Halloween Conflict (Camren)

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Lauren's P.O.V
I walk out of the costume shop with my shoulders slumped and a pout gracing my face. Camila forced me to buy a 'couples' costume with her so that we could be 'cute'. I would've been fine with a hot lesbian superhero couple theme but no, she had to choose the most stereotypical couple.
Mario and Luigi.
Camila told me that Luigi's green shirt matches my eyes so I was automatically chosen to be Luigi. Great. How fucking thoughtful of her.
"Stop pouting babe." Camila cooed, glancing over her shoulder at me.
"I don't want to be Luigi. We're not even Italian." I mutter, emphasizing my pout even more but she just rolled her eyes at me.
"Well I think you look cute in those overalls and that little cap." She shrugged. No, my outfit looked stupid and she knew that. Dinah has been laughing at me for the past hour, making it very clear to everyone how stupid she thought my costume was.
"Yeah Lauren. You look so damn cute in that I could literally die right now." Dinah agreed mockingly.
"Watch it Hansen. I will not hesitate to kick your ass." I warn the Polynesian girl threateningly, a glare directed at her.
"Enough." Camila groans out which quickly makes Dinah and I shut up. I guess she was fed up with Dinah and I fighting non-stop throughout the whole day. "If I wanted to watch people fight I would've just went on Worldstar. Cut the crap before both of you miss out on the Halloween party tonight."
I huff in annoyance, brushing past Dinah and climbing into the backseat. Dinah gets into the drivers seat while Camila slides into the backseat next to me.
"Dinah's driving? We're going to die." I tease but I only get the middle finger in response from Dinah. "Can you put Lana Del Rey on?" I ask when Dinah finally decides to start the engine.
"Why not? I don't want to listen to Beyonce again. We've been listening to her for three days straight."
"There's a reason for that. Beyonce is the queen and Lana Del Rey is a stoned hippy."
"Take it back." I growl, lunging forward and hitting my hands on Dinah's face. The car swerves slightly causing Camila to screech loudly next to me.
"Stoner!" Dinah manages to yell out as my hands attacked her face.
"Shut up!"
"Lauren! Stop!" Camila shrieks, pulling me back into my seat.
"You're crazy." Dinah giggles, winking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Shut up DJ. Just drive." I grumbled, putting on my seat belt. I notice Camila being unnaturally quiet so I try to grab her hand but she just pulls it away. "Baby, don't be mad at me." I sigh out, wrapping my arms around her waist as best as I can in this position. I look over at Dinah to find that she had plugged in her headphones to most likely block me out.
"You could've killed us." Camila glares at me, prying my arms off her.
"Stop being dramatic. We were still in the parking lot."
"Stop being dramatic?" She hisses, her face filling up with anger.
"Uh, I mean th-"
"Shut up."
"But Ca-"
"Stop." She growled, sliding over to the furthest seat and crossing her arms over her chest angrily.
I feel myself twitch slightly in my jeans at the sight of Camila. Fuck, she's so hot when she's angry but as must as I want her to suck my dick right now, she would probably bite it off in anger.
"Camz. I'm sorry." I whine, reaching over and dragging her back over to me. She glances down with a quirked eyebrow. I follow her gaze and find the obvious tent in my jeans. I smirk when I catch her biting her lip. "I'll make it up to you." I husk out, grabbing her hand softly and placing it on my hard member. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips when she squeezed my shaft through my jeans.
"Lolo..." She breathes out, tearing her eyes away from where her hand is and locking her eyes with mine.
I feel her take her hand off me causing me to groan at the loss of contact,
"Your dick doesn't change the fact that you nearly killed us." She smiled innocently, slamming her fist down directly on top of my dick. I cried out in pain, pushing her hand away and cupping myself.
"Fucking hell, you bitch!"
I fix up the green cap on my head and adjust the ugly as fuck overalls as I look at myself in the mirror. I looked like I was about to milk a cow.
"Camz, are you nearly ready? I just want to get this over with." I call out but all I got back was silence. Of course. She's still mad at me for what happened before.
I frown in confusion when I hear heels clicking against the floorboards. I glance over to the doorway when the noise stops and was greeted with the heavenly sight of Camila in nothing but dark red heels. I gulp loudly and quickly place my hand in front of my growing arousal to try and hide it from her. I don't want her to hurt me again.
"Have you seen my costume anywhere? I can't find it." Camila smirks slightly, walking closer to me.
I don't answer, my eyes scanning her bare body. The urge to touch her right now was becoming almost uncontrollable.
"Uh, yeah. Uhm, I-" I stammer, mentally scolding myself when I realize that I couldn't even form a proper sentence. I turn around quickly and walk over to the bag that held her costume. I grab the bag and walk back over to her. "Are you still angry at me?"
"But I'm sorry." I whine, reaching out my hand and dragging it down her toned stomach, dropping the bag onto the floor. I feel myself harden even more at the muscles clenching under my touch. I trailed my hand further down, letting my fingers rub her clit slowly as I pout at her.
I was shocked when she pulled my hand away and pushed me down onto the bed roughly. She kicked off her heels before crawling onto the bed. I watched through hooded eyelids, paying close attention to every single thing that she did. I didn't care what she wanted to do just as long as she wasn't angry at me anymore.
"You're sorry?" She questions devilishly.
"Prove it. Close your eyes." She growls and I quickly comply. I hear the ruffling of the sheets as she shifts around on the bed until I feel fingers in my hair, tugging slightly. My breath hitches when I feel the unmistakable feeling of warm skin touching my face. My eyes spring open to find Camila on top of me straddling my face.
My dick throbs almost painfully as Camila lowers herself and presses her wet center against my lips. I open my mouth obediently, darting my tongue out to lick her soaking folds. My hands automatically grip her ass but she was quick to push them away, pinning them to the bed.
She slowly rocks her hips against my tongue causing it to slip inside her every few thrusts. Her thighs clench around me and moans were spilling out of her mouth, her eyes closed tightly and her chest heaved.
"Fuck me." She begged, trying to angle her thrusts to make my tongue go inside her but only let out a frustrated sigh when I bring my tongue back into my mouth and kiss her clit lightly.
I sharp tug of my hair made me gasp loudly in pain. Camila took that opportunity to press her center on my barely opened mouth, shuddering when I flick my tongue out and finally pressing it inside her.
I watch Camila fuck herself on my tongue, her hips moving with determination. She was letting out the hottest little noises that I have ever heard. It was like music to my ears. The feeling of her walls clenching around my tongue was sending tingles through my body and straight to my almost impossibly hard dick.
I retract my tongue from inside her and lick up her folds slowly to savor her delicious taste. She tasted like heaven and I honestly could never get enough of her.
"Fuck." I groan out when she grips my hair once again to keep my head still.
"Baby, I need your tongue." She whimpers desperately, tightening her grip on my hair.
I stick out my tongue and she immediately presses her hard clit against it. Her grinding hips become more erratic by the the second. I could tell that she was close. Her moans started getting louder and her grinding quickened so I bring my hands up to her ass again effectively stopping her movement and closing my mouth around her throbbing clit, sucking harshly.
"Fuck! Yes! Lauren!" She cries out and arches her back as she comes hard, her wetness coating my chin. I thrust up into the air looking for any type of friction but I was met with no relief.
"Camz, I need you. I'm so fucking turned on right now." I pant out as Camila climbs off me. I look down and see the outline of my dick against the overalls. "Please."
Camila's hands undid the buttons, eagerly sliding down the top of the overalls until it bunched up at my hips before she ripped off my bright green shirt. My bra was thrown across the room and a second later her warm mouth was wrapped around my hard nipple, sucking and licking at it gently. She moved onto the other one and gave it the same amount of attention as her hands grabbed at the overalls. She pulled her head away from my chest and tugged the overalls off which just left me in my baby blue briefs.
I let out a long breath to try to calm myself down as Camila's warm hand snaked its way into my briefs, wrapping her delicate hand around my nine inch cock. I bit my lip harshly when she starts to move her hand up and down my length as best as she could.
"Camila, off." I grumble, gesturing towards the piece of clothing that her hand was buried under.
I lift up my hips so Camila could pull the last item off my body before settling back comfortably on the bed. Her hand returned back to my throbbing member, gripping it firmly. I groan quietly when she starts to move her hand properly, a seductive smirk gracing her face.
"Is this what you wanted Lauren? For me to touch you even though you're the one who should be punished? Do you want my mouth wrapped around you, taking you into my throat so you can make me taste your cum?" She muttered in my ear while speeding up her hand, rubbing her palm over the tip of my cock to collect the pre-cum that was leaking out so she can use it to create the best friction as her hand worked my cock.
My breathing picks up as she bends her head down lower, her hot breath hitting my cock. I whimper slightly, threading my fingers through her hair and pushed her head closer.
"Camz, please." I whimper once more while rubbing the tip of my cock against her lips, spreading the pre-cum on them messily.
"Please what?" She chuckled, teasingly licking the slit.
"Suck my dick." I gasp out.
I inhale sharply as soon as her lips wrapped themselves around the tip. The feeling was unlike any other. I never get used to the feeling. It gets me every single time. As the younger girl removes her hand from my shaft, sliding more of my length into her mouth, I already felt myself getting close.
I thrust my hips up into her mouth impatiently, effectively fucking her face. I tightened my grip in her hair causing her to groan softly before she gagged around my dick.
"Yeah, that's right. Take my big dick. You're so fucking hot." I pant, pushing myself further into her mouth, feeling the tip touch the back of her throat. I guide her head up and down my spit covered cock with a firm grip in her hair.
"Baby." She chokes out around my dick so I pull her head back so that only the tip was rested snugly between her plump lips. I quirked a questioning eyebrow up at her. "I want you to cum down my throat. Stretch my mouth out. I want to swallow every single drop."
I nodded heavily, shoving her back down on my cock until her nose was touching my abdomen. I felt the familiar sensation deep in my stomach build up and I knew I was a few seconds away from coming.
"Fuck! I'm coming! Swallow my load baby." I moan out, thrusting roughly into her mouth and shooting my load down her throat. She hums contently around my cock, slowly sliding me out of her mouth when I release my grip on her hair.
"You taste so good." She nods approvingly, licking her lips.
"You're good at that Camz." I chuckle slightly and she just smiles back proudly.
"I'm going to get ready for the party now. We're going to be late." Camila states, bending down quickly to place a kiss on the tip of my dick before she rushes out of the room.
I sigh loudly. Great. I can already feel myself getting hard and now I have to go to a freaking useless Halloween party? Fuck my life.

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