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Camila g!p
Lauren woke the next day with a welcomed soreness between her legs. She was still in awe of what had happened. For one, she'd never met a girl with a dick before, let alone a girl that hot and deceivingly feminine. Also, it was quite possibly the best fuck of her life. She chuckled at the thought, who was she kidding? It was definitely the best fuck of her life.
What was more surprising was how her body responded to the cop's degrading treatment. Every time she hit her or spat derogatory words, a wave of pleasure jolted between her legs. At first she was almost embarrassed at how much she loved it, but then she realised that it was so worth it. She couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious brunette, of whose name was still unknown. They parted quickly after Lauren wrote down her cell phone number. The Officer smirked and said they'd talk soon, sauntering away back towards her police car.
She couldn't help but wonder how soon was soon. A day? A week? What if she forgot? These thoughts wouldn't leave her mind for the entire day. Even at work her boss could tell that she was distant. Lauren knew this because he kept walking past her work station and glancing at her laptop. Each time she'd pretend to be checking a document or working on a new piece. When really, the entire time she was recalling the previous night. It was enough to make her panties soak through. She found herself glancing at her phone every couple of minutes, only to see a blank screen. She was frustrated and becoming impatient. By the end of her day, she had practically given up hope.
Grumbling under her breath, Lauren slammed her front door shut and chucked her phone onto the kitchen table along with her bag. Her work day was shit, as always. She slipped out of her heels and took off her jacket. Just before she was about to walk upstairs to change, her phone buzzed loudly on the marble tabletop.
Grabbing her phone in record time, she slid the green arrow on her iPhone and and opened the new text. Her heart jumped in excitement when seeing who it was from.
Just got off my shift
was wondering if you're free tonight?
Lauren's breath caught in her throat. A wild sense of exhilaration coursed through her veins. Even if she wasn't free she'd cancel all plans just to see the blonde again.
What did you have in mind? ;)
Lauren tentatively hovered her thumb over the send button. Was the wink too much? She wondered. After a second's thought she simply laughed at her ridiculous contemplation and sent the message. They'd already fucked and she was scared that a wink would be too forward.
Barely a minute passed until she received another text.
What do you think?
Fuck, I've been hard for you all day.
Tell me your address and I'll be there in 10.
I'm a cop, remember? I can speed.
Lauren let out a nervous laugh. She bit her lip, re-reading the message. Then a thought struck her.
Tell me your name and I'll give you my address.
She sent it and waited tentatively. Instantly, she received a reply.
Camila. Now tell me where you live.
Lauren smirked. Camila. She thought. It suited her. Now she had a name to scream besides Officer Cabello. Although, she wouldn't be opposed using those terms again. She texted Camila her address and waited.
When she heard the wailing of a siren, her eyes bugled and she ran to her front door. She didn't need her neighbours thinking she was some kind of criminal. However, before she even made it to the door, it seemed Camila was one step ahead of her. She was halfway down the stairs when there was a serious of desperate knocks.
She sprinted, swinging the door open.
In her wait, she had decided to change her clothes. She wanted to impress the woman, as well as seduce her all over again.
Camila's eyes widened as she took in Lauren's appearance. The Latina wore nothing but a red lacy bra with matching panties accompanied by connecting garters and six inch black stilettos. Her whole appearance screamed 'fuck me', and she wasn't about to deny her that.
"Well? Are you going to come in?" Lauren asked coyly.
She could almost see the drool hanging from Camila's mouth. The brunette jumped at her words and very much out of character, stumbled into the house and closed the door behind her. Lauren bit her lip and roamed her eyes over the woman's outfit.
Her top half was barely covered by a tight black singlet - part of her bra was showing. Her bottom half sucked in by a pair of denim skinny jeans and a pair of black heels.
"Suddenly I feel overdressed." Camila spoke, her voice low and husky, dark blue eyes shamelessly fixated on Lauren's chest.
"Oh well, I'm sure I could help you with that." Lauren rasped, taking a step forward so that their bodies were close, just barely touching.
"You have no idea how fucking hard it's been to not cum in my pants today. Just thinking about last night drives me crazy." Camila practically whined.
The desperate tone made Lauren flush. She hadn't expected Camila to be so wound up. It was really turning her on. The once assertive Officer was almost whimpering with need. Lauren's breath hitched, only just realising how ready she was as Camila stepped forward, crashing their bodies together.
"Fuck, I need you so bad." Camila hissed, pressing her crotch against Lauren's thigh, grinding herself against her.
Lauren let out a surprised yelp and looked down. She could see the outline of Camila's cock through her jeans. Her body burned in excitement. She noticed she was already soaking through her panties. A puddle of her arousal coated the crotch of Camila's jeans.
"Treat me like you did yesterday." Lauren begged wantonly. She hadn't meant lose her composure so early, but one day had felt like a year away from Camila.
"Yeah?" The brunette asked, a thinly plucked eyebrow raising curiously. She hadn't been sure if she was too rough, fearing she'd pushed the smaller girl too far. But apparently not. The discovery boosted her confidence all over again.
"Uh huh." Lauren replied breathily. She noticed Camila's eyes light up at her consent and moaned at the thought of what was to come.
"You really love being my slut, don't you?" Camila questioned whilst wrapping her arms around the Latina and roughly groping her ass. This elicited one of those tiny high pitched moans that almost made Camila cum on the spot.
"Fuck... yes." Lauren replied, rubbing her thigh into Camila's erection.
"You want to be spanked?" Camila asked tauntingly. As she said this, she smacked Lauren's ass hard, the noise echoing around the room.
Lauren whimpered, her body jolting at the touch. She was so turned on that she felt like one touch could make her cum. Her pussy had never felt so sensitive.
"Again." Lauren gasped, rutting between the cop's legs.
"Mmm, slow down there. Don't want you cumming just yet." Camila teased, stepping back. "How about we take this to the bedroom?"
All Lauren could do was nod vigorously. With a surprised squeak, Camila picked the smaller girl up. Lauren instinctively wrapped her legs around Camila's waist. She was still amazed by her strength. It seemed so effortless as she carried her up the stairs and into her room. Camila let Lauren down and grabbed her ass again, crushing their hips together.
"You sure you want it rough? Do you think you can take it?" Camila asked. It was obvious that her tone was intent on degrading Lauren, who picked up on it straight away.
"Yes, please." Lauren replied, nodding. "Please." She gasped, becoming impatient.
"Well then I guess we wont be needing a safe word." Camila said with a twisted smirk.
Lauren was about to question her, but was caught off guard as she was pulled forward and slammed against the wall. It was almost hard enough to make a dent in the wall. It should have hurt, but all she felt was a rush of arousal.
"You're mine." Camila growled, burying her teeth into Lauren's neck.
"Shit!" Lauren hissed, arching her neck to allow the brunette more room.
Camila sucked on her pulse point, hard enough to bruise. She wanted to mark her, remind her who she belonged to. The little yelps and moans only spurred her on. Each time she'd nip a little harder, testing Lauren's limits. So far it seemed she had none.
"Look at you, all dressed up for me." Camila noted, roaming her hands over Lauren's abs before squeezing both of her tits. "I bet you'd do anything for me, huh?"
"Mmmph, anything!" Lauren whined as Camila squeezed harder.
"You fucking better. Do you know what happens when sluts don't do what they're told?"
Lauren could think of a few reasons, but she let Camila decide.
"They get punished." Camila finished, spanking one of Lauren's tits.
"Oh my God." Lauren whimpered.
Camila watched as green eyes rolled back and Lauren's back arched. Fuck she loved it when she did that. It made her dick throb every time.
"Get on the bed and spread your legs." Camila demanded.
Lauren complied instantly, and within seconds she was in position, looking up at Camila with lust coated eyes. It took a lot for the blonde not to jump the girl and fuck her senseless right then. As much as she would love that, she loved this more.
"Have I told you how sexy you are?" Camila asked, popping the button of her jeans.
Lauren shook her head, remaining mute.
"Just thinking about you gets me hard. Yours tits, your ass, ugh, that fucking pussy. So fucking perfect." She moaned, sliding down her jeans.
Lauren watched in awe as Camila stripped herself bare. After long torturous seconds, the blonde stood before her completely naked. Lauren's gaze shot between her legs where her huge cock stood tall. She wanted nothing more than to crawl forward and take it down her throat.
"You want this?" Camila teased, stroking her dick.
Lauren whimpered and nodded. She couldn't even talk she was so turned on.
"Please!" Lauren begged, everything was throbbing. She felt so close and she wasn't even being touched. Her head flung back and her thigh muscles clenched. "Oh, fuck!" She moaned. "Fuuuuck, Camila!"
Lauren was heaving, her legs shaking. All Camila could do was watch, awestruck.
"Oh God..." Lauren cried, pressing her thighs together. Her face contorted into complete ecstasy.
Camila let go of her cock, scared that she might cum just from the sight in front of her. When it seemed like Lauren's breathing evened out and her body relaxed, she looked up at Camila with hooded eyes.
"Did you just cum?" Camila asked, picking her jaw up from the floor.
"I-I-" Lauren stammered. "I didn't m-mean-"
"Did I say you could cum?" Camila demanded, sounding angry.
It was supposed to intimidate her, but Lauren only felt a rush of arousal at the accusation.
"N-no..." She spluttered out, trying to compose herself after her first handsfree orgasm. It had been more intense than she'd imagined.
Although Camila kept up a good front, she couldn't hide the physical effects that Lauren's surprise orgasm had on her. Her cock twitched every couple of seconds, begging for attention. This didn't go unseen by Lauren.
"I can make it up to you." Lauren offered desperate, sitting up on her knees.
"And just how are you going to do that?" Camila asked, trying to sound more curious than turned on.
She watched a smirk form on Lauren's face, as she crawled slowly off the bed and onto the floor. Stopping when her head was level with her cock. Camila looked down, eyebrows raised, waiting for her next move. Lauren parted her lips and began to lean forward. However, her movements were halted by a fist in her hair, tugging her back roughly.
"You think it's that easy? You have to earn my cock." Camila spat, unrelenting as she pulling Lauren to her feet.
She thrust forward, until her nine inch erection was pressed up against Lauren's stomach. She pulled back and thrust forward, earning a desperate moan from the smaller girl.
"I'm sorry." Lauren tried.
Camila's expression remained indifferent. She snaked a hand up to Lauren's neck and gripped firmly around her throat. Just enough so that she couldn't breathe. Lauren whimpered helplessly, but didn't fight it.
"You will be." Camila replied darkly.
Lauren's eyes rolled back. She was enjoying this way too much.
"Fuck, you're such a little bitch, aren't you? You're twisted, Lauren. I'm choking you and you're fucking enjoying it." She said, squeezing harder.
Lauren began to struggle, she bit her lip and crossed her legs over. She was close again, embarrassingly so. Camila noticed, looking down between her legs. Lauren began to whimper, her body writhing. At this, Camila let go, stepping back and parting all contact.
"You're fucking cumming again?" She yelled in outrage.
Lauren shook her head. She had been so close. One more second and she'd have gone over the edge. She tried to mentally ease the burning between her legs, but it was almost impossible. It was bordering on torture, and the worst part was that she was loving it. She needed something to distract her, she needed to touch Camila.
She fell to her knees and took Camila's dick down her throat before she could object. The brunette reacted with a sudden squeak of surprise, quickly turning into strings of curses and moans. Lauren bobbed her head up and down as quickly as she could, she took the entire length, choking just how Camila's loved it.
The gagging noises brought Camila that much closer to release, she couldn't help but thrust forward. Lauren stilled, allowing the girl to fuck her face.
"Ohhh fuck, you're gonna make me cum." Camila groaned. She fucked Lauren's mouth for all that it was worth forcing her entire nine inches down her tight throat.
"Such a good fucking slut..." Camila moaned raggedly. "Mmm, shit. Look at me." She said, tugging Lauren's hair.
Green eyes opened and sought out Camila's lust filled gaze.
"I'm gonna cum all down your throat baby. Oh fuck, your mouth's so good. So...fucking - oh my God!" Camila cried, unleashing her load into Lauren's throat, who milked her like an expert. She came harder than usual, spurting at least ten times into Lauren's mouth. However, the Latina kept sucking, squeezing out every last drop.
"I love your cum so much." Lauren said in a hoarse voice once she'd pulled back. The look in her eyes was wild.
"Fuck, get on your knees, right fucking now." Camila demanded. She'd lost complete control, but Lauren wasn't complaining. This is what she wanted.
The brunette grabbed her by the waist and practically threw her onto the bed. She crawled on after her and grabbed a fistful of hair, shoving Lauren's face down into the mattress.
"Unng, like that Camz, more. Don't stop." Lauren pleaded.
"You are so fucking dirty." Camila groaned, pushing her head down harder.
She gave the girl what she wanted and landed an open palmed smack down on her ass. Lauren yelped in surprise before begging for more. So Camila gave her more, she spanked her hard, over and over until her ass was raw. Lauren's eyes were watering, but she couldn't deny how good the pain felt.
Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, Camila's palm changed target and landed on her pussy with a wet thwack. Her entire body jumped, as if she'd been electrocuted. She let out a loud whimper, pushing her ass out for more.
Camila smirked and spanked her pussy again. Each time Lauren's moans became louder and more desperate.
Without warning, Camila rammed forward, sheathing her cock inside of Lauren's dripping wet hole.
"Oh FUCK!" Lauren screamed. She'd never felt such intense pleasure in her life. She rolled her hips back.
"Thought you'd like that." Camila husked, reaching for Lauren's hair again. "You love this don't you? Me taking you from behind."
"O-oh ye-es so f-fucking much!" Lauren moaned between thrusts. Camila was pounding her so hard that the bed was moving with each movement. If she had close neighbours, they'd probably think she was being murdered with all the thumping and screaming going on.
Camila managed to speed up even more, her balls hitting Lauren's clit each time, the sound of her pelvis hitting her ass making a wet slapping noise. Lauren didn't know how much more she could take. An orgasm was building inside her. No one had ever been this deep. With a particularly hard thrust, she screamed out in pleasure.
"Yeah? You gonna cum?" Camila asked raggedly, sweat dripping down her chest. She could feel Lauren's walls spasming around her dick.
"Yes!" Lauren screamed, knuckles white as she gripped the sheets.
"I wanna hear you scream my name." Camila ordered, giving her hair a particularly hard tug.
That pretty much did it for Lauren.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck, Camila!" She yelled out so loud that the whole neighbourhood would have been lucky not to hear it.
Camila bit down on her lip, trying her best not to cum just yet. But with Lauren's pussy strangling her cock, it was almost impossible, and when she noticed a hot liquid spurting from her pussy, she couldn't stop herself from blowing her load.
"Fuck, I'm cumming!" She moaned, releasing her second load inside of Lauren. "Shiiiit, so good."
When they both started to come down from their highs, Camila slid out of Lauren and tried to catch her breath. Lauren basically just collapsed into the mattress and tried not to black out. Eventually she rolled onto her back, too tired to sit up. A moment later, Camila was on top of her, kissing her hard.
They made out for a couple of minutes, enjoying the taste of each other.
"I definitely wont be able to walk tomorrow." Lauren said, laughing incredulously.
Camila snorted and rolled onto her side.
"You think that's it?" She asked.
Lauren's eyes widened. She knew she was in for a wild night.

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