.
"You shouldn't have done that," Kendall murmurs, her back against Lauren's back as they do their stretches. The taller brunette lifts Lauren up with ease, and sets her back down on the ground. Lauren does the same, but with a bit of a struggle. "Camila's a sweetheart and when you make her feel bad like that, she gets really aggressive but not, like, selfish during sex. Which isn't bad or anything. I like it when she gets rough." She smiles and Lauren doesn't feel any better. "I came three times last night."
Lauren unlocks her arms from Kendall's. "Did she go over your house last night? After she left mine?"
Kendall bends over and does a few stretches before replying. "Yeah. My house is the closest one from yours, I guess. That, and she likes playing with Lord Frederick. And my pussy." She snickers. "Has she eaten you out yet? She's really amazing because when she puts her tongue inside your pussy it's like—"
"Kendall, she didn't get a chance to, remember? She left."
"Right, because you were mean." Kendall pats Lauren's cheek and wipes the sweat from her brow. Cara, the leader for the day, blows her whistle and tells them to run three laps around the track. "If you apologize and mean it, I'm sure Camila will be willing to have you ride her face. That's what I did when I rode her too hard the other day."
Lauren sighs. As much as she loves Kendall's company, the details of her sexual experiences and adventures with Camila is taking its toll on her. A deep burning jealousy flares each time Kendall mentions something intimate about Camila. The way she giggles when her belly gets rubbed. How her cock teeters and pulses when she's close to the edge during a handjob. They set off for the track, and after a few minutes of a light jog, Lauren notices the slight limp in Kendall's movements. The first lap done, Cara catches up to them.
"How did last night go, Jauregui? I'm surprised you're walking today."
Huffing, Lauren looks ahead when she speaks, making sure to avoid Cara's gaze. "I insulted Camila last night and she left before we got to do anything."
Silence, and then a wild cackling noise. "Oh god, you are so fucked up." Santana wheezes. "That's so fucked up. You've been wanting to bone her for so long and you ruin it with aninsult. Lauren, you're a terrible person. What did you say to her that made her leave your dumb butt?"
"She called Camila a slut," says Kendall.
"I did not!"
"No, but that's what you were implying. Camila can read between the lines pretty quick. I have to think on things for a few seconds before I get what someone is actually meaning, but Camila picks it up just like that," Kendall snaps her fingers. "But yeah. That's what Lauren said."
Cara scrunches up her nose. "You're a little shit, Jauregui. You better apologize. Or not. A lot of girls will benefit from Camila's passion aggression. That's a porn term, you know. If Camila was a porn star, she'd be well-known for it."
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I had my chance and I blew it."
"You look like a bunny that's been kicked," Cara snorts. "Just fucking apologize."
"It's not that easy."
"Sure it is," Kendall smiles and nods towards the bleachers. Lauren cranes her neck, and from where she runs, she sees Camila. Long, dark hair. Arms crossed across her chest, hip leaning against a metal rail. "Just go over there, say you're sorry, and mean it. You have to mean it because Camila would know if you didn't."
That's not too hard. Lauren regrets ever implying that she thinks Camila's a slut, or a sex addict. She takes a deep breath and makes her way towards Camila. Hops up on the bleacher. "Hi," she murmurs.
"Hi," Camila replies. She remains stoic but she loosens her arms, resting them on her sides. "How's practice?"
"Great," Lauren shuffles her feet, clad in her pristine tennis shoes. "How are you?"
"Get on with it!" Santana shouts from the track. She and Kendall ceased their jogging to watch them and even from afar, they can tell that nothing is happening. Lips aren't moving. There are no heated embraces and Lauren is not begging for mercy. "Come on, Jauregui!"
"Shut up, Cara!" Lauren snaps. "I'm sorry," she blurts once she turns and faces Camila once again. Something about her doe eyes and defined jaw, her prominent nose and raised brow triggers honesty in Lauren. "I didn't mean anything I said yesterday. I didn't mean to imply that you're a slut. That's not fair of me to say especially since I want to have sex with you too."
Camila sits on the bleacher and pats the space beside her. Lauren sits, maintaining a bit of distance from Camila. "It's okay, really. I overreacted."
"No, you didn't. I hurt your feelings, Camila. I didn't mean to do it and I swear it's not going to happen again."
"So, why did you say it?" Camila asks after a moment of silence, just allowing the breeze rustle their hair, the trees, the verdant field. She turns and faces Lauren properly. She lifts one leg on the bleacher and focuses her gaze on the blonde cheerleader who is trying to get a read on her. Lauren shivers at the intensity of Camila's gaze and longs to feel it on her skin once more when she is naked. "And you can't say it just came out because I'm not going to buy a cent of that stupid-sounding excuse."
Lauren sucks in a breath. "I was shocked, I guess, at the amount of people you've slept with."
"Okay, but you've slept with other people too, right?"
"Not as much as you," Lauren says. "And I'm not saying that's bad, and I know you wear protection—"
"Of course I do. What kind of a—"
"Anyway!" Lauren holds her palms out and Camila's cheek twitches into a ghost of a smile. She places her palms on top of Lauren's and they sit like that for a moment. "It just came as a shock, that's all. And it made me wonder why on earth you sleep with so many girls without finding it in you to care."
"But I do care," Camila mutters, her fingers lacing with Lauren's. "Besides, I don't know if I'll be any good in relationships."
"That doesn't matter," Lauren says with a dismissive with her hand. "Come over to my place tonight. I want to make it up to you."
Camila's throat bobs at the look in Lauren's eyes. The black haired cheerleader rises from her seat, plants a soft, lingering kiss on Camila's mouth and leaves her to stare after her swinging ponytail, her cheerlader skirt fluttering in the wind. "Fuck," she mumbles. Camila watches Lauren, Kendall, and Cara finish their laps, her gaze focused on the way Lauren smiles, the curve of her ass, the swing of her hips. By the time the cheerleaders gathered in the middle of the track to practice their choreography, Camila's dick is half hard and she can't wait for tonight.
During weekends, Lauren's mom spends it out with her friends, doing goodness knows what. She assumes they drink wine in some fancy restaurant while doing book club. Lauren isn't really interested as long as her mom comes home in the morning, safe and sound.
Right now, she's eating Thai takeout and watching Legend of Korra. Her eyes fixed on the screen, she almost forgets to take a bite of her noodles. The doorbell rings, and Lauren makes a sound between a grunt and a whine. She pauses, leaves her food carton on the coffee table, and gets up to answer the door.
Camila is standing on her front step, wearing ripped up jeans and a blue hoodie. She shuffles her feet on the welcome mat and smiles at Lauren. "I didn't want to just show up with nothing so I made you these," she hands Lauren a box, and it's filled with an assortment of cookies.
"You made them?" Lauren steps aside to let Camila in. "Thanks, Camila. They look great. Have you had dinner yet?"
They move their conversation in the living room. Camila politely refuses Lauren's offer of her dinner. They sit beside each other, legs and arms touching, as they watch TV. After the episode, Camila is nibbling on a cookie and massaging Lauren's feet as she loads up the next episode.
"These are so good," Lauren moans, finishing her third chocolate chip cookie. "You make the greatest cookies, Camz."
Camila smiles and squeezes Lauren's toes. "Thanks. I bake a lot for my dads."
After a few more episodes, the cookies are finished and Lauren finds herself on top of Camila, kissing her. Fingers threading through her hair, caressing the nape of her neck. Camila's palms are flat on the swell of Lauren's hips. She reaches back, guides Camila's hand lower to grip her ass.
Camila pulls back and licks Lauren's lip. "Do you want to go upstairs?" Lauren asks.
Camila nods and scoots back. Lauren helps her up and they climb the stairs. Camila pulls Lauren closer against her, kissing her as they stumble into her bedroom. Lauren collapses on the bed, back first, Camila following on top of her. She feels the hardness of Camila's cock against her inner thigh, and she reaches down to undo the button of her pants. They don't speak. They just kiss, Lauren suckling gently on Camila's tongue as she helps the blonde out of her clothes.
Palming Lauren's tits, Camila latches on a stiff nipple and lifts Lauren's legs up to wrap around her waist. Her cock drags against Lauren's soft thigh. Camila humps into Lauren's flesh with a breathy groan, her face pressed between her tits.
"Want to taste you," she pants against Lauren's tits. Camila kisses down her body until she reaches her mound. Propped up on some pillows, Lauren watches as Camila's tongue parts her folds and curls around her clit. She grips Camila's shoulder with a moan, hips rising off the bed to feel more of her tongue.
Camila wraps her lips around Lauren's clit and gives it a slow, gentle suck. Her hands palm along Lauren's thigh, her tongue flicking and rubbing the stiff bud. Lauren, breathy and gasping, her thighs shaking against Camila's cheek, moans. Her wet pussy humps into Camila's tongue. "Oh shit, oh fuck," cries Lauren. Her toes curl, her heels dig into Camila's back. "Camz—shit, your tongue is so good."
Smiling against Lauren's folds, Camila wraps her soft lips around her clit. She sucks for a few seconds. She licks lower to tease Lauren's slick entrance, the hole giving way to her tongue. The intrusion elicits a moan from Lauren, her tits heaving with each intake of breath. "You're going to make me come," she murmurs, reaching for Camila's hand to lock their fingers together. Lauren takes Camila's fingers into her mouth and sucks the tip of her digit.
"Want to taste it," Camila murmurs against Lauren's dripping pussy. "Let me have your cum, baby." She hooks Lauren's legs over her shoulder and devours her pussy, her nose getting drenched with cum. She licks along Lauren's walls, the underside of her clit. Against her cheek, Lauren's thighs tremble. It takes a few more strokes of her tongue and then the pretty black haired cheerleader is arching her back, her girl cum flooding into Camila's eager mouth.
Camila slows down, pulling back to admire Lauren's slick cunt. She kisses her folds and swirls around her clit. Crawling up on top of Lauren, she grins against her lips. "Tasty," she murmurs. Her cock, warm and stiff, presses against Lauren's belly.
"Kendall's right," she breathes. "You're really good at eating pussy."
Camila grins and nips the tops of Lauren's tits. "I love doing it. I like making girls feel good. I like it when their thighs are shaking and they have to take deep breaths just to breathe."
Lauren smiles and grips the back of Camila's neck, kissing her. "Let me suck you," she whispers, her grip tight on the back of Camila's neck. "Let me show you what I'm good at again. Need to have your thick cock in my mouth, Camz."
She releases a breathy sigh but shakes her head. "Later. I really want to feel what it's like to be inside you, Lauren."
Lauren raises a brow but kisses Camila's sticky nose. She hooks her leg around Camila's and guides her heavy cock into her pussy.
A look of alarm crosses Camila's eyes. "W-wait, I have a condom!"
Lauren smiles even wider and brings Camila in for a deep kiss. "Maybe just this once. I really want to feel you. Raw and hot inside my pussy." She tugs on Camila's bottom lip. The girl groans and pushes her dick deep inside Lauren, up to the hilt. "Oooh, yes. I feel it pulsing, baby."
Another shaky breath. Camila nips Lauren's jaw and moves her hips once, driving her meat deeper into Lauren. Her elbows rest on either side of Lauren's head and she grips a handful of blonde hair. She flattens her body completely against Lauren's warm body. Camila thrusts, slowly at first, her teeth working on her bottom lip. "This feels too amazing," she murmurs against Lauren's mouth. "I can feel you clenching me and it's so good."
Camila rests her forehead against Lauren's and she thrusts, her hips slapping softly against Lauren's thighs. She keeps her thrusts slow but hard, her mouth brushing Lauren's ever so slightly. Each time her cock is buried all the way to the hilt, Camila rolls her hips upwards to grind against Lauren's clit.
"Faster," Lauren whines, her nails digging into Camila's back. She tightens her legs around her hips and mouths at her neck. "Please, I want to feel you cum inside me." She squeezes her pussy around Camila, and she wheezes, her hips stuttering, interrupting her rhythm. "It's going to be so warm and it'll feel amazing."
"For you or for me?" Camila asks with a small laugh. She pulls back her hips and it snapsagainst Lauren's thighs. The blonde screams, and Camila repeats, sweat dripping down the side of her face.
"For both of us," Lauren smiles. She brings Camila in for a kiss. Camila speeds up her thrusts, moans steadily spilling out of her mouth and into Lauren's. She buries against the curve of Lauren's neck and with a deep, rumbling growl, she comes hard. She blindly reaches between them and rubs Lauren's clit, her cock still draining cum into Lauren's tightening cunt.
Lauren tightens her hold around Camila's body and Camila feels the way her pussy just gripsher cock when she comes. Hot girl cum feels nice and scalding on her skin. Her hips thrust in shallow motions, driving her cum deeper into Lauren. "God, wearing a condom will feel like shit now." Camila says, chuckling. She kisses Lauren's nose. "But I'll wear it for you. I mean. Thatwas too good not to do again."
Camila rolls off Lauren and cleans up, wiping her cum from her pussy with a warm damp towel. She tucks Lauren into bed while her eyes are half-closed, the sex visibly wore her out. Camila makes a snap decision of curling in behind Lauren, arms around her waist.
"I forgot to tell you," Camila murmurs against the nape of her neck. "That I've always liked you, and that sleeping with other people is probably just a way to kill time until me and you can happen." She looks at Lauren's face, sees her closed eyes. Assumes she's asleep. "I guess you don't really have to know this, but if you liked the sex as much as I did, that I won't mind doing this again. With just you. From now on."
Camila's heart races at her admittance. Unaware of the exact reason why those things just spilled out of her mouth. Her words hang in the air, her breathing heavy and hot against the nape of Lauren's neck.
"That's good to know," comes Lauren's sleepy voice. She turns in Camila's arms to face her. A lazy smile on her face. "I wouldn't mind doing this again with you too. But as my girlfriend next time."
"How soon is next time?" Camila asks. Her relief manifests in the way she holds Lauren tight against her body. "Is thirty minutes from now too soon?"
Lauren lets out a light, airy laugh. She kisses Camila in a way that makes her feel it to the tips of her toes. "Not at all, Camila."

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