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"Yes, babe." Lauren forced a smile. She was currently wondering why Keana was making her go to a club during finals week knowing they needed to study if they wanted to past the semester.

"Babe, are you even listening to me!" Keana snapped as they neared the club.

"Yes," the brunette replied with a roll of her eyes.

Lauren didn't want to go out but Keana dragged her, threatening her with no sex for a month. Lauren loved the hot, erotic sex with Keana but that was practically the only thing she liked about their relationship.

Keana was extremely jealous, controlling and manipulative but Lauren couldn't bring herself to break up with her after almost 2 years together, well until she met a certain 5'2, brown eyed, clumsy brunette.

They walked inside the club where Keana quickly ditched Lauren to meet her friends. Lauren rolled her eyes and made her way over to the bar, not even glancing in her girlfriend's direction.

She sat in the only empty seat located at the fairly crowded bar.

"Hi, what can I get you?" A petite, brown eye'd brunette asked Lauren.

Lauren was in the mood for something strong, she didn't want to be there but that wasn't going to stop her from getting slightly intoxicated.

"I'll have an A.M.F please." She said and the bar tender looked at her confusingly.

Lauren took a closer look at the brunette, subtly checking her out. From what Lauren observed, she was cute, with a little hint of sexy and Lauren was definitely attracted to her.

"Adios Mother Fucker." Lauren stated and the girls eyes widened.

"You want me to go....?" She asked, Lauren couldn't help but giggle at the cute, adorably confused brunette bar tender.

"That's the name of the drink," she smiled and the bartender seemed to realize making an 'O' shape with her mouth.

"Sorry, I don't usually work here. My friend got sick and asked me to fill in for her at the last minute." Lauren nodded as the girl fixed her drink.

"Here you go," she said walking over, beginning to hand Lauren the drink when she ended up tripping over a cord that happened to be peaking out of the bar, consequently spilling all the contents over Lauren's shirt.

Her eyes widened. "Holy shit! I am so sorry." The brunette said as she made her way around the bar to Lauren with a rag in her hand.

She stood in front of the brunette sat on the stool and tried to clean her shirt up. "I'm so sorry!" The doe eye'd bartender apologized yet again.

"It's fine," Lauren waved it off. As Camila wiped at Lauren's shirt, she realized it was see through.

"I have an extra shirt in my car if you want it?" Lauren nodded a little too fast causing the other brunette girl to giggle and not feel that embarrassed anymore.

"Paul, I'm going out back!" She announced leaving the bar. Paul nodded and gave her an 'ok' symbol with his hand.

Lauren followed the cute bartender out of the club and to her car. The brunette girl popped her trunk open and got out a '1975' t-shirt. Lauren quirked an eyebrow.

Cute and has good taste in music, she thought to herself.

Lauren quickly, right there in the parking lot stripped out of her t-shirt, leaving her torso half naked.

Camila, the unofficial bartender, couldn't help but notice Lauren's defined abdominal muscles as she handed Lauren the shirt. She bit her lip, not so subtly staring at Lauren's toned abs.

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