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"Oh my God, Lauren," Camila breathed out in her post orgasmic haze.
"I know, baby." I chuckled and rested my cheek on her smooth thigh, puffing out air onto her sensitive center. I moved my hand from its original resting place on her right breast down to circle her pebbled clit idly. My wife writhed and shivered at the touch, she was still so sensitive from her last orgasm so this would have a heavy effect on her.
She made some sort of whimpering noise and her hips subconsciously lifted from the bed in attempt to gain more friction, but it was to no avail. I smirked and moved to press her hips down with both hands, earning a whine and a pleading look at the loss of contact.
"No," I teased and dug my fingertips into her skin as she squirmed on the sheets. "We're gonna go nice and slow today, but I'm not gonna stop for a while. Is that okay?"
Camila nodded eagerly as a groan escaped her lips and dropped her head back against the pillows before hooking her legs around my neck in preparation. We've done this enough times before for her to know exactly what needed to be done before the pleasure begins.
We used to have a pretty vanilla sex life, but when Camila suggested we look into spicing things up a little bit and she got more than she bargained for. We had attained a few strap-ons, a vibrator, and extensive advice on what we could do without toys in the form of a small booklet. It had contained the do's and don'ts of overstimulation, multiple orgasms, edging, orgasm denial, anal, and tips on ways to get your girl to squirt.
Earlier, in the bath, Camila had pleasured, or rather torutured, me with edging. We were both open to all of it, but Camila knew edging was one of my favorites, or least favorites, depending on how you see it. I'd always have an amazing orgasm but it took nearly a half hour of torturous pleasure before I finally got the release I needed.
So, my thoughts on choosing overstimulation were the same when Camila chose edging earlier. Camila had a similar liking to overstimulation as I did to edging- love/hate- so I decided to give her a similar experience. After one orgasm Camila was extra sensitive, not quite at her highest sensitivity, but still significantly more sensitive and receptive to my touch.
"Babe," Camila was shaking in anticipation for my mouth on her center again. Just as I had expected, the second my tongue slid up and down her slit she cried out my name at the initial shock, before muttering profanities under her breath as I licked and lapped at her juices. I smiled and moved one hand up to hold one of her hands currently tangled in the sheets when I was sure I could keep her hips on the mattress with one arm.
I moved my forearm to rest below her bellybutton, not putting any pressure on her, but made sure I could still her if needed. Camila lifted her head a little to rest against the headboard and watched with parted lips as I licked and nipped at her sensitive center. Just as she was moaning for more and tangled her free hand in my hair to push me closer I slid my tongue down to probe at her entrance, earning something more than a moan.
"Lauren," Camila whined and balled her fist up in my hair. I hummed against her center and she whimpered and attempted to lift her hips up for the friction she craved. "I n-need more."
"Yeah?" I mumbled against her center teasingly.
"Yes," She groaned and seemed to be sobbing by now. I smiled, knowing my goal had been reached before I slid my tongue into her warmth completely, eliciting all types of noises from the brunette beneath me.
I moved my tongue slowly inside of her, careful to reach every spot that drives her wild while I could. My nose bumped her clit every now and then as I continued to pleasure her with my tongue before she tugged at my hair and guided me back to her clit. I listened to her easily, wrapping my lips around her bundle of nerves and sucking lightly and snaking my tongue out to run over her clit. I held eye contact with her until I added a bit more pressure with my tongue and her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure and her nose scrunched up adorably. How could she be so cute when she should be anything but cute in this situation?
"More." Her voice was hoarse and forced and I, not one to disobey orders, untangled one of our hands to snake it down her body to probe at her entrance with two fingers.
I sucked and nipped and lapped at my wife's center, eager to make my wife come again and again just as she wanted. And she would get that, but with that came the overbearing overstimulation that I wanted to torture her with.
I slowly inserted two fingers, thrusting slowly as I continued to eat her out as if my life depended on it, eliciting various sounds of approval from the brown eyed beauty.
"Yes," Camila whimpered and managed to hold eye contact again. "Like that. Just like that."
I grinned and curled my fingers upwards to hit the rough spot that drove Camila absolutely insane, and just as I had expected, her nails raked down my back as she let out an unrestrained moan.
I thrusted faster and faster and continued to curl my fingers as I sucked at her clit, sending her closer and closer towards the edge. My mouth sucked at her center as I quickened my pace at Camila's whines of 'harder, please, more, faster' and gently nipped at her clit, sending her over the edge completely with a loud moan.
I, myself, moaned at the rush of wetness coating my fingers, only separating my mouth from her center to spread the new wetness with my coated fingers. I smirked and went back in to lap at her center lazily, letting her come down slowly before I began circling her clit with added pressure again, earning a sharp cry and a small hand tangling itself in my hair, tugging and pulling at my scalp as I cleaned up her juices and continued to pleasure her.
"I can't," Camila was almost sobbing in pleasure, her hips lifting off the matrass only to have me hold them down. "Too much."
"One more?" I asked hopefully and flashed my infamous pout. I wasn't about to continue after she said no or stop, but I was never sure what to do after 'I can't'. I didn't want to ask her either. I prided myself in being 'the more experienced' and I didn't want to put my pride aside and ask. So I just ask her for consent as naturally as I can.
My wife's chest was heaving, a trickle of sweat in between the valley of her breasts and her eyes hooded as she took time to gather her thoughts and respond.
"One more," She sighed and pushed herself up onto the pillows more before spreading her legs for me. I smiled and moved up on the bed to accommodate the new position, lifting her legs over my shoulders and kissing her inner thighs before kissing her most intimate area gently.
I had forgotten about overstimulating her by now to be honest, I just wanted to make her feel good- and still, multiple orgasms wasn't exactly common with us so I was still technically doing something different.
Camila's heels dug into my shoulder blades and brought my face closer to her core as I lapped at the copious amount of wetness still coating her. I was driven by her moans and little squeals and whimpers of approval, and when I heard a low groan escape her lips I moved my tongue to probe at her entrance again.
"Lauren." She moaned her voice thick with arousal and passion as her hips jerked upwards in attempt to feel my tongue. "Baby, your tongue- I, please."
"You want my tongue?" I teased as I kissed her inner thighs and saw her nod feverishly. "Well then, what can we do about that?"
"Lauren...Please- I can't, I need it," Camila begged once again and was biting her lip as she connected our eyes again.
"How about you sit on my face?" I smiled mischievously. I saw her cheeks flush and her lips part in shock before she unhooked her legs from my shoulders and nodded. My wife let me settle down on the bed before placing one leg on each side of my face and offered me a shy smile before lowering herself back onto my mouth.
I still couldn't believe how shy she was when it came to particular things in the bedroom, you'd think after being together for nearly ten years and countless nights spent in between the sheets she'd outgrow the slight shyness. But even after reassuring her every time that it was okay and I wanted it too, she was still shy, maybe not as much, but still a little shy.
My tongue slowly worked itself inside of my wife, moving it around to hit all the places I knew drove her crazy, only to have her start lifting her hips before dropping them just as slowly. My eyes widened before I smiled at the action. Camila had never actually ridden my face before and to see her grinding her core on my mouth aroused me more than anything. I think her shyness was emitted from her acting on her wants and needs, as she only ever got shy when she suggested something new or when I spoke about something she'd wanted to do, unknowingly to me. So when she started grinding into my face I knew she'd wanted to do this for a while- with her being in control, that is- and so I let her.
I palmed at her ass and nipped at her clit but let her control the pace completely. My tongue was still exploring her warmth as she continued to slowly lift her hips before dropping them again and grinding forward to get some pressure on her clit. When my wife let out a small whine at the lack of attention her clit was receiving I quickly moved my hand to do as she wanted and gave up all control to the younger woman.
"Lauren," She whimpered and her hips stuttered when dropped back down onto my face, I curled my tongue upwards to stroke the spongey patch and she let out a loud moan as she grinded aggressively against me again. I added a bit more pressure on her clit and attempted to gain some sort of control back as I thrusted my tongue up into her harder. She shuddered and her hips stilled for a few moments as her hands fell from the bed railing to my shoulders to steady herself.
I smirked in triumph and continued moving my tongue more aggressively inside of her before she let out a breathy laugh and shot me a smile before taking control again. I groaned against her center playfully, but apparently it caused other things, the vibrations affecting her more than anything.
"Shit," Camila hissed and I felt her take a deep breath before riding my tongue again. "Don't- you can't... do that," She panted.
And let me tell you, Camila panting was the hottest thing ever.
I had to suppress a moan at the sound of her breathy voice. I've been soaked since the first moan escaped her lips and I was close to climaxing myself, I don't see how Camila's lasted this long.
"Baby," She whimpered as her hips dropped and my tongue was stroking the spot that was sure to send her over the edge. "Please...I- I can't, Lo, I'm so close. I'm gonna come."
I knew what she was saying, or at least trying to say. She couldn't keep up now. She needed me to finish and I was more than willing to.
I skillfully removed my tongue to lap at her juices before circling her clit and moving to enter two fingers inside of her unexpectedly. She squirmed above me and when my eyes flickered up to her I noticed her forehead was resting against the headboard, her cheeks rosy and her face scrunched up as her orgasm slowly came over her. I gently bit at her clit and simultaneously curled my fingers up to hit the rough patch, sending her over the edge into an almost explosive orgasm.
"Lauren!" Camila screamed and I vaguely felt something wet running my face and neck but I paid no attention to it as I slipped my fingers from her grasp and lapped at her juices as she continued writhing and moaning above me. I lazily licked her clean until she came down and lifted one leg to move beside me and curl into my body sleepily.
"Tired?" I laughed softly and moved up onto my elbows before bringing a hand to my face to find it covered in wetness- my cheeks, my chin, my nose, my neck, and even some on my forehead. "Holy shit. Did you just...?"
"Huh?" Camila's sleepy brown eyes opened and scanned my body before blushing and looking between her own damp thighs and biting her lip. She smiled shyly and tucked her face into my neck before muttering, "Oh my God. I'm sorry. I didn't kn-"
"Why are you apologizing?" I chuckled and coaxed her to face me and make eye contact, even though she was still blushing profusely. "Have you ever, well like, squirted like that before?"
"I- uh, No?" My wife was almost as red as a tomato by now and I could tell she was struggling not to duck into my body again. "I didn't even know I could do that. Or how to do it."
"Well, it was hot," I leaned towards her and connected our lips in a sleepy kiss. "I wanna make you do it again."
"No no no," Camila curled back up on her side of the bed and looked to me with those big brown eyes. "I'm tired. I can't handle anymore right now."
"I know." I settled down on my side of the bed and turned the lights off before pulling Camila towards me for her to tuck her face into my naked chest. I sighed as her hands settled on my hips and my shoulder before I trailed a hand along her spine while the other was loosely hooked around her shoulders. "I meant I want you to do that again, anytime really. I could tell it felt amazing, yeah?"
"Mhmm," She mumbled tiredly and kissed my collar bone twice before letting her lips rest idly against the top of my breasts.
"I love you so much," I kissed the top of her head and situated our legs together before resting my chin on top her head and closing my eyes.
"I love you too," Camila slurred and I could feel her hot breath even out against my body mere seconds later.
"Goodnight," I whispered happily, expecting no response but getting a sleepy 'night' from my wiped out wife. I chuckled and pulled her body closer to me and relished in the warmth she provided me with before falling into a sound sleep.

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