In Triplicate- Part 3

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For the tenth time that same hour, Lauren backspaced the entire document and grunted in frustration. She scowled at the computer screen and flexed her fingers, danced them lightly against the keyboard. No amount of phantom typing kickstarted her thoughts. She couldn't write anything that was of use to her. She threw her back against the chair's with a huff, rolling her neck from side to side.
Lauren grimaced when her gaze caught the clock on the wall of her study. It was barely ten in the morning; usually she didn't get this fed up with lack of progress until later in the day.
She reached for her coffee cup and peered inside only to see the bottom of it, rather dry. Lauren could easily get up and go fill it, knowing Camila kept fresh coffee in the machine for her, but her writer sensibilities refused to let her leave her desk. She was figuratively shackled to it until she spewed out enough words that were decent because what kind of a writer would she be if she didn't?
Still. Everything would be useless and for naught if she couldn't write a damn thing in the first place. Lauren grasped her armrest and wheeled her chair towards the door with shuffling feet. She cracked it open and leaned forward, poking her head out to peer down the hallway. She needed to do something to help her write. Which was exactly why most writers end up being addicted to something. For Lauren, it was someone.
"Caaammzz," Lauren called out. She saw the brunette bent over the dishwasher in the kitchen. Her very short skirt revealed the perfect curve of her ass.
"Yes, Lauren?" Camila called back.
Lauren jutted her bottom lip out as Camila walked over to her. She laughed at the sight of Lauren's pout and stepped into her study. Pulling Camila to sit on her lap, Lauren wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her in for a deep kiss, tasting something on Camila's lips. "What've you been snacking on?" Lauren murmured, her fingers slipping up under Camila's shirt to feel her warm, soft skin.
"Dinah's dick." Camila grinned and looped her arms around Lauren's neck. "She fucked my mouth in the kitchen before she left for work."
"I bet she did." Lauren smiled and kissed her again, licking into Camila's mouth. She pulled away with a sigh. "I can't write for shit today. Need a distraction for a bit. You have any...ideas?" She lifted an eyebrow teasingly.
"I have one pretty good one," Camila said, smirking. She nuzzled the girl's pale neck, hand slipping up under her shirt. Lauren arched her back slightly to let Camila unhook her bra, then relaxed into the chair as Camila tossed it behind her. Camila nipped at her neck as she cupped her breasts with her soft palms, playing with Lauren's sensitive nipples. Lauren let Camila take her time as the brunette expertly warmed her up. She didn't feel like ordering Camila around at the moment; she was more interested in just having sex with her girlfriend.
Lauren moaned softly, her dick hardening in her pants. "Yep," she murmured. "Very good idea." She lifted her hips, pressing the firm swell of her cock against Camila's inner thigh. "C'mon, babe," she whined against Camila's smooth neck, as she clawed at the smaller woman's shirt until it was off. The sight of Camila's bare tits greeted her, and for a brief moment, Lauren sang praises to Camila's habit of not wearing a bra at home.
Thumbing Camila's nipples until they stiffened, Lauren flattened her tongue against the firm bud and gave it a gentle suckle. Camila grasped the back of Lauren's head and kept her against her breast, while a hand snuck between them to tug Lauren's sweatpants and boxers down low enough for her hard dick to spring out.
Looking down at Lauren's thick meat, Camila grinned and licked her lips. She climbed down from Lauren's lap and got on her knees in front of her. Lauren lifted her ass to let Camila tug her boxers and sweatpants down to her ankles, where she kicked them off to the side. Lauren spread her legs, guiding Camila toward her crotch with a hand on the back of the brunette's head.
"Can I suck your balls?" Camila flashed her a grin. "Please?"
Lauren chuckled. "Sure, baby." She held her shaft to her belly as Camila buried her face against the soft skin of Lauren's nuts. Her nose brushed against the base of Lauren's shaft as she sucked one of her balls into her mouth, her tongue laving against the crinkled skin before she let it fall from her lips. She gave the same treatment to the other, then nuzzled against Lauren's big balls, licking and tonguing all around the sac.
Lauren moaned at how good it felt when Camila finally sucked one of them into her mouth. She curled her tongue around it as she brought up a hand to help her cram the other between her lips. Camila opened her mouth wide, sucking as she pushed gently on Lauren's sensitive testicle, an excited noise leaving her throat when it slid into her mouth. She gazed happily up at Lauren, her cheeks bulging like a chipmunk carrying two nuts in its mouth.
"Mmm, that's our good girl." Lauren grinned. It felt so good to have her balls sitting in Camila's warm mouth. Even more so as Camila slid her tongue around, trying to lick at the balls filling her mouth. She sucked gently, humming as she jerked off Lauren's dick with her small hand.
Focusing her palm against the tip of Lauren's cock, precum slicked up Camila's strokes, causing wet noises to fill their ears. "Jesus," Lauren panted, her thick meat throbbing in her girlfriend's expert hand. "I want that mouth around my cock so bad, baby. You going to let me fuck your throat a little?"
Camila carefully allowed Lauren's heavy balls to fall out of her mouth, her spit making them glisten. "Please do," she replied with a smirk, wiping her chin. She flattened her tongue up Lauren's length and licked up to the head. She suckled the tip and moaned at the taste of Lauren's precum. Camila tongued the slit and Lauren shuddered, her legs trembling.
She'd had enough of the teasing. Lauren splayed her hand over the back of Camila's head and pushed her down, her shaft filling up Camila's greedy mouth inch by inch. Lauren grunted at how good it felt, and she didn't even pause once she felt the tip of her dick at the entrance of Camila's throat. She pushed up with her hips as she pushed Camila's head down, sinking the last couple inches of her thick cock straight into Camila's tight throat. "Fuck me," Lauren moaned. "Holy shit, that mouth is stellar."
Lauren held her down for a solid second, flexing her hips and seeing stars as Camila swallowed against her cock. She held Camila's head still and fucked her mouth with quick, shallow thrusts of her hips; only a few strokes and her balls were tightening. She cursed and took Camila's chin to lift her up slowly. Spit trailed down her cock as Camila sucked her way up to the tip and off.
"You okay, baby?" Lauren asked, stroking Camila's cheek with the tips of her fingers.
"I'm really fucking wet and my pussy is aching for your dick to fill it," Camila said. "But this is about you trying to focus so you can pound my pussy later. Just let me swallow your cum right now, Lauren." She jutted her bottom lip and brushed it against Lauren's reddened cockhead. "Please?"
"So cute," Lauren mumbled. She leaned back and waved her dick before Camila, grinning as she watched her dark eyes follow her shaft around. "Go ahead and make me blow, Camila. You can do it."
"I know," Camila remarked with a cocky grin. She swallowed Lauren's considerable length all the way down her throat, her tongue resting against the underside of Lauren's cock. Camila gave her steady suction, cheeks hollow and nose tickling the green eyed girl's lower belly. Lauren's toes curled and she had to grip the armrests of her seat while she watched, entranced at the way Camila inhaled her cock. "Oh fuck, oh fuck. Just like that, Camz."
Camila backed off of her cock a couple inches only to lunge back down, setting a quick, frantic pace as she fucked her face with Lauren's throbbing shaft. Lauren panted, her balls tightening under the relentless assault. Too soon, her dick jumped inside Camila's mouth and she came with a grunt, spilling her load into Camila's throat in thick, heavy spurts. Camila felt it and hummed in delight as she swallowed rope after rope of hot cum from Lauren's pulsing meat right down into her belly.
She suckled up to the tip of Lauren's cock until she felt it soften slightly with her lips around it. Camila released it and licked her lips clean of Lauren's cum. They were both catching their breath-Lauren from her orgasm and Camila from having so much cock shoved down her throat. Nipping at Lauren's hip, Camila rubbed her thighs and smiled, clearly proud of herself. "You're okay for now?"
Lauren nodded, still unable to speak. There were fucking stars in the corner of her vision from that orgasm. She helped Camila up on her feet and the brunette went over to the reading corner of Lauren's study, flipping through the stack of Broadway magazines on the end table. She found the one with an article she'd been meaning to read and flopped into the armchair to do just that.
Lauren scooted her computer chair back over to her desk. She flexed her fingers, cracked her neck from side to side, and wrote.
She managed to come up with a couple of thousand words for the chapter she was working on, but the buzz from her orgasm was beginning to fade. Camila's presence, sitting topless over in the corner as she was, kept Lauren's mind in a constant state of 'ready-to-fuck'. She could ask Camila to leave, but she doubted that would help at all. Her body just wasn't done with Camila; not yet. She wrote one more sentence before groaning and conceding momentary defeat. "Fuck this. Camila?"
The brunette looked up at Lauren with a small smile. "Yeah?"
Lauren wrapped a hand around her cock and stroked herself half-hard. "Take off your panties."
She obeyed, adding her drenched panties to the growing pile of clothes on Lauren's floor. "You want to come sit that tight pussy on my dick?" Lauren said with a smirk. "Don't fuck me, just sit. I need some incentive-if I can get this damn chapter finished, we'll both get to come."
Quirking an eyebrow, Camila trotted over with her magazine and Lauren scooted out from the desk to give her room. Camila climbed onto Lauren's lap, facing her, and lowered herself slowly, sinking down to sheathe every inch of Lauren's meat inside her dripping pussy. The look on the brunette's face as she was filled was nothing short of bliss. Lauren pressed a kiss to her lips, sighing in relief at the wet heat around her shaft.
"S'good," Lauren murmured. She kissed Camila's shoulder and rested her chin against it. She wrapped her arms around Camila's lithe waist to reach her keyboard and began to type once more. Camila seemed content to leaf through her magazine behind Lauren's back, chin resting on the raven haired girl's shoulder.
Lauren's focus was razor sharp now that her prize for finishing this damned chapter was sitting right in her lap. The words just came to her, interrupted only by an occasional clench of Camila's pussy or a slight shift in her lap. "Quit that." Lauren murmured, and Camila just hummed.
Thousands of words later, Lauren's characters had behaved themselves and were actually where they needed to be for the next chapter. She felt Camila sigh against her cheek and do a little wiggle with her hips that made Lauren groan against her girlfriend's neck. Camila's pussy was drenched and Lauren could feel her cum dripping down to her balls. Lauren ran her hand along her soft curves to cup her ass. She stood up, holding the small brunette to her body, legs around her hips.
"All done?" Camila smiled and nibbled Lauren's jaw. The green eyed girl nodded and perched Camila on top of her desk. The cluttered notebooks and reference texts she used for her novel were scattered everywhere but the end, which was kept more or less clean due to how often Lauren fucked her girlfriends there.
Kissing down Camila's neck, Lauren licked the goosebumps she found there. She pulled her hips back, until only the head of her dick was inside Camila, and sheathed it back inside her with a needy moan.
"Ohh, fuck." Lauren gripped the far edge of the table to put more power to her thrusts. She pounded Camila nice and hard, watching the brunette's soft tits bounce along with her rhythm.
"You look so fucking good and you feel amazing." She kissed Camila's nipples, and grinned down at her. Camila smiled back, her fingers grasping dark locks. "I think I can fuck you all day, baby."
"You don't think, you know." Camila teased, her heels digging against Lauren's tense ass cheeks. "You've fucked me all day before, remember?"
"How can I forget?" Lauren chuckled. Her hips pounded away, making smacking noises against Camila's skin. Sweat dripped along the ridges of her abs, her breath ragged from the strain of fucking Camila. She kissed the brunette's soft mouth and moaned. Camila's pussy was clenching her thick meat, and after a long time of just being buried in her slick insides Lauren's cock was almost oversensitive.
"I'm gonna fucking blow my load, Camz." She panted, her rhythm stuttering, though she kept pounding into Camila without slowing down. "You want my cum in your pussy, or are you still hungry?" Lauren gave her a lopsided grin as she punctuated her question with a deep thrust.
Camila hung onto Lauren's shoulder as the blonde's fucking rocked her back and forth. "Come in my pussy, please, Lauren," she begged.
"You got it, babe," Lauren said. "Gonna fill you up with my cum..." She braced herself on the desk and pounded Camila's pussy, her thick cock slamming to the hilt in Camila's tight cunt with rough, jackhammer thrusts. "Do you want to come, or are you good?" Lauren teased, knowing full well the brunette was dying for release.
"I need to come so bad," Camila groaned. "Lauren!"
Lauren rubbed Camila's slippery clit with practiced fingers while she fucked her, and it wasn't long before Camila shrieked and came, her come flooding Lauren's thrusting cock. The girl's pussy clenching down rhythmically on her shaft sent Lauren off the edge and she shot thick ropes of her cum deep inside Camila. Panting hard, Lauren humped her dick into Camila, making sure her cum was there to stay.
"Love having your load inside me." Camila whispered, grasping the back of Lauren's neck for a kiss which the green eyed girl eagerly gave. Her lips glided against Camila's tongue, her hands rubbing smooth, trembling thighs. "It feels so warm and thick, filling my pussy up."
Lauren shivered and rested her chin against Camila's breasts. "Keep talking like that and you'll get me hard again," she joked, her tongue darting out to flick against Camila's nipple. Lauren gently bit the stiff bud with her lips and gave it a firm suck. She straightened up and pulled her dick out of Camila, a gush of their mixed cum trailing after her cock and pooling along her balls. For the moment, Lauren didn't mind it. But she knew that afterwards, it was going to be a pain to clean up.
Camila sighed and spread her legs so Lauren could lick her mess clean from her pussy. "Don't make me come again. I don't think my jelly legs can handle it."
Humming in response, Lauren finished licking away her cum from Camila's folds and helped her up on her feet. Not bothering with clothes, they left Lauren's study to prepare dinner for when their girlfriends came home.

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