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"Mmph, whoa, slow down babe," Lauren said. She had barely made it in the door to Camila's apartment before she was attacked by her girlfriend's kisses. She was more than a little turned on, but held Camila at arm's length to make everything was okay. "What's the occasion?"
"No occasion," Camila said, shrugging. "I've just missed you all day. I was thinking about you..."
Lauren wore a low-cut sundress to beat the heat, and she noticed Camila was staring directly at her breasts. She smirked. "I thought about you, too," she said, turning to put down her bag. "I got so turned on during Calc that I nearly left to call you."
"I didn't know math was so sexy," Camila giggled.
"Wasn't the math," Lauren purred, stepping into Camila's space. Camila bit her lip and stepped back, gazing up at her. "It was those pictures you put on my phone."
"Oh, those," Camila said, rolling her eyes as if she'd forgotten. "Well...did you like them?"
Lauren continued advancing until Camila pressed her back to the wall. "They weren't bad," Lauren replied, to Camila's open-mouthed indignation. Lauren smiled. "I prefer the real thing, though." She placed her hand above Camila's head and leaned in, canting her hips as she trapped Camila between herself and the ungiving wall behind her. "You want to know a secret?"
Camila nodded.
"Whenever you turn me on like this," Lauren husked, "then open your mouth like that, all I can think about is how badly I want to push my cock between your pretty lips."
Camila moaned faintly, her dark eyes dilated with arousal. "Like this?" Camila licked her lips and opened her mouth. Lauren's erection pulsed against her compression shorts.
"Yeah, baby," Lauren said, brushing a kiss against her mouth. "Just like that. Get on your knees for me."
Camila lowered herself while Lauren pulled her dress over her head. Camila caressed Lauren's flat abdominals, touching the bulge in Lauren's shorts before tugging at the waistband to pull them down. Lauren touched her hand to stop her, then tilted her chin up. "Did you touch yourself before I came over?"
"I tried," Camila said. "But it didn't help."
Lauren smiled. "Why not?"
Camila's eyes flicked down to the outline of her cock. "I needed you," she whispered. "I needed this." She leaned in and licked the fabric over her penis. Lauren felt the warmth of her tongue through her shorts.
"Fuck. You're such a cockslut, Camila," Lauren said, pushing her shorts down. Her hard-on sprung free an inch from Camila's face. Her erect nipples chafed against her bra, but she kept it on. Camila liked the lacy red on her.
"Just for your cock," Camila admitted. She chased Lauren's dick with her mouth when Lauren took the base in her hand. Lauren smirked and slapped her cheek with her meat.
"Yeah," she said. "My." Slap. "Cock." Slap. "Slut." Slap.
Camila was fucking panting like a bitch in heat, she was so turned on. Lauren touched the thick head of her dick to Camila's lips, only to pull away when Camila tried to suck. The brunette whined. Lauren grinned and rubbed the tip against Camila's face, leaving a glistening trail of precome on her cheek. "How bad?" she asked.
"So fucking bad," Camila said.
"Where do you want it?" Lauren pressed, drawing shapes on Camila's skin with her cock.
"Fucking anywhere, fuck, I don't care," Camila burst out. "Fuck my fucking mouth, fuck my pussy, fuck my ass, just fuck me!"
"I think that sounds like a great plan, babe," Lauren said. She laid her heavy shaft on Camila's face, balls against her mouth and tip at her forehead, then she pressed until the back of Camila's head hit the wall. Camila moaned under her dick as she licked her balls. Lauren stayed like that, pushing, enjoying the pressure on her cock and Camila's tongue bath.
"Shit," Lauren groaned, pulling back just enough to fist her cock. "Show me your tongue." Camila did as she was told, opening her mouth and presenting her flattened tongue. Lauren set the tip of her dick just inside her mouth, and with small little pushes, rubbed her leaking cockhead all over Camila's soft tongue. Camila whimpered softly—Lauren knew she wanted to suck.
"No, baby," Lauren said softly. "I'm going to fuck your mouth, just liked you asked. Head back, and open wide."
After flashing her a quick smile of excitement, Camila tilted her head back a little, straightening her neck to make it easier for Lauren's cock to go down her throat. Lauren propped herself up with her forearm in front of her on the wall as she pushed hard into Camila's mouth. Her cock slid in smooth, even against the tightness of her throat, and she didn't stop until her balls were resting against Camila's chin. "Fuck," Lauren grunted, hand fisting tight in Camila's hair. "Your mouth feels so good, Camz..."
Camila moaned and swallowed once, then twice, around her shaft, throat muscles grasping at her cockhead. Lauren took a shaky breath, and let loose. She fucked Camila's mouth with quick, rough, stabbing thrusts, burying her cock to the hilt in her mouth before pulling out. "You just loved being used like this, don't you?" Lauren challenged, teeth gritted as she tried to keep from coming too fast. "Everybody else looks at your throat and thinks of your beautiful singing voice. All I think about is how good it feels to fuck and shoot my cum down."
"Mmmph," Camila groaned, gazing up at her with pupils blown wide. Drool escaped her lips as Lauren thrust her meat in and out, balls slapping her chin, burying her cockhead down her throat with every push. Lauren's hips were flying; she'd never fucked Camila's mouth this hard, and Camila wasloving it.
It couldn't last, though, and when Lauren's balls tightened she slammed her hips forward and poured her cum in pulses down Camila's throat, letting it slide straight into her stomach. "Shit," she breathed. She pulled out and Camila extended her tongue, her eyes pleading. Lauren grinned and squeezed the last drops of cum from her cockhead into Camila's mouth before tapping her meat on Camila's tongue.
"Thanks, baby. You know I like to taste you," Camila said, her voice rough and wet. She coughed to clear her throat, wiped her mouth, and grinned up at Lauren. "Also, if the internet is wrong and one day your big fucking dick damages my larynx I will never forgive you."
Lauren smiled. "It's not that big."
"Yes, well, tell that to my ass," Camila snarked.
Lauren pulled her up, and once her girlfriend was standing Lauren pinned her to the wall with her mouth instead of her cock. She kissed her hard, tongue sweeping into her mouth, tasting herself on Camila's tongue. When she slipped a hand down between Camila's legs, she smirked at the slippery wetness she found under her panties. Luckily her dick was still rock-hard and good to go for more. "Camila, does your slutty little pussy need some attention?"
"Fuck," Camila whimpered. "Yes, please, fuck..."
Lauren made quick work of Camila's skirt, pushing it down along with her panties. Camila shimmied out of it, leaving her naked from the waist down. It wasn't good enough for Lauren. "Want you naked," she growled, pawing at the hem of her shirt. Camila tore out of her top and unhooked her bra. Lauren smiled predatorily and took Camila's perky breasts in her hands. They were the perfect size for this. Camila's nipples hardened under her palms.
Lauren fisted her dick and nudged her cockhead against the folds of Camila's pussy. "Camz, you're such a greedy cockslut. Can't believe shoving my cock down your throat got you so wet." Camila arched against her, body seeking out contact, shuddering when Lauren rubbed the top of her shaft against her clit. Lauren kissed her roughly, tapping her meat up against her pussy. "Won't be that easy," she whispered against Camila's lips. "Gonna drive you crazy, babe."
She teased Camila's entrance with her cockhead, pinching and tugging at Camila's nipples with her free hand. Leaning in, she pressed hot kisses to Camila's slender neck, sucking at her pulse point, nipping at the lobe of her ear. Camila moaned, hips pushing forward every time Lauren nudged the tip of her cock just inside her wet pussy. "Lauren," Camila hissed. "Please, fuck, I need your cock so bad, baby."
Lauren kissed her, slow and deep, smiling against her mouth as she continued thrusting her cock against Camila's slick folds. "I think I could come like this," she said. "Maybe I don't feel like fucking your slutty pussy. You've had so much dick it's not even tight anymore." It was patently untrue, but she knew talking like this turned Camila on.
"Lauren, please," Camila moaned. Her hands pulled insistently on Lauren's hips. "I'll clench my pussy for you, make it tight for your cock...please, baby."
"Fuck, I love it when you beg," Lauren growled. She leaned in again, kissing Camila's neck; she wanted Camila's mouth by her ear for this. She lifted Camila's leg to her hip, positioned her leaking cockhead at the entrance to Camila's pussy, and pushed in slowly, savoring the catch in Camila's breath as she was filled. Her girlfriend's pussy was heaven; tight, slick, hot, fucking perfection around her cock, and Lauren hissed in pleasure as she thrust inside her.
Camila clutched at her back, fingernails digging into her skin around her bra. Lauren fucked her with slow thrusts, driving her hips and holding Camila's thigh to her for leverage. Camila moaned, her lips parted, and Lauren couldn't help but press their mouths together, a messy kiss that ended with Camila panting against her cheek. "Lauren, baby, I love your fucking cock so fucking much. You have no idea how badly I needed this..."
"Yeah?" Lauren husked, speeding up a little, fucking Camila harder against the wall. "You gonna come on my cock like a good girl? Just from me pounding you? I know you can, Camz. I won't even have to touch your clit."
Camila's pussy clenched around her dick, her lashes fluttering. "Shit, Lauren! Need you deeper."
"Yeah, you want all of my dick?" Lauren rasped, pulling out abruptly. "Fucking turn around then. Bend over, hands on the wall." Camila obeyed, situating herself a couple feet from the wall before leaning in to press the side of her face to it, hands spread on either side of her. She arched her back, presenting her ass for Lauren. Lauren's mouth watered at the sight of her soaked pussy and the tight puckered hole above it. She wanted to bury her face in all of that, inhale and lick, but that could come later.
She eased back in, pushing slow and firm, watching every inch of her cock bury itself in Camila's tight pussy. "Oh my God," Lauren muttered, gripping Camila's hips as she pulled out to the head. "So good, baby."
She set a slow pace at first, her cock thrusting in and out with deep strokes, her hips coming flush to Camila's ass before she slid back. It took all her restraint not to let loose and pound the fuck out of Camila's pussy, but she knew how much Camila loved being made to beg for it. Cama was silent for a moment, her breath fluttering the hair that had fallen over her face. Lauren brushed it away, and bit her lip at the rapture on Camila's face. She'd seen that expression at church when people were having religious experiences. It was times like this that she really loved her dick.
"You're so beautiful," Lauren whispered.
"Thank you, Lauren, but fuck me faster please," Camila said with a slow smile. She wiggled her ass.
Lauren smirked, held her hips a little tighter, picked up her pace a little. "Tell me what you are, baby."
"A slut for your cock," Camila moaned. "Fuck, Lauren...fuck me faster please."
Lauren leaned in, close to her ear, driving her dick into her as she did. "Yeah baby, you're a cockslut," she said softly against the shell of Camila's ear, with perfect enunciation. "I don't think anybody loves cock more than you, Camz. You just can't get enough. There's nothing you wouldn't do to have my big dick pounding your slutty pussy, is there?"
Camila groaned, her hips undulating against Lauren's tight grip. "Fuck, Lauren, shit, I'm close."
Lauren swallowed hard and set a sudden fierce pace, her hips crashing against Camila's ass with every rapid thrust. Camila cried out, and her hands balled into fists. "Fuck!" she shouted, slamming one fist against the wall. "Lauren, please don't stop, fuck, please..."
"Come on my dick, baby," Lauren urged, panting as her hips churned. She tried to fuck Camila straight through the wall, pounding her as hard as she could, and Camila came undone, an arching, shuddering mess as her pussy clenched rhythmically on her thrusting shaft.
"Fuck, Lauren, fuck, fuck, fuck," Camila chanted softly. Her orgasm washed through her and left her spent, sagging bonelessly against the wall. Lauren would be congratulating herself on a job well done, but she'd nearly come and she still had one more of her girlfriend's holes to ravish. She stayed buried in Camila, afraid to move, and caught her breath.
"I hope you don't think we're done," Lauren said after a moment, a smirk tugging at her lips. She pulled out carefully, slowly, and knelt behind Camila.
"I know better than to think that," Camila giggled. She gasped when Lauren palmed her ass cheeks, thumbs spreading her pussy open. Lauren sighed in pleasure at the sight of her freshly fucked pussy. Camila's wet, pink flesh glistened invitingly at her. She licked her lips and dived in, licking deep into her pussy. Camila swore up a storm as Lauren ate her out, moaning and arching and pushing back against Lauren's face.
It was an awkward angle, but at Lauren's urging Camila spread her legs more and lifted herself onto her toes, letting Lauren's mouth reach her hardened clit. Lauren suckled the sensitive nub into her mouth, tapping and licking and curling her tongue against it until Camila came again, her girl cum wetting Lauren's face.
"I love your tongue," Camila sighed. "You're amazing, baby."
"You love it here?" Lauren asked, taking a long, slow lick in Camila's pussy.
Camila hummed agreement.
"How about here?" Lauren parted Camila's cheeks and licked her asshole, making Camila hiss in pleasure.
"Yeah," she whispered. "There, too."
"Mm, good girl," Lauren said softly. She closed her eyes and started working on the tight clench of Camila's ass with her tongue, pushing and licking at the little hole until it began to give. She didn't bother with fingers; Camila liked it to hurt at first, loved the impossible stretch of Lauren's dick forcing her open. Lauren fisted her cock, jacking herself off while she worked to keep hard. She tongued Camila's ass until the tight star had given way to a little gape that shined with her spit. "Ready baby?" she murmured.
"Yeah," Camila said, twisting to look down at her. "Split me open, Lauren. I want to feel your cock stretching me out..."
"Good," Lauren said, standing with a grin. "My tongue was about to start cramping."
"Poor baby." Camila smiled. "Let me kiss it better."
"That's my dirty girl," Lauren replied approvingly. She leaned in and kissed Camila. The brunette moaned at the taste of her ass on Lauren's tongue. Lauren's cock twitched, aching to be buried in something again. She set her shaft in between Camila's ass cheeks and pushed down, thrusting lightly against the soft skin as Camila licked into her mouth. "Tell me," Lauren murmured against Camila's lips. "Tell me what you want me to do."
"Need your cock in my ass, Lauren," Camila whispered. "Need you to fuck my cockslut asshole as hard as you fucking can. Fuck it and use it to cum; dump your load deep inside me. Fuck me until my asshole is stretched out and gaping for your dick. Fuck me so hard I won't be able to walk two steps tomorrow without thinking of you and your fucking beautiful cock." She took a deep, shuddering breath. "Fuck me, Lauren. Please."
"Holy fuck," Lauren grunted. She spit on her fingers and slicked the head of her dick, then lined up and started pushing against the tightness of Camila's asshole. Camila moaned, low and long, and pushed back against her, yelping when the thick head of Lauren's cock popped into her ass. From there they worked together, Camila whimpering and Laurne panting as they loosened Camila's hole. Slow, short thrusts turned deeper, faster, and before long Lauren was fucking her, hips smacking her ass loud enough to echo through Camila's apartment. "Hold yourself open for me, babe," Lauren said. "Keep your back arched like that. So fucking pretty."
Camila kept her face and shoulders pressed to the wall, but reached back and pulled her cheeks apart for Lauren, arching her back to let Lauren's cock drive as deep into her ass as possible. "Yeah, just like that," Lauren said. "I can't believe you're such a desperate anal slut, Camz. You just love getting your ass stuffed with thick dick, don't you?"
"Yeah baby," Camila worked out. She bit down hard on her lower lip, eyes sliding shut as Lauren drilled her ass. "I, fuck, I wish you'd fuck my ass more. You know I can't get enough."
"You want to come again, don't you?" Lauren said with a smirk. "I can see it in your face."
"Please," Camila whimpered.
"Go ahead," Lauren said. "Rub your slutty pussy. I want to feel you clench your holes when you come." She watched Camila's ass swallow her shaft over and over, loving the way her tight hole tried to keep her cock inside on every backstroke, her stretched pucker even dragging back on her cock. Lauren loved Camila's pussy, but this was just something else entirely. It was so fucking tight, and Camila made entirely different noises, cuter ones, when she was getting her ass fucked hard like this.
Lauren pounded her ass as fast and rough as she could, willing this to somehow last forever, but it was short lived. Moments after Camila's hand slipped down between her legs the brunette's body tightened and flexed. "Lauren!" she shouted. Lauren groaned as Camila's ass clamped down on her, squeezing her dick and creating delicious friction as she fucked her. Her balls tightened as Camila panted and moaned and came, and then Lauren was coming too, spilling her cum in thick spurts deep in Camila's ass. Pleasure whitewashed her senses, her hips stuttering in their rhythm.
When it was over Lauren found herself leaned up against Camila, pinning her bodily to the wall. Her bra was sweat soaked, like Camila's hair. They took a moment to come down from their orgasms, for their breathing and heartrates to even out. Lauren moaned as she pulled her softening cock from Camila's ass, then backed off enough to let Camila finally turn around to face her. Lauren fell back into Camila's arms, head falling to her shoulder. "Wow," Lauren said. "I never even made it into the living room?"
"No," Camila said. She giggled into Lauren's hair and stroked her back. "This is what happens when we don't have sex for three whole days, apparently. We turn into animals and fuck each other on sight."
Lauren smiled. "Yeah," she said. "Apparently." They stayed like that for a moment, then Lauren raised her head to look into Camila's dark eyes. "I love you," she whispered. She loved being rough with Camila during sex, but it seemed unavoidable for her to feel a little guilty afterward, no matter how many times Camila assured her it wasn't necessary.
"I love you too, baby," Camila said softly. She cupped Lauren's flushed cheeks and pressed a kiss to her lips. "More than anything."

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