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It was just after Harmonizer club practice.
Mr. Payne was picking up his sheet music, James, Austin and Brad were busy talking about the newest video game they wanted to play, Ally, Jasmine, and Jacob were just leaving the room and Normani and Dinah were already gone. The only one who didn't make a move to leave was Lauren Jauregui.
No, Lauren Jauregui had a plan and for that she had to stay a little while longer.
The black-haired softball player watched as Camila Cabello packed her things and moved them to the piano. Camila always stayed behind after everyone left to run a few more scales or to practice on the piano a little more before her dad was able to pick her up after work. Lauren knew this because she had memorized the girl's schedule for torturing purposes.
But not today. Today she had something else in mind.
Camila didn't notice that she was now alone with Lauren Jauregui in the choir room or else she might have been more cautious. Only the sound of a lock being bolted made her look up to see aforementioned cheerleader leaning casually against the door. The only escape.
"Laur... What are you still doing here?", Lauren could see that Camila's body stiffened and that the tiny brunette was getting ready to defend herself whichever way possible, probably by grabbing her school bag and whacking it over Lauren's head, but the black-haired girl only smiled slightly and made her way over.
"I think we need to talk, Cabello. And I couldn't do it properly with all the other idiots distracting and annoying me. I think it's time for some girl-talk again." Camila snapped her open mouth shut as the black-haired girl came to a halt in front of her. "Maybe you should sit down for this." Her voice was a sultry whisper now.
"Lauren, I assure you, I did not touch your boyfriend. Brad is a nice guy and I'm sure you like him very much, which is why I would never try to take him from you, I've learned my lesson with Austin and I just want you to know, that I respect you enough to not make a move on any of your future men ever again... W-What are you doing?", Lauren had lowered herself onto her knees so that she was face to face with Camila's crotch, although she was still looking at the diva's face.
"I don't want to talk about Brad, Camila. I broke up with him yesterday afternoon, that's why he was sitting so far away from me today. I never actually wanted him, he was just useful to get my reputation back on track." Camila was confused, why was Lauren telling her all this?
"Oh, that's uh... that's good then, I mean, not that you guys broke up, but that you don't have to p-put up with him anymore, if you d-didn't want him a-anyway. Uhm, could you... could you let go of my legs?", Lauren's hands were wrapped around Camila's calves and she was slowly pulling the diva's pelvis closer to her own face, still focusing very clearly on the brunette's.
"Sorry, Cabello, no can do.", her hands slid up Camila's smooth legs, parting them in the process and she smirked in satisfaction as Camila's breath hitched.
"Lauren, I do not understand, why are you doing this?", she tried to grab the softball player's hands, but Lauren only held on tighter to Camila's flawless skin and now she lowered her head to the inside of the brunette's creamy thighs, placing a demanding, hot kiss on it.
"I saw you yesterday, Camila. You were in here during lunch break and I saw you... touching yourself." Camila's blush was so hot it felt like her face might melt off if she didn't cool off soon. She couldn't say anything, she couldn't even think. Was this really happening? Her worst enemy had... seen her while she was... masturbating? "I heard you too, Camila. Do you know what you were saying, moaning, when you came?"
"Lauren, if you want to humiliate me further than you already have, please just do so, so I can move on from the shame that you daily instill in me.", even though Camila was her usual rambly self on the outside, she was freaking out on the inside. How much had Lauren seen? Had she noticed the not so subtle, well... thing in Camila's hand as she was pleasuring herself? "If you want to destroy me, go ahead, I will not stop you. But mark my words, I will get out of this cow town and become a famous Broadway singer and not even you or your bullying is going to stop me."
"Who said anything about destroying you, Camila? I was thinking more around the lines of..." Lauren rose to her feet, lowered her head so she could whisper in Camila's ear and grinned lightly as she bit into Camila's earlobe. "Fucking you."
This time Camila was even more than speechless, she couldn't even open her mouth, she just sat still like a stone and blushed as she felt her secret twitch inside her panties and skirt as Lauren's fingers slipped inside her shirt to almost casually flit over shivering abs.
"I-I'm sorry... I must have... misunderstood you...?" the brunette swallowed as she heard Lauren's perfect giggle.
"I want to fuck you, Camila Cabello. I want you to fuck me. I want us to fuck." Lauren sank back to her knees and started sliding her hands under Camila's ridiculously short skirt. She was surprised that nobody else had figured the brunette out yet, but decided to let it slip as she was very glad that nobody but her had noticed. "And I know you want me too, Camila, you were moaning my name so loud yesterday I was afraid the whole school was going to hear."
The black-haired girl was about to slide down Camila's panties but the brunette gripped her hands and stilled all her movement. For the first time since she entered Harmonizer club that day, Lauren felt self-conscious and like she was crossing boundaries she shouldn't ever cross.
"Please, Lauren. Assuming that you do not feel repulsed by me and that you actually want to have sexual intercourse I also have to assume that you didn't see everything yesterday. Having said that I cannot let you continue with your quest of getting me into... well, not exactly into bed, considering we are in school and I am sitting on the piano bench. But please, respect that I do not want you to know everything there is to know about me.", with everything, Camila was referring to the seven inch dick that was currently still sitting inside her panties, half hard and ready to make Lauren Jauregui hers. But Camila couldn't let the black-haired girl know that.
Something in Lauren's brain clicked into place.
"I know what you're hiding, Camila. I know what you hide under your short skirts and I'm not afraid of it. Did you really think I wouldn't notice you jacking off in here while thinking about me?" her voice dropped to a whisper again. "I want you to fuck me with that cock you want nobody to find out about. I want you inside me, Camila. I want you. I already knew you were a freak before I knew about this, I couldn't think any less off you than I already do."
Camila didn't know if this was positive or not but decided it was irrelevant as Lauren suddenly pulled down her panties and gripped her shaft and all coherent thought went out the window as she looked down to see Lauren Jauregui pumping her now fully erect cock and smiling mischievously up at her.
"What did you say last year again, Camila? Girls want sex just as much as guys do? I guess the show you put on yesterday proves your point. You must be dying to be with me," enjoying the feel of the hard cock in her hand, Lauren lowered her head to blow hot air onto the head of Camila's penis. "You know, I'm not that cruel. I won't just leave you hanging, when it's obvious how much you want me."
Without further ado, Lauren took Camila's appendage into her mouth and starting sucking on the head like her life depended on it. She had never done this before. Not with James before he got her pregnant and certainly not with Brad. She hadn't let that boy touch her at all while they made out, she just didn't feel anything even remotely romantic or sexual about him. With Camila it was a whole different story.
When Camila moaned and let her hand slide insider Lauren's hair to bring her closer she didn't pull away to chastise her, nor did she mind the feel of Camila's cock pushing its way ever deeper into her mouth and throat. As a matter of fact, Lauren wanted Camila to touch her, to pull her closer, she wanted Camila as deep inside her as possible.
She had been thinking about the singer for quite some time now even though she'd never intended to make a move on the girl. But watching Camila pleasure herself while whispering and moaning her name had been the most erotic thing Lauren had ever seen and she hadn't been able to ignore the pull in her stomach any longer. So she had broken up with Brad ten minutes later and had thought of a plan in her mind to get Camila. And by the looks of it she had succeeded as well.
"Oh, Lauren..." Camila had never felt anything like this. Lauren's slick mouth pushing up and down and sucking and with her tongue licking and bathing her meat she wasn't sure how long she was going to be able to last. This was her first time something other than her own hand had touched her down there and it felt amazing. Especially since it was the girl of her dreams who was currently giving her a very thorough blow-job.
She had to stifle a loud moan as Lauren softly bit down on her head and pulled away right after.
"Does this feel good, Camila? Do I make you feel good?" Camila groaned in disapproval as Lauren ceased all movement of her hand and her mouth.
"Please, Lauren. You're amazing, please don't stop, I feel like I'm going to die if you don't finish me off, please." she was reduced to begging as Lauren's finger slowly and teasingly stroked over the quivering shaft. The cheerleader smirked.
"Gosh, Cabello. Eager much? Maybe I don't want this to end so soon, I never took you for the early arrival type.", but the black-haired girl didn't tease Camila any further but leaned forward again to once more envelope Camila's cock with her mouth, this time pushing the entirety of it inside so that her nose was nestled inside a fluff of neatly trimmed, brunette hair.
She pulled back almost immediately before going back in, deep throating the diva and in turn making her moan the loudest she had yet. She felt more than accomplished as she felt Camila's thighs starting to shake, impending orgasm only a second away.
Deciding to push Camila over the edge with a bang, Lauren took her back all the way inside and started humming Camila's favorite Wicked song Defying Gravity, pushing the brunette almost instantly over the edge.
Swallowing all Camila had to give her, the black-haired girl pulled away from the now softening cock and wiped her mouth were a little bit of spit along with come had spilled from it.
Camila's eyes were shut tight and her breathing was going irregularly as she tried her best to compose herself after the most intense orgasm of her entire life. She knew that Lauren was smirking without having to see it and wasn't even surprised as she heard a soft, feminine chuckle from underneath her that made her cock twitch back to life. Everything about Lauren was a big turn-on for Camila.
"Wow, Cabello. I admire your stamina. I just probably gave you your best fucking orgasm ever and you're already eager for round two. I see how it is.", finally opening her lids, Camila was met by two hungry, green eyes and a smile most guys would kill to see. She still couldn't believe how lucky she was even though she wasn't sure what she would do if this all turned out to be part of some master plan to humiliate her and her family even further.
"Your mind is wandering off, Cabello and I don't like that. I want you to focus on me and only me. You see, I'm a girl that needs a lot of attention from the people she is with." she grabbed Camila's cheeks and held her face firmly in her hands. "You don't think about anything else while you're with me, Cabello, you understand me?"
The brunette nodded frantically.
"Good girl, now I want you to really fuck me. I was being nice before, I just wanted to get you ready for me, do you a little favor before we did it.", firmly pressing her lips to Camila's the black-haired girl pushed down her spanks and panties, grabbed the brunette's hands and pulled her away from the piano bench. "I want you to give it to me, Camila. I want you to fuck me like you'll never fuck anyone ever again, do you understand me?"
The brunette nodded again even though she had no idea where she was supposed to fuck Lauren. They were in the choir room after all and there weren't many opportunities to lie down or to... have sex against. Camila blushed at the thought but before her mind could wander again she quickly focused on the cheerleader like she had promised and let herself be guided to the back of the piano.
Then Lauren stopped for a second, kissing Camila with all she had.
Not pulling away from Camila's face, the black-haired girl stared down into dark, chocolate brown pools of desire and grinned internally. It was obvious that Camila wanted her very much, if the cock poking Lauren in the stomach was any indication, but it was also the way the tiny brunette looked at her. With a mix of awe and wonder and like she would never want anyone in her entire life as much as Lauren in this very moment.
"This is your first time, right?" her voice had taken a softer tone now. Camila only nodded slowly. "I'm sorry we can't make this any more special, Camila. But I can't wait."
Slowly turning around, Lauren softly leaned against the back of the piano and spread her legs, pushing her ass out behind her and producing a condom out of her back pocket. "I want you to put this on and then I want you to take me, do you understand, Cabello? This time, I'm doing it right, this time I won't risk anything. This time I'm prepared."
Camila fumbled with the little square in her hand for a second before she managed to rip it open and roll it over her appendage that was now painfully hard to the touch. The mere fact that Lauren trusted her enough to be inside her after what happened with James was a big deal. Camila knew from Austin that Lauren hadn't even made the attempt to sleep with Brad and it filled her with a sense of pride.
"I hope that I can live up to your... expectations, Lauren."
"Enough with the talking, Cabello. You can talk once we're finished but right now I really need you inside.", trying her hardest not to blush at Lauren's words, the brunette diva grabbed the black-haired girl's waist and pulled her a little closer, adjusting her penis with her right hand.
"I imagine this could hurt a little bit, since it has been a while for you... If you want me to stop, just say so. I don't want to hurt you any more than I have to." bringing the head of her cock to Lauren's entrance, the tiny singer braced herself for the inevitable. She had never done this before and she was scared she was going to blow the second she was inside Lauren. Which would be embarrassing. And not at all pleasurable for Lauren. And she wanted it to be good for Lauren. She wanted it to be amazing.
"Camila, I swear to God, if you don't get this show on the road in about one second I will personally make sure you will never use your little Cabello between your legs ever again.", startled by Lauren's words – Camila had been drifting off once again – Camila quickly put her hands on Lauren's hips and pushed inside with a single, swift thrust and a sharp intake of breath.
Lauren let out a shudder at the foreign feeling. Yes, she had slept with James once before, but that had been over a year ago and since then she hadn't had sex with anyone. Somehow though, Camila felt different inside her than the dirty-blonde boy had. Camila certainly wasn't smaller than the bad boy but there was that moment where Camila paused and waited for Lauren to adjust, something James hadn't done that one time they were together in that way.
Taking in Lauren's silence Camila became worried.
"Lauren? Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want me to pull out? Lauren?", but her questions answered themselves when Lauren turned her head to look Camila in the eye and smile at her.
"I'm fine, Camila. Please, don't stop." that was all the confirmation that Camila needed. The black-haired girl felt too addictive to resist and within a second Camila was pushing into her on a fast pace, amazed at the warm and soft feeling of the cheerleader around her.
Lauren's mouth had been amazing but Lauren herself? Camila didn't even have words for it and that was saying something because Camila had words for everything. Just not this.
She gripped Lauren's hips a little tighter and whimpered softly as Lauren squeezed her inner muscles, gripping her in the process and creating a delicious friction.
Lauren herself couldn't believe how good this felt. Being with James had been painful and all around horrible but Camila just had a way of moving that was rapidly pushing the black-haired girl to the edge. Lauren knew what coming felt like but certainly not from James, during her pregnancy Lauren's hormones had been all over the place and in order to not lose her sanity completely she had to take care of herself on multiple occasions, seeing as she didn't want any boy – or girl, for that matter – anywhere near her protruding belly.
But as Camila pushed inside her with such fervor and dedication, no doubt determined to make Lauren come before she herself did, Lauren had never felt so wanted.
Lauren moaned loudly as Camila hit a particularly soft spot inside of her and the brunette stopped abruptly.
"Camila, what the fuck! Don't stop!" she wanted to feel that amazing feeling again. "Shit, Camz, I'm seriously fucking close. Hit that spot again, come on." But Camila didn't move and only on further inspection – Lauren had to turn her head around to an almost awkwardly uncomfortable angle – did the black-haired girl cheerleader notice that Camila's eyes were closed in what appeared to be concentration and that she was furiously biting her lip. "Are you... okay?"
"I-I'm sorry, Lauren. I-I just need a minute." apparently Camila was a little closer to orgasm than Lauren was and was trying to avoid a premature explosion.
"It's fine, Camila. You can come if you want to, I don't mind." Lauren didn't know where the words came from that were spilling out of her mouth. Of course she'd mind if Camila came without finishing her off. She'd walk around all day – and probably tomorrow too – completely sexually frustrated. Taking care of herself just didn't do it for her anymore.
But her train of thought was interrupted as Camila started moving again, this time faster and harder, seemingly steeling herself against her orgasm. Lauren silently admired her will-power but quickly abandoned her thoughts altogether, merely reveling in the feel of Camila Cabello pounding inside her.
The diva lowered her mouth to Lauren's neck and softly bit into it, marking her, trying to delay the rapidly approaching explosion for Lauren's sake. She didn't want Lauren's second time to be like her first, she wanted it to be special and memorable and something she would think back on and enjoy.
Letting her right hand slide down the cheerleader's front, Camila upped her pace even more, trying to hit that certain spot that had Lauren mewling and quivering, hitting it repeatedly once she had finally found it. The black-haired girl's hand that wasn't busy with grabbing onto the piano gripped Camila's hair and held her close, obviously enjoying the hard, demanding kisses the brunette left all over her neck and around the hickey she had previously left.
Camila's fingers finally came into contact with Lauren's engorged, wet clit, her fingers sliding around and pressing down on it which ultimately did the trick for Lauren, pushing her over the edge and making her bite her lip to stifle the scream her throat wanted to release.
Instead a broken whisper of Camila's name escaped, sending Camila tumbling into orgasm herself, leaving them both a quivering mess, both still very much connected, simply collapsing against the piano, breathing heavily.
Lauren regained her composure first.
Still panting but immensely satisfied the black-haired girl slowly opened her eyes and grinned to herself as she felt Camila still inside her, albeit now soft and flaccid. After her first time she had felt dirty and just wanted to get away from James as soon as possible. But Camila was soft and warm and cuddly above her and everything just felt so much different with her.
Bumping her ass gently against Camila's crotch, Lauren tenderly stroked the brunette hair behind her.
"Hey, Camila. You still there or did you faint on me?", the black-haired girl only heard a soft chuckle behind her before the dick that was still buried inside her was gently extracted and the body pressing Lauren against the grand piano straightened, allowing Lauren to stand up herself and to pull her panties and spanks back up her legs.
"I'm sorry I almost squished you beneath me but my legs wouldn't carry me anymore. I have just never... experienced something like this, Lauren and I am sorry if I didn't fulfill your desires to your full satisfaction. Please consider doing this again, I am sure that practice makes perf-mh.", Lauren's lips on her own terminated Camila's rant but the brunette didn't complain.
"You talk too much, Camila. We'll need to work on that. As well as on other things."
"Everything you want, Lauren.", now that she had the girl of her dreams, Camila certainly wouldn't ruin it by being so... Camila.

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