Love Is All You Need

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Camila looks up from her locker when Lauren slides her arm across her waist and turns her so that they're facing each other. Within a split second, Lauren cups Camilas face and stands slightly on tiptoe to kiss her girlfriend. Camila immediately slides her hands to Lauren's ass, kneading it softly, and kisses her back, slightly surprised at the passion, but not really minding it. When Lauren slides her other arm across her waist and presses their lower bodies together, lightly but needily grinding into her, she knows something's up.
Lauren brings her left hand between them and palms Camila's crotch and now something is surely going to be up.
Camila reluctantly grabs Lauren's hand and pulls it away - it just feels so good when she does that. They are, after all, standing in the middle of Miami High's hallways. Everyone knows they're a couple and it's not like they never show affection in public, but this is taking it a tad bit too far. They still have lunch and half a day of school to go as well.
Seeing Lauren's disappointed and frustrated face, she leans in for a soft, chaste kiss. "Hi," she mumbles against her lips, grabbing her hand as they head to the cafeteria. Once they set their plates down on a secluded table, Lauren gives Camila her best sultry eyes.
"I'd rather be spending this time in the bathroom," Lauren says softly, her voice raspy, a smirk gracing her beautiful features. She traces her foot up Camila's leg and goes down again.
"Babe," Camila silently groans. "I don't have any condoms."
"Shit, me neither. Please tell me you have the house to yourself after school."
"Yeah, my dad's at a conference in New York and my mom's visiting her sister in Kentucky."
"Awesome. That means I get to sleep over - I intend on fucking you until I'm too sore to walk."
Camila nearly choked on her food. "If it's that bad, I can take care of it orally right now," she suggests.
"No," Lauren sighs. "I need your hard dick all the way inside me and I need to fucking ride it."
Camila whimpers and tries to ban sex from her thoughts as she finishes lunch.
In the afternoon, Lauren starts texting Camila, probably because she's bored out of her mind during history. She knows this shit already.
From: Lauren
so wet right now baby
From: Camila
Mmm, how wet?
From: Lauren
It's dripping down my fucking legs & my panties r ttly ruined.
From: Camila
Shit baby you're so hot tell me more
From: Lauren
My nipples r so damn hard for you. I want you to grab my tits and i want you to feel my nipples pressing against the palms of your hands. My tits are so hard its insane
From: Camila
Fuck babe im so horny i want to fucking nail you & fuck yr tits
From: Lauren
Im so warm and throbbing for your big hard dick, i want to suck it with my pussy & rub it all over my tits & then lick & suck my wet off ur dick.
From: Camila
Damn thats so hot i need you right now. Why dont we get out of here right now?
From: Lauren
My parents will b mad if I skip school again & maybe they wont let me see you...
From: Camila
Damn. Pls tell me you can come home with me str8 after school
From: Lauren
Yeah just have to stop by the house, I have some condoms. Am so happy soccer practice is moved to before school at times like these ;)
From: Camila
unf yeah dunno what id do otherwise
From: Lauren
jerk off in the bathroom on those pics i sent u last week ;)
From: Camila
yeah probably :D thx again for those, so hot
They keep texting for the remainder of their respective classes and then nearly run to the parking lot, ignoring anyone who wants to talk to them. Camila speeds to Lauren's house. Lauren jumps out and takes an awfully long time (or maybe Camila just is that horny).
Camila nearly jizzes her pants when Lauren comes out wearing that tight red dress she likes to wear at parties to drive her crazy. She doesn't need to look to know she's got a tent situation going down there.
Lauren gets in the car, a grin on her face as she makes sure to give Camila a good view of her cleavage. Camila can barely concentrate on the road. She does everything in her power not to violate any laws as she gets to her house as quickly as she possibly can.
Once they finally close the front door behind them, Lauren grabs Camila's face and kisses her passionately. Camila is still trying to catch her breath from the unexpected kiss when Lauren's hand travels down to cup her dick, rubbing it over the jeans. A whining sound escapes Camila's throat and she cups Lauren's ass with one hand, her tits with another, trying to figure out how she can get her girlfriend out of that dress as quickly as possible.
Lauren steers them upstairs, Camila already tugging on the hem of her dress. Lauren's hands do the same to Camila's shirt and by the time they've reached Camila's bedroom, they're both naked but for their underwear and panting.
"I want you," Camila mumbles as she unclasps Lauren's bra, "so damn much." With a few quick tugs, the bra is on the floor.
"I can feel that," Lauren smiles, panting with need. Camila gives her generous open-mouthed kisses in her neck, her hands palming her tits, rubbing and squeezing.
Lauren grabs Camila's hips and pulls their lower bodies together, grinding into her, smiling proudly at how goddamn hard Camila is. She lets go to bow down and reaches for her jeans, taking a condom from her pocket. She giggles when Camila pulls her up and starts peeling off her panties.
Lauren turns around and their lips meet again in another scorching kiss. Lauren hooks her thumbs behind the waistband of Camila's boxers and pulls them down. She gasps when she sees Camila - hard, throbbing, ready.
A shiver runs down Camila's spine and her nipples harden when Lauren trails a finger over her dick.
"I can smell you," Camila nearly moans when Lauren opens the wrapper and gets out the condom, rolling it over Camila's dick in a much-practiced motion.
As soon as the condom is safely attached, Camila pushes Lauren on the bed. "Are you ready?" she whispers as she lines her dick up with Lauren's entrance.
"Fuck me now," Lauren responds.
Camila guides her dick inside, sliding inside easily. She curses when she notices how wet, warm and fucking tight Lauren is. She can't hold herself any longer and uses her hands to spread Lauren's legs wider apart, thrusting at a steady pace.
"Faster," Lauren demands.
Camila obeys, taking it up a notch. She rests on her arms as she cants her hips to add more strength. Lauren wraps her legs around Camila's waist, locking her ankles at her lower back.
"Harder, dammit," Lauren curses.
Camila bites her lip and goes even harder, her abs burning. Lauren cants her hips upwards, pushing her heels on Camila's lower back to bring their bodies closer and Camila slips even deeper inside. They meet each other in a perfect rhythm, Lauren thrusting up as Camila meets her down, Lauren's clit bumping into Camila's pelvis.
Lauren is throbbing, sucking her in, her warm walls massaging Camila's hard dick.
"Fucking hell I need it harder," Lauren cries out.
Camila takes a deep breath and uses all the strength she has in her body. She uses her arms, her legs, her hamstrings, her everything to go harder. The pace is so insane that she doesn't even know where it's coming from. But she knows she's pounding Lauren hard and good. Sweat drops from their bodies, they're panting, moaning, groaning, cursing.
And then the bed starts moving, bumping into the wall, and Camila feels how Lauren's ass isn't even touching the mattress anymore. Lauren uses her legs to lift her lower body into Camila and everything just feels so good. Lauren is riding Camila's dick from below and Camila is blowing into her like never before.
And it feels good to Lauren too. Camila's hard dick stretching her walls, pounding into her so hard she knows she's going to feel it for days, and then she can feel Camila's lips on her tits and Camila's tongue and her teeth and everything blurs. It's going so fast, so incredibly hard and she needs more of it and almost as if Camila can hear her silent plea she falls back on her legs, grabs Lauren's hips and guides her even more forcefully over her dick.
Lauren is really riding Camila and she can feel how hard her tits are, and then how her walls are clamping down and it makes it hard for Camila to move inside of her but she just keeps going. She feels like her pussy is burning, her clit is throbbing and so are her walls, and every time her clit meets Camila's pelvis Camila makes sure to rub it. Lauren knows she's close, she's so damn close and just as she's about to fly over the edge she can feel that one extra hard thrust and the condom tearing and she can feel Camila's seed filling her up but she doesn't have the will to stop, not now, not when she's so damn close and holy fucking christ.
She momentarily loses it. She can feel her cum gulping out of her, Camila riding out her orgasm, both of them panting in need. They're too tired to keep up the rest of the promise immediately. Lauren mumbles she'll suck Camila off later and Camila tells her that's great because she came so fucking hard she's not even sure how she survived.
Camila mindlessly peels off the drenched condom and wraps it in a tissue without a second look. She totally misses the bin, but doesn't care as she slumps down next to Lauren, taking her into her arms.
Lauren's mind is racing.
She can almost feel Camila's seed inside of her.
She decides not to say anything.
After a while, Camila looks up and smiles at Lauren, leaning in to kiss her softly. "That was awesome," she whispers as she tucks a strand of hair behind Lauren's ear. "You were so horny, I loved it."
Lauren smiles weakly. "You know how I get right before my period."
Several weeks later, she has no choice but to say something. She's missed her period twice and Camila knows it. She's also sick every morning and the sound of her puking wakes Camila up more than once. Camila holds her hair back and offers her a glass of water each time. And then Lauren's all over the place emotionally, lashing out over the stupidest things and crying over things a normal Lauren wouldn't think twice, like people littering the streets and how sad that really is. She's angry when Camila texts her and accuses her of being a jealous control freak, then gets angry when Camila doesn't text her and accuses her of not loving her. And then she cries because she got angry and she does love Camila, and she gets overly affectionate like never before.
Camila just found Lauren crying in the second floor bathroom, where nobody ever comes, and when she asks her what's wrong Lauren tells her. She's a bit scared and a bit nervous because she doesn't know how Camila will react.
"Remember that one time a few weeks ago when we were both so damn horny and I'd put on the red dress and we'd fucked so hard there was an imprint of your bed in your wall?"
"Yeah..." Camila says slowly, holding her girlfriend.
"I'm pretty sure the condom tore."
Camila immediately catches up. "You don't think..."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you in case it was nothing. But now I really think..."
"We should get a test. We'll get a test together, okay? Today, after school, my place?"
Lauren looks up, sniffles and smiles. "Yeah. Thanks. I'm sorry."
"You couldn't help it," Camila says softly. "It's not your fault."
When five pregnancy test give the same result, there's no denying it. Lauren Jauregui is pregnant with Camila Cabello's baby at seventeen.
"So..." Lauren breathes out.
Camila looks up and to Lauren's surprise, she's beaming. "You're pregnant," she whispers in wonder.
"I'm pregnant," Lauren smiles carefully.
"We're going to have a baby," Camila says, now more excitedly. "You're going to have my baby! Isn't it wonderful? A baby! A kid! We're going to be parents, Lauren!"
Camila's enthusiasm catches on. "Yeah," Lauren grins. "A little boy or girl. Our little boy or girl. Our kid, Camila!"
Nine months later, after lots of weird cravings and lots of sex, Lauren gives birth to a baby boy named Jason Cabello-Jauregui. Camila is so proud she texts everyone she knows, and then she tells random strangers she just had a baby boy and they don't understand why she's so happy about that because she looks so young, but she doesn't care.
And Lauren is really proud too. Jason is healthy and beautiful and wonderful and he's their kid and it's awesome, and he's perfect. Just perfect.

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