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For the reception, the crowd headed back to the bride's home in the suburbs, where a large tent was set up in his spacious backyard. Outside, the caterers finished setting up just as they arrived. Lauren opened the door for Camila and led her through the gates where the music and the food were waiting for the newlyweds. They grabbed two seats far from prying eyes as wine glasses were laid out for the guests.
The entire time they were in the car, Camila had been teasing Lauren nonstop. Thanks to her tight slacks, Lauren was uncomfortable the entire drive back to the bride's house. Swallowing hard, Lauren threw back a glass of wine and let out a soft breath.
"You need to stop." She said in a strangled tone, her fingers digging into Camila's thighs as her hands roamed along Lauren's lap. Camila traced the seam of Lauren's zipper and tugged on it slightly. She could feel the strong prominence forming, and she relished the way Lauren squirmed and attempted to yank her hands away.
"They're ready for people to line up for food." Lauren and Camila's heads snapped at the sound of Carmen's voice. "I thought I'd tell you." Carmen brushed her fingers along the cuff of Lauren's wrist, sending a tickling sensation through Lauren's skin.
She clenched her fist and smiled at the woman. "Thank you." Turning to Camila, she held out her arm. "Shall we?"
They rose and left Carmen standing still, with an offended look across her face. Camila glanced back at her and giggled. "That's what she gets for trying to get with my man."
Lauren rolled her eyes and kissed her temple. "Come with me."
"Lauren, what—"
Ducking under a display of white tulips, Lauren pulled her into the enormous house. Only a trickle of people were inside, as most of the celebrations were out in the yard. They went into one of the washrooms in one of the rooms in the back so no one would disturb them. She turned right back around to face Camila with a glint in her eye.
"What are you doing?" Camila asked, a slight tremble in her voice. It was not that she was afraid, but rather, the look in Lauren's eyes always led to intense orgasms—ones that make her scream. Ever since she sucked Lauren off in the wedding hall, her panties had been soaked through. She clenched her thighs together and allowed Lauren to lift her up on the large counter.
"I'm going to eat you out." Lauren said in a matter-of-fact tone that was lost on Camila, for all she could focus on was the way Lauren loosened her tie. She removed her suit jacket, hung it up neatly, and rolled up her sleeves.
This ritual of sorts had Camila trembling in anticipation. She gripped the edge of the sink and parted her legs. Lauren smirked at this and caressed Camila's legs, before lifting them up over her shoulders. "Pull your dress up." Lauren husked, and licked her lips at the sight of Camila's panties.
She pulled them to the side and kissed the full lips of Camila's pussy. Lauren licked them open and traced the nub of Camila's clit. Feeling it twitch against her tongue, Lauren grinned and latched onto it, and sucked while her tongue stuck out to dip inside Camila's dripping entrance.
"O-oh!" Camila gasped, her thighs tightening around Lauren's head. She reached out and ran her fingers through thick, blond locks while Lauren's tongue darted in and out of her pussy, the suction around her clit, constant. "Yes, Lauren... Oh my god, your tongue—"
Pulling back, Lauren snapped Camila's hips so that she was now bent over the countertop. She stood up and lifted Camila's dress, as her fingers hooked around her panties to slide it off her ass. "Fuck, so sexy..." Lauren growled at the sight of Camila's bare ass and pussy laid out before her.
From the mirror, Camila could see the way Lauren's eyes leered at her, hunger evident in green eyes. Camila reached back and parted her ass. "Keep licking me," She begged softly, her arms trembling as she tried to keep her balance.
Lauren knelt back down and licked a stripe from Camila's clit to her pussy entrance. "Mmm, look at that fucking pussy." She murmured against the smooth skin of Camila's ass. "You're so hot... My cock is so hard for you right now." Lauren kissed along her ass cheeks and then buried her face right in between her crack, to slurp and suck in messy strokes of her tongue, all over Camila's pussy.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Camila gasped out, her arm reaching back to grasp the back of Lauren's head, pushing her deeper into her pussy. Lauren's tongue did unspeakable things to her that she could barely keep her knees from trembling. "Lauren, yes..."
Lauren bobbed her tongue in and out of her pussy as she rubbed Camila's clit in fast circles. She suckled Camila's swollen pussy lips and increased her pace. She spared a moment to glance up at Camila through the mirror just as she started to come, the sensation of her muscles contracting around Lauren's tongue was a memory that shot straight to her now throbbing cock.
Slowing down the movements of her tongue, Lauren eased back and kissed all over Camila's pussy a few more times as she struggled to catch her breath. Carefully replacing her panties and straightening out Camila's dress, Lauren lifted her back up on the counter and kissed her softly.
"Mmmmmh..." Camila panted and scratched the nape of Lauren's neck. "I can't feel my legs."
Lauren grinned and kissed her fluttering pulse point. She fixed her sleeves and her tie as Camila clung to her. "We have to go back out there before your parents notice I took you away," She said, washing her hands as she did so. Camila fixed herself and combed her hair, and together they stepped out of the bathroom.
Outside they both went, and took part in the festivities. The entire time, Camila did not allow Lauren's erection to flag down. She touched her constantly, and made sure to walk a few steps ahead of Lauren so she could be entranced with the way Camila swayed her hips. By the time the celebrations lulled down, Lauren was still rock hard, her head reeling madly with desire for Camila.
Lauren was in the middle of drinking her wine when Camila came up behind her and palmed her ass through her pants. She almost choked, a cough tearing through her throat as Lauren attempted to breathe.
"Are you okay?" Sinuhe asked, patting Lauren across the back.
Lauren wheezed and nodded, as she threw a glare at Camila. "I'm fine, Sinuhe. Excuse me a moment." She walked towards Camila and gripped her wrist tightly in her hands. "You're coming with me."
Camila was smirking as Lauren marched through the halls of the large house. They went up the stairs and into a room, not caring whose it was, as long as there was a bed. Heck, any flat surface would do. Lauren grabbed Camila by the hips and pushed her down, mouth meeting hers.
They kissed, Lauren's arms wrapping around Camila's waist, her dress bunching around their pressed bodies. There was a frantic need to have one another. Camila wrestled with the knot of Lauren's tie, popped off the first three buttons of her shirt, so she could latch onto her pulse point and suck on Lauren's skin that tasted faintly of salt and body wash.
"Unbutton it all the way." Lauren husked, her hot breath hitting Camila's cheek. "I don't want to wrinkle it."
Camila did so, as Lauren hiked up her dress and removed her soaked panties. Once all of Lauren's buttons were opened, Camila reached down to unbuckle Lauren's pants. She released her cock from her boxers, rubbing the dripping slit with the pad of her thumb. Above her, Lauren gasped and trembled, hips thrusting into the air.
"No teasing," Lauren mumbled, yanking Camila by her legs so her ass would hang off the edge of the bed. Her trousers and boxers bunched around her ankles, and she leaned down to kiss Camila deeply. "I'm going to fuck you into this bed so hard..." Lauren growled against her mouth. "...that the next person who uses this room will be able to smell how wet you are for me."
Camila shivered and wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck. "I need you inside me, Lauren." She gasped, her hips rising off the bed so the tip of Lauren's throbbing shaft grazed her pulsing clit. "I need you—"
Lauren sucked on her bottom lip and rubbed her cockhead along Camila's slit. "Oh yeah, I can tell." She smirked. Lauren teased the tip into Camila's entrance, moaning at the way her pussy seemed to suck her in. "You're soaked... Holy shit." Lauren groaned.
Hooking her legs around Lauren's hips, Camila growled and pulled her in. "Fuck me now," she husked, "Or I'm going to be the one riding you until you can't hold back those sexy screams." She traced Lauren's lips with her thumb. "And then they'll hear, and they'll see me making a mess out of you, the gentleman."
Lauren whimpered at Camila's words. It never failed to turn her on whenever she took charge. She flipped them over, Camila smirking as she mounted Lauren. Positioning the rigid cock along her entrance, Camila locked her heated gaze with Lauren and sank her pussy over Lauren's cock.
"Yes..." They both hissed, staying still for the moment to relish each other's warmth. Camila recovered first, and with a devilish smirk, leaned over Lauren and rode her, rough and fast.
"Fuck, fuck..." Lauren groaned. "So wet... You're dripping all over me." She whispered as she stared at Camila's pussy sliding up and down her cock only to leave it shimmering with her come. "You love riding that pole, don't you?"
Camila bobbed her head fiercely and slammed down into Lauren. "Your cock... God, Lauren. I love it inside me." She leaned down and took Lauren's bottom lip in her mouth. "You're stretching me so well."
Lauren cupped Camila's ass and slapped the soft mounds. "Yeah?" She met every thrust with her own, their skins slapping in a rhythm that they mastered a long time ago. She held Camila still, her hips pumping in a furious pace as her thick length dragged through Camila's slick walls. "I love fucking you like this."
"I'm going to come already." Camila panted, her hands that were planted on either side of Lauren's head trembled while she struggled to keep herself upright. "Faster..."
At this, Lauren got up, hooking her arms underneath Camila's knees to lift her up and slam her against the wall. She buried her face against Camila's neck, the brunette's fingers threading through raven locks. "Take it, Camila." Lauren growled. "I'm going to blow my load inside you, and you better take it in that tight pussy."
Camila's nails scraped along the nape of Lauren's neck, and that was when she lost it. Lauren rutted into Camila's clenching pussy, their breaths coming out in ragged gasps. "Fuck!" Lauren murmured, her hips moving in shallow strokes in and out of Camila's twitching pussy.
At that moment, the door burst open and both Camila and Lauren froze. Carmen came inside, gawking at the sight of the two, Lauren still buried deep inside Camila's soaked pussy. "Oh my god!" She screeched, and slammed the door shut.
"Are we... In her room?" Lauren asked incredulously. She eased out of Camila with a sharp intake of breath and tucked herself back in her pants.
Camila shrugged, knees wobbling as she struggled to keep herself upright. Lauren helped her get dressed, kissing her lips ever so often. "Let's say our goodbyes and go home."
Nodding, Lauren tightened her tie around her neck and went down with Camila's arm around hers. They said their goodbyes and congratulated the bride and groom. As they were on their way out, they stumbled on Carmen, who blushed and avoided their gaze.
Camila laughed as Lauren opened the door for her. They buckled in and drove off. "I guess she won't be looking at me in the eye for a really long time."
Lauren hummed and kissed their joined fingers. "Not even on our own wedding?" She asked, silently slipping a ring on Camila's ring finger.
Silenced filled the vehicle, with Lauren driving and Camila gaping at her. Lauren smiled and kissed the ring on Camila's finger and winked at her. "You are going to marry me, right? Because if you won't, I just ruined it and—"
Camila rolled her eyes. "Obviously I will!"

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