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Being a camgirl when your roommate kept odd hours was easy, especially since she liked to get out of the dorm room late at night. Camila pretended to sleep every Wednesday night, wait until Lauren's footsteps that were almost nonexistent patter out of the room. She waited for a few minutes, ensuring that Lauren wouldn't return before sliding out of bed.
Camila turned the lights on just enough to illuminate the area around her computer with a pale glow. The room was still encased in darkness. She ran the recording program on her desktop, sat on the chair and checked the angle of the webcam. She had been doing this long enough to know how to set up her camera so it went by quickly.
Camila took a seat on her computer chair and let out a slow breath. She wore little else other than a white button down shirt. This wasn't for a live webcam so Camila felt like she could take her time. She pressed the record button and the viewfinder slash program showed her body, save her face. It cut off right above her mouth.
Taking each button in her fingers, Camila unclasped them, exposing every inch of skin with purpose and lazy touches. Build up the anticipation, she thought to herself. Sure, there would be people who would get impatient, but they could always scroll on forward. This buildup was for herself anyway.
Already she could feel the heat between her legs. The room got warmer and Camila breathed softly, lips parted and her fingers trembling. Once she finished with the rest of her buttons, she pulled apart her shirt but kept it on. She exposed her breasts, nipples stiff from the arousal that made her cheeks flush with heat.
Cupping her breasts in her palms, Camila squeezed and took her nipples between thumb and forefinger. She rolled them, back arched and a low moan spilling from her parted lips. The microphone was close enough to her that she could make noises without needing to be loud. That meant that she would not be heard by her neighbours through the paper thin walls of the dormitory.
Camila spread her legs and put them up on the armrests of her computer chair. Fingers split apart her slick folds, her skin glistening beneath the lamp light and exposing the extent of her arousal. She bit her lip and grazed her clit, her legs twitching.
She squeezed her eyes shut and thought of Lauren. She may be irritating for a roommate, but Camila could also appreciate just how hot and attractive she was. The depth of her voice. The smokiness of her gaze. Camila shuddered and took her clit in between fingers, picturing Lauren's beautiful face taking it in her hot, snarky mouth. Camila slid two fingers into her dripping pussy, dreaming of Lauren's tongue.
"Oh," Camila couldn't hold back a gasp, the pads of her digits grazing the spot inside her, the one that made her legs tremble. She fucked herself in steady thrusts, the microphone picking up the filthy, wet fucking noises. "Mmmmn..."
The urge to squeeze her thighs together was strong, but she needed to put on a show after all. Camila took shallow breaths, her breasts heaving with every intake of air into her lungs. The room felt so much warmer, her cheeks flushed with the heat. Sweat trickled down the side of her cheek.
Camila pulled out her fingers from inside her pussy. The slick digits pressed against her clit to stroke it in slow circles. A drawn out moan spilled out from Camila and her wrist stuttered in its pace. Her back arched. "I'm coming," she whispered. Her tone was desperate. Thighs shook as if vibrating and Camila whimpered. Her orgasm washed over her, a relief she had been anticipating for a week.
She caressed her clit to ride out her orgasm, her legs still shaking and twitching from the pleasure. She sat up straight in her seat and let out soft pants, her body quivering. Camila remained seated there for a few moments, just until the sweat that clung to her skin cooled to the touch.
Camila cut off the video and saved the file while she wiped the sweat from her skin. She still had to edit the video but they would be minimal edits such as adjusting the audio levels and cutting off the first and last seconds of the video, as well as ensuring that nothing incriminating would show. Her face, too much of the dorm room, that sort of thing.
She finished rendering the video and proceeded to upload it to her channel. Sure, her channel wasn't the most popular one, but she always got enough hits, enough to monetize her videos and get pocket money without having to bother her dad about it. Her dad would always provide, but she would hate to be a burden.
Camila shut off her monitor while the slow internet of Miami University uploaded her video. She grabbed a towel and her pajamas to take a quick shower to rinse the smell of sex and sweat from her body.
Once she finished, the video was only halfway through. Camila sighed. It was nearing five a.m. and Lauren might be back at any minute. She set up the timer of her computer to shut down in a few hours when the video finished uploading. She leapt into bed and slept well, more tired than she expected.
Camila was pretty sure that Lauren knew about what she does—namely, masturbate—but at least she had enough tact not to say anything. But still, she had that sly smirk on her face the next day, her nose twitching every time she breathed as if she could smell Camila's arousal from last night.
"Had a good night's sleep?" Lauren drawled in that way of hers. She lied down on her bed, boots and all.
"I did, thank you for asking." Camila replied while stuffing her books into her bag. She glanced at her computer, ensuring that it was shut off. "I'll see you later."
But Lauren was already asleep. Camila smiled a little and tugged the curtains down to decrease the amount of light filtering into the room. She stalked out of their room, closed the door quietly and headed to class.
And when she returned, Lauren was still asleep. Her arm dangling off the edge of the bed, her leg resting against the wall. Camila circled around her and booted up her computer. While she did, she ate her lunch.
Camila checked the views of her newest video and it was doing well enough. Someone even donated fifty dollars to her account, which made her smile.
Minimizing those windows, she took out the books she borrowed from the library and studied, uninterrupted until Lauren woke up. Camila watched her stretched from her reflection on the screen. Catlike, a soft moan when she arched her back. Camila tried to ignore the sliver of skin that Lauren exposed when her shirt rode up her stomach.
"Take a photograph, it lasts longer." Lauren teased, a smirk on her lips.
"Do you even show up on photographs? Aren't you a vampire?"
Laughing, Lauren stood up and hunched over Camila's shoulder to rifle through her lunch. The younger girl pointed to the unopened box of Thai food which Lauren took. She rubbed her cheek against Camila's and moved away to eat it. "I am, and I do show up. Those were just myths perpetuated by crappy pop literature and even crappier vampire movies."
Camila giggled and pushed her chair back to dispose of her lunch while Lauren ate hers. She finished, mouth still full while she chewed and chucked the box in the trash.
"Thanks for the food, babe." Lauren reclined on her bed again and stretched. Camila spun on her seat to face her computer so she wouldn't be caught staring again.
Camila was tense. She missed her Wednesday upload date after that all-nighter she had to do for an English Lit essay that made her tired and unable to wake up at the hour Lauren left the dorm room to do what vampires do, whatever it was.
Her body craved to have an orgasm and a distant voice in her brain regarded it as an addiction, a conditioning and a habit that she could fight, but a surer voice in her brain was against this. It wasn't like Camila would skip class just to masturbate. If it ever came to that, then she would probably need to seek help.
So she pushed the upload day back on a Thursday. Waited until Lauren left the room again before setting up her camera. She wore her usual attire—dress shirt and boy shorts—and situated herself on the chair again, legs spread.
Camila lost herself in the sensation of her fingers stroking her clit, the softness of her pussy lips making her shiver with how slick it was. She squeezed her eyes shut. Thought of Lauren, again and again. If there were rules against fantasizing about your roommate while you touch yourself, Camila would have broken them ten times over and she still wouldn't give a damn.
"Fuck," Camila whimpered, her back arching into her own touch. All she could hear were the fabricated moans of Lauren, the heavy pounding of her heartbeat, blood rushing to her ears. She opened her heavy-lidded eyes, a shiver coursing through her spine when she pictured Lauren nose-deep and tonguing her slick core.
She focused on the pleasure that devoured her whole. She did not hear the footsteps, the door creaking open. She did not see the dark glint in the eyes of her roommate who stood behind her computer chair with a small smirk on her lips.
Camila's chair spun and she took a sharp intake of breath. Her dark, lust-glazed eyes locked with darker, hungrier ones. Lauren hunched lower until they were eye to eye. Fangs bared, cold hands against warm thighs. Camila shivered and without meaning to, parted her legs to welcome Lauren's hands to her heat.
"You think I don't smell you the morning after you fuck yourself? Sure you shower, but I smell how full of blood you are. Your arousal clings to the air. You always smell so desirable." Lauren's mouth dragged against the length of Camila's neck. Hand curled around the back of Camila's neck, thumb tracing the shape of her swollen, parted lips. "What do you think about, Camz? Tell me."
Camila threw her free arm around Lauren's neck and swallowed hard. "I have a feeling you have an idea," she murmured. Her gaze focused on the curl of Lauren's upper lip and Camila only longed to take that smirk in her mouth and kiss it away.
"I don't," Lauren whispered but Camila knew her to be lying. She grasped black hair and nails dragged against the base of her scalp.
Lauren snickered and sank to her knees in front of Camila's parted legs. The younger human girl sucked in a breath, grasped the armrests so tight that her knuckles paled. She thought she would feel shame, but right now, the only thing in her head was that Lauren was on her knees. Hands on her thighs, thumbs stroking the skin where her hip met her leg.
"Let me fuck you so you won't have to," Lauren's voice was low and soft and it made Camila tremble. The vampire lifted Camila's legs up over her shoulders and grazed her teeth along her thigh. The anticipation made Camila light-headed. She needed something from Lauren and that something was her mouth.
Camila held either side of Lauren's head and leaned forward. "Kiss me first."
"Gladly," she responded. And then they were kissing, Lauren's sharp teeth grazing the swell of Camila's lip. Camila shivered at the touch of Lauren's tongue along the back of her teeth. Camila squirmed away to breathe, her chest heaving. Lauren lowered herself on her knees once more, parted Camila's legs and touched her mouth to her pussy.
The drag of Lauren's tongue to Camila's stiff, swollen clit caused her to moan much too loudly that Lauren shot her a look. Camila flushed a bright red and clamped a hand over her mouth. A rough suck and a gentle pull to her clit was her reward.
The tips of Camila's fingers dragged against Lauren's jaw, her soft breaths picking up in its irregularity. Lauren sped up her tongue, the sharpness of her teeth hot against the stiffness of her clit. Camila arched into her greedy mouth and quivered, whispered 'I'm coming' before she does. Hot waves of pleasure flowed through her, her grip on Lauren's black hair tightening. Camila bucked and rode out her orgasm against her tongue that slipped into her clenching pussy.
Once Camila was limp against the back of her computer chair, Lauren kissed her soft inner thighs and sat up, licking her lips in delight. She sat on the edge of her bed and glanced at the computer that still recorded what they were up to, yet with the most unflattering of camera angles.
"I'm not going to upload that, don't worry." Camila said, rising on shaky legs. She cupped Lauren's cheeks in a demanding kiss, pushed her down on the bed. Pinned her wrists on either side of the vampire's head. Lauren's emerald green eyes darkened even further at Camila's actions and from the motives behind it. She bared her fangs and wrestled with the grip. They both knew that Lauren could get away as if Camila was just the yellow pillow pinning the vampire down, but the fact that she was pretending to fight Camila off made the girl's thighs clench.
Camila pushed Lauren's black lacy shirt up past her breasts, her mouth tracing the swell of the soft mounds. One hand unclasped the button of her leather pants. Sliding inside to stroke the slick folds of Lauren's heat.
Camila latched her mouth on a nipple, sucking it into hardness while Lauren grasped the back of her neck and rode her lazy hand. "Come on," she whined. "Are you going to fuck me or not?"
Taking a moment to admire Lauren with her clothes just pushed out of the way, her cheeks bearing a faint flush of heat, her breathing ragged and her eyes dark and inviting, Camila grinned to herself and kissed the corner of her mouth. She parted her slippery pussy lips and stroked her clit, two fingers dipping into the source of her heat. Lauren wrestled with her pants, pushing them until it was past her knees so she could spread her legs for Camila's exploring hand.
"Please..." Lauren squirmed and grasped Camila's wrist to fuck herself on the smirking girl's hand. "If you don't make me come, I'm going to kill you."
Camila laughed and scooted down, head between Lauren's thighs, her pants now hanging on to her left ankle. She spread Lauren's slick pussy lips apart, licked from her hole to her mound, before taking her clit in her mouth and sucking with a low hum. A gentle vibration coursed from Camila's tongue to Lauren's clit, her hips rising off the bed in her eagerness to feel more of it.
Camila pushed two fingers into Lauren's hole, yielding and open to her touch. She curled them, the pads of her digits stroking a soft spot inside Lauren that made her back arch. "A-again," she groaned out, Camila's mouth still suckling and pulling at Lauren's clit with her lips. She fucked her fingers into the vampire, the wet noises of her desire filling the room and their ears with its filthy echo.
Lauren clung on to Camila's head, keeping her where she was as she trembled and swore under her breath. Camila felt her walls tightening and flexing around her digits, a flood of warmth and quivering thighs against her cheeks. Lauren came and Camila sucked her clit harder into her mouth.
"Fuck, Camila." Lauren sighed, her breasts heaving. Camila pulled her fingers out, licked them clean, and flattened herself on top of Lauren with a triumphant grin with which she used to kiss her. Lauren curled her arms around Camila's neck and kissed her back.
Camila made to move but Lauren let out a grunt and tightened her arms around her neck and wrapped her legs around her waist. She giggled and poked the vampire's stomach. "I never took you for a cuddler."
"I'm part cat. It's what we do sometimes."
Camila grinned and tucked a lock of hair behind Lauren's ear and kissed her. "Let me turn off my computer and I promise I'll come back and cuddle you."
With a sigh, Lauren reluctantly released Camila. She sat on her chair, closed the recording program without bothering to save it. She shut down the computer and returned to Lauren's side, the vampire's arms opened to welcome her back.
"Are you going to keep doing that?"
"Doing what?" Camila asked, her chin resting on top of Lauren's head.
"Filming yourself while you touch yourself." Pale arms curled around Camila's waist, and she hummed at the touch of soft lips against the hollow of her throat. "Since you have me now."
Camila laughed and stroked the line of Lauren's jaw with her thumb. "I don't think I will, since I'd be worn out if I still do it. I'd still earn money from it anyway, just not as much since I won't post new videos anymore." She shrugged and tangled her legs with Lauren's. "It was mostly to fund my cocoa habit, but I can live without it for a while."
Lauren was silent and soon, Camila fell asleep to the circular patterns the vampire traced on the small of her back, the softness of her skin, and the undeniable warmth of being held by someone she trusted.
Camila woke up to an empty bed and the sound of the shower. Her made bed was unwrinkled, but on it was a large package of hot cocoa mix, the same brand that she always bought. She smiled, walked into the shower and joined Lauren under its warm spray. Arms around the vampire's waist, Camila kissed her shoulder and cheek.
"Thank you."
"It's nothing, Camz. It's the least I can do for you."
She pulled at Lauren's hips and made her face her to kiss her under the stream of warm water drenching their bodies. "I know, but it's the thought that counts."
Lauren squeezed Camila's earlobe and nodded. "In that case, you're welcome."

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